Fiance tries to stop me going to Zumba?



  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    This is my last response & view of my post

    I'm not leaving
    He's simply insecure
    All you who tell me to run take a look at your relationships look back after 9 years together and then you can give advice if you've experience of this subject

    I never tell people what to do
    I never give advice unless I've 1st hand experience


    How can you know anything about it?

    Think before you reply & then ask yourself why would you run out on a long relationship split a family up make yourself homeless a single parent as your partner misses you when your not there?

    Thanks to those who bothered with though out replies
  • taylmarie
    taylmarie Posts: 161
    He sounds very insecure! 1.5 hours for coffee with you Mom and he is questioning you? I am sorry, but that is just wrong. He must have some serious trust issues to be jealous of you spending time with your Mom. Difficult as it may be (and easy for others to say), but it sounds like you need to move on OR get help from a counselor so he can work on his issues. You should be with someone who supports your goals and family relationships, not someone who wants you under their watchful eye and with them all the time. It just sounds unhealthy. If he can get help with his issues, maybe he can be that person? Take him to Zumba if he misses you so much?

    Good luck :)
  • Effervescent17
    Effervescent17 Posts: 61 Member
    If my husband did that to me...I would just tell him straight up it's my life and my me time and I need my time and there's really nothing you can do about it. That's me though, I don't know if you can talk to him like that. I have a very dominant personality and if he told me I couldn't go out and do zumba I would be so livid and he would never hear the end of it.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Ummm....talking from experience I hear warning bells. Make sure he isn't going to be super controlling because that is the worst thing to have happen when you are married. Is he feeling a little insecure, or is he being controlling. You have to ask yourself "do I want to be with someone who doesn't want me to do anything but stay home with him all the time??" I mean, an hour or so to yourself doing coffee and shopping is not a long time at all...heck, that would take me all day. You need a man that will respect your space, so maybe it is time to sit down and discuss space and priorities.
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