Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Share your experiences!!



  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I use to from some experiences I had but then found out what those experiences were and it had nothing to do with spirits or ghost so now if there is something unexplainable or something that seems odd I just sum it up to its something that I don't know. I don't believe in ghost or spirits anymore or anything supernatural.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I use to from some experiences I had but then found out what those experiences were and it had nothing to do with spirits or ghost so now if there is something unexplainable or something that seems odd I just sum it up to its something that I don't know. I don't believe in ghost or spirits anymore or anything supernatural.

    This one has me curious as to what the explanations were?
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I am LOVING these stories!
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I went to college in Gettysburg, Pa - supposed to be one of the most haunted areas in the US due the battle that occurred there. I lived there for four years and had one experience. I was out on campus with some of my sorority sisters after dark, putting up fliers for an up-coming event. One of my sisters was always freaking out about ghosts and said she didn't want to be out after dark on campus. So I mentioned that the building we were standing in front of was supposed to be haunted. Suddenly, the railing on the stairs started shaking back and forth violently, then stopped. No one else seemed to notice. I went over and felt the railing and it was not loose.

    I still go back a few times a year to visit and had a second experience last year. My husband and I were sharing a hotel room with my brother. In the middle of the night I woke up suddenly and saw a man who looked like my brother sitting at the foot of his bed. I called out to him and the man disappeared. Then I looked over and saw that my brother was sound asleep in his bed. In the morning, I looked the room over and nothing would have made a human-like shape that would have appeared at that spot. I didn't think much of it because the hotel was somewhat far from the battlefield, but later I found out that the hotel was built on the site of a make-shift hospital area used during and after the battle.

    I know a lot of people don't believe these things and that's fine. Just wanted to share what has happened to me.
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    Nope. Nothing to share.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I use to from some experiences I had but then found out what those experiences were and it had nothing to do with spirits or ghost so now if there is something unexplainable or something that seems odd I just sum it up to its something that I don't know. I don't believe in ghost or spirits anymore or anything supernatural.

    This one has me curious as to what the explanations were?

    Forms of hypnagogia
  • Vespyr
    Vespyr Posts: 111 Member
    I'll have to read the rest of these stories later!
    I'm pretty sure the house I grew up in was haunted. Why, we don't know cause it was a new build. Anyway over the years me, my sister, and my dad saw the same girl, dressed in a dress or flowy night gown. The first time I saw her, me and my sister were playing before bed and I went to get a drink of water. I then heard and saw a girl (who I thought was my sister) run across the living room and behind the couch. I thought she wanted to scare me so I carefully snuck into the living room to scare her first. When I got to the couch...there was no one behind it. My sister was in her bed.

    Another time I was in bed and I heard someone come in my room. My back was to the door, and I thought it was my mom so I pretended to be asleep. She sat on the bed and I felt it move down a bit from the weight. Then I thought I'd scare her. Turned on there.

    My sister said she saw a girl standing over me in my bed. We heard a lot of foot steps on the stairs and in the hallway. My dad heard the footsteps a lot too.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I use to from some experiences I had but then found out what those experiences were and it had nothing to do with spirits or ghost so now if there is something unexplainable or something that seems odd I just sum it up to its something that I don't know. I don't believe in ghost or spirits anymore or anything supernatural.

    This one has me curious as to what the explanations were?

    Forms of hypnagogia

    So like, dreaming but being awake?
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I use to from some experiences I had but then found out what those experiences were and it had nothing to do with spirits or ghost so now if there is something unexplainable or something that seems odd I just sum it up to its something that I don't know. I don't believe in ghost or spirits anymore or anything supernatural.

    This one has me curious as to what the explanations were?

    Forms of hypnagogia

    So like, dreaming but being awake?

    Pretty much, it can see very real since you're awake and you make you think you might had saw a ghost or spirit, that was my experience.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    I'll have to read the rest of these stories later!
    I'm pretty sure the house I grew up in was haunted. Why, we don't know cause it was a new build. Anyway over the years me, my sister, and my dad saw the same girl, dressed in a dress or flowy night gown. The first time I saw her, me and my sister were playing before bed and I went to get a drink of water. I then heard and saw a girl (who I thought was my sister) run across the living room and behind the couch. I thought she wanted to scare me so I carefully snuck into the living room to scare her first. When I got to the couch...there was no one behind it. My sister was in her bed.

    Another time I was in bed and I heard someone come in my room. My back was to the door, and I thought it was my mom so I pretended to be asleep. She sat on the bed and I felt it move down a bit from the weight. Then I thought I'd scare her. Turned on there.

    My sister said she saw a girl standing over me in my bed. We heard a lot of foot steps on the stairs and in the hallway. My dad heard the footsteps a lot too.

    My boss told me..many years ago when he was just starting his practice..he had taken an office in a brand new 4 ofc building. He said it was no where near restaurants, or any other food establishment...but he would always smell bread. His patients would

    also tell him his office always smelled so fresh baked bread. He could not understand it. And one day he went to he pulled up he saw a car with a middle aged woman sitting in the drivers seat. At first he thought he had forgotten an there were no other doctors currently occupying the building. He asked if she needed help..and he said SHE said.....she just comes by this spot once a month to visit her grandma. Her grandmother's house use to sit in this exact spot years ago. She went on to tell him how her grandma raised her..and the house held
    very warm memories. Her grandma use to bake bread everyday for church members...
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    On a more serious note though.... If you are experiencing a ghost right now, it's always nice to tell them to "go toward the light". Whether you believe in "the light" or not, what can it hurt? If anything, you'll probably just get rid of your ghost. I don't know, just something in me hates to think of someone "stuck" here when they could move on to other things.

    Please don't respond with any hate to the above paragraph. I got my beliefs and you have yours. If you don't agree, carry on. Thanks. :smile:

    I'm thinking 'the light' is all a bit media-esque and any ghosts will already know it. After all, we all do.

    I was staying at a friend's for a while. My alarm clock disappeared and nobody knew where it went, so I thought I'd use their cooking timer and just keep resetting it. I was on the verge of losing my job, and I had to be there on time. I never heard the timer go off even once. I woke up to a girl calling my name, and I saw who I thought was my friend in the doorway wearing a long white nightgown. I grabbed my watch off the nightstand and it was exactly 5:30. I looked back to say thank you and she was gone, so I figured she had gone back to bed. When I was on my way to the bathroom I realized she was passed out still wearing her clothes from the night before. When I called her from work and asked if she had woken me up. She said she hadn't, and when I told her what happened, she said that sounded like the girl another friend saw in the bedroom I would not sleep in because it has an attic door. The girl had sat down on the bed and was talking to her friend, but she couldn't understand what she was saying. The next time I saw her I was awoken by a car horn going off that sounded like it was in the room with me. When I opened my eyes, the girl was standing next to my bed, soaking wet. I could see right through her nightgown, and she had a really creepy look on her face that scared the crap out of me. I pulled the sheet over my head and stayed like that the rest of the night. My friend thinks it's her cousin who was killed when her car went off a bridge and she drowned, but the girl didn't look like the pictures she showed me. My bf took me to the Church of Scientology in DC, and the woman we talked to said to find out why she's still here and then tell her to go to the light. When I went back to my friend's I kept thinking it over and over in my head "go to the light" and I never saw her again. He was mad and said she probably heard my thoughts and went to the light. Well sorry! I was askeeeeered!
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    Listen people, we all have our opinions. Yeah, I'd like to see you non-believers describe my experience, and everyone else's. This is for people who have the same opinion - that spirits exist. If you do not share that opinion, you are honestly wasting your time dissing on other people's beliefs. As you can tel, it says 'share your experiences', not 'be a ***** to everyone and say what is right and what is wrong'.

    You can say it's a trick of the mind, or God does such-and-such. But what if that person doesn't believe in God? How you gonna explain their experience? Seriously, I know that you want to be macho and say there's no such thing. But this is for people who do believe and are sharing their experiences.

    The sad thing is that people say 'don't give me hate comments' before they go onto their story. That's really sad that people have to do that, because you can't be mature and let other people believe what they want. You can believe that there is no afterlife or no spirits, and I can believe that there is. If you don't believe, basically, GTFO.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    I went to college in Gettysburg, Pa - supposed to be one of the most haunted areas in the US due the battle that occurred there. I lived there for four years and had one experience. I was out on campus with some of my sorority sisters after dark, putting up fliers for an up-coming event. One of my sisters was always freaking out about ghosts and said she didn't want to be out after dark on campus. So I mentioned that the building we were standing in front of was supposed to be haunted. Suddenly, the railing on the stairs started shaking back and forth violently, then stopped. No one else seemed to notice. I went over and felt the railing and it was not loose.

    I still go back a few times a year to visit and had a second experience last year. My husband and I were sharing a hotel room with my brother. In the middle of the night I woke up suddenly and saw a man who looked like my brother sitting at the foot of his bed. I called out to him and the man disappeared. Then I looked over and saw that my brother was sound asleep in his bed. In the morning, I looked the room over and nothing would have made a human-like shape that would have appeared at that spot. I didn't think much of it because the hotel was somewhat far from the battlefield, but later I found out that the hotel was built on the site of a make-shift hospital area used during and after the battle.

    I know a lot of people don't believe these things and that's fine. Just wanted to share what has happened to me.

    I LOVE Gettysburg. I'm a paranormal investigator, and we visited the battleground = AMAZING footage and everything. It gave me the creeps though.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    When my daughter was little, around the same age of 2 or so, she would talk about things that happened when she was big, with her other mom. She live in Hawaii, her boyfriend died in a car accident, the flowers were pretty... weird things for a 2 year old to talk about. She would also be playing and just stop and say "_____________ just died" naming a person I had never heard of. One night she was in bed and I could hear her in there talking away, so I went in and told her she had to go to sleep. She told me she was just telling her babies about her day. I said she needed to tell her babies about her day before bedtime. She said, "I can't, Mommy, they only talk to me when it's dark." She did this stuff all the time. My friends said she gave them the creeps! She grew out of it by about 4 or so and does not remember anything.

    That would give me the creeps, too!

    My daughter used to talk to "Jessica" when she was little, I think closer to 4. Somehow Jessica was older than her own mother, which didn't make sense. There's a graveyard behind my house, and my cousin found a grave stone with the name Jessica on it, but there are lots of Jessica's, so I wasn't sure what to think. My daughter has no memory of talking to this girl. My MIL bought my daughter a Ouija board for Christmas a few years ago. They scare me, so I didn't want her playing with it, but she said she did play with it with her friends and nothing happened. Flash forward a few more years. I adopted my foster dog whose previous owner had committed suicide. The first day I had her at the house she was staring into my closet and I thought maybe she had brought her owner's spirit with her. She would also watch something in the hallway come into my room and then go back out. My other dog would sometimes stand in my doorway and bark, but he wouldn't come in. I always assumed he just wanted to go out to pee because I'd call for him to come in and he wouldn't budge, but now I'm thinking it was whatever was in my room that was making him not want to come in. I was talking to my ex's cousin, and found out she does readings, and she agreed to come to my house. While we were in my living room, Dolly stood up on the back of the couch and was staring at something in the hallway. My cousin started taking pictures, and there was a huge orb over my bedroom door and another in the middle of the hallway. When I was taking pictures of her, nothing showed up until she actually invited them to. She threw her hands out and I took a picture. There was an orb next to her right hand. When she was talking to a spirit, I heard her say she was getting a J and an E, and she asked if those were her initials. That's when I told her about Jessica. She asked if she was Jessica and she told her yes, that she came from the graveyard behind my house, and she just comes to our house because she's lonely. But she's afraid of something that my daughter brought in with that *&^% Ouija board! Not a man, but it's a he. Sometimes portrays himself as an animal, sometimes a little girl. And he goes between my house and the one my daughter is in now. My daughter slept in my room for about a year because she kept saying there was someone outside her window, same time every night. I said that was impossible, because the dogs would've heard. Jessica said that was "it". My daughter also was looking out my bedroom window one night and started screaming and crying (she was 12 at the time). She said there was a man out there, and he was twisting his head around and looked like he was screaming, but she couldn't hear anything, and his face was bloody. That was also "it". Ever since then I don't look out my window when I'm getting into bed at night. My ex's cousin gave me a tigers eye crystal before she left. She said "they" told her to give it to me for protection, so she doesn't question them, she just does what "they" say. Dolly hasn't watched anything move around since then, so I'm hoping it's because of the crystal. His cousin left a recorder in my daughter's room while we went to the graveyard that night, but I haven't gotten together with her again to listen. She wanted me to verify some things she heard on it. Yeah, I'm real eager to do that!
  • drea0703
    drea0703 Posts: 83 Member
    bump :)
  • corrine1973
    corrine1973 Posts: 209 Member
    I have believed in ghosts for as long as I remember. Maybe it was because when I was young my mom told me a story about her mother (who died when she was only 3) had visited her when she was pregnant with me. Did this story really happen? I don't know, I wasn't there, but it makes a good story.

    If you enjoy debating others who do not believe in the paranormal, then by all means keep on going. If you are trying to change there minds, I wouldn't waste your time. It is not about to change anytime soon.

    As for me I am skeptic that believes in ghost. I have seen things out of the cornor of my eyes, had toys go off for no reason (no there batteries were not low and it only happened at on apartment), and been poked on the shoulder by something that I couldn't find (no where to hide, and middle of the day). I know I have an active imagination so I don't think every little creak is a ghost but look around for other explanations. (such as when I woke up to hear laughter and no one was there. I chalked it up to not being totally awake.) No son also claims to have seen a man at the apartment where the toys would go off and refers to it as the haunted house.

    There are millions of stories out there of diffrent accounts, and yes I know it is hard to always take someones story for face value. After all you were not there to witness it. But there are paranormal teams out there that have taken videos, pictures, EVP's, and used other equipment on there investigation. And yes there is no proof as of yet to convience science that ghost do in fact exist, but I believe what does exist is very conviencing. Especially if experts review them and find no tampering.

    But than this just my humble opinion. I will not insult your beliefs and I would appriciate it if you don't insult mine. :-)

    Loving all th stories, keep them coming.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    If you don't believe, basically, GTFO.

    Those who don't believe have just as much right to to state they don't and share why. Plus the title is asking do you believe, well, some of us don't.
  • illuminatusObservor
    Listen people, we all have our opinions. Yeah, I'd like to see you non-believers describe my experience, and everyone else's. This is for people who have the same opinion - that spirits exist. If you do not share that opinion, you are honestly wasting your time dissing on other people's beliefs. As you can tel, it says 'share your experiences', not 'be a ***** to everyone and say what is right and what is wrong'.

    You can say it's a trick of the mind, or God does such-and-such. But what if that person doesn't believe in God? How you gonna explain their experience? Seriously, I know that you want to be macho and say there's no such thing. But this is for people who do believe and are sharing their experiences.

    The sad thing is that people say 'don't give me hate comments' before they go onto their story. That's really sad that people have to do that, because you can't be mature and let other people believe what they want. You can believe that there is no afterlife or no spirits, and I can believe that there is. If you don't believe, basically, GTFO.

    I completely agree.
  • illuminatusObservor
    If you don't believe, basically, GTFO.

    Those who don't believe have just as much right to to state they don't and share why. Plus the title is asking do you believe, well, some of us don't.

    Then start your own thread. This one is for sharing experiences and stories. Its annoying to have to read through the clutter for actual stories.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I never much believed until I moved into my sorority house in college. It was haunted by a girl who had passed away during Initiation in the early 1900s and there were constant occurances. Radios turning off and on by themselves, doorhandles turning or getting hot when no one was around, water faucets turning off and on. During Rush my junior year, our house lost power when no one else on the block did, and they only came back on when someone asked "Olivia" to turn them back on.

    Believe what you will. There are things in this world that we can't see, but that impact us nonetheless.