How did y'all gain your weight?



  • FlittyGetsFit
    Eating too much, drinking 6-8 cans of coke daily, sitting down all day. In other words, absolutely no self discipline at all! Am hoping my new birth control doesn't sabotage my hard work...
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 282 Member
    Oreos, chili cheese fries, pizza pretzels and having babies.
  • rumpusparable
    rumpusparable Posts: 160
    To start it was multiple surgeries, then medications, then for some reason that no doctor, nutritionist or trainer has ever figured out. No matter how healthy I ate or how much I exercised, I kept gaining weight...

    ... well, that's not entirely true. When I experimented I found I could lose weight only if I dropped my calories below 500 while exercising for about 3hrs a day... otherwise I gained.
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    A few pounds at a time gain some buy the next size pants a few more pounds buy the next size up, repeat until I needed to lose 100 pounds. I also got tried of carrying all that weight time for a change.
  • BatWoman2012
    i've never found the Depo to affect me that I've noticed. I have lost weight and gained weight while being on the depo.

    My weight gain has been mainly from not eating basically anything for 2 years (was in a relationship where being anoerexic was a good thing). Left that relationship, moved home, found out I was preggers, didnt keep it. That messed with my metabolism as before hand when I never ate I lost soooo much weight then hit a plateau. Got a full time job with a mall across the road with a foodcourt and just ate the junk food and was on the booze almost every night. The weight piled on really quickly.

    Lost weight a couple of years later when I was in a job on my feet all day everyday and not eating much again. Then got a desk job and started to eat more junk food and just kept going from there leading to now.... but its slowly coming off since I have been on here (and yes Im still on the depo) :)
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    went from a freshman 15 to a senior seventy.....curse you meal plan, curse you.
  • JessicaMurch5515
    JessicaMurch5515 Posts: 150 Member
    I had been a size 6 California girl growing up and through my teens, and then I moved to upstate NY when I was 20. I didnt work for about a year, stayed at home, eating whenever I was bored and lounging around all day. I joked that my weight gain was a protective layer of blubber to keep me warm in a cold climate that was new to me. Except now I live in TX and that excuse doesn't really apply here :P 9 years later I'm a size 16 and slowly going down.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    When my guardian passed away, I fell into a deep depression, stopped dancing and started emotionally eating. This plus antidepressants made me gain 100lbs.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Buying lunch instead of packing it, and just getting older.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I was 140lbs before my first pregnancy and gained 40lbs during. Took me over three years to get down to 125lbs, then got pregnant again. Gained 50lbs that time, and was down to 125lbs by the time my son was 18months.
  • 1Kristine1
    1Kristine1 Posts: 697 Member
  • EternalJourney
    Well as a teenager I was spoiled, got to sit around on the computer 15 hours a day playing games and eating. I would make large bowls of pasta at like 3am and that is obviously very unhealthy. I didnt bother with exercise and became like jabba the hut. I do typically eat healthy always veggies and stuff with meals but I also ate large quanities. I could fill a whole pot and eat it like that no matter what was in it. Over time the weight piled on.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Getting married and then going to graduate school. That was a double whammy.
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    I'm one of those people who got fat without eating much. Most of my calories came from sodas. On top of that, I skipped meals and ate 1-2 large meals many days. Then there would be very heavy eating days. My metabolism was shot, so the weight slowly just kept creeping up for years and years.
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    My only craving during my first pregnancy was Dairy Queen Blizzards. The big ones. Daily. At 1600 cals each (plus a normal food day). Went from 137 to 203 lbs in 9 months.

    I don't do DQ any more!
  • Morior87
    Morior87 Posts: 14
    I've never had that 'Full' feeling, I could eat continuously until I felt sick, but I'd still feel hungry. I used to eat constantly through boredom mainly, about 5000-6000 calories per day. All I can say is that I'm glad that I'm using MFP to track everything, nice to have some barriers that can be measured when my stomach cant.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I ate more calories than I burned.
  • jlawson113
    jlawson113 Posts: 27 Member
    booze :drinker:
  • pten0pus
    pten0pus Posts: 25
    Depression from the death of my husband and steroids from an MS relapse.
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    Not loving myself. Satisfying my sadness or anxiety with food. Drowning my worries about my husband with food.

    That and sheer love of bad food.