MFP Runner's Club



  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Wahoo!! Finished couch to 5k week 4 tonight. Boy, what a change from Monday (when I almost lost my lunch on the side of the road) to tonight! :bigsmile: I'm almost halfway done with Couch to 5k, and it was exactly one month ago today that I started!

    Also, weighed in at a pound and a quarter less today:happy: than last week despite a weekend (last weekend) of lousy food choices at a friend's wedding, and the 5 scoop friendly's sundae (I "only" ate 3 scoops) my boyfriend brought me the other night as a peace offering... 5 scoops!?!?:noway: He must have been REALLY sorry! :laugh:

    All in all, a wonderful week! :love:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the site. I love to run and I have been running for 3 years now. I've lost a total of 80 pounds doing it. I'm training for my first half marathon in October. I have just started running 10K's, tomorrow I'm running my 3rd. I'm hoping to improve my race times, although I have been unable to run all week because of sickness and cramps, but I'm still going to try. It will probably be a tough start but I should be okay after a few miles. Wish me luck!!

    Good luck! Can't wait to hear how it goes.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Good morning Runners! I'm up bright and early and getting ready to head to the park to meet the running group. Please send me some good running vibes, I'm hoping to make this long run a milestone and hit the 13 mile mark. there is just something so exciting about actually running a half marathon distance. last week I did 12 and I'm shooting for around 13 today and next week I'll back down before increasing. I hope everyone has a wonderful start to their day! I'll report back in when I get home :tongue:
  • ElizaD
    ElizaD Posts: 27

    I am trying to get fit for my wedding next year. I'm going to start running for 30 minutes 3 to 4 times a week. But think I will need to build up by doing a fast power walk / jog intevals first, as I am a bit unfit!!

    I'm inspired by all your posts, so will be back to read more and let you know my progress :smile:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    You are so smart to do hill training. Hills are speed work in disguise. I live in a very hilly neighborhood. Every run is hilly for me. The hills will make you stronger and faster. Plus, at races I always look forward to passing people on the hills.

    For anyone interested in adding some hill workouts, be sure to have good form on the hills. There are some great articles on Runner's World about hill training.

    When you're running downhill,
    Straighten your torso out - no slouching,
    Let your feet land beneath you striking midfoot instead of heel to minimize impact to your body,
    Shorten your arm swing to shorten your stride. Learn to turn your feet over quicker to compensate for the shorter stride.
    Lean forward a little and not back to minimize the "naturally occuring braking motion" that slows you down.

    For uphill running:
    Lean forward slightly.
    Keep your head and chest up. Don't look at your feet.
    Look straight ahead. For me this means looking at the inside of my visor on hills and periodically checking to see if I am at or near the top yet. My hills are steeep.:cry:


    I'm jealous - I love a good steep hill! My normal long run loop has a good 4 hills on it but only one is seriously steep - I keep meaning to check it out at map my run usually that site does a good job of illustrating the grade. Although I think my Garmin can do the same thing, I just have never taken the time to learn that function.

    Easy 3K today and CX Burn Circuit 3 for me. Tommorrow is long run day and I'm just hoping the humidity is a little less than this morning either that or just rain - I love a good rainy long run.:drinker:
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    9 miles this morning! Could have done it without that mid run break, but one of my running pals had bleeding feet!!! So when we swung by my house we made a 1st aid stop, bandaged her up and off we went to finish! I was so impressed with her determination to keep going no matter what! Sending her to the running store for new shoes and socks this weekend! We kept a good pace...10 minute miles for the whole thing. Most of the bad hills were in the 1st half, just a few inclines and short hills for the second half. I also can't find a flat run, so hills are in almost every run. I hope that means I will be extra fast on a flat race course!

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Good Morning! :flowerforyou:

    Did what was supposed to be an easy 3 miles today...humidity got the better of me, though. I didn't start out until after 10 and by that time it was already 80%+ humidity. I have to be very careful on these days (asthma + allergies + humidity + pushing too hard = BAD things), so I started out pretty easy. Hit the wall with a little over a half mile left, so I just power walked the rest. Still got in a good workout, though.

    But here is the kicker...if you notice in my signature, my 5K time was 34:30. My time today, at what felt like a snail's pace and including the walk was 35:47. That means I must be getting faster than I thought! Whoo hoo!

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • Emmyleww
    Emmyleww Posts: 278
    Good Morning! Went for a run this morning set out to do 3 miles ended up pushing my running buddy to do 3.5 miles. I know not a big jump but more than we've done. We were a bit slower than normal which is hard for me to swallow but it's better than nothing.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    6.5 mile run for me!! YAY! Felt great after a week off! Of course, I've been doing the Insanity workouts so it's not like I was resting. :laugh: But there's nothing like a good run! Ran w/ my buddies and nice to catch up! Then went to swim- 1,200 yds. Stopped at Panera bread for a whole grain bagel and coffee. YUMMY! :bigsmile:

    Have a super Saturday!

    And I LOVE hills!! I always pass people on the hills. But be careful to stretch your achilles tendons well, I developed a case of AT after doing a lot of hill running. :wink:
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    Today was my longest run ever! I went 15.5 miles. It was a beautiful run along the waterfront of my city on a beautiful day. I felt pretty good until the last few as it was getting warm by then. I still finished though. I'm training to run my first marathon in October. I've run several half-marathons and I've done one marathon before, but I ran/walked (mostly walked) it, so this time is much more challenging for me. One good side effect of today's run is that I get 2000 extra calories today! :happy:
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Thalli, congratulations on your long run and yay for all those calories you get to consume :drinker:
    I also had my longest run, sooo glad that I woke up and did it this morning. It truly marked a milestone for me, I ran my first half marathon distance :flowerforyou:

    It was a little emotional for me. I met the running group in the park and had told them that if I could do 13.1 i would be elated. So, they had all finished their 10-12 miles and I continued to run and my watch beeped at 13 while they were in sight. I screamed and raised my hands in the air and when I came back to the shelter they were all sitting under, they all started clapping for me, it was... .AWESOME!!!
    These people are serious runners and to even be anywhere in their league is an honor. I have found such a sense of community amongst runners and I love it!!! Ooh and I finished in just under 2 hours which is way faster than any of my other long runs.
    My knee is sore so I'm going to ice it and elevate it while relaxing on the couch. But I couldn't wait to tell you guys. You are all inspirational to me and I love hearing what everyone is doing.
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    Congratulations Willywonka you rock! :drinker: I know exactly what you mean about the elation. I always dread the long runs, but feel so great afterwards. When I got home today, my husband was watching the end of an iron man competition on television and they were showing all the people who finished, including a 72 year old woman. I was so amazed. The winner of the competition took over eight hours to finish, and the last place person took sixteen hours. I was so impressed by those people, it was really inspiring. I can't imagine ever doing what they did, but then again if you'd have told me I'd be training for a marathon a few years back, I'd have probably laughed in your face.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    7 HOT, humid miles for me this morning.

    Enjoy the day
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    I hear you!! back in Florida for 7.25 hot, sticky miles this morning. I miss those cool hill runs in Canada already.
    Happy Running everybody!
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Morning all. Got in 7 miles this morning. It was cloudy and perfect temperature... YES!!!

    But the nipple burn monster attacked during the run, and I realized it after I saw the huge blood spot on my bright white shirt. Ouch. Those things SUCK!!! Any advice on avoiding this very annoying side effect of running long runs?
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    BODY GLIDE does wonders!!! Ouch :grumble: and i do think they make something specifically for ummmm nipples :laugh:
    good job on the run!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    One good side effect of today's run is that I get 2000 extra calories today! :happy:

    Just out of curiosity, how do you guys eat 2,000 extra calories? I'm thinking ice cream, pizza, popcorn, cake... but I'm sure you don't just pig out :laugh: Just wondering because I have never burned nearly that many...or nearly half that many :laugh: AWESOME job, everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Morning all. Got in 7 miles this morning. It was cloudy and perfect temperature... YES!!!

    But the nipple burn monster attacked during the run, and I realized it after I saw the huge blood spot on my bright white shirt. Ouch. Those things SUCK!!! Any advice on avoiding this very annoying side effect of running long runs?

    Another vote for Body Glide! It works amazing...when you remember to apply it to all chafe prone areas!:tongue:

    And maybe for that specific aids? Tom/Raymond ~ suggestions???

    I gave myself a really good chafe burn on the under side of my arm yesterday. Gol-darn, but it DOES hurt!!!
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Completed my longest distance yet...8 miles and when I finished I asked if it really was 8 miles since it felt easy! Haha. I love running with Team in Training-such good motivators and we played some games while running which was fun and distracting! I had taken 4 days off and I think that helped tremendously!!

    Also I have been getting a donation letter back EVERY day this week which is amazing and I had a fundraiser dinner in my hometown which netted 150. I also just organized 3 fundraising events in August that I think will go really well! Only about 1200 more dollars to go!! :drinker: