What annoys you at the gym?



  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    I hate people talking so loud I can hear them over my music...also hate it when I'm lifting and someone steps it my space taking my attention off of the lift... also I have limited time for my work outs so I don't want to chat saying good morning, hows it going is enough not looking for a new best buddie
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...the person who gets on next to me wreaks from cigarettes like they just smoked 20 in a row..ughh gross...

    ^^^ It actually turns my stomach and it's so hard to breathe! Hate it so much! :sick:
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 163 Member
    I had a man tell me women shouldn't sweat so much. I had just run 2 miles, and he was about 70 years old. Maybe in his time women didn't sweat, but we do now lol.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Curling in the squat rack
    Dips in the squat rack
    Military presses in the squat rack
    Talking in the squat rack

    All the 17-19 yr olds in my gym are like this... they cant even do a full motion rep either... they lift heavy but not correctly! then they strut around like they are best thing since sliced bread...

    They come in massive groups and take over the whole gym with their antics and constant talking.. Its a good 20 minute rest between reps.. its annoying!
    And on such days, not a single rep shall be done.

    Yep... then you ask them if they are done and they say no... do a rep or 2 and continue talking...
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I hate a mess. At my school gym, most people were generally good about racking their weights, and the gym staff would reset the plates so that there's at least a decent amount of each weight at each station. Now that I'm out of school for the summer, I'm going to my parents' gym. Trying to find a plate in there is like a wild ****ing goose chase. I've literally had to wander around the weight area looking for weight plate and clamps every time I've gone there.

    ^^^^THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drives me f***ing nuts!!!
  • Gris1015
    Gris1015 Posts: 1
    What annoys me most is people who go to the gym to get hit on! There's so many women at the gym I go to that look as if they are ready to go on a date. They are walking around the gym trying to see what guys are looking at them. That's so sad that some people need that type of attention. Or while I go to the weights section, seeing men just starring at themselves in the mirrors. Do that at home!! And lastly, yesterday I saw a girl chugging down a milk shake from Baskin Robbins in the locker room. What is the point of that???
  • whiskersdms
    Yes the whole cell phone thing annoys me.......
    Loud conversations while on equipment........
    I'm not one to judge either and that's the whole motto of the gym I belong to........
    Planet Fitness "The No Judgement Zone"
    and let me tell ya, I'm not overweight, but I'm always impressed and motivated to work harder to stay in shape by some of the ladies that are and well honestly kick my butt working out ........
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    on yeah.. forgot I hate when people don't rerack their weights
  • irenep22
    irenep22 Posts: 59
    People that workout like crazy at level 1.....lol
  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    That would really annoy me. I judge people at the gym all the time. But like you I never say anything about it, it's just little things that irk me that I can't help but think.

    But I must defend me and the other primped gym-goers and say that you don't always know what a person's day was like before they went to the gym. I go to school, then work, then the gym, so when I go in full makeup and my hair is fantastic (although tied back) it's not because I don't work hard, or really care what I look like while I workout.
  • Front_Runner
    Front_Runner Posts: 175
    I go to the gym pretty late. There is a row of about 10 treadmills - only two of us on them. I take one second to end... the other person is at the far right side. I'm out of cardio shape, so I'm sweatin' and workin' hard. Then some super fit girl who just got done with her Tri-Training Class comes over and takes the treadmill RIGHT NEXT TO MINE. There are so many others... but she goes right next to me. Cranks it up to 7+ and runs. Then passes gas. I swear this totally happened twice now! Ugh!

    The second time it was a little more crowded - but she came next to me again. And then her buddies went on the other side of me... then they talked to each other over my treadmill. It was SO bizarre!
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    Treadmill racing.. it's ON B*TCH!! Hahah, but honestly, when you can tell someone is watching you go at your own pace it gets uncomfortable.
  • tialeanne
    tialeanne Posts: 186 Member
    There is a stinky lady at the gym I go to. This lady is in perfect shape, dressed perfectly in perfect little workout outfits, hair and make up done to the nines, and she reeks. I'm not talking cigarette smoke, or just a little BO from sweating, it's as if she hasn't taken a bath in days and on one of those days she wallows in chicken *kitten*.

    I try not to judge at the gym, I'm a big fat fattie in horrible clothes, but when you smell so bad that if you get on a machine anywhere near me I'm going to have to move, there is a problem.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    1. People don't rack their weights.
    2. People try and talk to me while I'm training.
    3. A bro in his low to mid 20's comes in and tries to squat the Chrysler Building and falls on his *kitten* almost crushing himself. Then, looks around to see if anyone saw him.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    1. People don't rack their weights.
    2. People try and talk to me while I'm training.
    3. A bro in his low to mid 20's comes in and tries to squat the Chrysler Building and falls on his *kitten* almost crushing himself. Then, looks around to see if anyone saw him.

    3. definitely! Some kid the other day was squatting and I Had to wait for him to finish.. He wasnt even getting his *kitten* to 90 degrees.. then he would jump around thinking he had just worked hard...

    I come in after him.. double the weight and *kitten* to the floor! The look on his face was gold!
  • ColleenAtherton
    ColleenAtherton Posts: 230 Member
    To be honest, I am guilty of some of these... But in my defense, it was the first time I had ever had a gym membership and didn't know that I should wipe the machines down after I use them, etc. I started doing that once I noticed other people doing it, but I'm sure there were a few workouts where I was totally oblivious.

    I really hated it when people would treadmill race me or stare at me while using the weight machines.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    People who hog the space/equpment! There's these two ladies who come in, collect all the dumbells and other equipment they plan to use, and spread it all out in front of the only open space in front of the mirrors. So nobody can use the space or the equipment. Take what you need, use it, and then put it back for someone else. Today, even worse because it was a trainer! Went over and asked if he was using one or both of the blocks with his client. He said not, and I took one to an open space. Started working out, then he comes over with his client and starts doing an exercise right next to me. Ok fine, so I take the block and move it back to the spot that they had just left. I do another set of box jumps, walk around for a minute, head back to the box only to find the trainer and his client are now there, using the block. Seriously, he knew I was using it; couldn't have at least asked if I was done? Or used the other one?
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    The peeker always gets me irritated!!!! You know, when your on your machine and you can see out of the corner of your eye every minute or so the person next to you is looking to see how fast your going/cals burned/time etc. ticks me off sometimes lol. It's like "bro,did you come here to workout or moniter everyone else's workouts?" and don't even get me started on the guy who thinks he knows everything about lifting, my trainer is literally helping me do it man, when was the last time someone paid you for your advice?! Lol sorry I have peeves about some people at the gym
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Wow, you all have some weird-*kitten* people at your gyms. We have the intense people who work out in the weight room with their rippling musculature, then the average Joe's who just walk the treadmills slowly, but I've yet to see any of the crazies people mention here.. Maybe I'm just not there often enough to see them. Or they only come out during a full moon.

    My only annoyance with my gym is the lack of fans in the cardio room. I get that the point of working out is to sweat, but I sweat enough for three people when I'm outside with a breeze. Inside a stuffy room running like a crazed hamster in a cage my body goes into overdrive and it's like "Jumanji" when the monsoon hits the house and everyone gets swept away. Except instead of people caught in the current, it's my glasses, and they literally fall off my nose.

    Oh, yeah, I'm one of those sexy people. Rawr.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Curling in the squat rack
    Dips in the squat rack
    Military presses in the squat rack
    Talking in the squat rack
    Take revenge: do squats in front of the rack with the curl bars.