MFP Runner's Club



  • Luv_2_Run
    Luv_2_Run Posts: 9
    Finished my 10K with a time of 57:41. It was my first road and trail race. The trails kicked my butt. I've never run on anything but road before, but I still finished in under an hour so I'm proud of myself. My legs are sore today though so I just walked for 2 miles instead of running. I plan on getting a good run in tomorrow.
  • ldbenincasa
    I am so glad that I found this group! Your stories are all so inspirational and it's good to hear how hard others are working. I wish I had a running group in my area. I do meet up with a couple of friends at races, but we never run together just to train. Anyway, I wanted to report that I got a new 5K PR this morning. I ran it in 32:17, beating my previous PR of 34:30 (set 9 weeks ago) by 2 minutes 13 seconds. This was my 9th 5K and I was really hoping to get under 34, so you can imagine how happy I am to have improved by so much.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    One good side effect of today's run is that I get 2000 extra calories today! :happy:

    Just out of curiosity, how do you guys eat 2,000 extra calories? I'm thinking ice cream, pizza, popcorn, cake... but I'm sure you don't just pig out :laugh: Just wondering because I have never burned nearly that many...or nearly half that many :laugh: AWESOME job, everyone! :flowerforyou:

    It is pretty tricky when you eat a very whole food diet. I have learned to "drink" some of those calories. It is pretty easy to drink 500 calories or more when you add some chocolate milk (great for recovery)and gatorade. To add to the challenge, I am not very hungry when I burn over 700 calories in one run. So I'll just eat a ton of small but healthy meals on those days. Raw almonds are a great high calorie snack. I think 20 raw almonds are about 200 calories.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Completed my longest distance yet...8 miles and when I finished I asked if it really was 8 miles since it felt easy! Haha. I love running with Team in Training-such good motivators and we played some games while running which was fun and distracting! I had taken 4 days off and I think that helped tremendously!!

    Isn't that an awesome feeling! I still remember the first time I ran 6 miles. I came home, jumped into my car, and drove the route I had just run. Good for you:heart:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Finished my 10K with a time of 57:41. It was my first road and trail race. The trails kicked my butt. I've never run on anything but road before, but I still finished in under an hour so I'm proud of myself. My legs are sore today though so I just walked for 2 miles instead of running. I plan on getting a good run in tomorrow.

    Way to go!:drinker: Very good time too!:flowerforyou:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I am so glad that I found this group! Your stories are all so inspirational and it's good to hear how hard others are working. I wish I had a running group in my area. I do meet up with a couple of friends at races, but we never run together just to train. Anyway, I wanted to report that I got a new 5K PR this morning. I ran it in 32:17, beating my previous PR of 34:30 (set 9 weeks ago) by 2 minutes 13 seconds. This was my 9th 5K and I was really hoping to get under 34, so you can imagine how happy I am to have improved by so much.

    Thanks for sharing your story:flowerforyou: You are inspiring!
  • presariofaded
    I finished week 2 of couch to 5k today! yes!!! :happy:
    now im going on an 18 mile bike ride around my neighborhood. i love exploring haha =)
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    One good side effect of today's run is that I get 2000 extra calories today! :happy:

    Just out of curiosity, how do you guys eat 2,000 extra calories? I'm thinking ice cream, pizza, popcorn, cake... but I'm sure you don't just pig out :laugh: Just wondering because I have never burned nearly that many...or nearly half that many :laugh: AWESOME job, everyone! :flowerforyou:

    It's interesting that you ask that because my daughter and I were talking about it after our run. The truth is that we went over our calories a little the day before because we made pasta for dinner in preparation for our long run (a little carbo loading). We were talking about how if you counted from the evening of Friday to the evening of Saturday after our long run as a day, we probably ate the right number of calories, but as I logged them on Saturday, I was a little short in calories for the day. Anyway, I'm not going to worry about it. I figure it all averages out okay.

    p.s. I agree with using Body Glide. My daughter's boyfriend was filling out some kind of running survey and it asked the question, "What part of your body has never seen Body Glide?" His answer was, "my face!"
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good Monday morning:flowerforyou:

    A much needed rest day for me. Had a very brisk walk and did some pilates(trying something new).

    Enjoy the day
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Good morning!
    Well -- after 2 rest days I finally got back out yesterday. I was very ready! Unfortunately the weather did not want to cooperate. Left the house with storm clouds -- got to the park and the bottom dropped out. Waited a bit and decided to run in the rain -- as we started we saw several rainbows -- so we danced around at the foot of the rainbow looking for gold and deciding it was a sign of a good run! WRONG!!!! We were going to do 15 miles -- the loop we run is 5.3 miles. At about mile 7 it started to get dark when it should've still been daylight. We figured another rain storm -- NOPE! How about a crazy lightning storm! IT WAS SCARY! For most of the last 3 miles the water was at least ankle deep -- and my legs are killing me from trying to high step through the "river". Then the lightning started booming all around. I felt like someone in a hockey mask was going to jump out of the woods at any moment -- good thing I didn't have on high heels! Of course we were smack in the middle of the course and had no choice but to complete the run. On a happy note -- Luckily I am able to write about it today -- whew! Finished 10.6 miles! Will try for 15 next week -- weather permitting!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good Morning Runners!

    Its so good to see all the new faces....and it looks like I missed some really great "stuff" this weekend. Congrats to all of you! I'm always amazed when I read what others are inspirational!

    On Saturday I took my 9 year old niece out to the track with me for a run. She had been excited about it for awhile and had been asking me if she could go. She spent the weekend with us so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity and some good bonding time for us.

    Well, I was a little scared that I was going to be too slow for know how these "young people" are with their thin bodies and fast metabolisms (and her long legs - she's taller than me).

    But, I smoked her :laugh:

    Don't get me wrong....I wasn't trying to compete with her (she's only 9), I was trying to teach her to run properly (and of course she didn't listen). So, when we first started she ran ahead for like 5 minutes, then had to walk the rest of the way. I ended up going 2 laps to her 1.

    Then the skies opened up and it poured the rain so we sprinted the last lap to get to covering. I passed her and she said "what the heck? I should just get on your back, I'd get there faster" :laugh:

    It felt good to spend time with her and I'm so glad I was able to give her some new experiences. She would be so good if she just practiced so I'm hoping my love of running (or any kind of exercise) will rub off on her. Especially since her mother does not believe in exercise or eating healthy and she's in danger of becoming overweight.

    And I was so proud of myself. This is the first time I have ever ran with someone in my entire life (and I'm 41). I realized just how far I have come and that hey, I just might be able to do that 5k. (ok, so I'm getting a little teary/emotional).

    It was good. She gave me renewed strength and belief in myself. And last night she did an hours worth of strength training with me - though she didnt go the whole time, she did really really well.

    My weekend was awesome.

    Thanks for listening to me if you got this far.

    Happy Running my runner friends!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    CONGRATS Annaliza! Great job! :flowerforyou: You should be so proud of your accomplishments -- and it sounds like you've really had a positive impact on the life of your niece. Who knew so many good things would come of this lil' ole running thing :)
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Congrats Annaliza! Running alone has to be the toughest way to take up running. I don't think I would have made it had I not been in running groups for the first couple of years running. Now that I train alone I definitely miss my group (especially on long run days:cry: )

    Today is rest day for me. I had a great long run yesterday (14K) did a new loop and enjoyed it. I probably ran it a little fast for a long run and was feeling it last night but after some good stretching and a nice rub down with Arnica feeling great this morning.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    CONGRATS Annaliza! Great job! :flowerforyou: You should be so proud of your accomplishments -- and it sounds like you've really had a positive impact on the life of your niece. Who knew so many good things would come of this lil' ole running thing :)

    I know....if I would have known how great running was, I would have been running years and years ago!

    Thanks :smile:

    Duffy, I agree...running alone is hard! Wish I had a running group in my area.
  • Renee973
    Renee973 Posts: 28
    Thalli, congratulations on your long run and yay for all those calories you get to consume :drinker:
    I also had my longest run, sooo glad that I woke up and did it this morning. It truly marked a milestone for me, I ran my first half marathon distance :flowerforyou:

    It was a little emotional for me. I met the running group in the park and had told them that if I could do 13.1 i would be elated. So, they had all finished their 10-12 miles and I continued to run and my watch beeped at 13 while they were in sight. I screamed and raised my hands in the air and when I came back to the shelter they were all sitting under, they all started clapping for me, it was... .AWESOME!!!
    These people are serious runners and to even be anywhere in their league is an honor. I have found such a sense of community amongst runners and I love it!!! Ooh and I finished in just under 2 hours which is way faster than any of my other long runs.
    My knee is sore so I'm going to ice it and elevate it while relaxing on the couch. But I couldn't wait to tell you guys. You are all inspirational to me and I love hearing what everyone is doing.

    CONGRATULATIONS, WW!!:flowerforyou: I can only imagine the feeling of achieving a goal like that! And you're seems like runners are always so team-oriented and supportive of each other. I guess they realize how effective the support can be when you need that last little push to keep you going. :smile:
  • Renee973
    Renee973 Posts: 28
    Not a very effective weekend for me. I ate too much and drank too much and did not enough exercise. :ohwell: This is week 2 of my training and I am looking forward to getting back on track so that I can run that 5k and keep up with my boyfriend in September. :smile: I'll be posting to let you know if I survive day 1 of week 2. Have a good day everyone!!:flowerforyou:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Thalli, congratulations on your long run and yay for all those calories you get to consume :drinker:
    I also had my longest run, sooo glad that I woke up and did it this morning. It truly marked a milestone for me, I ran my first half marathon distance :flowerforyou:

    It was a little emotional for me. I met the running group in the park and had told them that if I could do 13.1 i would be elated. So, they had all finished their 10-12 miles and I continued to run and my watch beeped at 13 while they were in sight. I screamed and raised my hands in the air and when I came back to the shelter they were all sitting under, they all started clapping for me, it was... .AWESOME!!!
    These people are serious runners and to even be anywhere in their league is an honor. I have found such a sense of community amongst runners and I love it!!! Ooh and I finished in just under 2 hours which is way faster than any of my other long runs.
    My knee is sore so I'm going to ice it and elevate it while relaxing on the couch. But I couldn't wait to tell you guys. You are all inspirational to me and I love hearing what everyone is doing.

    GREAT JOB!!! Can't wait to conquer that goal -- was going to try this weekend but the weather didn't cooperate.

    Quick question -- need to get a garmin to track my run -- what do you use? Or anyone else for that matter -- is this a watch that beeps every mile? Sounds like something I need!!! Yet another item this board has caused me to "need" :bigsmile:
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Rest day for me today. May work out tonight if I have some time. Run tomorrow.

    I am also a big fan of Body Glide to prevent chafing. Inner thighs and nipples fairly routinely, other places depending on running conditions, distance, what I'm wearing.

    As far as exercise calories, I tend to spread them out over the week. To use the 2000 calorie example, I may only eat 1200-1500 that day, and save the other 500-800 for the next day. It averages out over the week, you get in more of a routine because your diet isn't changing dramatically from long run days to rest days, - if you have a long hard run, you probably still need a little something extra for recovery the next day, even if it is a rest day ( and for me, it helps avoid the 'bad food choices/ snack like crazy' eating habits because 'I have some many calories to make up').
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Awesome runs everyone! Yesterday was a rest day. Today is cross training.

    I was enabled and peer pressured into getting the new INSANITY workout series! :laugh: The comments made by other runners that their times were improving pushed me over the edge!

    Annaliza ~ I think it's awesome that you run alone. That is my next *hurdle* to conquer.

    Julie ~glad you made it home okay! Sounds scary! I just map my runs at map my run and note distances then keep time with my watch.

    Happy running everyone!

    btw~any Raymond sightings yet???????
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Quick question -- need to get a garmin to track my run -- what do you use? Or anyone else for that matter -- is this a watch that beeps every mile? Sounds like something I need!!! Yet another item this board has caused me to "need" :bigsmile:

    I LOVE my Garmin Forerunner 205. We've been together for about a year now.:love: I am not sure how I ever ran without her. I named her Kelly.:laugh:

    You decide when/if you want to hear beeps. It can be set to beep at a certain distance, time, or pace. If you get the 305 with the hr monitor, it will beep at a certain heart rate too.

    My favorite feature is the virtual training partner. I too run alone but I don't feel like it when I use this feature. I can tell the watch how I want to run (time/distance, pace/distance, or time/pace) and it will show me how far ahead of, how far behind, or if I am beside my training partner.

    There are so many cool features. Ask away and I'll tell you if it does it.:tongue: