MFP Runner's Club



  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I "suffered" through a 6 mile run/walk today. I had to go to a bridal shower at a park so I decided to use and found one that left from the park. It was seriously hilly hell for me! I cant believe someone could actually run this!!

    I am thinking of taking a couple of days off. I have actually had to stop and walk through almost all of my runs this week. I am so stress out about finances since Im recently divorced. I am tough on myself and am trying to say I am a wimp but I am seriously on dead legs right now. Any suggestions on how many days etc? Thanks!

    GG, stopping and walking is acceptable. If you are moving, you are improving. In my opinion, times of stress are the perfect times to get some exercise and be active. I would recommend either taking a brisk 30 minute walk every day instead or continue running at a slower pace. Walk breaks are a good thing when you need them. If you would like to run without walk breaks, slowing your pace may help you out.:flowerforyou: Do you feel like you are doing well with nutrition and hydration before, during, and after your runs?

    Keep us posted
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Good morning buddies!
    Is there something seriously wrong with us that we look forward to running these long distances? haha. I was so excited when I went to bed last night because I couldn't wait to do my long run.
    You guys are such motivation and inspiration to me.
    I started running on the treadmill at the gym last year around the holidays. I never dreamed in a million years that I would actually be running races and training for a marathon.
    For you runners just starting out, I used to struggle to walk one mile on the treadmill, you will be so amazed at how strong you get :flowerforyou:

    Kechie- enjoy your rest day my friend and have a wonderful long run tomorrow.

    I ran a milestone for me today- 12 miles. I keep thinking to myself, just a little over a mile and I will have run an unofficial half marathon. I love my long runs. Today was my first experience of eating a little something during the run, after mile 7 I had a few sports beans by Jelly Belly, orange flavor. They were yummy and my stomach felt great, I'm still afraid of the GU gels at this point but I'll try them sometime. Oh and I bought my first ever compression garment, a shirt from Under Armour. No chafing, rubbing and dry as can be, it's pretty awesome. Everytime my Garmin would beep after another mile, I just grinned to myself and thought, "girl you have come a long way"
    Hugs to you guys

    Yay, girl! You should be proud of all you are accomplishing. Congratulations on your 12-miler. It is such a good feeling once you're done, isn't it?

    I'm started much the same way as you. I remember struggling on walks while pushing my newborn baby girl in her stroller. I was 200lbs. and feeling miserable. My walking eventually turned into running a lap with the stroller, and walking the rest. I worked up to a mile, then 2, then my first 5K race, and the rest is history. We've worked our butts off, and we SHOULD be proud! :flowerforyou:
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Hey guys! I'm a little late in this group, but was wondering if I could still join. I am someone who has never really enjoyed running (mostly because I have never been in good enough shape to), but have a goal of running a 5k before winter. I have just started training and have struggled, but been able to run a full mile without having to walk. I easily start something, and a week or two later am done with it. I think a lot of it is because it is hard to start something without support or strong motivation.

    I've been reading your posts and you guys are awesome! I would LOVE to get into running, as it is obviously great for my body, but would also give me something to work hard for. If I could be running 12 miles a day in a year, I would be thrilled! :happy:

    Congrats on everything you all have accomplished and I hope that some of your success and motivation will rub off on me!:smile:

    Welcome, Renee. You could definitely run 12 miles straight within the next year. That's a very doable goal! And this is the right place to come for inspiration. It's a wonderful group!
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    I finished in 2 hrs, 57 min, 42 seconds. My goal was 3:05 and my secret goal was to go sub-3. I blew that out of the water!!!! Woohoo!! :drinker:

    Swim: 38.29 (2:21/ 100yd - I am not the strongest swimmer, so I was happy to be under 40 min!)
    T1: 1:47
    Bike: 1:20:54 (18.4 mph)
    T2: 1:44
    Run: 54:46 (8:49 pace)

    Wow, Jess! Congratulations! That is an incredible accomplishment. You worked hard to get where you are. You deseved a great race! :drinker:
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Just got done with a 14 mile long run. It was a great run. We all must be crazy because we are all loving on the long runs today! :tongue:

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Congrats, Jess!! :bigsmile:

    Didn't have time to post on Friday, but I finished Cough to 5k week 3! I will start week 4 tomorrow. We were away at a wedding out of state all weekend, so I didn't make the best food choices :ohwell: I'm going to give it all I've got tomorrow though, as I start week 4. I can do it! :happy:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Did my 7+ mile long run this morning...and it was tough but felt great! So now, week 3 of my training is complete. Looks like Week 4 will be an easier one, so I will definitely enjoy the recovery time.

    A little over a month ago, I remember asking you all if it seemed reasonable for me to plan on being able to run 8 miles by October...and I can already run a little over 7 in July, thanks in large part to my Runner's World training program. I never expected to get such great results so quickly...definitely amazed.

    So, now I have set myself some other goals:
    1) Be able to run the full 13.1 miles
    2) Finish the half in less than 3 hours
    3) Run at least one more half and possibly a full marathon by my 30th birthday...July 29, 2010.

    Happy Running! :flowerforyou:
  • Renee973
    Renee973 Posts: 28
    Thanks Heather! I was thinking when I was reading your post how great it is for your daughter that you are exercising and eating well. My mom has been overweight since I can remember and has high blood pressure which makes her constantly tired. I try to help her by offering to take walks with her, but she has a lot of trouble breathing when we go on walks. You and your daughter will be able to do so much together as a result of you being fit! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for all of the support. I am really excited to get after this time, and am glad to hear you say that this is definitely do-able! :smile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member

    Wow, Jess! Congratulations! That is an incredible accomplishment. You worked hard to get where you are. You deseved a great race! :drinker:

    Thanks, everyone!! I felt great today too! :bigsmile: Was going to take a rest day, but couldn't resist. I ended up going out for a bike ride... 18 miles solo. Got home and my 8yo wanted to go for a ride, so went another 3.5 miles w/ her. Felt great! :bigsmile:
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    I had a fun and challenging weekend. Saturday I did a ten mile run including one killer hill, and then today I walked 15 miles in a Relay for Life event. My feet are tired tonight!:smile:
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Yesterday I ran 1.25 miles in just under 13 minutes so it wasn't my fastest and it sure felt like more than 1.25 miles. I have lost a lot being laid up with this injury.

    Today I went to bootcamp and was told we would be running a 5k. Oh joy. Needless to say I stayed at the back of the back and encouraged a slower runner on. It was a walk/jog mix and I didn't push myself to the point of hurting myself again. I am however wearing my running shoes around the office today to give my feet/legs a little more support. :bigsmile:

    Have a great run every.:flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good Monday morning:flowerforyou:

    I am resting today.

    Sherry it is great to see you! Get well soon.:flowerforyou:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Congrats Jess on a job well done! :drinker:

    Welcome Renee -- you've come the right place for encouragement. I have been running for aobut 15 months. When I started I could only do 2 miles -- and now I am training for a half marathon in September and a full in March! It can be done. If you stick with it you will amaze yourself with your progress! and the best part, aside from getting in great shape, is the amazing after-run high you will experience. that's what makes us all look forward to these crazy long runs!!!

    Today is a rest day for me....I finished 10.6 miles on Sunday. It was 89 degrees so it wasn't done in record time -- but it was done. I figure a slow long run is better than no run at all. Next week I up my mileage -- very excited to get up to the 15 mile range. my goal is to be running 15 miles comfortably before my half....which is in 7 weeks.

    Hope you all have a happy Monday!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Rest Day for me - Just some yoga and a nice long stretching routine
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Good Monday morning:flowerforyou:

    I am resting today.

    Sherry it is great to see you! Get well soon.:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Kechie. I am sooooo glad to be back. Hopefully I will continue to post good news rather than bad. :bigsmile:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning Runners!

    It's raining like crazy here in the mountains. As long as it's not thundering or lightning (or a down pour lol), I'm going running tonight! Can't wait to be done with work already because I sure don't feel like working.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Good morning Runners!

    It's raining like crazy here in the mountains. As long as it's not thundering or lightning (or a down pour lol), I'm going running tonight! Can't wait to be done with work already because I sure don't feel like working.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    I'm with you on the work thing -- already started the end of day countdown -- 6 hours and counting!!!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    So glad to work from home now, no countdown for me, boss is happy if the work gets done he doesn't care when or how. :love:

    Anyway, back from vacation, from the nice beach weather back to the gate's of hell. :laugh:
    Only 2 miles for me today and yoga. Gotta get the laundry and cooking done so the rest of the week is easy peasy! :drinker:
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Yesterday I ran 1.25 miles in just under 13 minutes so it wasn't my fastest and it sure felt like more than 1.25 miles. I have lost a lot being laid up with this injury.

    Today I went to bootcamp and was told we would be running a 5k. Oh joy. Needless to say I stayed at the back of the back and encouraged a slower runner on. It was a walk/jog mix and I didn't push myself to the point of hurting myself again. I am however wearing my running shoes around the office today to give my feet/legs a little more support. :bigsmile:

    Have a great run every.:flowerforyou:

    Hi Sherry!

    I'm so glad you're back in action and you're taking your time to ease yourself back in. That's a smart way to go about things.

    Today I'm resting. I'm buying a new pair of running shoes today. Awww the excitement! Did a quick bike ride with my daughter this morning, then some swimming this afternoon. Have a great day everyone!
  • Emmyleww
    Emmyleww Posts: 278
    Hi everyone! I'm not sure if I belong in this group or not (I've never really considered myself a runner because I don't have a lot of distance or speed behind me) but I've been reading the posts for a few weeks and thought I'd like to join if there's still room. I think everyone here is great motivation for this non-runner wanting to run.

    I started running regularly again at the beginning of May and before that it had only been a year I had been running. It was sporadic at best for the past 2 years because my running partner got pregnant and stopped running. I tried to run by myself which I actually enjoy but it was hard to be accountable only to myself. So now my running partner is back and we are struggling to make progress. We can run 3 miles without stopping but it is at a really slow pace and neither one of us knows what to do next. We'd like to try a half next year but we are both pretty scared at the idea of it. We're not sure if we should try to speed up first or up the miles. We've never run more than 3.5 miles ever.

    Oh, one more thing, I'd REALLY like to enjoy running. Right now I only feel good once we've finished and that could just be relief to have it over with. Eventually I'll enjoy the actual run, right?