MFP Runner's Club



  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good evening everyone!

    I got my 5k in tonight and even managed to shave a min off my time though I have no idea how I did it.

    I find it so amazing how much a look can affect me. While I was running, a girl in a car gave me the most disgusted, nasty look (it was not in my mind - Ive seen that look before). It took me a good 10 minutes to get over that....I really felt self conscious - especially about my running. I mean, I know I have 40 lbs to lose but at least Im out there trying. I have to admit that I wasn't all that covered up (sleeveless shirt, short shorts)...but it's hot, in the middle of summer, and if I could get away with just running in a sports bra I would (lol, at this point, I couldn't do that to my neighbors).

    I wanted to yell at her "how many miles can you run?"

    or maybe I should have yelled

    "Hey, I know I have big gazonga's....I just can't keep them contained!" :laugh:

    Anyways, I know that I "jiggly" run but darnit, I'm out there pounding the pavement and I am proud of myself for that.

    Besides....I won't be a jiggly runner forever :smile:

    Hope everyone has a great night!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    I wanted to yell at her "how many miles can you run?"

    That's what I wanted to say to the man sitting on the park bench that yelled "oh come on... that's it?!?! you can't keep going?" when I reached the end of my run and started walking for my cool down a couple weeks ago. :laugh:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Annaliza - don't let that girl discourage you! OMG people drive me crazy, you should have thrown your water bottle at her car!! haha But don't feel self conscious, you are out there and thats awesome! Keep it up girl :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • Emmyleww
    Emmyleww Posts: 278
    Annaliza -
    Don't let those people get you down. You are doing great! I know it's hard and I have yet to accomplish it myself but you just need to block them out and run. There's no sense in letting them negatively affect your run, however, it looks like the anger fueled it and you shaved a min. YEAH for you! I say if you can't shake it off use it to your advantage and have a great run. FYI, I refuse to run in shorts or a tank even when it's in the 90's with like 90% humidity because I'm too self conscious, but I'm working on that.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Annaliza, i agree with everyone else- you are AWESOME and should be so proud of yourself. Running is so hard, now I know why not everyone does it. But there's such a reward in that.

    I had a much needed rest day today. Going to try to get ready for my long run tomorrow but ladies I have a question.... It's almost that time of month and my cramping and back pain is horrible. I'm wondering how I will ever make it through my run, going to try though and then I'll take the advice of Raymond and back the long run down next week before I increase again. Where is that Raymond anyway??? We miss you Raymond :flowerforyou:
    Happy Friday Running buddies
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Jenny- Once you start to run you will most likely feel better, I'm one of those people that barely ever gets that time of the month but when I have had it I know a nice run always helps... if you can't do it though don't worry you have plenty of time to train :happy: ...

    Well this morning I woke up barely being able to walk... I seemed to have pulled my hip flexor or something, I will probably just ignore it and fight through it, yea probably not a great idea but I don't like being sidelined... I'm off to coach and play vb today, hopefully I will feel better after I warm up! Have a great friday everyone, I'm off to the bay area this weekend hopefully I can get some nice long runs in... HAPPY RUNNING :happy: :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Good morning!
    Well - I got up - got dressed - got to the treadmill - felt yucky :sick: - got undressed - went back to bed. Just coulnd't do it -- but am hoping this bug will be gone by my long run on Sunday.

    annaliza -- as for "the look"....don't fret....the majority of mean people are mean :angry: because they are jealous. so next time it happens, just smile and keep on gettin' it. She just wishes she could run! Use it as motivation -- that poor girl is so disgusted with herself that she can't run and is just jealous of me. then run faster :bigsmile:

    Shuntae -- you are doing amazing -- and all I can say is that we must be pushed from that little inner voice. It's the competive spirit that drives us to do better. It's a powerful thing! Thank goodness we have each other to remind us that one tiny setback is nothing in comparison to all that we've accomplished! When I started run 15 months ago I NEVER imagined I would be running 10+ miles. We ARE fabulous:flowerforyou:

    Becky -- I am ROTFLMAO at the thought of the bulls chasing you!

    Hope you all have a happy Friday!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Happy Friday:flowerforyou:

    6 miles at an easy pace for me today. 96% humidity!

    A tip on hydration: To tell if you are taking in enough fluids on your run, weigh yourself naked before and after an hour run. The idea is that if you lose weight, you need to drink a little more during your run. If you gain weight, you are drinking too much during your run. Yes we should be concerned with overhydration. You can become hyponatremic.

    If you lost weight, you can calculate your sweat rate by taking the number of pounds lost and converting it into ounces. So if you lost one pound, you sweated out 16 ounces of fluid. On your next workout, you should focus on hydrating at a rate of 16 ounces per hour. That breaks down to 4 ounces every 15 minutes.

    You will feel so much better on your runs if you can figure out how to properly hydrate.:drinker:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    For those of you using the Smart Coach at Runner's accurate have you found it to be with race time predictions? I entered my current 5k race time and plugged in for a half marathon training plan. I almost fell off the bed I was laughing so hard when it showed me a 21:44 prediction for a 5k. Seriously???? I run a 29 flat right now. Is that humanly possible? I don't think I could run a 7 minute mile if a pack of pit bulls were chasing me! :laugh:
    Just curious what real world results have been.
    If nothing else, I got a great laugh in today!

    Becky, I wonder if you fat fingered an entry. I entered 29 minutes for a 5k race, training for a 5K race and a half marathon and it gave me nothing close to 21 minutes.

    I always finish races faster than the predicted times. How much faster depends on the course, nutrition, hydration - even the weather can play a role on race day.

  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Hi ketchie! Thanks for double checking. I re-entered the info today and I am still getting 21:44 for a 5k.
    I'm entering hard training, 16-20 miles a week, half marathon in 16 weeks...still getting that hilarious running with the bulls time of 21:44!!! :laugh:

    Thanks for the explanation on the difference in pacing slow vs. long runs! It made complete sense.

    Julie ~ sorry you have a bug! :frown: Hope you feel better soon!

    Annaliza ~ ignore the *haters* ! my friend and I run in sports bras and shorts....once a group of teen girls who all weighed at least 250 pounds each yelled at us to put some clothes was tempting to throw something at them cuz they sure weren't going to be catching us on foot! :laugh:

    I got in just under 5 miles today. I had a loose puppy start to follow me at the end and my running bud and I quit and tried to find her home. Finally found a porch with a 3ft leash tied to a bench and a pail of water. We hooked her up and left her...but let me tell you , it was tempting to take her! We were not impressed with the care she seemed to be receiving. :angry:

    Going for my first 9 tomorrow. Trying hard to hydrate well today! I lose between 2-3 pounds on my long run so I obviously have a LOT of water to drink!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Raymond ~ where are you? We're going to file a missing person report soon! :wink:

  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Ah ha! I might have figured it out! I was entering a 5k race but using MILES as my preferred unit of measurement. I changed the miles to KM and got a 25 minute 5k race time. THAT makes a lot more sense!!!
  • ldbenincasa
    Hello fellow runners! I am new to MFP and just found this forum. I have been running off and on for over a year and a half. Last year I completed a local road race series consisting of 5Ks and 10Ks. This year I am running the same series and training for a half in Nov. (assuming I don't get pregnant before then). To date I have run 8 5Ks and 2 10Ks. I am not a fast runner, my 5K PR is 34:30, but I am not racing to beat others, I am racing against myself. I have my 9th 5K this Sunday. It is one I ran last year, so I am hoping to better my previous time of 34:37.

  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good afternoon my running friends!

    Thanks so much for everyone's kind words and excellent advice. You guys always make me feel so much better.

    Idben- welcome to the Runners Club! I look forward to picking your brain soon so stop in and check on us often :tongue: :happy: Good luck on getting pregnant (sorry if you aren't lol).

    Becky, I am so glad you got it figured out. I, too, had visuals in my head when you talked about pit bulls chasing you. :laugh: And youre right...those girls probably would have never caught up to you. lol I wish I had the guts to run in a sports bra but I still have too much gut. Maybe next year. I would like a tan on my stomach just once in my lifetime :happy:

    Kechie, thanks for the tip on hydration. I did not know that. I bet I've been losing weight while running since I sweat so bad (and I noticed that I don't have to use the bathroom while running as long as I sweat) so I'm sure that I'm not hydrated enough.

    Shuntae - what can I say? You are awesome!!!!

    Guster - I'm so glad you got your groove back!

    Julie - hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself!

    WW - will aspirin or Midol help with the cramps? I sure hope you feel better soon.

    Emmy - don't be embarrased. I only run 3-4 miles at a time, too. But, we're working on it and someday it will be us saying "I ran an easy 8 miles today".....

    Today is supposed to be a rest day for me but I think I might take my 9 year old niece out for a short run - maybe just a mile at her pace. She is spending the night with us and has been bugging me about running for awhile. I don't want to take her on my long run tomorrow since I don't think she'll make it. I guess tonight all depends on whether or not she has decent shoes.

    Or maybe I'll take all the kids and the dog to the park.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend (in case I go MIA LOL).

    Take care all and Happy Running!
  • Renee973
    Renee973 Posts: 28
    Happy Friday Everyone!! :happy: I am feeling great today, because for the first time in a long time I got up early and did my workout. I usually don't like working out in the morning, but today was perfect. Perfect temperature, perfect time (the roads weren't busy at all), and I felt amazing for the entire run.
    It was definitely a good way to kick off the weekend!

    Kechie-Thanks for the great advice. Instead of running I went on a leisurely walk which was really nice. I was also glad I didn't work out yesterday, because I don't think I would have enjoyed my run as much this morning. Also, thanks for clearing up the hydration issue. It's something I've never thought of, but is very important!

    Shuntae- You have accomplished so much more than you think by being able to run 7 miles! You are doing great!:flowerforyou:

    Becky- I have been using this thing called Personal Running Trainer that I downloaded from Itunes. You would be waaay too in shape to download the 5k one that I'm doing, but they have 10k, half marathon, and marathon training as well that you might be interested in. I think its great because the music is just house techno, but really keeps you going at a good pace. Also, a guy will come on over the music and tell you when to speed up, slow down, walk, or run. I think its great, but running is also very new to me and I had no idea where to start with training.

    Annaliza- Forget that girl!! :mad: She was probably just jealous that you were taking the initiative to get out there and do something about improving your health. Girls can be so mean sometimes!

    Hope everyone has a great day!:smile:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Great job on your run! Isn't it a fabulous way to start your day!!! I love running early in the morning -- makes for a great day! Enjoy the runner's high but watch out, it's addicting!!!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Renee~ thanks for the tip! :happy:
    Along the same line, there are free music downloads by Deekron the Fitness DJ. It's also house techno type which I do find excellent for running. Different BPM and lengths, but all terrific!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Started hill training portion of my training today - I may be crazy but hills are so much better for me than tempos or speed. I think it is a mental thing Conquer the Hill!:drinker: Both races I'm doing in the fall are fairly hilly so I'll probably spend more time on hills than speedwork.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hello fellow runners! I am new to MFP and just found this forum. I have been running off and on for over a year and a half. Last year I completed a local road race series consisting of 5Ks and 10Ks. This year I am running the same series and training for a half in Nov. (assuming I don't get pregnant before then). To date I have run 8 5Ks and 2 10Ks. I am not a fast runner, my 5K PR is 34:30, but I am not racing to beat others, I am racing against myself. I have my 9th 5K this Sunday. It is one I ran last year, so I am hoping to better my previous time of 34:37.


    Welcome Lori :flowerforyou: I look forward to hearing more of your story. I am training for a half in November too.

  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Started hill training portion of my training today - I may be crazy but hills are so much better for me than tempos or speed. I think it is a mental thing Conquer the Hill!:drinker: Both races I'm doing in the fall are fairly hilly so I'll probably spend more time on hills than speedwork.

    You are so smart to do hill training. Hills are speed work in disguise. I live in a very hilly neighborhood. Every run is hilly for me. The hills will make you stronger and faster. Plus, at races I always look forward to passing people on the hills.

    For anyone interested in adding some hill workouts, be sure to have good form on the hills. There are some great articles on Runner's World about hill training.

    When you're running downhill,
    Straighten your torso out - no slouching,
    Let your feet land beneath you striking midfoot instead of heel to minimize impact to your body,
    Shorten your arm swing to shorten your stride. Learn to turn your feet over quicker to compensate for the shorter stride.
    Lean forward a little and not back to minimize the "naturally occuring braking motion" that slows you down.

    For uphill running:
    Lean forward slightly.
    Keep your head and chest up. Don't look at your feet.
    Look straight ahead. For me this means looking at the inside of my visor on hills and periodically checking to see if I am at or near the top yet. My hills are steeep.:cry:

  • Luv_2_Run
    Luv_2_Run Posts: 9
    Hi! I'm new to the site. I love to run and I have been running for 3 years now. I've lost a total of 80 pounds doing it. I'm training for my first half marathon in October. I have just started running 10K's, tomorrow I'm running my 3rd. I'm hoping to improve my race times, although I have been unable to run all week because of sickness and cramps, but I'm still going to try. It will probably be a tough start but I should be okay after a few miles. Wish me luck!!