Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Morning :flowerforyou:

    Glad to hear that some of you are finding good solutions to cope with the heat:smile: Yes, indeed Barbie you all could head my way to cool off...although today for the first time in the whole month of July the forecast is saying sunny with just a slight chance of rain! We have been experiencing very chilly, damp and of course rainy weather...but not much we can do about it is there? Maybe August will be better.

    Thank you all for being so supportive with my on going struggles with my knee(s). You are all such sweethearts:flowerforyou:

    Today is a very special day for me...my daughter's birthday! We have always liked to make our children's birthday a very special event and I try to continue doing that. Before I head to my dr's apt this afternoon one of my stops will be to church to light a candle. My beautiful daughter still lives on in my heart and I cherish every single one of my memories of her:heart: Life as we know it has changed dramatically over the years but love remains the same.

    Modified exercises for me again today and catching up on loads of laundry now the sun is finally shining:bigsmile:

    Have a wonderful day everyone:flowerforyou:



    I actually posted a comment wishing you the best of luck with your upcoming tests on your knees. There was only one slight little problem. I had the right NAME and the WRONG thread. There is also a Marie on the Golden Sneakers thread in Fitness and Exercise. I directed my comment to her, and she thought I was cuckoo (not the first person to think that, BTW:bigsmile: ) because her knees are one of the few body parts she has that aren't causing her trouble!!

    Anyway, belatedly, Good luck w/ your MRI!! I hope you are back to being more active soon.

    I am looking forward to the "cooling trend" in the 90's:noway: :glasses: that they are promising us, so I can get out and walk again without risking heatstroke. The best time would be to finish by about 9am, but I work fr 5a -10a, so that isn't an option, and one afternoon out there was ENOUGH for me. If I could pack up some of this heat and send it your way, believe me, I WOULD!!:laugh:

    Happy day to all

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening ladies:smile: I can sympathize with those of you suffering with the heat:noway: It has been hot and sticky here in Lower, Slower Delaware:wink: Right now though it is 79, still very humid. Haven't been doing my usual walking but getting my exercise by running up and down stairs, moving boxes and giving the dog a bath. I have a huge german shephard named Belle Starr. Starr can stand up and put her paws on my shoulders, I'm 5'3". Got on the scale today and lost another pound so must be helping some.:smile: To all who are healing or have loved one's who are not doing well, my prayers are with you and your family's. :heart: Marie, my heart is with you, I lost my oldest son when he was 14.:brokenheart: Although he has been gone 20 years I still miss his smile and laughter. I too, treasure all the wonderful times we had together. Congratulation to us, all we have made it through another month. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Good Night and Love to all :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: Rosemary
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I just had to share my wonderful day with you before I turn in. I started my day with a workout at the gym. I did 90 min and burned about 900 calories. Then hubby and I took 6 grandchildren ages 10, 8, 7, 3,3,3 to chuck e cheese for a few hours, then to chick-fil-a for lunch. We then came home and while hubby rested I watched them swim as I mowed the back lawn. Burned another 400 caloires doing that. They start school next week so this was our end of summer fun day for them. They were so good and we really had a great day. Then hubby and youngest son put up some siding that had been blown off during hurricane last summer. Then we took him to eat at local mexican restaurant. Girlfreind is out of town so we get to see a little of him. I hope all of you have good days tomorrow. Thanks for listening and for always being there. I hope you get relief from heat soon.
    Vicki M.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Without warning, the blistering heat on the North Olympic Peninsula disapperared and was replaced by temperatures in the 60's (Heather and Marie, did you send the cool weather down to us from Ontario?). :bigsmile: :bigsmile: that was great news for us because we were helping some friends move from an apartment to a house (both without air conditioning). After supper we took a walk in weather cool enough to require a light jacket.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Last night the cats stayed out all night and Jake slept on the hide-a-bed in the living room under the ceiling fan. tonight all will be back to normal.:bigsmile:

    Tomorrow is the big day to check in and see how we all did on our July goals :bigsmile: and do some thinking about new goals for August:happy:

    Thank you all for being there for me every day.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Well, Barbie,

    Your post about the weather just confirms the weather map I saw a little while ago on the news. It appears life is returning to normal. It is a pleasant 74 degrees on my patio at the moment.

    Tonight when I finished work at 7p, it was about 90 and felt so much cooler than the last two days that I went out and did a little over an hour on my favorite trail. I don't like to walk at night because it is hard to wind down and get to bed at a reasonable hour, but I have missed walking for the last few days, so I did it anyway!!

    Tomorrow it is only going to be about 91 around here, which will be a major improvement over the 108 of yesterday.

    Good night all.

  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    End of the month all ready!
    How did you do on your goals?
    I'm almost at goal weight. It's taken a year and a half and the last few lbs are due to illness. Never the less....!!!!:smooched:
    I'm working now at keeping weight balanced w/ nutrition, hydration and exercise. Quite the juggling act!
    We'll see what tomorrow brings.
    Hot people: stay cool and drink (water that is!)
    Cool people: enjoy

    Peace and balance to all,
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning all:flowerforyou:

    I was glad to hear that the hot temperatures have subsided for some of you:smile: Maybe your weather and Ontario's weather can meet somewhere in the middle and we will have a happy medium:laugh:

    Thank you all so so much for your care and concern with my situation and your thoughts on my daughter's birthday. What a loving and supportive group you all are:bigsmile: You all have become part of my life and I am so very blessed! There is nothing like the support of other's that lift you up when you are down and celebrate with you with each victory.

    This is a holiday weekend for us so I expect there will be lots of traffic. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and the vacationers can get a reprieve from the rain. Today I have to get some more stuff together for a yard sale that I am participating in starting tomorrow morning. It is a chance to get rid of some more stuff that I don't need and to make a little bit of spending $$. My DH is on standby to carry stuff up the stairs for me. If time permits I hope to do again today my modified version of Biggest Loser Bootcamp and some stretching.

    Wishing you all a wonderful day:flowerforyou:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Today I am CHOOSING to focus on the positives, no matter how hard they are to find. The month of July both my weight and measurements fluctuated up and down and today I weigh the same as I did when I started. :grumble: A few measurements have changed: I'm down an inch in my waist and another in my thighs and bust. :tongue: I am much more fit and have more stamina that I did this time last month, so even though I seem to have lost and regained the same pesky 3 pounds this month, at least I'm holding steady and firming up.

    Time for my morning workout. Nothing like aerobics to make a gal glisten.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy Friday all,

    I didn't meet my July goal, but that's OK. I am still down from 178 in January to 162 now and that's good enough for me. I'm just happy I haven't put any weight back on.

    Besides my August goal of getting below 160, I'm adding in a goal to learn everyone's name in this forum.

    Congradulations to all of you that have met your goals and/or are getting to show off your weight loss to family and friends not seen for a while.

    Good luck to all of you recovering from injuries and illnesses.

    To everyone getting a lot of rain- I'll trade you our heat and drought for your rain and wettness for the next few months.

    Barbie and Barb- I love the dog pics! I'll try to put a picture of mine up this weekend. My dogs are very jealous. They haven't gone for a walk in a long time. I'm going to try and fix that too. We have a very old German Shepherd (15+) who can't go in the heat and breaks my heart to leave behind, so I end up sneaking walks by driving somewhere and then going. I guess I just need to get up early on weekends and beat the heat.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Mowed today for exercise. All this rain has the mosquitoes multiplying and I have the bites to prove it. Gonna rest a bit and then see if I still have enough energy left to do my workout DVD.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    It's time to report on July goals

    I did pretty well.

    *drink my water----I'm doing well with that---I have a nice routine of keeping a glass or bottle of water out and a piece of paper and pencil to tally each glass---I think I drank eight glasses almost every day and some days drank more :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    *lose 4 pounds---I lost six pounds:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    *find a walking trail and walk there three days a week----well, I found the trail and walked on it, but nowhere near three days a week, but I did a lot more walking this month than I did before, so that is good news:happy: :happy:

    Sometime between now and tomorrow I'll try to figure out my goals for August

    Does anybody know if we'll have a new thread started for tomorrow?

    :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile: Barbie
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Whew! I have cleaned and straightened and stacked and moved things all over a schoolroom. I've stayed there so long that I've actually lost 2 pounds. But, man, am I tired!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I am still alive, but have been very busy, running all over NY, mainly dealing w/kids, parents, and in-laws and hardly on mfp at all. :blushing: All 3 of my kids boarded a plane to Spain last night so I am catching my breath, but now my husband is waiting for me to walk into town so I have to go. Will try to catch up reading the thread over the week-end.
    Hope all is well with everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Are we staying with the same thread through August? Sorry, I have been MIA. My husband had surgery but frankly, the reason I haven't been here much is that it is just too much trouble to fight with the kids for the computer. They are going to their dad's this weekend. YES!!!
    I have been continuing my Zumba classes two to three times a week and am thinking of trying out a spinning class on Monday.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I sent a message to Esther and found out that she just got back from a two week vacation. I think she is going to start a new thread later today.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening Ladies:flowerforyou: I didn't have a very good Saturday:angry: I slipped back into my old habit of overeating:embarassed: My husband wanted to go to the Chinese buffet and I over did it:grumble: Tomorrow is another day and I WILL get back on track. My goals for August are to avoid BUFFETS totally, eat more veggies and fruit ,increase my laps around the river at lunch from 2 to 3and to lose 5 lbs. Everyone:drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink that water and here's to a losing August....love:heart: hugs:flowerforyou: and prayers for all, Rosemary
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Laurel..I also went to a Chinese buffet last weekend. It truly didn't hurt me. To do this every once in a while is OK. In fact, I lost a pound this week.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Becky, I love your new picture :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Rosemary---buffets are the worst:explode: :explode: We went to one on Canada Day and even with avoiding all the fried stuff and eating only vegetables, I still overdid it and the sodium:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Now I'm off for my last walk of the day:bigsmile:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    Since Esther hadn't had a chance to start the August thread, and it is almost August 2nd, I took the liberty of getting the ball rolling for August, so here is the link to our new "home" for this month:


    See you there.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good Morning Ladies:smile: OH MY GOD:noway: I got on the scale this morning and I don't know if it was the kick boxing or running up and down the stairs or all the cantelope and watermelon I have been eating:laugh: but I am down to 188.:noway: I got on the scale 3 times just to make sure. I even had a nurse (I work in a nursing home and we use their scale to weigh in on Monday) to tell me what it said. :wink: just to make sure...... I guess that buffet didn't hurt as bad as I thought. But I won't press my luck very often.:wink: Thank you so much for all the words of encouragement. My goal this month is to avoid Buffets and do more kick boxing:laugh: I am going to visit my mother for 4 days, she lives 3 hours away, and won't have access to a computer. I'm leaving Wednesday after work and won't be back until Sunday night. I am taking my log sheets to keep track of food and exercise.:wink: I won't have a problem sticking to my diet and doing my exercises while i'm gone. My mother is 73, weighs about 125 lbs. (if that), walks 3 miles a day, eats low fat and low sodium. :flowerforyou: Well gotta go to work:grumble: Love to all:heart::drinker: drink that water girls :drinker: