Women Ages 50+ for the month of July



  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :drinker: good evening everyone just been reading some post so good to hear all the good things.. a size 12 someday i hope.. i had a good walking workour these past few days. we went out inbetween the thunder storms.. wow the lightening over the ocean was a site i have never seen that. and the waves i think maybe they could start surf boading here. lots of rocks i had my rubber shoes so it was ok for me. they had concert on the beach one night a one of them members from the hollies was there. of couse my daugs made me feel old. they said whos that. ok glad to be home love debbie and family
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi everyone --Happy Sunday!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    And it definitely is a "sun" day around here--The current temperature on my back patio is 92degrees F, and I think we are going for a high of about 95 today. I am happy to report that it is 70 inside my condo.

    Today has been a relatively lazy one for me so far. Went to church last night. I am not sure who decided that a Catholic could go to Saturday Vigil Mass, and have it count for Sunday, but they certainly have MY blessing!! I HATE to get up early on Sunday,:yawn: and I don't like waiting 'til a late service to go because it seems like the day is half shot and you just got out of bed. :grumble:

    At the same, time, I am torn because participating in my faith is one of my priorities. The Saturday night service is very handy for solving all those problems, and now a parish near mine has a Sunday night one as well, to catch all the procrastinators and people with non-traditional schedules like mine.

    After my naughtiness of Friday night-splitting a brownie with ice cream and caramel and chocolate sauce dessert with a dinner companion--I figured I was going to have to walk to Seattle (about 160 miles from here) to work it off!:laugh: So Saturday, my good friend Thomy invites me to her house for a barbecue--it was SUPPOSED to be an opportunity for me to show her the finer points of propane barbecue grilling, since I just sold her my propane barbecue grill because of the fantastic deck her new place has.

    I am tired of shagging a propane tank to be refilled, and since I no longer have an SUV, the grill is not easy to move around. I used to frequently take it to other places to supply the cooking equipment, but now it only gets used at home. Since entertaining is not something I can afford to do as much of these days, I decided that I could get the George Foreman model that can be used indoors or out and simplify my life. It is also very portable. It also helped that a local store was nice enough to have them on sale for about 40% off!!:drinker: :drinker:

    I know the Foreman won't cook the same as a flame broiled system, but it will still enable me to grill and is a lot easier to clean and maintain.

    So, I show up at Thomy's with my friend Linda, (who is doing much better now, out of the hospital over a month now, and only occasionally having to use her oxygen) and we discover that Thomy's other guest, a cousin of her Jordanian husband, has taken over the grilling and the menu. By the time he was finished, there was grilled salmon, steak, and chicken kabobs. He also made a wonderful cucumber tomato salad with fresh mint in it. That has been a favorite of mine :heart: :heart: since Thomy's husband introduced me to it about 3 years ago.

    So there is all these grilled goodies flying around, and I had a little bit of everything. Came home and logged the calories for the day and found out I was still 300 under what I could have had. Got weighed this morning and actually was down a half a pound from the previous day, so it appears I didn't hurt myself too badly after all.

    This morning once the doggies were walked, I decided to hit the trail again myself. I SHOULD have started earlier. It was already about 77degrees when I started at 11:30a, and I did another dumb thing. I have "racing stripes" on my ankles:noway: .:laugh: When I walk, I wear shorts and socks and athletic shoes. Since it is summer, I also wear sandals most of the other time, so my legs are tan, and my feet are tan, but over the last couple of weeks, my ankles have becoming lighter than my feet and the leg above my ankle.

    Today, I figured I would "even things out" by putting some moisturizer w/sunscreen on the darker spots and wear s andals to walk. Unfortunately my most comfortable Birkenstocks gave me a blister from one of the straps. By about mile 2, I was beginniing to regret my choice of footwear. Then I remembered I had a bandaid stashed in my daypack, and it definitely saved the day!:drinker: I managed to hobble back to the starting point, and when I got home, that lukewarm bath water was very refreshing!!:happy:

    So far it is too early to tell if I have reduced the contrast on my "racing stripes." I think there may be a bottle of sunless tanning lotion in my future-would certainly be easier on my feet!!:laugh:

    For what it is worth, if anyone is a Mt St Helens buff, click on my name to view recent posts, as I have done some reminiscing on the Golden Sneakers thread over in the Fitness and Exercies category, that I got some positive comments about.

    I am going to have to get out of my chair and go take clothes out of the dryer as I have a philisophical disagreement with the concept of "ironing.":laugh: :laugh:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I have been loosing the battle of the bulge for about 25 years- now that I am standing in front of 60 I want to keep my health - so am using south beach as a life long eating plan - works well for me - keeps my blood sugar level and pretty much eliminates cravings. Hardest work is making exercise a regular routine. I have 156 pounds to loose - literally need to be 1/2 my current size :noway:

    You are in the same place most of us were when we started here too. My wake up call was realizing I'll be 50 on my next birthday. I spent ALL of my 40's overweight or downright obese, and decided it was now or never if I was going to do something about it.

    Taking things one day at a time is the only thing that has worked for me. You can do this! This is a great group of ladies. We're here for you every step of the way.
  • 4everhealthy
    :smile: Thanks for the invite. I have done good today in eatting just need to improve on exercise some.
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome, newbies! You will be successful in your endeavors to become more healthy. All of us can identify with the need to improve our eating and exercise habits.

    I've had a pretty good day so far...still behind on water as usual, so I'm going to fill a glass and come right back.

    Okay, I'm back. So, school starts back a week from tomorrow. I'm nervous about trying to apply my new learning to a l..o..n..g.. workday. Somehow, I've got to do better with breakfast before leaving the house and also fixing a lunch.

    Water's half finished. See ya!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member

    So, school starts back a week from tomorrow. I'm nervous about trying to apply my new learning to a l..o..n..g.. workday. Somehow, I've got to do better with breakfast before leaving the house and also fixing a lunch.


    There's a fairly recent thread under "Recipes" called "healthy packed lunches" that might have some good ideas for you.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning Ladies:flowerforyou: Welcome to all our new MFP familiy:happy: You are going to love it here.:heart: As I say whenever we have new members, you will never find a more encouraging and supportive thread any where. Any problem or question, just post it and someone will have a suggestion or answer. Just remember we have all been through the yoyo of dieting. :grumble: :laugh:
    Well today is Monday and weigh in day. I thought I was going to be in trouble this week. I haven't been "walking and exercising" like I have been. My daughters are moving and I have been carrying boxes up and down stairs. Bending and lifting in 90 plus degree weather, what a workout:noway: and ladies it paid off :laugh: I am down another 2 pounds:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I just might lose 30 before I go see my mother on August 6. I will be exercising indoors today, it is thunderstorming here. Have a wonderful day :flowerforyou: :heart: Drink :drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: that water.Rosemary
  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    Morning all, Welcome newbies.
    This is a great and very forgiving and supportive thread. Perhaps because of our age, we all have been done a lot of roads and learned the value of not beating yourself up at shortfalls and just getting back to it. I really appreciate that about all of you.

    My best friend does Weight watchers and says how important the group is to her. I agreed and said that this thread was a real support group for me.

    Still got the runs, new medication not working. Going to a GI specialist this week. Actually had to up my food intake in order to keep nutrition up. I know that sounds like a dream, but appetite is not good and I'm losing weight too fast. I'd trade this situation for the old days of bemoaning how little it seemed I could eat in a second! OK that was my whine for the day.

    Be well all. Be strong and remember that love counts for more than calories.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Good morning

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. Figures that the sun is shining here today when I'm back at work - after 3 days of rain:grumble:

    Welcome to the new girls. Another Heather from Ontario????? That's kind of cool!

    This weekend was good although my husband was gone to camp from Friday til last night. Our daughter was volunteering at her church for a youth day camp so my son and I went shopping for new bedding and nic nacs for his newly renovated bedroom. He's a typical teenage boy so the only time I get to have his company is when we're buying for him:laugh:

    Dricotta1 I sure hope you get feeling better:flowerforyou:

    I ate relatively well but didn't do much for formal exercise. My back is getting bad again. All I did was carry groceries in from the car. Can't wait to get past this and be fit and strong! I had a maintain on the scale.

    Have a great day!

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning everyone and welcome to the newest members:flowerforyou:

    We returned from our camping trip yesterday afternoon and managed to unload the perishables and dirty laundry from the trailer to the house between rain storms. Despite the rain we had everyday we had a fantastic time, but now to get back into routine until our next music festival in a couple of weeks. It is always so enjoyable to relax and visit with one another. I know that I certainly did not drop anymore lbs but I really didn't expect that I would....maintaining is ok with me and for I know that now I will concentrate on dropping a few more. All our camping friends that haven't seen me since last year gave me so many compliments on how great I looked:blushing: Talk about that being a motivator:smile: I didn't get too walk too much because my other knee is now acting up:grumble: Now I really do have a matched pair:noway: Hopefully I will soon get some answers and get back into the exercise routine that I have come to love. Who would have thought that you could miss exercising so much:laugh:

    Take care everyone:flowerforyou:

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning and welcome back pass friends and welcome in new friends.. this is been one of my favorite places. and i would like to say thank you again.
    well today i am starting a 30 day workout challege with wii active. i have been playing with it for awhile and trying all the differnt moves that i didn't know i could do today i decided it was time to stop playing and take the next step. what i work out and yes my deoridant did not work. and i was sweating. my ten year old thought it was pretty funny. boy am i glad i seen there was a rest day on there i can't wait to reach it.
    i think this will be the week i can go under 215 yes i can. i was reading post about clothes being loser and i am starting to feel that. specilly with some blouses i have.those buttons will not be popping like i was afraid of..
    will the children are all popping in so i am going to say goodbye for now..
    i would like to send out some prayers. and i would like everyone to have a safe and blessed day love debbie and family
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks, I'll check out the lunch section.
    I did exercise this morning before I left and I also ate breakfast. However, I worked through lunch and didn't eat until 3:30 p.m. I'll have to try to get my afternoon exercise done this evening. Time to establish a new routine.:smile:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Its been a loooooooooooooong, but satisfying day. Started at 1:30 this morning when my niece's water broke. I stayed at their house with my great nephew so he could sleep in his own bed all night, then brought him home with me. His new baby sister is absolutely yummy! Paternal grandparents just picked him up so as soon as I get today's calories logged its shower and then bed for me.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It is so hot today that my hands feel sticky on the keyboard so I won’t write much.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary----congratulations on your weight loss---your mom will be very pleased when she sees you

    :flowerforyou: Diane
    I hope they find out what’s wrong so you can be feeling better soon.

    :flowerforyou: Heather----I hope your back is better soon and stays that way----it is very cool that there are two Heathers from Ontario

    :flowerforyou: Marie
    you are right that maintaining is always better than gaining. I hope your knees will be better soon. How great that your friends noticed your weight loss. That is very motivating.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie----keep on doing what you’re doing and you’ll reach all your goals and have looser and looser clothes then your kids will really have something to laugh at.

    :flowerforyou: Bonnie
    getting into a routine is so helpful---I hope you get there faster than I did----good luck on your healthy lunches

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ
    congratulations on the birth of your new great niece---how great that you could be a helpful part of the process

    time to drink some water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good Morning everyone:love: Looks like it's going to be another hot,sticky, wet day. SuzyQ, congratulations on the addition to your family. Babies are so wonderful,:heart::love: :heart: I can't wait for my daughter to have her baby. (we don't know if it's a boy or girl) :smile: Heather, Marie and Diane hope your feeling better soon.:flowerforyou: Bonnie, getting into a routine isn't always as easy as we think:grumble: there are always those little obstacles of life that kick you in the butt.:laugh: Hey Debbie, I know what you mean about those clothes getting loose. I am getting ready to start packing a few things that have gotten way too big.:noway: I love putting them on just to look in the mirror and realize just how much weight I have lost:smile::smile: Barb always nice to read your notes. You are our best cheerleader:laugh: :love: :laugh: :love: To our momof10 :heart: keep it up. I don't know how you do it.:drinker: So ladies off to another day of fighting the urge to eat, :noway: eat:noway: eat :noway: all those goodies:devil: and win the drive to eat healthy and drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: that water.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Love to all:love::heart: :love: Rosemary
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :smile: good morning everyone. i hope everyone weeks is starting out good. can you believe that its the end of the mth already. i am happy to say that i have been pretty close to keeping my goals. having this site has been my rock and having the wonderful freinds here just reading all our storys. someone should put it in a book . oh my grandson is here so this is a short one everyone have a good morning and i send out prayers to all love debbie and family
  • HeatherMMB
    HeatherMMB Posts: 95
    Hi everyone!
    I am trying to get the names of everyone in my head - it will take me a bit of time :laugh:

    This is a great site - the support and welcome is really wonderful - this is my first time doing a healty lifestyle change with lots of help - daily contact - and it is making a difference already!

    two Heather's in Ontario - cool!

    did OK my first week - 2 pounds down. I am doing South Beach as it is easy and works well for me. Working on getting in enough good carbs and surprisinlgy I need to reduce protein a bit - the daily food diary is a real help -I never would have guessed I was over in protein and under in good carbs!

    I have been using my treadmill as well - am going to try two things to relieve bordom -a walk/run program and a DVD of praise music and walking encouragment. I find when I am distracted on the treadmill I am more likely to go farther and work harder.

    I am sorry some folks are not feeling well - hopefully that will pass soon!
    congratulation on the newest addition - I loved the description of the baby as 'ytummy' they just are when they are brand new - so perfect and such a miracle - it's those little fingers and toes that get me - SO tiny and SO perfect!

    take care everyone! keep the goals alive!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning all,
    Not sure if I will get back to this until later today. Have a busy day today. 4 grandchildren today. Daughter has to go to 3 days of new teacher orientation classes. Also have bible study ladies coming today. Went to gym late last night. about 8 pm. first chance all day yesterday. was very busy. started on ellipitical and then planned to do treadmill after. Only needed cardio yesterday. Gym got very busy. Did 30 on ell and looked around all treadmills, bikes were taken. Kept on ell until one came available which it never did. Ended up doing 45 min on ell. I was tired. Hope it pays off. Going to have to do magic to find time to go today. Baseball tournaments start for both grandchildren. Hope you all have a good day. Have fun with new baby susie q.
    vicki m
  • AHealthierSuzyQ

    Just finished doing the "Leslie Sansone's Walk Slim - 4 Fast Miles" workout for the first time and I LOVE it! This is one of those Netflix rentals I'll be buying. It was a fun way to work up a sweat and the 50 minutes was gone before I knew it. . In the intro she was talking about how we should fully hydrate 30 minutes before exercise. I didn't know that. I've been drinking during. :drinker:

    I have my great nephew again today. His baby sister is having some problems keeping her body temperature up where it need to be so they won't be coming home yet. She is the spitting image of my husband and her grandfather, who are brothers. :smooched: When little man wakes up from his afternoon nap we will pick up my MiL and take her to see her newest great-granddaughter. Did I mention that Jonathon can't say Aunt Susan, so he calls me MINE? :heart: Love it!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Hey SuzyQ, :laugh: Just got back from my lunchtime walk and boy is it hot:devil: as.........I am going on the netflix site as soon as I get home and order that DVD. :happy: Thanks for the 411:flowerforyou: Rosemary