Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • ashivnc
    ashivnc Posts: 22 Member
    One more question actually - what is "base" weight?
  • TheOfficialEpic
    One more question actually - what is "base" weight?

    Base to me means as low as 85% of the the population would take their dieting efforts. The individual would be at a good weight for their respective height.....and at a healthy weight....but now it's time for them to separate themselves from the pack. And to do this, you've gotta show your body that you're willing to fight harder and longer. At your height, anything under 125 I would call rockstar status...ESPECIALLY if you're maintaining good muscle mass at that weight.
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    ok so i have had people give me differing opinions. i had to up my calorie goal to 1580 to start losing again which on most days is hard to attain. even 1200 is hard most days. some are saying just eat the calorie goal amount and ur good. others are saying that at the end of the day the net amount should equal the daily goal. which is right? trying to figure out how to keep losing without having to bounce calories back and forth.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Okay, and this is something I've heard mixed opinions on: When doing full body training doing calisthenics, do you still have to wait the 48 hours to do it again or can it be done daily? I enjoy doing it too much to want to have to WAIT a day before I can do it again, if that makes sense =P

    Depends on the person. The bigger question would be: Are you recovering in between workouts? So long as you are, then rock out with it. Think of it this way: Do football players use the same muscles everyday when they train?....Of course they do! Once again though, the bigger question is are you recovering. Depending on your ability level, you might need 48 hours, you might need one day, you might need a week! If I deadlift heavy, then I'm not doing it again for around 7-10 days. Pushups on the other hand, I could go intense on them three days a week and be fine. I have other mates that can heavy back squat three days a week. If I did that, I'd be snapped up by Tuesday!!

    If, the following day, I am only experiencing very mild soreness, the kind that just lets you know you didn't sit on your butt the day before but is in no way painful, is it safe to keep at it? Or should I wait until there's nothing left over from the past workout at all? With certain exercises I don't do straight full bodyweight. I do them on a suspension trainer which uses mechanical advantage to increase or decrease the resistance based on the angle you stand/lean at accordingly. Sometimes I'll do sets of 10 reps each exercise, 4-5 sets, other times I'll do timed sets. How do I know if I'm recovering? There have been weeks when I did it everyday for a week and still felt fine.
  • Microfiber_wechange

    Another question from me :smile:

    I've hit my target weight of 9½ stones (at 5'4") but my tummy is still massive (32"). I'm worried of losing more weight to flatten my tummy as I might look underweight but I know I have to get my bodyfat down. Is losing more weight the only way out?


    Ps. I started Intermittent fasting this week to see if during the periods of fasting my tummy fat will be used for energy :wink:
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    One more question actually - what is "base" weight?

    Base to me means as low as 85% of the the population would take their dieting efforts. The individual would be at a good weight for their respective height.....and at a healthy weight....but now it's time for them to separate themselves from the pack. And to do this, you've gotta show your body that you're willing to fight harder and longer. At your height, anything under 125 I would call rockstar status...ESPECIALLY if you're maintaining good muscle mass at that weight.

    Just curious....what would you consider to be a "rockstar weight" for a 26 year old female who is 5'9??? I know it depends on the person's build and body fat, but just curious :)
  • TheOfficialEpic
    ok so i have had people give me differing opinions. i had to up my calorie goal to 1580 to start losing again which on most days is hard to attain. even 1200 is hard most days. some are saying just eat the calorie goal amount and ur good. others are saying that at the end of the day the net amount should equal the daily goal. which is right? trying to figure out how to keep losing without having to bounce calories back and forth.

    Need more info. Gimme yer stats yeh. Metabolism is fickle. As you get leaner and leaner, you're gonna end up having to manipulate them more and more...sometimes up and sometimes down. One of my guys, to take him from 8% to 6%, we had to bump his calories. What happened is that by upping them, it his metabolism jumped so high to go with it that it placed him in an even GREATER deficit an he started losing again. Get use to the test/reevaluate thing. Everyone's unique.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    Okay, and this is something I've heard mixed opinions on: When doing full body training doing calisthenics, do you still have to wait the 48 hours to do it again or can it be done daily? I enjoy doing it too much to want to have to WAIT a day before I can do it again, if that makes sense =P

    Depends on the person. The bigger question would be: Are you recovering in between workouts? So long as you are, then rock out with it. Think of it this way: Do football players use the same muscles everyday when they train?....Of course they do! Once again though, the bigger question is are you recovering. Depending on your ability level, you might need 48 hours, you might need one day, you might need a week! If I deadlift heavy, then I'm not doing it again for around 7-10 days. Pushups on the other hand, I could go intense on them three days a week and be fine. I have other mates that can heavy back squat three days a week. If I did that, I'd be snapped up by Tuesday!!

    If, the following day, I am only experiencing very mild soreness, the kind that just lets you know you didn't sit on your butt the day before but is in no way painful, is it safe to keep at it? Or should I wait until there's nothing left over from the past workout at all? With certain exercises I don't do straight full bodyweight. I do them on a suspension trainer which uses mechanical advantage to increase or decrease the resistance based on the angle you stand/lean at accordingly. Sometimes I'll do sets of 10 reps each exercise, 4-5 sets, other times I'll do timed sets. How do I know if I'm recovering? There have been weeks when I did it everyday for a week and still felt fine.

    Lol. Trust me, you'll know when you're overtraining. If you're waking up progressively more jacked up everyday, you're getting sniffles, your workouts start going to crap, your joints start feeling cold, you're losing interest in your workouts, your temperature is dropping....all these are good signs you're approaching a one way trip to what we call "Snap City."
  • TheOfficialEpic

    Another question from me :smile:

    I've hit my target weight of 9½ stones (at 5'4") but my tummy is still massive (32"). I'm worried of losing more weight to flatten my tummy as I might look underweight but I know I have to get my bodyfat down. Is losing more weight the only way out?


    Ps. I started Intermittent fasting this week to see if during the periods of fasting my tummy fat will be used for energy :wink:

    If it jiggles it's fat. Lose some more of it. Most people are usually shocked how low they can go with their bodyweight and still feel great. You can always add muscle mass back later on to make up for the fat though if you like.
  • TheOfficialEpic
    One more question actually - what is "base" weight?

    Base to me means as low as 85% of the the population would take their dieting efforts. The individual would be at a good weight for their respective height.....and at a healthy weight....but now it's time for them to separate themselves from the pack. And to do this, you've gotta show your body that you're willing to fight harder and longer. At your height, anything under 125 I would call rockstar status...ESPECIALLY if you're maintaining good muscle mass at that weight.

    Just curious....what would you consider to be a "rockstar weight" for a 26 year old female who is 5'9??? I know it depends on the person's build and body fat, but just curious :)

    My old lady is 5'10 and 130 pounds. Her goal weight is 120. She looks and feels great, and is looking forward to adding about 5 pounds of muscle back to her frame once she hits 120 to bring her up to 125. You'd basically be around the same area give or take 10 pounds depending on leaness and how much muscle mass you're wanting to carry. She's not going after the fitness look though, she's going for a nice in between of the runway look and the fitness look. Hope this helps
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    One more question actually - what is "base" weight?

    Base to me means as low as 85% of the the population would take their dieting efforts. The individual would be at a good weight for their respective height.....and at a healthy weight....but now it's time for them to separate themselves from the pack. And to do this, you've gotta show your body that you're willing to fight harder and longer. At your height, anything under 125 I would call rockstar status...ESPECIALLY if you're maintaining good muscle mass at that weight.

    Just curious....what would you consider to be a "rockstar weight" for a 26 year old female who is 5'9??? I know it depends on the person's build and body fat, but just curious :)

    My old lady is 5'10 and 130 pounds. Her goal weight is 120. She looks and feels great, and is looking forward to adding about 5 pounds of muscle back to her frame once she hits 120 to bring her up to 125. You'd basically be around the same area give or take 10 pounds depending on leaness and how much muscle mass you're wanting to carry. She's not going after the fitness look though, she's going for a nice in between of the runway look and the fitness look. Hope this helps

    hhhmm interesting. maybe i can get there one day :) thanks so much!
  • TheOfficialEpic
    One more question actually - what is "base" weight?

    Base to me means as low as 85% of the the population would take their dieting efforts. The individual would be at a good weight for their respective height.....and at a healthy weight....but now it's time for them to separate themselves from the pack. And to do this, you've gotta show your body that you're willing to fight harder and longer. At your height, anything under 125 I would call rockstar status...ESPECIALLY if you're maintaining good muscle mass at that weight.

    Just curious....what would you consider to be a "rockstar weight" for a 26 year old female who is 5'9??? I know it depends on the person's build and body fat, but just curious :)

    My old lady is 5'10 and 130 pounds. Her goal weight is 120. She looks and feels great, and is looking forward to adding about 5 pounds of muscle back to her frame once she hits 120 to bring her up to 125. You'd basically be around the same area give or take 10 pounds depending on leaness and how much muscle mass you're wanting to carry. She's not going after the fitness look though, she's going for a nice in between of the runway look and the fitness look. Hope this helps

    hhhmm interesting. maybe i can get there one day :) thanks so much!

    Here's some inspiration/motivation: She started off at 238. Dreams do come true yeh. :)
  • icyazaleas
    icyazaleas Posts: 13 Member
    I haven't read every Q and A - but I haven't noticed you tell anyone to eat more.

    I'm 5'4'' - 123 lbs - was eating 1200 a day and not seeing results (goal is 115)

    Everyone keeps telling me to eat more!!

    I workout 3x a week - weights, circuits, or yoga - otherwise I'm mostly sedentary/lightly active (ahem, unemployed)

    I have decent muscle for a female :)

    would love to hear your thoughts!

    Edit* have been stuck at this weight for a year!
  • Citygal212
    Citygal212 Posts: 11 Member
  • Microfiber_wechange

    If it jiggles it's fat. Lose some more of it. Most people are usually shocked how low they can go with their bodyweight and still feel great. You can always add muscle mass back later on to make up for the fat though if you like.

    Oh it jiggles all right. You should see it wobble when I do star jumps :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thank you. I'll carry on :wink:
  • TheOfficialEpic
    I haven't read every Q and A - but I haven't noticed you tell anyone to eat more.

    I'm 5'4'' - 123 lbs - was eating 1200 a day and not seeing results (goal is 115)

    Everyone keeps telling me to eat more!!

    I workout 3x a week - weights, circuits, or yoga - otherwise I'm mostly sedentary/lightly active (ahem, unemployed)

    I have decent muscle for a female :)

    would love to hear your thoughts!

    Edit* have been stuck at this weight for a year!

    I've told a lot of people to eat more. You have to know when to apply it. As I've said before, as you diet down what MAY have been your bmr or maintenance or whatever starting, is going to have to be continually readjusted as you lose weight. Takes more calories to sustain a 200pound person than a 150pounder. Bumping up calories occasionally is good, but you STILL have to make sure you're in a deficit. If you're not losing, then you're not in a deficit! This can either be by a metabolism that has gone to ****e, or just not counting accurately enough on the intake. The goal is to keep the metabolism as high as possible while still losing, but know the metabolism is going to go down regardless. When I start leaning out, I usually start by removing 250 calories a day. That eventually gets bumped to 400 and then as much as 750! Under 6% and I have to start incorporating a refeed every three days basically where I bump my calories to a few hundred over maintenance. I still net a deficit at the end of each week, but the refeeds keep my body from thinking I'm trying to starve it to death. (Side note: When I am at 4%, the body pretty much IS on the verge of starvation. The metabolism is at it's lowest and the body is primed for fat storage). If you're not losing, you're not in a deficit. Try spiking your metabolism a day or two slightly over maintenance, and then going right back to that 1,200....maybe even adding in an extra cardio session or two during the week. Whatever you do though, don't think that 1,200 is written in's about learning YOUR body.
  • glennowill
    glennowill Posts: 134 Member
    I think you've given a ton of great information, and I just wanted to thank you for taking the time.
  • glennowill
    glennowill Posts: 134 Member
    And just a little about myself. I used to weight 295, am now 214. My lowest was 194, but I gained some back. I'm looking to get lean and strong. I'm 6'3, 26, run 3 days a week (3-4 miles) but prefer distance. Sidelined because of an IT band injury. Just starting to incorporate lifting.

    Have trouble with motivation. When my buds want to go out for beer and food all the time, I tend to slip up. How do you stay motivated under those situations? Sometimes I'm good, sometimes I slip majorly, and it becomes a landslide.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I'm gonna ask this here too for more ideas...

    My stats:
    138lb (gained 3-4lb since started doing bodyweight exercises)
    average around 1400cal per day / week

    Ok so I have been doing bodyweight exercises for about 2,5 months now. My body has responded really well, flat stomach, visible abs, banging bum and sculpted back yadda yadda. I look great naked.
    The problem is that even though my stomach is getting flatter, my waist is expanding and getting wider! I've gained a whole inch on my waist and it doesn't seem to be going away. This combined with my hips getting more narrow I'm scared that I'll lose my hourglass shape completely.

    I'm happy with how my body has tightened up really quickly and nothing wiggles.... but my waist needs to go back down!

    Should I stop doing all exercises that target obligues? Or lower my calories and try to lose more fat...(scared that this will make my hips shrink even more!)

    You had me a 'banging bum.' :D

    Seriously though, it is most likely the exercises you do yeh. In the physique world, it is all about the illusion. Smaller the waist, the wider the back will look. Wider the shoulders the smaller the waist looks. Most of the top level bikini competitors are always putting most focus on glutes, hams, and shoulders in order to produce the "effect." Lots of the chappies(AND chippies) think that doing a lot of ab and oblique work is good when to produce the overall effect, it could be THE WORSE thing for you. I use to hammer abs and obliques super hard, but they just spoiled my shape because I was building these big lego-block abs and a thick waist. I don't train abs whatsoever any more because of that. Intense deadlifting and back squatting session can sometimes make this happen also.

    Yup, it's me again. I had asked a similar question on the prior thread. I get that if you want to keep a narrow waist, you gotta NOT bulk up on ab and oblique exercises, but that does that mean not training them *at all*? I intend to incorporate more exercises into my routine like lunges and such to help work the shape I want, but I do have some ab work in there, too -- will some light work on abs through crunches and leg lifts cause that waist thickness, if I'm not doing it a lot? My internet research on the topic is incredibly contradictory.

    And a secondary question... when deciding on goals for weight loss, it seems like it's better to focus on body fat % rather than pounds lost, yeah? In which case... if 1-2 pounds per week is a good loss goal on the scale, what is a good rate of body fat % loss to shoot for?

    Thanks lots! :smile:

    I thought I was alone...seeing flat stomach, toned arms...but measurement gone up too. This just doesn't make sense...although my friend keeps telling me how small i LOOK, but I go by my clothes...This is frustrating!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Hi there! Okay, I have a question. I've lost all the weight I wanted to lose, but now I'm trying to tone up. I want that flat stomach, you know? I'm pretty close to it, but there's still some fat in the way. I lift weights 3x a week and do cardio most of the other days. I have recently started eating "clean" and plan to stick to it. However, I am eating at maintenance level, not a deficit since I'm not really trying to lose any more weight. Will I need to go back to eating at a deficit to tone up, or will eating clean, lifting heavy, and cardio be enough? I've heard evidence from both sides.


    130 lbs
    About 23% body fat
    I want to be about 20% body fat


    Most likely you're going to have to lose more body fat. That's all "tone up" really means. You can't TONE body fat, you have to burn it off. Try losing another 5 and then reevalutaing. At 5'4, I would shoot for at LEAST 18% body fat to really start seeing that toned look. Most pro level bikini competitors are around 12%, so 18% for you would definitely be doable.

    So the above stats are me, except I'm a quarter inch shorter. I'm aiming for 115 ish (pre-pregnancy weight). In your opinion what's the BEST way to burn fat? I'm eating TDEE minus 15% and doing Jillian's 30 DS. I'm not quite ready to start lifting heavy yet but will probably get there at some point. Thanks in advance :flowerforyou: