you wants bones or meat??



  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member

    Translated: Bones are for a dog; Meat is for a man.

    Love this.

    Would you love this if you were a naturally thin woman? My guess is no.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I'm a big fan of stews.

    Wait, what is this thread about again?

    I'm hungry.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member

    Translated: Bones are for a dog; Meat is for a man.

    Love this.

    Been here since 2009, lost 10 of 130 lbs and jumps on the bashing wagon...
  • beauty2323
    beauty2323 Posts: 70 Member
    There's men who love really skinny women to obese women... so it just depends on the guy!

    I'm Hispanic and my frame is just thick. Chest, rear, and legs are bigger. I joined MFP to lose weight & be fit BUT I love my curves & I know I will always have them.
    I just want my arms, tummy, and legs firm, in shape.
    My husband tells me all the time I better not get "too skinny" lol
    Just like me.. I like his big shoulders & Arms... I don't like skinny men but everyone has different preferences & it's important to be with someone who will love you no matter what!!!! Love is beyond physical attraction.:love:
  • beauty2323
    beauty2323 Posts: 70 Member

    Translated: Bones are for a dog; Meat is for a man.

    Love this.


    I HATE the above saying. It's just ugly.

    Then there's: The closer to the bone, the sweeter the meat. :-P

    *My dad actually told me to say this to anyone who said I was too skinny! I never actually have but sometimes you've gotta fight fire with

    WHY SOOO SERIOUS?!!! lol I like it too but I can also see how it can be considered rude.
    Skinny Girls are worshipped in the entertainment world… it’s ok if girls with “meat” have a couple playful quotes right?!!
    You’re beautiful too! Hey you even got Brad Pitt on your team ; )

    I'm sure they didn't mean it with disrespect. We just live in a society where Skinny is Idolized. & there's tons of pressure on little girls, women. etc.
    I know ALL WOMEN OF ALL SHAPES are always a little insecure & so critical of their bodies. We are our own worst critics!

    Like I said in my post there's so many men out there with all different preferences. Some love skinny, some love bigger.
    Whatever!!!! It's just important to find someone who will LOVE YOU BEYOND YOUR PHYSICAL BEAUTY!!!!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member

    Translated: Bones are for a dog; Meat is for a man.

    Love this.


    I HATE the above saying. It's just ugly.

    Then there's: The closer to the bone, the sweeter the meat. :-P

    *My dad actually told me to say this to anyone who said I was too skinny! I never actually have but sometimes you've gotta fight fire with

    WHY SOOO SERIOUS?!!! lol I like it too but I can also see how it can be considered rude.
    Skinny Girls are worshipped in the entertainment world… it’s ok if girls with “meat” have a couple playful quotes right?!!
    You’re beautiful too! Hey you even got Brad Pitt on your team ; )

    I'm sure they didn't mean it with disrespect. We just live in a society where Skinny is Idolized. & there's tons of pressure on little girls, women. etc.
    I know ALL WOMEN OF ALL SHAPES are always a little insecure & so critical of their bodies. We are our own worst critics!

    Like I said in my post there's so many men out there with all different preferences. Some love skinny, some love bigger.
    Whatever!!!! It's just important to find someone who will LOVE YOU BEYOND YOUR PHYSICAL BEAUTY!!!!

    So, because "skinny girls are worshipped in the entertainment world", it's okay to make fun of them? What about Adele? She's pretty worshipped, so I can call her fat and all that and it's okay, because she's famous. That's bullsh*t.

    To say it wasn't meant with disrespect is a cop out. It was obviously an outright disrespectful quote. Just because skinny is idolized does not mean only the fat girls have the pressure on their shoulders. Get real.
  • TeenaJay
    TeenaJay Posts: 3
    My fiance likes women.. so I'm not sure what this "bones" and "meat" BS.... LOL
  • RichardCMolloy
    RichardCMolloy Posts: 130 Member
    I like some meat on a gal. There are some girls that are naturally super thin & so be it. However, if a girl that normally would have some curves goes super thanks.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    Women come in all shapes and sizes and the level of "meat" that looks best on each particular woman varies. The bones are for dogs comment sucks. Some women (including me) are thin and it works for us. I can't carry a bunch of fat around because it all piles up on my stomach. Doesn't make me any less of a woman.

    I don't know why overweight women think they can blatantly slam thin women and not even think twice about it. If I said something outright insulting like that to an overweight person, I would feel like a piece of crap.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I know ALL WOMEN OF ALL SHAPES are always a little insecure & so critical of their bodies. We are our own worst critics!

    So why is it OK for people to say nasty things about skinny women, then? If they're already beating themselves up enough, why add your voice to it?

    I had a friend in high school who, at 5'7", weighed 99 pounds. And no matter what she did, she COULD NOT gain weight. She wanted at least to weigh 100 pounds and she ate and ate and lifted weights and did all the right things, but her metabolism just kept her at 99. And I know a lot of women like that. So just because the entertainment industry casts skinny women in movies, it's OK for the rest of us to say nasty, rude things?

    And what does that say about the men who love them? They aren't real men? They're somehow not good people because they fell in love with women who are "bones"?

    It's rude.
  • JamesOfLondon
    JamesOfLondon Posts: 60 Member
    I like a girl who's happy with herself, likes the way she looks, and as such is confident about herself.

    Sadly, society ****s with people's minds...
  • beauty2323
    beauty2323 Posts: 70 Member

    Translated: Bones are for a dog; Meat is for a man.

    Love this.


    I HATE the above saying. It's just ugly.

    Then there's: The closer to the bone, the sweeter the meat. :-P

    *My dad actually told me to say this to anyone who said I was too skinny! I never actually have but sometimes you've gotta fight fire with

    WHY SOOO SERIOUS?!!! lol I like it too but I can also see how it can be considered rude.
    Skinny Girls are worshipped in the entertainment world… it’s ok if girls with “meat” have a couple playful quotes right?!!
    You’re beautiful too! Hey you even got Brad Pitt on your team ; )

    I'm sure they didn't mean it with disrespect. We just live in a society where Skinny is Idolized. & there's tons of pressure on little girls, women. etc.
    I know ALL WOMEN OF ALL SHAPES are always a little insecure & so critical of their bodies. We are our own worst critics!

    Like I said in my post there's so many men out there with all different preferences. Some love skinny, some love bigger.
    Whatever!!!! It's just important to find someone who will LOVE YOU BEYOND YOUR PHYSICAL BEAUTY!!!!

    So, because "skinny girls are worshipped in the entertainment world", it's okay to make fun of them? What about Adele? She's pretty worshipped, so I can call her fat and all that and it's okay, because she's famous. That's bullsh*t.

    To say it wasn't meant with disrespect is a cop out. It was obviously an outright disrespectful quote. Just because skinny is idolized does not mean only the fat girls have the pressure on their shoulders. Get real.

    :noway: Oh man! that's what you got from all I wrote?!
    Skinny girls are worshiped for their bodies (in the entertainment industry) not their talent like Adele so that was a bad comparison.
    Like you wrote "Then there's: The closer to the bone, the sweeter the meat. :-P " .. i think that's cute, I'm not offended. but could take that to offense if I cared.

    Skinny people make fun of fat people... Fat people make fun of skinny people.. black vs white vs hispanic vs whatever.....
    A lot of people "make fun" of people... & mostly to "make themselves" feel better. It's all a bunch of stupid insecurities.

    & back to the Skinny Vs Fat topic. How many girls starve themselves to look like these skinny models? Throw up after every meal? like come on...
    I didn't write the comment, i did stated that I liked it & also stated how it can be offensive.

    If your happy the way you are you shouldn't care about what others say!!!
    It's really not that serious.
    This is MYFITNESSPAL site... obviously your here to either maintain your weight, Gain, or lose. Either people are happy with themselves or need a change. If people decide to make up a few playful (yes I said playful) quotes to feel better SO WHAT!!

    SKINNY- The closer to the bone, the sweeter the meat. :laugh:
    THICKER- Thicker the berry the sweeter the juice (however it goes) :laugh:

    Both quotes were made up so people can feel confident about the skin their in!

    Jokes sometimes are offensive, racial, or etc.... learn to laugh!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    (or you can be>>:grumble: ) lol
  • beauty2323
    beauty2323 Posts: 70 Member
    I know ALL WOMEN OF ALL SHAPES are always a little insecure & so critical of their bodies. We are our own worst critics!

    So why is it OK for people to say nasty things about skinny women, then? If they're already beating themselves up enough, why add your voice to it?

    I had a friend in high school who, at 5'7", weighed 99 pounds. And no matter what she did, she COULD NOT gain weight. She wanted at least to weigh 100 pounds and she ate and ate and lifted weights and did all the right things, but her metabolism just kept her at 99. And I know a lot of women like that. So just because the entertainment industry casts skinny women in movies, it's OK for the rest of us to say nasty, rude things?

    And what does that say about the men who love them? They aren't real men? They're somehow not good people because they fell in love with women who are "bones"?

    It's rude.

    Read my other post cause really I don't care about fat or skinny. Skinny girls have their quotes, meatyy girls have there's.
    It's really not that serious but hey if you all want to be uptight than you have that RIGHT!! lol :laugh:
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    "Eye of the beholder." To each his own, and more importantly do YOU like what you see in the mirror. My personal preference is a "fit" woman, not skinny nor chunky. She's still an obvious woman, but has worked hard to become a fit woman at that. Don't worry about muscle, it will take care of itself when you lift and workout and eat clean. Get fit, and your body will fall in line. And after you put in the hard work, YOU will love what you've accomplished...and not really give a damn what the guys think!


    You are my hero.Your words were actually hotter than your profile picture! :smooched:
  • beauty2323
    beauty2323 Posts: 70 Member
    I had a friend in college who spoke Spanish and used to say this in Spanish: Los huesos son para un perro, la carne es para un hombre

    Translated: Bones are for a dog; Meat is for a man.

    Disgusting phrase.
    Body shaming skinny women is not okay.

    This. That's such a stupid phrase.

    .....says the skinny woman. I think she meant it as a joke. I hope you did not lose your sense of humor as you were losing weight.


    Really, is she skinny? Looks that way in her photo. Really, did I think she meant it as a joke? Yes. She just forgot her little smiley emoticon. Really, do I hope they did not lose their sense of humor? Absolutely. Not having a sense of humor would be so very sad. Very sad indeed. Really, it would.

    LOL People have no sense of humor anymore.

    Skinny jokes, Fat jokes .. whatever!!


    and like I wrote on my other post:

    "Skinny people make fun of fat people... Fat people make fun of skinny people.. black vs white vs hispanic vs whatever.....
    A lot of people "make fun" of people... & mostly to "make themselves" feel better. It's all a bunch of stupid insecurities.

    & back to the Skinny Vs Fat topic. How many girls starve themselves to look like these skinny models? Throw up after every meal? like come on...
    I didn't write the comment, i did stated that I liked it & also stated how it can be offensive.

    If your happy the way you are you shouldn't care about what others say!!!
    It's really not that serious.
    This is MYFITNESSPAL site... obviously your here to either maintain your weight, Gain, or lose. Either people are happy with themselves or need a change. If people decide to make up a few playful (yes I said playful) quotes to feel better SO WHAT!!

    SKINNY- The closer to the bone, the sweeter the meat. :laugh:
    THICKER- Thicker the berry the sweeter the juice (however it goes) :laugh:

    Both quotes were made up so people can feel confident about the skin their in!

    Jokes sometimes are offensive, racial, or etc.... learn to laugh!
    (or you can be>> :grumble: ) lol"
  • beauty2323
    beauty2323 Posts: 70 Member
    I had a friend in college who spoke Spanish and used to say this in Spanish: Los huesos son para un perro, la carne es para un hombre

    Translated: Bones are for a dog; Meat is for a man.

    Disgusting phrase.
    Body shaming skinny women is not okay.

    This. That's such a stupid phrase.

    .....says the skinny woman. I think she meant it as a joke. I hope you did not lose your sense of humor as you were losing weight.


    Really, is she skinny? Looks that way in her photo. Really, did I think she meant it as a joke? Yes. She just forgot her little smiley emoticon. Really, do I hope they did not lose their sense of humor? Absolutely. Not having a sense of humor would be so very sad. Very sad indeed. Really, it would.

    So I can say that you being fat made you funnier?

    NO. Now you are making it personal to her when she was only trying to justify another person's comment.
    ... that comment whoever made it didn't make it specially to anyone. You writing "YOU being fat made YOU funnier" when you could have easily said "being fat makes fat people funnier" & she can have a comeback like.. "skinny makes you uptight" (bc they are always hungry.)

    Like come on people, why take things personal. We are all here for the same reason>>> TO CHANGE!!! (lose, gain, or maintain)

    This is the "chit-chat, fun, and games" section... stop getting so offended.

    LEARN TO LAUGH :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    In my opinion, if a guy is Insisting on a slim,or skinny woman, he may just be lacking in a certain department. Knowing that a woman with a little more meat will be much more to handle if you are "inadequate"

    Just my opinion dont shoot me!

    lol best quote of the thread.

    Body bashing (fat or skinny) isn't okay.

    Don't try to alter yourself for a man. Do what makes you happy. Doing any kind of major change for a man usually ends in disaster.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    Guys-I'm curious...I'm 5 foot 4 and trying to figure out a goal weight that will be healthy, and look good as well. lots of pics here show people that are total muscle, some are overweight, and some are 'average' for lack of better words. So my question is...would you rather have a super skinny girl or a girl with some meat on her bones? What's a good weight to be at and look healthy, yet on the skinny side?
    depends on her face....could be either way and if she's sweet. I do however go crazy with booty, if it's meaty or if she's thin she has to pack a round booty too :P
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member

    "Tyra Banks: At 17 and a Size 4, 'I Would've Been Considered Too Heavy' to Model Now."

    Most of the comments indicate they prefer meat. :D

  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    I like both bones and
    no seriously, if the girl feels comfortable under her skin, and just takes care of herself without being too obsessed about the weight, that's fine.