MFP Runner's Club



  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good afternoon...

    Just got in 4.25 for lunch today, felt good. Today was mountain running day. It really really seems to help to train on mountain hills, then do long runs on semi flat courses. It makes them feel sooo much easier, lol.

    Chug water time :drinker:

    I live in the mountains so that's all I run. I struggle on a straight way like a track lol so it never feels easier :tongue:

    Good job! Wish I had the gumption to get up and run during lunch :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    good morning runners :flowerforyou:
    Well, I iced my knee off and on last night and felt really good this morning. I had the best run, yesterday I struggled so today it was so nice to feel energized. I ran 6 miles and felt like I could run 4 more. Tomorrow is a rest day for me. I hope everyone has a great day and I look forward to hearing your plans :wink:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809

    I've got this book by Chris Carmichael called "Food for Fitness." These are the foods recommended for Pre-Exercise:
    1. High Carb, moderate protein, low fat
    Pasta, Rice, potatoesm sandwiches (roast beef, turkey, peanut butter and jelly), oatmeal, breakfast burrito with eggs, fruit

    Less desirable foods for Pre-exercise meals:
    1. High fat and/or protein, low carb
    Steak, bacon, sausage, ice cream, cream sauces
    2. Low carb, low calorie
    Salads, diet soda

    He also says that a large meal is fine 3-4 hours before exercise
    2-3 hours beforehand, a smaller meal like a peanut butter bagel and banana is suitable.
    1 hour before, he recommends a PowerBar or something similar.

    HTH! Better luck today!

    Heather, I just re-read, that is some good information. Thank you!!!

    Good morning Runners!

    It's raining here today but not thundering and lightning so I plan to run this evening as long as the weather doesn't make a turn for the worse.

    I've moved my 5k runs to my everyday run now... Yay for me!!! I'm still doing a 4 mile loop for my long distance runs least until I feel a tad more comfortable with it.

    Take care all and Happy Running!

    Btw......where's Raymond? I haven't seen him post in days....he's probably off biking 983023948209384 miles again LOL (ok, so I'm exaggerating just a tad LOL)

    WW - congrats!! I'm glad that you had a good run!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Morning -- you see there's no "Good" in front of that morning!
    I had an awful, horrible, terribly miserable run today. I'm not sure if it was just a bad day or if I psyched myself out! I have been dreading today's tempo run and for good reason. I found myself stalling this morning -- taking extra time to get ready -- all because I was dreading it that much. On top of that I felt queasy again :sick:

    I was supposed to do 6 miles -- 4 at 8:38 pace

    Here's what I did :ohwell:
    1 mile warm up
    2 miles at 8:34
    felt like I was going to fall out & my belly was sick -- so took a rest (potty break) Sweating like crazy -- seemed like more than usual
    .25 mile jog
    2 miles at 8:41
    .75 mile cool down

    I felt absolutely horrible. Still feeling queasy 3 hours later! Excuse me but WTF!!! Feeling very sad and disappointed. :sad:
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Julie, please don't be so hard on yourself! You STILL got the run in and if my math is correct, you did get 4 miles in at an 8:38 per mile pace. Your first 2 were 4 seconds faster, and your last 2 were only
    3 seconds slower than your target pace. I think for being sick that's pretty freaking amazing! And you ran a total of 6 miles!!!!!! :flowerforyou: That's friggin' awesome! :bigsmile:

    I'm so sorry that you didn't feel well and still aren't feeling normal. I was having a lot of trouble with queasiness and stomach upset when the heat and humidity was really bad last month. July has been a little milder and I've been doing better recently. This weekend is going to be a test though...humidity through the roof and temps way up.
    How has your pre run hydrating been? It's the only thing I was able to identify in myself. Dehydration = nauseau and headache for hours.

    I managed to get in 2 1/2 miles, not sure of the pace. It certainly wasn't any sort of blistering 8:38 though! :noway: best guess is maybe 9:30 minute miles which is pushing it for me. Then did 30 minutes cycle, 30 minutes circuit training and 30 minutes pilates. Cycle and kettlebell tonight.

    So, out of curiosity ...what is considered a distance run? According to Runner's World distance runs should be done at 3 minutes slower than short runs. I consider anything over 5 miles to be distance and I'm at 9:30 + or - for 5 miles or less. But I'm running 7-8 miles at an 11 minute mile or so. Does that mean I should be sub 9s for under 5 miles? I can not even imagine running that fast.

    Julie, take it easy for a few hours and stop being so hard on yourself. You rock! :drinker:

  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Thanks Becky -- I appreciate the kind words. :flowerforyou:

    I usually roll out of bed and start running. But in general I drink a TON in a day. While I'm at work I usually drinks at least 2 liters of water. I did try some of that delicious gu :sick: this morning -- couldn't take it. So I ate 3 of those powerbar blasts -- very yummy. I'm just not a morning eater. Can't imagine 3 tiny chews could cause such turmoil!

    As for your distance run -- I think it's anything longer than your normal everyday run. I am using the Runners World training program for my 1/2 -- in week 7 of 13 -- and my regular runs AND my long runs are supposed to be at a 10 min pace. If what you're saying is correct then I need to start drinking rocket fuel cause there is no way :noway: I could do my runs at a 7 min pace -- I'm struggling at 8:30!!! And that faster pace is only once a week!

    Thanks again -- but if you remember I am the one with the competitve spirit (to a fault) :embarassed: and I can't stand when I am unable to complete my training. Hoping tomorrow is better!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member

    Btw......where's Raymond? I haven't seen him post in days....he's probably off biking 983023948209384 miles again LOL (ok, so I'm exaggerating just a tad LOL)

    OMG -- I am laughing my head off at your Raymond comment -- too funny! He is quite the athlete! :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    At a Team in Training info session, they said if you are going to use Gatorade to stick to the powder. They are now making the gatorade in the bottles more for the average person than for the athlete. I think there was mention of less sugar in the powder mix. I am at that point where I am going to be passing 7 miles and curious too what I should do! I like to drink coffee before runs and that seems to help but I am sure when I get further distances it wont! Good discussion!

    I know at ****s Sporting Goods at the cash registers they have alot of options for GU, shots etc
    if a running store isnt close by!!

    Also, the powder does not have high fructose corn syrup in it but the bottled drinks do. I don't drink Gatorade, but my hubby does sometimes when working hard outside and I noticed the difference. :wink:
  • Renee973
    Renee973 Posts: 28
    Hey Everyone! I forgot to put in my workout last night, so better late than never! :smile: Yesterday was not a good day--so bad, in fact, that I left work early. I am almost 100% of the time happy and almost annoyingly cheery, but yesterday was definitely an exception so my boss let me leave early. :ohwell: It was my second day of training and I seriously thought about skipping it for a nap. However, I thought about how sorry I would be after it was too late, so I got out there and did it. I honestly don't ever remember having that good of a workout ever. I did the same 3.5 mile route as I did Monday, but cut 2 minutes off. I think I ran all of the negative emotions out of me and felt GREAT when I was walking in the house with a bright red face and pouring in sweat. :bigsmile: I rewarded myself with a long bath and relaxing in front of the tv all night.

    Today is GORGEOUS here and I really want to run, but my personal running trainer guy says that you should always take a day off when you are training for interval runs. Do you guys think that sounds legit, or can I train an extra day this week?
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Morning -- you see there's no "Good" in front of that morning!
    I had an awful, horrible, terribly miserable run today. I'm not sure if it was just a bad day or if I psyched myself out! I have been dreading today's tempo run and for good reason. I found myself stalling this morning -- taking extra time to get ready -- all because I was dreading it that much. On top of that I felt queasy again :sick:

    I was supposed to do 6 miles -- 4 at 8:38 pace

    Here's what I did :ohwell:
    1 mile warm up
    2 miles at 8:34
    felt like I was going to fall out & my belly was sick -- so took a rest (potty break) Sweating like crazy -- seemed like more than usual
    .25 mile jog
    2 miles at 8:41
    .75 mile cool down

    I felt absolutely horrible. Still feeling queasy 3 hours later! Excuse me but WTF!!! Feeling very sad and disappointed. :sad:

    Good job Julie! I am so proud of you for getting out there today.:flowerforyou: I too get a little nervous before what I know will be a very hard tempo run.

    One thing that works great for me mentally is to tell myself "I am training this hard because (fill in the blank)". For me, I want to pr my next half marathon.

    Next, I use the Runner's World Smart Coach as a good idea - not the gospel. To properly do a tempo run, you should be running "comfortably hard". That means that you could say three words but would prefer not to. I check myself by saying "pace is good".

    Do you think you are pushing yourself well beyond comfortably hard? I used the Smart Coach to train for the half last year. I don't think I ever hit the recommended pace for every lap of the tempo run over 16 weeks of training but I still finished my half 12 minutes faster than the plan trained me to.

    I am puzzled by the lingering queasiness. I hope you are not coming down with something and that you feel better soon. Don't beat yourself up today. You put down some awesome times on this run. Add the fact that you felt queasy - You are amazing! Also, don't feel bad about skipping a run when you don't feel well.:flowerforyou:

    :heart: -Kechie.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Thanks Kechie!

    My reason for training so hard is to complete my 1/2 in what I feel is a good time -- and keep up with my running partner. We are very similar as far as pace -- but she has been running longer and is able to push through hurdles alot easier than I am. So I want to be in good enough shape to keep up and finish proud!

    so far -- 7 weeks out of 13 -- I have been able to complete every training session faster than suggested. So I don't think I'm pushing too hard. But I will try the "pace is good" and see. Last week I ran a faster pace for 3 miles and although hard it was doable.

    As for the queasiness -- i am still queasy now -- so I'm guessing I have some sort of bug - which might also explain why I was sweating so much. I'm going to chalk this one up to a bad day and hope for better next week. I have an easy run tomorrow and Saturday is a rest day. Going to spend it in the pool with my kids and truly rest. My long run isn't until Sunday evening so I'm hoping the time off will help.

    I appreciate all the help and suggestions. That's what I love about this thread. Everyone is so helpful and truly "get's it"! So thanks -- to all of my Runner's Club Friends!!!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604

    Thanks again -- but if you remember I am the one with the competitve spirit (to a fault) :embarassed: and I can't stand when I am unable to complete my training. Hoping tomorrow is better!

    I have found that I am my own worse enemy when it comes to competitiveness. :frown: I am trying to let some of it go because I equate a bad run with being a bad person. And I definitely feel incompetent and Iike a total putz when I read so many of the other posts with long runs or fast times posted. Soooo, I'm working on it.

    Thank you for the info on the distance runs. I'm going to go check out the half marathon plans. My running buddy and I need to pick up her distance because (as you know! :wink: ) that half in VA beach is coming up quickly! I have until December for mine, but won't mind being ahead of the game!

    I hope you are feeling better and haven't caught a bug!

  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Just a quick add as I am done with "work" and am on my way out the door.

    Julie...I really hope you feel better soon! I'm sorry you had such a rough time running and that you feel queasy. And I'm so glad that our experts on this thread could help you.

    Take care and get well soon! :heart: :heart:

    :heart: Liza
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Today is GORGEOUS here and I really want to run, but my personal running trainer guy says that you should always take a day off when you are training for interval runs. Do you guys think that sounds legit, or can I train an extra day this week?

    I would rest.:sad: I used to skip rest days b/c I love to run so much until I read that you are actually benefitting from running on your rest days. Your body needs rest days to repair all of the little tears in your muscles and gets stronger on your rest days. Plus, there was another article about how your shoes need a day off as well. Something to do with the cushioning...
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    I have found that I am my own worse enemy when it comes to competitiveness. :frown: I am trying to let some of it go because I equate a bad run with being a bad person. And I definitely feel incompetent and Iike a total putz when I read so many of the other posts with long runs or fast times posted. Soooo, I'm working on it.

    I get to feeling like that too, sometimes...but then I also remember that some people here have been running for years and years, where I've been at it for 4 months and am already up to 7 miles. That definitely puts it in perspective for me. I may never be fast like a sub 9 minute mile, but I am proud of what I am doing.
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Shuntae~ I do agree with you! I just wish I could remember that all the time!:wink: We are doing great. I'm also only at month 4 and am getting ready to try my first 9-10 mile run. Thanks for the encouragement! We'll just have to keep reminding eachother when we get down on ourselves that we have come a long way in a short time! :happy:

    For those of you using the Smart Coach at Runner's accurate have you found it to be with race time predictions? I entered my current 5k race time and plugged in for a half marathon training plan. I almost fell off the bed I was laughing so hard when it showed me a 21:44 prediction for a 5k. Seriously???? I run a 29 flat right now. Is that humanly possible? I don't think I could run a 7 minute mile if a pack of pit bulls were chasing me! :laugh:
    Just curious what real world results have been.
    If nothing else, I got a great laugh in today!

    Have a good evening everyone!

  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Got 5 miles into today...all while it was raining but I love running in that so it was good! I had taken 4 days off so I was a little sluggish but ran the entire thing which is what I wanted to do. I didnt feel that "quitting" feeling like last week. That little stubborn voice pushing me on is back :) Now just have to psych myself up for the 8 miler on Saturday!!
  • Emmyleww
    Emmyleww Posts: 278
    Morning -- you see there's no "Good" in front of that morning!
    I had an awful, horrible, terribly miserable run today. I'm not sure if it was just a bad day or if I psyched myself out! I have been dreading today's tempo run and for good reason. I found myself stalling this morning -- taking extra time to get ready -- all because I was dreading it that much. On top of that I felt queasy again

    I was supposed to do 6 miles -- 4 at 8:38 pace

    Here's what I did
    1 mile warm up
    2 miles at 8:34
    felt like I was going to fall out & my belly was sick -- so took a rest (potty break) Sweating like crazy -- seemed like more than usual
    .25 mile jog
    2 miles at 8:41
    .75 mile cool down

    I felt absolutely horrible. Still feeling queasy 3 hours later! Excuse me but WTF!!! Feeling very sad and disappointed.

    This is AWESOME! I couldn't do this on my best day. I think it's amazing you were able to stick with it. This is why I love this thread. Everyone is so inspirational! I'm almost embarrassed to post what I did today but here it is. Ran 3 miles today and it was 2 min faster than Mon. I'm hoping to get faster each run but that might be asking too much. I can always try. My running partner leaves next week and will be gone for 2 weeks. I will definitely need some major will power to get out there on my own.
  • bgood14
    bgood14 Posts: 1,416 Member
    So, out of curiosity ...what is considered a distance run? According to Runner's World distance runs should be done at 3 minutes slower than short runs. I consider anything over 5 miles to be distance and I'm at 9:30 + or - for 5 miles or less. But I'm running 7-8 miles at an 11 minute mile or so. Does that mean I should be sub 9s for under 5 miles? I can not even imagine running that fast.

    sorry i'm a little slow on the response here, but wanted to throw in a little perspective on this one -- be careful not to calculate it "backwards" (for lack of a better term). you should base it on whatever you're capable of doing for the "short" runs, and then add 3 minutes to that pace for longer runs -- and the term "longer" is all relative, as several others have mentioned here.

    what RW is saying is that it's okay to "slow down" 3 minutes in pace for those longer runs, and you're still training good. i'm not a good example, but right now i would probably run 10 miles at pace that would only be about 45 sec - 1 min slower than a short run pace. however, if i was truly making it an "easy" or "long" run, i should give myslef that 3 min slack.

    here's the tricky part -- the calculation doesn't work back the other way. you don't take your long run pace and then subtract 3 min to come up with what your short run pace should be. if i did that calculation, my short run pace would be way too fast -- i'd be running with the Kenyans (and trust me, that's only in my dreams!)

    I'd venture to guess that most of us (and I mean most casual runners in general) don't truly slow ourselves down the full 3 min for our true long runs. remember all the talk about competitiveness in the posts today? and speaking for myself, even if i tell myself i'm going to go nice and easy, by the time i get back i'll probably see that it wasn't at a pace that was 3 min slower. but the point is, we really should consider slowing down that significantly, to let those long runs be nice, easy miles that are building our base, while saving up some energy to hit those short, tempo, interval, etc. runs that much harder.

    i hope that helps, and doesn't just confuse the issue. lots of good stuff in this thread, and i'm enjoying reading all the posts.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Just ran a quick 4.5, felt pretty good, my calves were really tight from cycling though... have a great day all, I feel outta the loop, I haven't had much time to read the responses, I hope everyone is doing well! :happy:

    ~Leash :heart: