

  • Changeisgonnacome
    Good Morning Ladies! How is everyone doing on their no bread challenge?? Good I hope! I woke up @ 6am and got to the gym @ 630am for an early morning workout! I was soooo proud...I usually never wake up til about 730-8am and i would always do my workouts in the evening! Anyway Hope you all have an awesome bread-free day!! lol...Keep up the good work and we will be in our new shoes in no time!

    That's great Jess. I don't believe I'll ever be switching to a morning workout. I'm really impressed by people who can do so.
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    Good Morning, BuffJess!! I love what I read on the post this morning, it sounds super positive and encouraging. Is it too late to join the group?? Please let me know. But here are my stats, just in case I can still join the group.

    SW: 234
    CW: 234
    Mini Goal Weight #1: 229
    Final Goal Weight: 150

    Thanks, have a great day and keep up the good work!

    Of course you can!! We are all here for the same reason..To loose weight and gain shoes!!! oh wait was i supposed to type confindence instead of shoes???lol

    I would love to join also! That being said... here goes...

    SW: 172
    CW: 169.5
    FW: 160

    BTW- I LOVE SHOES!! lol
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! How is everyone doing on their no bread challenge?? Good I hope! I woke up @ 6am and got to the gym @ 630am for an early morning workout! I was soooo proud...I usually never wake up til about 730-8am and i would always do my workouts in the evening! Anyway Hope you all have an awesome bread-free day!! lol...Keep up the good work and we will be in our new shoes in no time!

    That's great Jess. I don't believe I'll ever be switching to a morning workout. I'm really impressed by people who can do so.

    I second that. I've tried so many times to work out in the mornings (even when I didn't go into work until 10) and I just can't do it. I have to work out in the evening or at night or I won't stick to it (not that I'm doing so hot right now anyway.:grumble: )
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    Good Morning Ladies! How is everyone doing on their no bread challenge?? Good I hope! I woke up @ 6am and got to the gym @ 630am for an early morning workout! I was soooo proud...I usually never wake up til about 730-8am and i would always do my workouts in the evening! Anyway Hope you all have an awesome bread-free day!! lol...Keep up the good work and we will be in our new shoes in no time!

    I love working out in the morning but the last couple of weeks, I haven't been able to drag my butt out of bed at 4!! Here's a challenge for myself... GET OUT OF BED!!! LOL I always feel better when I get a morning workout...and my boss can't drive me crazy, although everyday he tries... :ohwell:
    I have been bread free today and WILL finish the day as such. Right now I'm on a "fresh fruits and veggies kick". I'm sure it won't last too long :huh:
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445



    Tomorrow will be easy enough for me IF I get my butt out of bed to workout before work! lol I just find it difficult to fit in enough of a workout period, when I leave it all for the evening!

    Good luck everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Good morning fellow shoe lovers! I'm going to have to change my av soon, so I fit in with all of you. I have an awesome one that our photographer took at our wedding, of my feet in my shoes. They aren't red, but they are sexy! I think I even have one strap loosened on it... I can't access the net on our regular computer though, and I don't have the pic on my laptop... DH knows how I can do it using the network, but who knows how long it'll take... lol

    Anyways, I'm off to a great start this morning. I went for another C25K already. Just got up out of bed, threw on sweats, snuck past the dog (she walks even slower than I do, lol) and went for it. Came home and had a bowl of oatmeal with chopped walnuts in it. Usually I do sliced almonds, but DH has discovered the joy of almonds and I don't have any left in the house.

    how is C25K, im thinking of trying it. any tips/suggestios?

    Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner... I had to take one of the boys to the dentist, then swung by work to change the answering machine (boss is going out of town) and gabbed for a while about yesterday's court case. Also a quick 8 minutes in the tanning bed, then came home. Ate lunch, then popped on here and saw your post.... Then saw your second post about how you had already done it. Good for you! I don't really have a tip, other than what a trainer told me... If you're running on a treadmill, put the incline to 1 or 2%. If you leave it at 0%, it's like running downhill.

    Soooo... for lunch I had a big spinach salad with mushrooms, tomatoes, sugar snap peas, reduced fat cheese, and some leftover pork. I still have a not quite full kinda munchie feeling that I'm trying to ignore. When I'm done posting, I have to go out and find a nice fresh sample of our dog's poo to take to the vet, so bagging that up will probably help get rid of the "want to eat something feeling". Also taking the cat in with the dog to the vet (doesn't that just sound like a good time waiting to happen?).

    Not sure yet what to have for dinner-- I'm thinking chicken baked over a bed of brown rice. When I do that, I mix in chopped onions and mushrooms with the rice, and blend it with chicken broth and a can of cream of mushroom soup. Yummity yummity yum.

    Doing well on the no bread thing today...
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    oooooo chili yum...thats a good idea i have some avocados here ....U just figured out my dinner plan hahaha *Hugs* ty :flowerforyou: because dinner is always hard to figure out lol

    Great, glad I could help BUT what about my request for help figuring out my dinner plan?? :grumble: :laugh:

    Dinner suggestion: Cut a chicken breast into small peices and cook it in a non-stick skillet. When it is almost done, sprink with chili powder and cumin to taste. Put it in a warm corn tortilla with some lettuce and tomato. Viola! A chicken taco. Serve with steamed veggies and, perhaps, some non-fat black beans.
  • Changeisgonnacome

    That's great Jess. I don't believe I'll ever be switching to a morning workout. I'm really impressed by people who can do so.

    I second that. I've tried so many times to work out in the mornings (even when I didn't go into work until 10) and I just can't do it. I have to work out in the evening or at night or I won't stick to it (not that I'm doing so hot right now anyway.:grumble: )

    Yep, and/or it makes me *****y. BIG TIME effort for me to work out. I really hate it. :grumble: But I'm hating being chunky more! I'm trying to make it a lifestyle change this time as opposed to exercising compulsively to achieve a goal. I'm using my dogs and the mountain I live on as tools rather than using my gym. I'll do that when the weather changes (maybe-:laugh: )
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member

    Yep, and/or it makes me *****y. BIG TIME effort for me to work out. I really hate it. :grumble: But I'm hating being chunky more! I'm trying to make it a lifestyle change this time as opposed to exercising compulsively to achieve a goal. I'm using my dogs and the mountain I live on as tools rather than using my gym. I'll do that when the weather changes (maybe-:laugh: )

    I don't really LIKE to exercise. It's something I tolerate because I like to feel some sort of muscle when I flex. :wink: I prefer to strength training in the morning and cardio in the evening. It seems like less work that way. I don't know why.:ohwell:
  • Changeisgonnacome

    Great, glad I could help BUT what about my request for help figuring out my dinner plan?? :grumble: :laugh:

    Dinner suggestion: Cut a chicken breast into small peices and cook it in a non-stick skillet. When it is almost done, sprink with chili powder and cumin to taste. Put it in a warm corn tortilla with some lettuce and tomato. Viola! A chicken taco. Serve with steamed veggies and, perhaps, some non-fat black beans.

    That's sounds delicious but I'm going to save it for another day. I had chili for dinner last night and again for lunch so another chili themed meal is a bit too much for me today. I think I might have BBQ chicken wings with Frank's hot sauce served with a veggie salad. Wings are not bad for dieters if they are done right, so of course, deepfrying is not recommended. But on the BBQ with a low or no cal sauce like Frank's or cooked on the Foreman Grill, the nutritional info isn't that bad. It's something like 189 for 5 big wings. Reasonable if you ask me. :tongue:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member

    Great, glad I could help BUT what about my request for help figuring out my dinner plan?? :grumble: :laugh:

    Dinner suggestion: Cut a chicken breast into small peices and cook it in a non-stick skillet. When it is almost done, sprink with chili powder and cumin to taste. Put it in a warm corn tortilla with some lettuce and tomato. Viola! A chicken taco. Serve with steamed veggies and, perhaps, some non-fat black beans.

    That's sounds delicious but I'm going to save it for another day. I had chili for dinner last night and again for lunch so another chili themed meal is a bit too much for me today. I think I might have BBQ chicken wings with Frank's hot sauce served with a veggie salad. Wings are not bad for dieters if they are done right, so of course, deepfrying is not recommended. But on the BBQ with a low or no cal sauce like Frank's or cooked on the Foreman Grill, the nutritional info isn't that bad. It's something like 189 for 5 big wings. Reasonable if you ask me. :tongue:

    We make our own hot wings (hot drumsticks for the kids, lol)... Use BBQ shake and bake, and coat your wings. Place them on a foil covered cookie sheet and sprinkle with tobasco sauce. You don't need a lot of tobasco, a few drops per wing at most. Then bake and enjoy! They come out sooo yummy, I don't even like the hot wings you can get at restaurants any more.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member

    Great, glad I could help BUT what about my request for help figuring out my dinner plan?? :grumble: :laugh:

    Dinner suggestion: Cut a chicken breast into small peices and cook it in a non-stick skillet. When it is almost done, sprink with chili powder and cumin to taste. Put it in a warm corn tortilla with some lettuce and tomato. Viola! A chicken taco. Serve with steamed veggies and, perhaps, some non-fat black beans.

    That's sounds delicious but I'm going to save it for another day. I had chili for dinner last night and again for lunch so another chili themed meal is a bit too much for me today. I think I might have BBQ chicken wings with Frank's hot sauce served with a veggie salad. Wings are not bad for dieters if they are done right, so of course, deepfrying is not recommended. But on the BBQ with a low or no cal sauce like Frank's or cooked on the Foreman Grill, the nutritional info isn't that bad. It's something like 189 for 5 big wings. Reasonable if you ask me. :tongue:

    I'm in love with my foreman grille. :laugh: I cook almost everything on it anymore...might experiment with some shrimp skewers tonight. :bigsmile:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Mmmmmm shrimp skewers....:tongue:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I'm prolly going to have the KFC Grilled chicken. I know it has horrible sodium but I have class tonight and not I have to go grocery shopping. :grumble: Any one wanna cook me dinner instead? any one?? :tongue:
  • jentx
    jentx Posts: 244
    Checking in....

    I did not do the challenge yesterday :ohwell: it's TOM and I get the worst cramps in the world so I sat at home with a heating pad and read. :frown:

    I'm good with the no-bread today though, that's a pretty easy challenge for me :happy:

    And the Saturday challenge will be changed with like the Sunday challenge cause I'm going out for Girl's Night Out which includes mexican food, rodeo and country dancing....I'm not a cowgirl but I'm gonna act like one!:devil:

    I'm still going to weigh-in Thursday but I'm nervous since it's that time of the month and I retain a lot of 10 glasses today and 10 glasses tomorrow to flush it out!!

    OHHHH and 3 people today have told me I'm looking super skinny!! Love love love that! Especially when it's people who don't know I'm actually working out and eating right :laugh: :laugh:

    Love you gals you are sooo motivating and make me feel so welcome! :flowerforyou:

  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I'm prolly going to have the KFC Grilled chicken. I know it has horrible sodium but I have class tonight and not I have to go grocery shopping. :grumble: Any one wanna cook me dinner instead? any one?? :tongue:

    I will...It will just be three hours early and in Ohio.:wink:
  • chels0
    chels0 Posts: 25 Member
    Can I join? I need active encouragment!! Nothing is more motivating than shoes. :-)

    SW 170
    CW 160
    GW 150

    prayer GW 146 :-)

    I saw one of you write about cleansing? I was considering trying something like that but wasn't sure which would be the most effective.

    advice or thoughts?
  • sarahkatie28
    oh ditto! Whose done a cleanse? Did it work? and which one or what did you do?
    Please share!!!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I think it was hasiangirl.

    I'm thinking about doing a three day juice fast for detox and to test my will power. I just want to see it I can do it.:tongue:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I'm prolly going to have the KFC Grilled chicken. I know it has horrible sodium but I have class tonight and not I have to go grocery shopping. :grumble: Any one wanna cook me dinner instead? any one?? :tongue:

    I will...It will just be three hours early and in Ohio.:wink:

    SWEET!!! :laugh: