MFP Runner's Club



  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Had a great, very hilly, very hot 10k race this morning! I broke out of my 10-min mile routine and ran 9.37/min. miles to finish in 59.43. My best time ever! Woo-hoo!

    My 11yo daughter ran her first race, a 1 miler in 7.21. I'm so proud of her! I just know she is going to smoke me in a 5k any day now.....

    Happy weekend to all!

    Jodi - Congratulations on your 10k PR. Well done!:drinker:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I ran a slow 4 1/4 miles this morning but it felt like 241/4! I feel like I'm just old and falling apart! Just one thing after the other; my hip is killin again, somethings wrong with my knee, and plantar flac.... Dont know how to spell it! I love running so much and I feel like maybe I wasn't meant to run. Anyone else fighting off numerous injuries? Sorry I'm so sad...:frown:

    Christine, I hope you get better soon.:flowerforyou:

    I too have plantar fasciitis. I have never seen a doctor about it but here are some things that work for me:

    I stopped walking around barefoot. I used to walk around barefoot most of the time. Now I try to never walk around barefoot.

    Whenever I think about it (sitting at my desk, lying in bed, anywhere) I flex my foot, hold it, and then relax it.

    I found the right running shoes and I keep them replaced. It took me 3 tries to find the right shoe but once I found it my heel pain went away right away.

    I saw a recommendation to replace your shoes at 500 miles. Mine never last that long. Like clockwork around 250 - 300 miles I start having minor aches in my shins and heels. The longer I wear those shoes the more my shins and heels hurt. After I replace my shoes, the problems go away.

    I am also careful not to overtrain. If I get too ambitious in training, my running form suffers. I saw this last year when I tried to run over 30 miles a week. The running store told me the wear pattern on the bottom of my shoes revealed that I was a toe striker and dragging my heels.:noway: I got on the treadmill in the running store and was told that I had great running form which left us both puzzled by the wear pattern on my shoes. One day when I was out for a 2 hour run I noticed a weird sound (the sound of me dragging my heels because I was so tired I could not maintain good form).

    I have also had some minor problems with hip pain in the past. For me, it was because I ran like a girl.:laugh: My husband, not a doctor, observed this while watching me in a race. At first, I thought it was a compliment. Until I mentioned it to a personal trainer... Apparently, some women have a natural tendency to sway their hips when they run. Some more than others... This swaying is not a good thing and caused my hip pain.

    Sorry this post is so long. I hope you get better soon.:heart:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hi runners!! Early 6 mile run for me today. Ran w/ a friend and we got chased by a dog for a little ways! :grumble: Were going for 5 miles, but took a little longer route to miss the dog on the way back so went for 6. :bigsmile:

    This week will be sort of a recovery week. Saturday is the big day... Olympic distance tri! :bigsmile:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Today is a rest day for me. Tomorrow, I start week 3 of Couch to 5k and I can't wait!!

    Also, as of today, I am officially registered for my first 5k!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i ran for 15 minutes today. i was sure i was going to run more than that. but i think my sports bra/shirt was too tight. i think it slowed me down because i had a hard time breathing. gonna try for more tommorow!
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Kelynn--congrats on the 5K-you will do great!!

    Today was a rest day. Ive been focusing on fundraising all day-trying to drum up some fun activities to do and how to bring some money in. If anyone has any good ideas I'd love to hear them!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Thanks... I've very hopeful/nervous/anxious/excited!!
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Had a great, very hilly, very hot 10k race this morning! I broke out of my 10-min mile routine and ran 9.37/min. miles to finish in 59.43. My best time ever! Woo-hoo!

    My 11yo daughter ran her first race, a 1 miler in 7.21. I'm so proud of her! I just know she is going to smoke me in a 5k any day now.....

    Happy weekend to all!

    Awesome job on your 10K, Jodi! That's a nice time! Congrats to your daughter, too. That's great that she's running, too. I beg my 8-year old son to try the 1-mile fun runs, but he flat out refuses. I can't blame him - I always despised running up until a few years ago! :bigsmile:
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Ran my 14-mile long run today. I felt pretty good - no stomach issues, which is a rarity no matter what distance I run! :blushing: Tonight I'm feeling it pretty bad in my knees, though. They are both very stiff and achy. Any suggestions?

    Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!
  • jodi0117
    jodi0117 Posts: 57 Member
    Had a great, very hilly, very hot 10k race this morning! I broke out of my 10-min mile routine and ran 9.37/min. miles to finish in 59.43. My best time ever! Woo-hoo!

    My 11yo daughter ran her first race, a 1 miler in 7.21. I'm so proud of her! I just know she is going to smoke me in a 5k any day now.....

    Happy weekend to all!

    Awesome job on your 10K, Jodi! That's a nice time! Congrats to your daughter, too. That's great that she's running, too. I beg my 8-year old son to try the 1-mile fun runs, but he flat out refuses. I can't blame him - I always despised running up until a few years ago! :bigsmile:

    Thanks! My 8yo boy says he wants to run with me, but gets a side "stitch" about 100 steps in every time! Hopefully he will grow out of that. My daughter is very competitive and she is actually really fast on short distances--as long as she is interested I intend to help her out. I have a feeling if she starts winning medals/prizes at races, she'll be hooked!

    I hated running up until a few years ago, too. I can remember when running a mile in high school seemed like such a HUGE deal!
  • jodi0117
    jodi0117 Posts: 57 Member
    Today is a rest day for me. Tomorrow, I start week 3 of Couch to 5k and I can't wait!!

    Also, as of today, I am officially registered for my first 5k!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Excellent choice to sign up for that 5k--there is nothing more motivating for me than to have a race coming up!

    Have fun with that training!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Thanks- that was my thought, too. I marked it on the calendar even before I started day 1 of couch to 5k, but wanted to see if couch to 5k was really as awesome as everyone said. Now that I know it is, I'm running that 5k no matter what!!:bigsmile: I will even buy myself a new running outfit for the big day as a means of rewarding myself... I already decided :wink: :laugh:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!

    I'm back from vacation...I had a really great time.

    I did manage to run on my vacation, but did it later in the week. I noticed something though....if I go 5 days without running, it seems so hard to get back into the swing of things. I mean I was struggling to do 3 miles when normally it wasn't a problem. Maybe my heart wasn't in it....I'm not really sure why.

    Anyways, I just wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing. I'm glad to be back and look forward to a 3 mile run this evening.

    Happy Running everyone!
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    On vacation in Canada for two weeks, visiting my childhood home. We lived next to a 200 acre park- miles of woodland trails overlooking the ocean. Had a great run there yesterday with my son - made me feel like a kid again (if you ignore the sore heel and stiff back:laugh: ) It's raining today, so I am having trouble getting him out the door. Maybe later.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Good morning... No running today, it's a rest day.

    We did run 4.5 yesterday in the nice hot Philadelphia sunshine!! Both me and my running partner were dehydrated halfway thru... Not very good planning on our part. :mad:

    Oh well, we live and learn!!!
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning fellow runners. I ran a mile yesterday and it felt ok for the most part. I ran on a soft track so it was not my normal run on concrete so it wasn't so bad. I woke up this morning and my shin hurts a little but it is not in the spot it has been hurting. It is a little higher up on my shin right in the middle not the lower part. I guess I will have to continue working the PT, sports med doctor and now maybe I will have to go see a podiatrist to figure this out. I have a PT appt today and the follow up with the sports med doctor next week. GGGGGRRRRRR!:mad:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I got in 10.6 miles yesterday in the pouring rain (felt like my shoes weighed 20 pounds each)-- today is a rest day. But not so restful-- have to go have a root canal -- wwooohhhhoooo :(:grumble:

    Enjoy your day!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Thanks... I've very hopeful/nervous/anxious/excited!!

    Congrats on signing up! It's motivating to have a goal. I love telling people that I'm training for a race. Not sure what I'll do after the 1/2 in Sept.....maybe a full in March...hmmmmmm :)
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!

    I got in 10.6 miles yesterday in the pouring rain (felt like my shoes weighed 20 pounds each)-- today is a rest day. But not so restful-- have to go have a root canal -- wwooohhhhoooo :(:grumble:

    Enjoy your day!

    Ouch! You poor thing!

    I'll be thinking of you....good luck with the root canal!
  • jodi0117
    jodi0117 Posts: 57 Member
    5 miles for me this morning. It seems the humidity around here is getting better, so the mornings really aren't too bad if I get out early.

    I finally ordered a new pair of shoes over the weekend--can't wait 'til they get here--haven't had new ones since December! I definitely DON'T recommend waiting this long to anyone--I am very blessed not to have any injury issues because of the poor state of my current shoes!

    Happy Monday runners!
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