after poor service do you still tip good ???



  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    I never tip according to the "I must tip a minimum of 10%" because I'm sorry...just because you choose to work in a restaurant doesn't mean I am obligated to tip you some base amount...I tip based on lots of factors...and if service is craptacular, I don't tip well at all...and I will leave a comment on the bill stating this.

    My sister use to work in a restaurant as a chef and the servers have to share their tips with the kitchen so if I HAVE received bad service then I WILL usually tip "okay" because if the food was fantastic (thanks to the kitchen) but the server was horrible, it's not the kitchen's fault. And again, I've approached restaurant managers stating that my tip was for the kitchen staff only.

    I just hate the whole tip thing because I just think it's stupid to "expect" it. I'm already paying enough for my meal and now I have to worry about how much to tip...
  • BGabbart
    BGabbart Posts: 173 Member
    NO NO NO, you dont tip if the service is that bad. A tip is for excellent service, not a reward for bad service. You do not bring your home problems to work EVER! Unless someone has been kidnapped, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife or kid problems need to stay at home. If they are that serious, then she should stay at home. She needs to grow up.

    AGREE with this, I don't get to get away with being rude or ignoring my clients why should they. I don't get a good tip just because I do my job well, but I do give good tips to wait staff if they do theirs well.
  • iamers
    iamers Posts: 74
    I only tip if the service is good! If it was bad I wouldn't tip at all!
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I would still leave a good tip......maybe they're having a rotten day...maybe this is their first waitressing job...maybe their pet died that just never know. I tip well because those positions usually rely on tips. I would want someone to do me the same favor.

    ...........and, tipping just feels right :-)
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    Not refilling drinks, chatting with co workers and checking your phone is not an "off" day it is not doing your job. If you don't do your job your pay should reflect that. I would tip very low and I would mention to the manager or wait staff the reason for the poor tip. I know we live in a just because you show up you should get a reward society but sorry that is not life. I do reward excellent service with excellent tips.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    personally i think tipping is ridiculous, i have worked at a McDonald and a Tim Hortons, granted i made a couple dollars more per hour than a server but the thing is i busted my *kitten* at the job i was always sweating and basically doing the same type of job as a server, (and by bust my *kitten* i mean i literally lost 13lbs the first 2 months of working at tims) plus having to clean and make the food and be polite and chatty now if i was a server and I had lets say 4 tables to do and those tables took an average of an hour to serve and lets say everyone gave a $10 tip that would be like making $40/hr, now i would gladly take that over any other job, ppl who do this job and complain clearly have issues, I cant think of another job that pays like that
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    i, too, would have addressed it with the manager rather than the server.

    Would you want random people telling you that you were doing a bad job?

    If it was me, I'd rather they tell me than tell my boss.

    I'm picky about some things, so usually I tip pretty high to compensate. And I tip low, if at all, for lousy service along with a note as to why.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I used to be a waitress and their is a difference between "bad service" and "some one new on the job". You stated she was clearly ignoring you. I wouldn't have told her anything the tip speaks volumes, she would have got nothing, and wait staff depends on that cash money.:sad:

    That is another thing that we consider... the "new on the job server" because you really can tell... we will tip them fairly well as well, even if it's less than par.
  • msrat1
    msrat1 Posts: 43
    ok if you are tipping based on the type of service you receive, then why tip for bad service. Ask yourself "Why do you tip?" If you answer that, then you have your answer for when to tip.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I never "tip good", but I do tip well when it's merited. :flowerforyou:

    I think I love you.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    The one thing I like about tipping is that you have the ability to pay less money overall when service is sub-par. If waiters and waitresses were paid a normal wage, then food item prices would all increase by 20% or so and we'd still pay for it no matter how bad the service was.

    Just as I hate when I'm ignored by a waiter, but I also hate people who take advantage of a waiter by not tipping on good service because they are saving a buck at someone else's expense.
  • dbickel5
    dbickel5 Posts: 13
    I always tip well because - been there done that. BUT if it is exceptionally poor service, and it has to be really bad - I leave a penney. that lets them know you didn't forget, that they suck. Unless they are so incredibly stupid and don't get it. The word TIP is actually an acronym To Insure Promp service. So if you don't live up to it, don't expect it.

    One penny just makes you look like a jerk, a low tip and a nice constructive note is the way to go which isnt as confrontational as a face to face lecture.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I don't give a damn about people, so if it's not worth the trip I made to eat out, I don't tip at all. Woof woof~
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Heck no - I tip well if the service is good and poorly if the service is poor - isn't that the point of a tip?!?
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    I usually tip 18-20% (I worked in the food industry, it sucks), but if the service is bad, it goes down. If the service continues to be bad, it goes down more. If I get to the point I'm only going to tip 10-15%, I'll talk to the manager.

    There was an instance last weekend I only tipped 5% and couldn't find a manager to talk to, that place pissed me off in so many ways!!
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    I have worked as a waitress enough in the past to know it is a service job. People don't, and shouldn't, just throw a tip at you if you treat them like crap. If the kitchen messes up an order, quite often the server can't tell, I certainly don't agree with docking a tip for something like that. Or if service is slower when a dining room is busy.
    I would have been fired for checking my phone while I was on the floor!
    I have only once left no tip, and that was because of a waitress causing such a scene at the table next to us, that 5 tables just got up and walked out.

    A server knows that they depend on tips for their income, if they can't be bothered to pay attention to a table that is their fault, not the diners. If I was ever lazy or rude enough to ignore a table, I certainly wouldn't be mad that I didn't get a tip! Yes people have bad days, and if she cried that easily, she probably had something else going on, but it is still a service job. If you can't do your job, either don't expect tips or don't come to work.
  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    personally i think tipping is ridiculous, i have worked at a McDonald and a Tim Hortons, granted i made a couple dollars more per hour than a server but the thing is i busted my *kitten* at the job i was always sweating and basically doing the same type of job as a server, (and by bust my *kitten* i mean i literally lost 13lbs the first 2 months of working at tims) plus having to clean and make the food and be polite and chatty now if i was a server and I had lets say 4 tables to do and those tables took an average of an hour to serve and lets say everyone gave a $10 tip that would be like making $40/hr, now i would gladly take that over any other job, ppl who do this job and complain clearly have issues, I cant think of another job that pays like that

    You didn't get tips at Tim Hortons? My friend works there and she makes almost as much in tips as she does on her pay cheque.
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    Honestly, if you need the money, do your job well. In all my jobs, if I had personal issues even though I wasn't relying on tips, I didn't bring them to work. It's about being a good employee. I wouldn't have missed out on any money so I had the freedom to not be polite and attentive, but I still gave it my full attention.

    So those who are going on about them "relying" on those tips... Its really just all the more reason for them to do their jobs properly.

    I tip very well usually, but I don't feel bad at all if they are clearly just screwing off to leave them with no tip, however rare it might be.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I have worked as a waitress enough in the past to know it is a service job. People don't, and shouldn't, just throw a tip at you if you treat them like crap. If the kitchen messes up an order, quite often the server can't tell, I certainly don't agree with docking a tip for something like that. Or if service is slower when a dining room is busy.
    I would have been fired for checking my phone while I was on the floor!
    I have only once left no tip, and that was because of a waitress causing such a scene at the table next to us, that 5 tables just got up and walked out.

    A server knows that they depend on tips for their income, if they can't be bothered to pay attention to a table that is their fault, not the diners. If I was ever lazy or rude enough to ignore a table, I certainly wouldn't be mad that I didn't get a tip! Yes people have bad days, and if she cried that easily, she probably had something else going on, but it is still a service job. If you can't do your job, either don't expect tips or don't come to work.

    The bad day thing is a cop-out. What boggles my mind is the inability of a server to simply walk over and say, "I'm sorry the kitchen is backed up or made this or that mistake". It seems like when something goes wrong, the typical server response is to ignore the table and I can't fathom why they would choose to do that. That happened to me once at Ledo's pizza where an order didn't get put in and our teenage girl server started avoiding our table presumably because she didn't want to tell us that a mistake was made and the order wasn't put in? Instead we waited twice as long til we had to flag down the manager to ask why we weren't being served.
  • rockyvernen
    rockyvernen Posts: 22
    No tip for bad service . I dated a server . Know matter how bad her day was when she went to work you would have thought she just won the lottery !! She would average $150.00 a night . She had a following of customers who would only eat when she was on . I use to tip bad servers till I met her!!! She would say its her job to serve you with a smile and make sure everything was perfect!!!