MFP Runner's Club



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yoga for me today. Trying my best to rest up for my tri on Sat. I hate taking it easy!!!!!!! :grumble:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    LOL - He'll just have to get over it. I need my gear :tongue: I already told him I'm getting one with a waist pack - one that I will eventually attach the dog to on a leash (oh yea, I got a new running dog by the way!!!). He didn't argue too much...I make all the money in my household :tongue:

    I worry about hydrating before my run. What do you guys do when you have to go to the bathroom? I've had 4 kids and a weak bladder so I worry about filling up too much with water (which is another reason why I'm interested in gels).

    What kind of dog did you get? I had 2 dogs a long time ago. I think I am finally over them and ready to think about getting another one. A good runner would be a plus.

    Please do not keep reading if you get grossed out reading about normal bodily functions.:smile:

    I feel for you. I only have one kid and have been spared the popular bladder issues that most multiple birth moms suffer from. Two of the women that I run with sometimes have bladder issues. One of them, we've only ever run an hour at the most. We usually make it a loop so she can either pit stop at my place or hers. There is also a supermarket along our route. She told me that wearing a tampon helps her to not have to go.? Sounds dangerous to me but again I don't have this issue. If I did, I might feel differently.

    My other running buddy brings a little bit of tp with her and has on one rare occasion gone into the woods during a 2 hour run. She also told me in confidence that during her marathons she just releases a little at a time while she is running.

    My apologies to everyone who is grossed out.
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    more on the potty long run is a 5.3 mile loop with a restroom at the start/finish. I have had occassion when I really had to go right when I started running and was surprised that the urge left me as I ran. Not sure if sweating so much made a difference or if I wasn't concentrating on having to go cause I had to concentrate on running...but whatever the reason I was able to run through it....and I have done that several times.

    I too run on a wooded trail and if need be I would hide behind a tree :blushing:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126

    My other running buddy brings a little bit of tp with her and has on one rare occasion gone into the woods during a 2 hour run. She also told me in confidence that during her marathons she just releases a little at a time while she is running.

    I'm WAY too much of a germ-a-phobe for that! :noway: I would drop out of the race... but good for her (I guess :laugh: ) for being able to do whatcha gotta do, and carry on! :tongue:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Right now I just hide behind a tree along my route (sorry guys tmi - stop reading here if it bothers you) :blushing: but what would I do in a public place like at a competition? As it is now, I wear pads just in case because sometimes I can't stop the leak. Never thought to try the tampon thing....I would think that it would be uncomfortable. But when I have to, I probably will just release a little at a time if I couldnt find a spot to go and hope that I don't embarrass myself (and pray that my pad holds).

    It is so embarrassing and hinders me but I'm trying to make the best of it since nothing short of surgery will fix it (I've been to a urologist about it). I've never talked to anyone about it (besides my dr) since it's been probably one of the most embarrassing things in my life. And it's a burden. I figure that I'm just going to have to work through it...keep up with my kegel exercises to help.

    We got a new doberman puppy. I had a miniature dobe (not the same kind of dog at all) that used to go walking/jogging with me every where. I miss that....she died of old age about a year ago and I stopped walking with her long before that.

    I'm really excited about the new dog, though. I'll finally have a running partner (lol, if everything works out right). He's still a baby so I have to wait until he's a least a year before I can start taking him out on runs. Then it's going to be a slow process to get him up to speed. We picked his breed type because that's my hubbys favorite type of dog and I wanted a dog that was athletic and could go running with me.
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Hey everyone, I have a question that hopefully there are some good answers to.

    Not that long ago, I used to be into weight lifting pretty heavy and had some good muscle mass on me. Since taking up running, I have dropped a lot of bad body fat, but also a ton of muscle mass.

    Does anyone know of any way to regain the muscle (just kind of miss how it looks) but not hamper my training for the 1/2 in September? Is it even possible? I don't mind devoting the time to both, but I don't want to hurt the progress so far and seem to enjoy the running more than the lifting.

    Do you think it is a good idea to not lift the lower body and continue lifting the upper body? Keep in mind there is no real chance of my lower body getting to weak, or not for a good long time anyway. :glasses:

    This is coming from my recent personal experience, no expert! :wink: I had all but stopped lifting this summer, after lifting heavy all winter. I kind of thought especially for my lower body the running and cycling were enough. I did a very light ~ in comparison to my winter routine ~ lower body weight session yesterday. I can barely walk today! My glutes and quads are screaming! I managed to get 6.25 miles in with no trouble, just a bit slower. I will absolutely be re-adding lower body weights twice a week as my soreness seems to me a clear sign of muscle imbalance, as Ketchie mentioned. I come! HTH!

  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Awesome Annaliza! Sounds like a great dog -- and going to be a great running partner!
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    Becky, I've been looking at some dry fit shirts (with all this talk of clothing, I decided that I needed some new ones lol - wait til my hubby finds out) so I guess I'm going to get some :laugh: since you seem to really like them. Where do you get them from? What name brand do you like? I've looked on ebay but I'm not sure that's the best option since I would want something new...

    Now I just have to figure out what shorts to get...

    Plan to do a 3.5 mile run tonight after I get done teaching at the prison. This is my second to last class for the summer and I'm really looking forward to finally being able to enjoy my summer. I only have a month to enjoy it before the semester starts up again and I have to teach, but I'll take what I can get.

    Can anyone recommend gels to take on long runs? There's so many different there some that are better than others (nutrition and taste wise)?

    Thanks all and happy running!

    Isn't this board terrible for encouraging purchases!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: My shirt is actually a Nike. It's a Live Strong shirt from the website. It was $20, don't know if that is pricey or not, but since all profits got to cancer research,etc. I didn't mind paying it. I love the fit and still can't believe how well it worked! Happy shopping! :smile:

  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Right now I just hide behind a tree along my route (sorry guys tmi - stop reading here if it bothers you) :blushing: but what would I do in a public place like at a competition?

    The same thing... Last year when I ran the half, I saw countless people (men and women) going potty along the side of the road along the race route. Most of them behind trees. Some of the guys were just at trees with their backs turned. I could not believe my eyes at first but got used to it after seeing groups of people(10-12) per mile of the race. A girlfriend of mine told me that at some of the very big marathons they pass urine filled bottles in the chute at the start line before the race starts - guys and girls go in the bottles.:noway: I love my fellow runners but there is no way I could play pass the piss in the chute.:laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    I love my fellow runners but there is no way I could play pass the piss in the chute.:laugh:

    You are killing me :laugh: My mouth is soooo sore and it hurts to laugh -- but that one was worth it. I can just see you now -- Well no thank you -- I'll have to to pass on the pass the piss bottle!!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    OMG... that's funny stuff :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I've done 13 marathons and never seen the tinkle offering plate ...!!!... :sick:

    Of all the remarkable memories I have of running Boston the unofficial pee zone the first 2 miles was absurd. It's like a person every 5 feet without any gender bias .... just doing the "all natural" everywhere and don't forget, the fans are there too. EEEECK!

    Mile 2 is NOT the best place to watch the Boston Marathon. I was in the 1st chute so it was a completely unabated view for me... yikes. The other 24 miles amply made up for it, but yuckoo

  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Lol, Kechie, you crack me up!!

    It's nice to know that there are others using the potty outside. I feel so much better about it. I was really worried about it during a competition.

    Thanks so much for everyone's help! (and for the great conversation I had today :smile: )
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member

    I've done 13 marathons and never seen the tinkle offering plate ...!!!... :sick:

    "Tinkle offering plate"! Raymond, THAT was funny. It's not an offering plate. You're just passing the bottle till it gets over to the curb and out of the chute.:laugh:

    I'm glad that you have never seen this in 13 marathons. I have no interest in doing a full marathon at this point. However, it had crossed my mind that I might be not be accepted by my fellow marathoners for refusing to pass the bottle in the chute.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Reading the thread today cracked me up today...from encouraging purchases (which I am all for, seeing as how my birthday is in a couple weeks) to piss chutes. :laugh:

    Cross training day for me today...did some upper body and core work along with a half hour on the elliptical. Good times.

    Looking forward to my 5 miles tomorrow...have a performance eval. at work and am not looking forward to it.

    Have a great night all!
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Got 4.5 miles done today. So grateful for the two girls who stuck with me to the end.
  • hessied
    hessied Posts: 460 Member
    Kechie - I'm LMAO at the piss bottle. Holy crap that is good stuff!

    Did 9 tonight. Played a couple of hours of tennis this morning, too. I'm beat!

    Thanks for the entertaining posts - night all!
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    I was having trouble with "runner's bladder" last year, so I looked it up and read up on the condition--that's how I know it's called "runner's bladder." What I read was that it's caused by the walls of the bladder rubbing together and getting inflamed. It only happens when your bladder is completely empty. I was inadvertently causing it by going pee before I started a long run. One of the remedies suggested was to not empty your bladder completely before starting any longer run. By keeping your bladder partially full, the walls don't have a chance to rub against each other and get sore. I tried that and haven't had a problem with runner's bladder since. I did have to adjust to running with a slight feeling of a need to go, but I stopped having terrible urges. I don't know if that remedy works for everyone, but it really helped me.:flowerforyou:
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Good morning everyone. I got in 4 miles this morning before calling it a wrap for work. I was planning between 10 - 12, but my shoes are getting to their end and have a pair of Brooks on the way, so I decided to wait until they got there to push it. These are starting to affect the legs and heels, please please please NO INJURIES!!!
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Good morning runners,
    I went to the track this morning and did 5 comfortable miles, it was nice. I was going to do sprints but had those pesky leg cramps that feel like knives in your calves hit me at 4 a.m. I am getting potassium but probably not drinking enough water. Those things are awful.
    hope everyone has a great day!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Much needed rest day for me today. Thanks to my interval workout yesterday I was flat out exhausted last night and slept like I was in a coma. Don't you love those sleeps? They are especially sweet for me because I am a chronic insomniac. Running regularly is one of the few things that resolves my sleep issues.

    Enjoy the day

    Welcome back Terry! I miss seeing you post here. Thanks for the information. I was not familiar with runner's bladder. How's that grandbaby?