Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Good morning to all you lovely motivated ladies. Just think, today there is less of you to love than there was this time last month, last year. Let's stay focused on progress, no matter how slowly it may seem to come. I'm happy to report that so far those last few pounds have stayed off. :bigsmile:

    Today is my SiLs birthday brunch, then tonight a family birthday supper for her. If I can make it through today without eating too much I will feel like I truly AM in control of my eating. Last night she asked me how much I had lost so far and when I told her 18 pounds she was shocked and said, "Looks more like about 40!" MADE MY DAY!

    Sunday hubby told me several times, "That dress looks nice." I don't think it was the dress! I think it was that I'm not all belly anymore. :smooched: 18 pounds in 21 weeks doesn't sound like much to me; I still have another 3 sizes before I get to the place I'm ready to maintain, but the fact that folks are finally noticing progress is certainly wonderful. :happy:

    Still no test results on my brother, Ken. Supposed to find out Friday if he is stage 3 or 4. He's already decided not to do radiation or chemo if he is stage 4.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I just weighed and have lost another pound. Yippee!
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Morning all,

    Good for you, Susan. You are doing so well. :flowerforyou:

    Me? Well, those scales show another 2 lb increase this am! I can hardly believe it. I must be eating more than Im giving myself credit for??!! Have to follow your example better, Barbie - I believe you called it 'eating clean', which I think means simple, plain [as in not using additions for flavour that have calories]. We did do 2 walks yesterday, I thought it would help. Out again this am before it gets too hot.

    Barb - re the fires. Thanks for asking.:heart:
    No rain in sight at all, but at least the winds have died down. The firefighters and planes have been working like crazy to contain these things. One area is contained and people are able to return home this am. The rest, many thousands are still in temporary shelters or staying with friends. The fire across the lake from us and 20 miles to the west tripled in size but it is mostly a ranching/logging area. I think 10 or so homes were evacuated. We have some smoke from there this am. depends on the direction of the winds.
    Last night another fire started further down the valley about 2 hours or so from here. Someone through a cigarette butt into the ditch. A firefighter happened to drive by and see it, and tried to put it out himself but it got away. A campground had to be evacuated, and I think the mobile home site next door, where friends of ours live. Equipment was rushed and they contained the fire pretty quickly, but it is so hot and dry they think it will be a week before all the 'hot spots' are cooled off completely.

    I better get moving here.
    Hope you all do well today. I'm trying not to feel discouraged.

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :happy: Good afternoon to all. we are having another raining day. but we went to the library this morning and i walk while lisa had here craft class. we pick up some more books they sell them for 10 cent to a dollar i am going to have a craft after noo n and do my wii workout also. maybe put on a sweat shirt and go outside and ride the bike. did i say sweatshirt thougth this was summer but they say our temps are fall. hope its not cold when we go away this aug to the ocean. . my eating is good today. ok everyone have a nice afternoon.
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's good to read all the posts. You are all an encouragement to me. My husband and I met our daughter half-way from Denver to pick up one of the boys who had been to camp. It ended up being dark about half-way heading back home so David and I stopped again and again and bought junk food to try to keep awake. I always hate myself after I do this, but what I gained from my indiscretions is gone already and by my Thursday weigh-in I hope to have lost at least one new pound.
    For some dumb reason I haven't been drinking my water. I also have put the treadmill up...I guess I can't expect to lose any weight if I don't do what I should, can I?
    Is it just my computer...the posts are really stretched out and I have to scroll over sideways in order to read the whole thiing!?! It wasn't like that before. Oh well...
    Have a good afternoon and keep on keeping on!:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    It’s hot for here (77 degrees) and I just got back from a 50 minute walk. Collapsing seems like the best thing to do right now….and drinking a lot of water. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Barb---I thought of you while I was walking, admiring how far you walk compared to me.

    I went clothes shopping again today and bought a dress…..since I’m short, most of the dresses were too long, but there was one dress in the right size and right length and right color and on sale. :bigsmile: Jake is going to be best man at a wedding next month and I just figured out that nothing in my jeans and t shirt wardrobe was going to be appropriate to wear.:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Zaza----it’s good to hear from you. I hope all is well with your family now.

    :flowerforyou: Susan----for those of us who have been putting on weight over the last 20 years, any weight loss is an achievement…..you have continued to persevere through thick and thin, good and bad, and it has paid off for you. It is especially wonderful that your husband has noticed and commented on your weight loss. I know you can make it through all those family eating extravaganzas Congratulations on your weight loss. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Ellen----don’t get discouraged. If you’re eating clean, drinking lots of water, and weighing, measuring, and recording everything you eat and drink, then you will see results.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie----you are always so creative finding ways to exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Doobiedoo
    today is the day you can go back to your healthy eating, drinking, and exercising. I’m having the same trouble with this page stretching out. It’s not like that on other thread so I can’t figure out why this page is weird.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary----your new picture is great. :bigsmile:

    The dogs had a great run at the dog park this morning and now they’re fast asleep on the floor. Maybe I should take a nap, too. :laugh:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Ellen- Where are all of these fires? We haven't heard anything on the news about any fires. We haven't had any around where we live yet. Our monsoon season is late getting started and usually set one or two off with lightning. Hope they get them contained soon. Jeannie
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning everyone. Well another sticky humid day.:huh: Finally got a little rain yesterday so I did Leslie Sansone 3 mile in my daughters livingroom while Matthew was taking a nap. I felt so exhilarated :happy: I decided to do Pilates. I didn't do it very long:noway: I did two set and decided to try again another day. I think I need to do them gradually:laugh:
    :drinker: Good morning Barbie, I know what you mean about being short. I used to be 5'4" last time I checked I was 5'3". most dresses go to my ankles. Well I better get to work. To all of MFP family have a wonderful Wednesday:heart::flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: Rosemary
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Today was weigh day and I am at 194.6. That is over pounds from last week. The plateau is gone. I dont remember the last time I weighed this little. In a few weeks I will be in the 180's. On some good advice from a friend I re-evaluated my eating habits and exercise habits and decided I was sliding a little. Maybe eating just a litte more and adding a few little things that really mattered. ( butter on bread, little too much chocolate) I went back to square one on my eating and bumped up my exercise a lot and the scale moved. Hope all of you are having a good day. Hope to hear from all of you soon.
    Vicki M.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Well done Vicki! It is so motivating to see progress. Keep up the good work.:flowerforyou:

    I, too, am trying to be a little more health conscious. Visitng at a hospital, etc. has brought home the food-health connection. I also read a novel that involved a slaughterhouse. So, between the hosptial and slaughterhouse, my appetite for meat has waned a bit and I'm thinking a little more about what I consume. Seems to be working since I have managed to lose a couple pounds, but I did also resume exercising. I guess that is the winning combination - small portions of healthier food + exercise. So much easier to say than to do.:laugh:
    Have a great day.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    We are finally getting some much needed moisture out in West Texas. Of course that means thunderstorms and power outages, but it is worth it! It is rare to be able to leave windows open all day in late July instead of cranking up the air conditioning. Makes me want to clean house.

    I did much better eating on the 'birthday bash that would not end' than I thought I could. I thought I did really well at the brunch until I got home and logged my calories. Imagine my surprise to find that I had nibbled 700 calories worth! Turns out ONE Paula Dean Lemon Blossom (mini muffin) has 170 calories :blushing: I adjusted my afternoon snack and supper so was able to stay under my BMR even though I DID go over my calorie goal for the day a bit. It helped alot that the birthday girl didn't want a family supper but only cake.

    I measured today and was thrilled to find I am losing in my waist, abdomen and hips again. I wore a blouse to the birthday brunch that barely buttoned around my belly in June with several inches of wiggle room. :happy: I'm thinking about going to try on clothes just to see if I can fit in a smaller size or not.

    If you haven't discovered ASSETS underwear yet, let me encourage you to RUN down to your local Target and buy a pair asap. I got some to wear to the wedding and they made me feel like a million bucks! :glasses: Nothing like our mother's girdle, they comfortabley smooth out all those buldges we are working so hard to get rid of with no mushroom top or panty line and are actually comfortable enough to wear all day. :wink: I think I'll wear them every time I leave the house from now on.

    Time to do a bit of strength training. Gotta whittle that belly on down. Happy Wednesday y'all! :flowerforyou:
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Good Morning Ladies

    It been great catching up on the posts and progress. Way to go you losers:laugh: :laugh:

    I'd like to think I've reached a plateau - but more likely is that I am not getting an accurate calorie count and I'm not able to exercise right now so I'm not losing. I am hanging in at 32 lost but I need to move on. These pounds have been with me for so long they are very reluctant to leave!! I'm under huge stress but I won't use that as an excuse. From now til the end of July I will be very careful with my intake and try to get a few walks in to see if I can lose a couple of fresh pounds. My goal is for my ticker to read 35 lbs lost by the end of July.

    I ordered a couple of new Leslie Sansome dvd's on line this morning. Its a 2 dvd set called the Power Series. I will let you know how they are once I try them. It said I should get them in 5-10 days.

    Take care and have a good day

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I ordered a couple of new Leslie Sansome dvd's on line this morning. Its a 2 dvd set called the Power Series. I will let you know how they are once I try them. It said I should get them in 5-10 days.

    I am finding that Netflix is a life saver when it comes to trying new exercise DVDs. I find one I think I will like then put it at the top of my Que. If indeed it is something I enjoy I order it. That is what I did with the Biggest Loser Boot-camp DVD. Also I figure it is a good way to mix it up so I don't get bored doing the same old one all the time. I've never tried the one you mentioned. I'm adding it to my Que now.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good afternoon ladies:flowerforyou: just got back from my 15 min. power walk and boy do I feel wonderful.:happy:
    Heather: Hello :flowerforyou: I have been doing the Leslie Sansone Walk away the Pounds faithfully since June. I own several different DVD sets and I love it. In our area we have Comcast on Demand, and they have her 1, 2 and 3 mile walks on there. I really like doing that version because it is just her doing the exercises. There is no one for her to talk to and somedays I just like doing that version.
    Hey Susan:flowerforyou: I never thought about getting exercise DVDs from Netflix. I have been wanting to try something different on alternate days. Thanks for the suggestion. Gotta get back to work. Everyone have a wonderful day. :drinker: Drink that water....Rosemary
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444

    Thanks for the tips

    I currently do the WATP that has the weight balls and a 1,2 and 3 mile workout. I can do all three (not in a row) but I can't use the weight balls for the whole time because I also have tendonitis in my left arm and the weight bothers me. I use them for as long as I can, then just do the arm motions empty-handed. The version I have is a group of women and quite a bit of chit chat. I also do a richard simmons dvd where he is in a shopping mall. It drives me crazy to listen to it but it really works out alot of muscle groups and is great cardio for a beginner. Acutally I still can't do the whole thing.

    Gotta get back to work!! Bummer!!

  • skimbro000
    skimbro000 Posts: 10
    Hey Ladies,

    My name is Susan - I joined MFP in early spring - lost 10 lbs., then gained 4 back. I am back now until i get to my goal weight. I need to lose around 20 lbs. I have gained and lost this same 20 lbs so many times over the last 10 years. A couple of questions - how do handle cooking for you husband - if he doesn't need to lose weight. My husband weighs THE EXACT SAME THING he did when we married 28 years ago. He was thin then and can't really afford to lose any weight. I hate making 2 meals. Also, do ya'll eat your exercise caloreis?

    My goals for the rest of the month:

    workout everyday except Sunday
    lose 2 more pounds.

    Thanks for the support!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    My name is Susan - I joined MFP in early spring - lost 10 lbs., then gained 4 back. I am back now until i get to my goal weight. I need to lose around 20 lbs. I have gained and lost this same 20 lbs so many times over the last 10 years. A couple of questions - how do handle cooking for you husband - if he doesn't need to lose weight. My husband weighs THE EXACT SAME THING he did when we married 28 years ago. He was thin then and can't really afford to lose any weight. I hate making 2 meals. Also, do ya'll eat your exercise caloreis?

    My goals for the rest of the month:

    workout everyday except Sunday
    lose 2 more pounds.

    Thanks for the support!

    Welcome back. You CAN do this.:flowerforyou: As far as meals that can work for both of you. He can eat the same main course you do, the same veggies. If he likes salad, so much the better, he can have the same there. He just gets bigger portions, and maybe bread and butter or a dinner roll, or maybe you do potatoes or rice for him and you have a little, or none at all, depending upon how you are handling starches and carbs.

    Desserts-there is always fresh fruit. If you have to placate him by serving his with ice cream, :heart: just don't watch him eat if, if it is one of your temptation :devil: foods.

    Unless he will only eat pizza for dinner, you shouldn't have to prepare too meals. Even if he is into meat with sauces on it, you can still make the same dish and separate out your serving so it doesn't have gravy on it.

    Now as to how you make all that good stuff and not eat it yourself.:sad: ...well, no one said life would be EASY!!:laugh::laugh:

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good advice Barb.
    I like your netflix idea too suezzzque. While I have purchased a couple exercise dvds, I do have a hard time getting motivated to do them.:ohwell:
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    good afternoon everyone.. leslies walk away the pounds is a wonderful dvd i have one i have been starting to use on all thees raining days.. i know turn down the volumcause i almost know the steps and play my music.. sometimes if i am watching tv i'll put it in the portable players and do it while i watch tv. i think i am finally getting it together a little better. move move movelisa and i did lots of walking today we walk the mall while i took my client to the eye drs there we even walk the stairs to the differnet floors/
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Where is everyone hiding tonight? I am trying to post with a Shih tzu 's chin resting on the edge of my laptop,:noway: so if my proofreading skills lag, the spelling might be a little shaky.:laugh: :laugh:
    Having just reread the previous sentence. I should probably mention that the chin is still attached to the doggie who is next to me in my chair.:laugh: :laugh:

    I intended to walk tonight, but got involved in a phone call after my workday was over at 7p and just took the doggies out for about 15 mins and that was it. Earlier today, we also did 40 minutes together. When Mai Li gets in a mood to strut her stuff, we walk, as I keep hoping she might lose an ounce or two!!:drinker:

    It was only 85 F here today, but later in the week, they are threatening us with 90+ and maybe even some 100's:noway: which I could easily do without. Fortunately, I have AC at home, in the car and in the office. Now that summer has been here for awhile, I find that the heat doesn't really bother me to be walking in it, as long as the humidity is low. I did my 7 miles last Saturday at midday, and the high was between 85 and 90 degrees that day. I kept my water consumption up and was quite comfortable.
    The unplanned stop I made at a convenience store where I purchased a cold bottle of unsweetened tea:heart: was a nice addition to my 32 ounces of water.

    I am keeping cool at the moment, watching an On Demand (Comcast) program called Ice Road Truckers, where they are driving around in the ice and snow in Alaska. It certainly makes you forget the outside temperature!!

    I hope everyone's absence means they are busy exercising and counting their calories:laugh: :laugh: I did well today, even without the exercise. I had salmon and a rice dish from Trader Joe's for dinner. The rice also had veggies in it. I am into convenience, but I like to avoid sodium, so I get these vacuum sealed wild salmon filet pieces from Walmart, that are abour 4 oz. They cook up in the microwave in about 4 minutes at 70% power. I put some asian style ginger sesame salad dressing (reduced fat) on it for the last minute or so at it was EXCELLENT:heart: !! Lots of protein and only 100 calories per serving.

    I think I am going to spend my last 100 calories for the day on a reduced fat ice cream bar from my freezer. Good night all.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
