MFP Runner's Club



  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Well...root canal is complete....but recovery is very painful! :sick: Still did 5.5 miles this morning. Felt very queazy after -- must be the lack of food and surplus of pain meds. hoping I will feel better tomorrow!

    Glad you survived and way to go for getting in your run this morning. A root canal sounds like a good excuse not to.:laugh:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    After 4100 + miles and 2 weeks of traveling back from vacation and back to training. I registered for a 10 miler and Half yesterday. I'll be using my old Running Room Half Training program so forgive me I'll be logging in KM. Today 5K Tempo Run.

    Good job!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Haven't posted in a while...but i got in a good 4.5 miles yesterday. I am trying to stick to a training calendar but I am finding it very difficult to do so with my work schedule. Happy Tuesday all! :flowerforyou:
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Julie, you're a maniac! I can't believe you ran this morning! That's terrific! :smile:

    I managed to get in 6.25 today in 62:30. A little slower than before the accident, but my 1st real run in 10 days so I was happy. I wore my new dri Fit! I love it! I will be ordering more today.

    Have a great day!

  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Becky, I've been looking at some dry fit shirts (with all this talk of clothing, I decided that I needed some new ones lol - wait til my hubby finds out) so I guess I'm going to get some :laugh: since you seem to really like them. Where do you get them from? What name brand do you like? I've looked on ebay but I'm not sure that's the best option since I would want something new...

    Now I just have to figure out what shorts to get...

    Plan to do a 3.5 mile run tonight after I get done teaching at the prison. This is my second to last class for the summer and I'm really looking forward to finally being able to enjoy my summer. I only have a month to enjoy it before the semester starts up again and I have to teach, but I'll take what I can get.

    Can anyone recommend gels to take on long runs? There's so many different there some that are better than others (nutrition and taste wise)?

    Thanks all and happy running!
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Hey everyone, I have a question that hopefully there are some good answers to.

    Not that long ago, I used to be into weight lifting pretty heavy and had some good muscle mass on me. Since taking up running, I have dropped a lot of bad body fat, but also a ton of muscle mass.

    Does anyone know of any way to regain the muscle (just kind of miss how it looks) but not hamper my training for the 1/2 in September? Is it even possible? I don't mind devoting the time to both, but I don't want to hurt the progress so far and seem to enjoy the running more than the lifting.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Can anyone recommend gels to take on long runs? There's so many different there some that are better than others (nutrition and taste wise)?

    Thanks all and happy running!

    Welcome back:flowerforyou:

    How long are you going to be running? I find that I do just fine without gels etc on my long runs, about 1:15 now. Last year when I was training for the half and started running for 2 hours, I still could not bring myself to try the gels and felt just fine using sports jelly beans. Of course, I eat and enormous breakfast 2 hours before my long runs.

    Good to see you back
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey everyone, I have a question that hopefully there are some good answers to.

    Not that long ago, I used to be into weight lifting pretty heavy and had some good muscle mass on me. Since taking up running, I have dropped a lot of bad body fat, but also a ton of muscle mass.

    Does anyone know of any way to regain the muscle (just kind of miss how it looks) but not hamper my training for the 1/2 in September? Is it even possible? I don't mind devoting the time to both, but I don't want to hurt the progress so far and seem to enjoy the running more than the lifting.

    Keep in mind that longer distance running requires those long lean muscles versus big powerful muscles. Those big powerful muscles need to be fed more often so they probably wouldn't be a burden for short distance running but may be a pain for a longer distance like the half. Why not lift on your rest days? Run 3 or 4 days and lift 3 - targeting your non-running muscles. It'll give you some definition as well as keep you from getting injured running. Some running injuries are caused by an imbalance in strength (eg very strong quads and very weak hamstrings). Pilates on your rest days may be another option?

  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Hey everyone, I have a question that hopefully there are some good answers to.

    Not that long ago, I used to be into weight lifting pretty heavy and had some good muscle mass on me. Since taking up running, I have dropped a lot of bad body fat, but also a ton of muscle mass.

    Does anyone know of any way to regain the muscle (just kind of miss how it looks) but not hamper my training for the 1/2 in September? Is it even possible? I don't mind devoting the time to both, but I don't want to hurt the progress so far and seem to enjoy the running more than the lifting.

    Keep in mind that longer distance running requires those long lean muscles versus big powerful muscles. Those big powerful muscles need to be fed more often so they probably wouldn't be a burden for short distance running but may be a pain for a longer distance like the half. Why not lift on your rest days? Run 3 or 4 days and lift 3 - targeting your non-running muscles. It'll give you some definition as well as keep you from getting injured running. Some running injuries are caused by an imbalance in strength (eg very strong quads and very weak hamstrings). Pilates on your rest days may be another option?


    Thanks. I have always had very strong legs, from 11 years of martial arts and lots of weight training. I have been intentionally not lifting with my legs since I figured they were taking to much oxygen from the rest of my body while running. It's the upper body that I am trying to focus on. I do lift on my rest days, but even the day after a heavy lift, I feel like I am drained while running. Is this normal? Or is it that I am trying to push myself to hard maybe? I'm not really the pilates type, but am always willing to give something a real shot if it works and does not interfere with my objectives.

    Do you think it is a good idea to not lift the lower body and continue lifting the upper body? Keep in mind there is no real chance of my lower body getting to weak, or not for a good long time anyway. :glasses:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Can anyone recommend gels to take on long runs? There's so many different there some that are better than others (nutrition and taste wise)?

    Thanks all and happy running!

    Welcome back:flowerforyou:

    How long are you going to be running? I find that I do just fine without gels etc on my long runs, about 1:15 now. Last year when I was training for the half and started running for 2 hours, I still could not bring myself to try the gels and felt just fine using sports jelly beans. Of course, I eat and enormous breakfast 2 hours before my long runs.

    Good to see you back

    sports jelly beans? never heard of such a thing. I take hard candy to keep my mouth from getting dry on my long run (1h30min). Tried carrying a water bottle but it made my shoulder sore. Please tell me more :happy:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member

    I do lift on my rest days, but even the day after a heavy lift, I feel like I am drained while running. Is this normal? Or is it that I am trying to push myself to hard maybe? I'm not really the pilates type, but am always willing to give something a real shot if it works and does not interfere with my objectives.

    Do you think it is a good idea to not lift the lower body and continue lifting the upper body? Keep in mind there is no real chance of my lower body getting to weak, or not for a good long time anyway. :glasses:

    I am no expert on lifting.:wink: I too lift on my off days. I would think you would be tired running the day after heavy lifting. A personal trainer once recommended I focus on the number of reps and sets but not the weight. She had me lift enough weight that I was struggling by reps 10-12 but not so tired that I could not repeat those reps for 3 more set. I still do that. I pick 2 non-running muscles and I alternate muscles between reps until I've done both muscles for 4 sets.

    :smile: My compulsive self says still do the leg work - just not the parts that are getting used when you run.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Can anyone recommend gels to take on long runs? There's so many different there some that are better than others (nutrition and taste wise)?

    Thanks all and happy running!

    Welcome back:flowerforyou:

    How long are you going to be running? I find that I do just fine without gels etc on my long runs, about 1:15 now. Last year when I was training for the half and started running for 2 hours, I still could not bring myself to try the gels and felt just fine using sports jelly beans. Of course, I eat and enormous breakfast 2 hours before my long runs.

    Good to see you back

    Jelly beans??? Ohhhhh, that sounds good!! I've never heard of them. Wow..they look good! Like good for you How many do you usually eat before a run? Do you eat them during a run, too?

    On my long runs, I only run about an hour but I noticed that I get so thirsty and tired towards the end. I was hoping that the gels would be much easier to carry with me than bottles of water. Or maybe they would give me a little boost of energy that water just doesn't do. Maybe I'm thinking wrong or misunderstanding what gels do?

    All this gear...gotta love it! Running is not free lol. I laugh at myself when I go out for a run and I'm "gearing up". Golly, there's a bunch that I'm just learning about!

    Thanks for all your help Kechie. You are the greatest!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Can anyone recommend gels to take on long runs? There's so many different there some that are better than others (nutrition and taste wise)?

    Thanks all and happy running!

    Welcome back:flowerforyou:

    How long are you going to be running? I find that I do just fine without gels etc on my long runs, about 1:15 now. Last year when I was training for the half and started running for 2 hours, I still could not bring myself to try the gels and felt just fine using sports jelly beans. Of course, I eat and enormous breakfast 2 hours before my long runs.

    Good to see you back

    sports jelly beans? never heard of such a thing. I take hard candy to keep my mouth from getting dry on my long run (1h30min). Tried carrying a water bottle but it made my shoulder sore. Please tell me more :happy:

    They are made by Jelly Bellies and they are so YUMMY. My supermarket has them in the section with the Cliff Bars and the Luna Bars. If your supermarket doesn't have them, check online or in a running store. I got some in a race packet one day and I was hooked.
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jelly beans??? Ohhhhh, that sounds good!! I've never heard of them. Wow..they look good! Like good for you How many do you usually eat before a run? Do you eat them during a run, too?

    On my long runs, I only run about an hour but I noticed that I get so thirsty and tired towards the end. I was hoping that the gels would be much easier to carry with me than bottles of water. Or maybe they would give me a little boost of energy that water just doesn't do. Maybe I'm thinking wrong or misunderstanding what gels do?

    Definitely not good for you. I think about getting a root canal when I add 100% sugar to my dry mouth on my run.:laugh: I eat them about an hour into a 2 hour run. I don't eat any before the run. I'm too busy inhaling my pancake breakfast. My favorite long run breakfast by the way. Although, I am guilty of eating a packet while watching a movie one night. I wanted a snack and it was the only thing in my pantry.:embarassed:

    Definitely hydrate the day of and before your long run. I also drink during my long runs. Not a lot - about 8 ounces. Do you have a water bottle yet? Tell your husband I'm sorry I asked about the water bottle.:frown:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Hey everyone, I have a question that hopefully there are some good answers to.

    Not that long ago, I used to be into weight lifting pretty heavy and had some good muscle mass on me. Since taking up running, I have dropped a lot of bad body fat, but also a ton of muscle mass.

    Does anyone know of any way to regain the muscle (just kind of miss how it looks) but not hamper my training for the 1/2 in September? Is it even possible? I don't mind devoting the time to both, but I don't want to hurt the progress so far and seem to enjoy the running more than the lifting.

    I enjoy the running much more than the lifting. Right now (well, I've been slacking for a couple of weeks so I'm just now getting back into it) I do strength training on my off running days with one complete rest day in between (usually Mondays since Sundays are my long runs).

    I concentrate on my upper half and figure that my lower half gets plenty of exercise running. How would that hinder you unless you plan to body build? You could train with more reps and less weight to get the lean strong muscle though from what I understand, you want big, cut muscles that men get while weight lifting.

    As you can tell, I'm no expert lol so I can only tell you what I do.

    Lol, I do understand where you are coming from though....only for me it's all this fat. The fat is hindering my running so I am working to lose it (so that I can run faster).

    I used to run to lose I'm losing weight to run LOL (if that makes any sense).

    Anyways, good luck to you. I'm sure you'll find a good balance between muscle mass and running. Sorry I couldn't be more help but I'm kind of on the talkative side today :tongue:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Warning: The extreme sport jelly beans have caffeine.:noway: I use the Sport Beans.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809

    Definitely not good for you. I think about getting a root canal when I add 100% sugar to my dry mouth on my run.:laugh: I eat them about an hour into a 2 hour run. I don't eat any before the run. I'm too busy inhaling my pancake breakfast. My favorite long run breakfast by the way. Although, I am guilty of eating a packet while watching a movie one night. I wanted a snack and it was the only thing in my pantry.:embarassed:

    Definitely hydrate the day of and before your long run. I also drink during my long runs. Not a lot - about 8 ounces. Do you have a water bottle yet? Tell your husband I'm sorry I asked about the water bottle.:frown:

    LOL - He'll just have to get over it. I need my gear :tongue: I already told him I'm getting one with a waist pack - one that I will eventually attach the dog to on a leash (oh yea, I got a new running dog by the way!!!). He didn't argue too much...I make all the money in my household :tongue:

    I worry about hydrating before my run. What do you guys do when you have to go to the bathroom? I've had 4 kids and a weak bladder so I worry about filling up too much with water (which is another reason why I'm interested in gels).
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Warning: The extreme sport jelly beans have caffeine.:noway: I use the Sport Beans.

    Wow -- they just keep sounding better and better :bigsmile:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Warning: The extreme sport jelly beans have caffeine.:noway: I use the Sport Beans.


    Can eat jelly beans instead of coffee, too!! LOL
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Warning: The extreme sport jelly beans have caffeine.:noway: I use the Sport Beans.

    I also use the Jelly Belly Sport beans, I like the orange and lemon lime flavor. They sell them at most supermarkets in the nutrition section (with the energy gels, drinks, etc).

    I used to use gels when marathon training and got soooo sick of them. The sport beans are much better. :wink:
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