Today was the first time I've ever been called a fatty.



  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Let's all show up and sit on him. Then punch him in the knee caps and sit on him again.

    I just died a little. :laugh:
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Clearly he's an idiot. Don't waste another moment being concerned with a total clueless a##hat.
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    He's horrible. And dead to you.

    This is who HE is -- a crap *kitten* person. and you are one in a long line of people he has offended. and other people know it. including your boss. He will go nowhere. you will do everything you want. it is not you. it is him. just sucks he made you feel bad.

    THAT'S the thing! My boss and his wife are obese (300-400+) and have recently been heavily working towards their own loss goals, very successfully! I can only imagine what will be said when my boss finds out from my general manager what he has sad. :grumble:

  • JBsCrazyGirl
    JBsCrazyGirl Posts: 337
    girl... you are NOT a fatty... :indifferent:
    gawd that word is so harsh... :mad:
    if anything, how immature was he to even think to say such a a childish word in the first place? :huh:

    That is the mean name we call ourselves when we are eating something we are not suppose to and who ever is around us gets all uncomfortable because they do not know how to respond to what we just called ourselves.

    Every journey we go on, is going to have bumps and exactly like you said, you cant fix ugly..
    You definitely cant fix an ugly bump.

    Once you hit your goal, after you had kept going and going, despite the *kitten* people who cant stand seeing other people move forward in such a positive and life fulfilling way, every one and everything that matters will be right there with you, cheering you and congratulating you. everything else? doesn't matter :flowerforyou:
    you stay strong.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    {{{ :heart: Hugs :heart: }}}

    I'm so sorry :flowerforyou:

    Take this insult from an ignorant person and turn it around to your benefit. Realize he's obviously a lost, lonely and certainly a most miserable person--rather than give him your "Power" PLEASE feel sorry for him--for anyone that openly says or does such things is truly truly to be pitied. FORGIVE him NOW and THANK HIM ( in your heart/mind and thoughts) if you pray...pray for this poor rascal, and let his "curse" be your blessing instead, as you begin or continue on your journey to health and healing and an adventure in your weight-loss/new lifestyle journey. Here's some famous quotes to meditate upon about this:

    A man that studieth revenge keeps his own wounds green.

    The best revenge is massive success.

    Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it doth singe yourself.
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    As someone who has been called "fatty", "flubber", and every other nasty name in the book, 99.9% of the time the person who called you the name is just insecure themselves...

    A couple years ago I had a really, really nasty boy tell me I was a fat pig. Not long after that, I found out he had an eating disorder. People are mean because they don't feel good about themselves.

    Whatever the reason though, it still hurts. I know. The best advice I can give you is to use this experience and what you're feeling and channel it toward the greater good. All the mean nasty things people did to me helped me be a kinder, more sympathetic, positive person.
  • mrsejennings
    mrsejennings Posts: 97 Member
    People that say such things are insecure in their own skin so they like to pick out flaws in others. Arrogant, mindless fools. Ignore them and when you feel down, come on here and chat to us....the people that know that it takes guts, determination and a ****load of strength to go on the journey we are on. The same idiot will probably want your number soon, then Id tell him to shove it!! :-)) are NOT ugly!

    ^^^agreed. People are so rude.:explode: Even when they dont realize it.:grumble: I like to quote Eleanor Roosevelt "No one can make you feel inferior with out your consent." Chin up. Pretend it didnt happen. Dont make it ruin you. Keep up your good em what your made of. :bigsmile: They don't win. We win. We always win in the end. :heart: :love:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    kmuree, I'm sorry that he said that. But I bet those careless words will push you even harder as you work towards your goal. Long after he has forgotten, you will still be reaping the rewards from what he said -- in the form of determination, strength, motivation and continued reliance on yourself. Don't let him win...kick his *kitten* up and down every day in your mind in the gym and I bet you will see results faster than you could have ever imagined.
  • arctiknitter
    arctiknitter Posts: 119 Member
    You are giving one person too much power. You live this life.:smile:

    THIS!! Well said.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    What a &^%*! Man people can be jerks.
  • jnsangel33
    jnsangel33 Posts: 49
    In my entire life of being overweight (roughly ten years now), I've never been blatantly told that I'm fat. Curvy, yes. A little chubby, yes.

    A male co-worker of mine was joking around about craving some cookie dough, and when a female co-worker of mine asked what we were talking about, he said, "Don't worry about it, (name), I'm talking to a fatty about something."

    I feel numb. I can't even cry.
    I feel like saying, screw you.

    You can fix fat. You can't fix ugly. :angry:

    It's not in my nature though. Why bother wasting my energy?
    I feel so ugly now though. I feel like everyone sees me as this walking pocket of fat.

    I want to just get on the treadmill and run forever.

    My beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Krystyna..... you of all people KNOW BETTER than to listen to ridiculous nonsense such as this!! I know you have your sensitive side as we all do, but you are one of the toughest girls I know. You simply now know that this girl is someone you can NOT count on to make you feel safe.... she is no longer needed in your life other than as a co-worker. I love you. AND YOU ARE NOT FAT!!! You are cuddly!!! :):):)
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    Sometimes an insult helps us motivate, use it to drive you to your goal!
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    In my entire life of being overweight (roughly ten years now), I've never been blatantly told that I'm fat. Curvy, yes. A little chubby, yes.

    A male co-worker of mine was joking around about craving some cookie dough, and when a female co-worker of mine asked what we were talking about, he said, "Don't worry about it, (name), I'm talking to a fatty about something."

    I feel numb. I can't even cry.
    I feel like saying, screw you.

    You can fix fat. You can't fix ugly. :angry:

    It's not in my nature though. Why bother wasting my energy?
    I feel so ugly now though. I feel like everyone sees me as this walking pocket of fat.

    I want to just get on the treadmill and run forever.

    My beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Krystyna..... you of all people KNOW BETTER than to listen to ridiculous nonsense such as this!! I know you have your sensitive side as we all do, but you are one of the toughest girls I know. You simply now know that this girl is someone you can NOT count on to make you feel safe.... she is no longer needed in your life other than as a co-worker. I love you. AND YOU ARE NOT FAT!!! You are cuddly!!! :):):)

    My future mother-in-law. :heart: I usually feel tougher than that but not today I guess. /: It's okay, though. A couple of my girlfriends from work and I toilet papered his entire lawn, car and house. :devil: Muahahaha. :blushing:
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Holy crap, what an *kitten*.

    I'm so sorry he did that. You are NOT a fatty.


    This!!! I know these words can hurt but in fact you are a very beautiful person and you just remember that.
  • sandralila
    sandralila Posts: 21 Member
    What a sad human being he is. I can feel your pain, that comment is abusive, I hope you go back to him and tell him how it made you feel. Either he really likes you and felt comfortable making what he thought was a funny joke, (some males are unknowingly insensitive) or is simply a jerk. Either way, don't stew over the comment, be direct and tell him how he hurt you. Stand up for yourself. You are strong!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    imagine his face when you reach your goal :)

    This! X
  • TasTam
    TasTam Posts: 84 Member
    ROTFLMAO!!! I just loved it that you TP'd his house!! I work with all men (33 years now) and they can be totally insensitive and think their jokes are funny. My boss told me the other day I should just give in and eat a donut and that"once a fat *kitten* always a fat *kitten*". I told him that when I reached my goal that I was going to come into work and whip his sorry *kitten* with my bony hands!! I thought the other guys were going to fall out of their seats!! He just looked at me with that usual stupid *kitten* look on his face!!! But, I have to say it just makes me that more motivated to prove him wrong!!
  • melaniejleigh
    melaniejleigh Posts: 2 Member
    Not to play devil's advocate, but I work with a lot of men and they really don't think when they talk. They will often treat
    me just like one of the guys and they're insensitive and mean when that happens. I am very sorry he said that though. :/
    I had a customer one time blatantly ask me how far along I was.
    I had to very embarrassingly tell him that I wasn't pregnant I was just fat. All of my coworkers witnessed it and made fun of me about it for weeks.

    I wouldn't let it get to me though. I just used it to push me and that's when I started losing weight. So I guess I won that game.
  • kristynkayte
    kristynkayte Posts: 69 Member
    I'm so sorry you had to experience that...but like you can lose weight...his personality and arrogance will never change. Would it make you laugh a little bit if I told you my 4 year old nephew calls me Auntie Bootie??? Lol. I'm so hoping that by joining this site and taking charge of my health that I will no longer resemble the nickname. Lol Congrats on your weight loss so far and i wish you much continued success!!!!!
  • ann506
    ann506 Posts: 2 Member
    Just use it as motivation to keep moving foward. He's a jerk...and he can't fix that.
    I had someone ask me when my baby was due. I laughed (because it was funny) and told her I wasnt pregnant I was just fat. She said she had trouble loosing baby weight too. I just laughed again and told her I didn't have children...I am just fat...but I'm walking and doing my best...and that is all can do.