Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Share your experiences!!



  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    bumping for later interesting posts
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    I'll share.

    I had been home alone from school for about 30 minutes, so it was between 3:30 and 4:00. It would've been my sophomore or junior year of high school. Lived in the second floor of a duplex and my bedroom was right above the stairs that lead to our door. I was lying in bed watching tv when I heard someone coming up the stairs and then I heard our door open and close. I thought nothing of it because my mom usually got home around 4. After about 10 minutes, I got up to go to the kitchen, fully expecting my mom to be there because of what I'd heard, but there was no one there. The only thing I can think of is that my mom got home, realized she had forgotten to buy something at the store and just headed back out, but I would have heard her going back down the stairs, and I didn't.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    This is a true story that happened very recently. A widow in our church was at home and alone when her cell phone rang. The caller I.D. said the call was coming from her land line (the house she was in). She answered the phone, but there was no one on the line. She just said. " I miss you and I love you" and hung up the phone. It was the 1 year anniversary of her husbands death. This is not the type of woman to make up a story, so I believe her 100 percent.

    That gave me chills.

    Me too.

    My grandpa had something similar happen to him. His dad died in the 70's, while my dad was little. My aunt had gotten Grandpa Doug a cell phone for Christmas a few years ago for him to take hunting. He pretty well just left it turned off in the car, and didn't use it. He decided to go to the car one day and check to make sure he didn't have any messages. He had only one, a voicemail, which he said was "Doug, it's your dad. Haven't talked to you in a very long time. I miss you. Love you." That was it. It scared him so bad, he threw the phone away.
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413
    This is a true story that happened very recently. A widow in our church was at home and alone when her cell phone rang. The caller I.D. said the call was coming from her land line (the house she was in). She answered the phone, but there was no one on the line. She just said. " I miss you and I love you" and hung up the phone. It was the 1 year anniversary of her husbands death. This is not the type of woman to make up a story, so I believe her 100 percent.

    That gave me chills.

    Me too.

    My grandpa had something similar happen to him. His dad died in the 70's, while my dad was little. My aunt had gotten Grandpa Doug a cell phone for Christmas a few years ago for him to take hunting. He pretty well just left it turned off in the car, and didn't use it. He decided to go to the car one day and check to make sure he didn't have any messages. He had only one, a voicemail, which he said was "Doug, it's your dad. Haven't talked to you in a very long time. I miss you. Love you." That was it. It scared him so bad, he threw the phone away.

  • KaraP18
    KaraP18 Posts: 145 Member
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    If you don't believe, basically, GTFO.

    Those who don't believe have just as much right to to state they don't and share why. Plus the title is asking do you believe, well, some of us don't.

    Then start your own thread. This one is for sharing experiences and stories. Its annoying to have to read through the clutter for actual stories.

    THIS!!!!!^^ So annoying people!!!! :noway:
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    My grandma (mom's mom) passed right before I turned one, without having gotten to see me first. Not long after her passing my mom heard her mother's voice calling her from my bedroom. She finally decided to go in there and see what was going on and she saw her mother's ghost by my crib. For about a year after that, I was seen talking (baby gibber) to no one. Once my dad was in the kitchen while I was in the front room and he heard a woman saying "hello, how are you?" so he though someone was at the front door. He went in there and and I was alone. I consider her my gardian angel. Many years growing up, my dog would always stare at the top of the steps at nothing. It would kind of creep me out and I would just say "hi grandma" to make myself feel better.

    Also, in the same house my dad insists that he's seen his grandmother who had never been in our house and would sometimes smell rose water out of nowhere. That was what she used to wear.

    My stepdad once bought a house in California. Not long after he lived there, he woke up with a dark mass standing before the bed and he wouhad a terrible feeling. The next day, he was coming home from running errands and his dog was running flat out in the opposite direction of the house. My stepdad got home and saw that his dog had busted through the door because something had scared him so bad. They moved out soon there after.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    Last night I was woken up at 3:00am when the bed shook and I felt something heavy on my chest. when I was able to get up I found my wife in the living room playing on her computer. she said she couldn't sleep and then turned her computer off. after I fell asleep I had some of the most horrible dreams, it seemed like I was under some sort of psychological attack. I got up and looked in the mirror and I looked different like I was looking at myself through someone else's eyes.

    I was physically attacked by some unseen force a little over a year ago that left scratched on my face and chest.
  • NU2U
    NU2U Posts: 659 Member
    Last night I was woken up at 3:00am when the bed shook and I felt something heavy on my chest. when I was able to get up I found my wife in the living room playing on her computer. she said she couldn't sleep and then turned her computer off. after I fell asleep I had some of the most horrible dreams, it seemed like I was under some sort of psychological attack. I got up and looked in the mirror and I looked different like I was looking at myself through someone else's eyes.

    I was physically attacked by some unseen force a little over a year ago that left scratched on my face and chest.

    What did you do?
    What did your wife say when you told her what happened?
  • SlvrFlame
    SlvrFlame Posts: 15 Member
    I'll have to go back and read through the rest of the posts - I love hearing other people's experiences!

    One of my own experiences happened when I was maybe 11-13. My sister and I were out in the backyard trying to see if we could watch a meteor shower and I ended up laying down on the hill, though propped up on my elbows. For some reason I glanced back over a shoulder to the ground, saw a clawed hand reaching up for me, and I scrambled up to my feet and headed right for the house. I don't much care for going out there in the dark even now.

    I mostly seem to hear/feel things, too. I've been run out of my own bedroom at least once by a very strong, VERY malicious feeling and it took me forever to get up the nerve to go back to bed. After that, things were fine.

    Once when I was spending the night at a friend's house, I was the last to lay down to sleep. I had just closed my eyes and after a few minutes I heard someone near by having a conversation, a man and woman. When the woman's voice sounded like she was right above me I sat up quickly and looked around but no one was there. That didn't spook me for some reason, though, and I was able to go to sleep fairly quick.

    I often think I hear someone calling my name and I have to wonder when my mother will think I've finally lost my mind since I'm always asking if she called me.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I never really believed in ghosts or spirts....

    However, one night a few weeks after having put my dog to sleep I awoke to what I thought was him barking. I looked around the room and suddenly noticed this old TV of mine was glowing. In the six months that this TV had been in the corner on the floor in my room it hadn't been plugged in or turned on. There was NO power going to it. How was it glowing? The room was in the basement with a small tiny window that had a thick curtain blocking any possibly outside lights. And, there was no lights on...

    So, naturally I freaked the heck out, jumped up and turned on a light immediately. And that is when I noticed two distinct paw prints on the wall above my bed.............. I even took a picture of them.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I have another story....

    I remember dreaming of my Aunt Karen. In the dream she came to visit me and took me to go do some snow angels in the snow outside... We were having a great time like we used to when she was a kid.

    At about 2:30 in the morning I was suddenly pulled from my sleep by the door bell ringing. It was my uncle telling us that my Aunt had passed away in her sleep that night.....

    I don't know if she came to visit me or if it was just a coincidence...but this memory always sticks out to me.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    My mother had an experience that she shared with me. My mom, is not one to embellish anything and doesn't even like speaking of ghosts, or spirits. This happen when she was in her late teens. She was driving home from work one afternoon (on a two lane back country road) and was by herself in the car... this would have been very late 60's. She came from a rather poor family, so the car she had to drive wasn't even equipped with a radio. All of a sudden she heard a voice say, "Get in the other lane" she said it sounded like the voice was coming from her backseat, so she glanced over her shoulder and of course no one was there. Then the voice yelled in a very demanding tone "Get into the other lane now". It scared her so that she burst into tears as she jerked the steering wheel and steered the car into the wrong lane of a very sharp curve.. at that exact moment a car came flying around the curve in the wrong lane. The guy, for some reason had overshot the curve and was in her lane. Had she not jerked the car into the other lane she would have been hit head on. My mom prefers to believe that an angel was watching over her
  • NotAlone82
    NotAlone82 Posts: 32
    I do not believe in Ghosts or that part of you is left behind when you die. I believe when you die you are judged and go 1 of 2 places. I believe in demons for sure.
  • chicago_dad
    chicago_dad Posts: 357
    I have this really cool rock that keeps away tigers. I've had it for 20 years, and not ONCE have I been attacked by a tiger. Anyone want to buy it? It's only $5,000.
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    I do not believe they exist, despite Patrick Swayze's rather convincing role.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    We were touring the Palmer House in Sauk Center, MN. It has been on My Ghost Story and soon to be Ghost Adventures. We were up in the hotel rooms and we went into a room that belonged to a "lady of the night". I called her a wh0re and she slammed the hotel room door on me. I mean, she pushed it hard. Then we felt the room get about 30 degrees colder and we all got goosebumps. Everyone felt it. It was CRAZY! Then we were in the basement and I sat in a chair that was on My Ghost Story. After a little while, I felt someone grab my side. Also in the basement, my mom felt someone playing with her shoes, looked down, and her shoe was untied. Then she felt someone play with her bracelet. She told us to take a picture, she moved a little out of the way, and this is what we got. If you turn your head, you can see that is spot on the right is an orb and it has a smiley face. The smaller ones are dust - you can see right through them. If you are in MN, I would suggest taking the tour!

  • terrimcnamara2012
    YES I DO 1980 and 81 I lived in Dunoon, Scotland and lived in the Glasgow Hotel. I experienced several unexplainable things. Seeing someones shadow behind me and turning around and no one being there. Also feeling a hand brush my shoulder when no one was around. The owners' sister had a dog that absolulutely refused to go into one of the bedrooms and this same bedroom one night one of the people staying in it thought that someone else had dumped a glass of water in the bed as it was soaking wet and in the morning is was bone dry. One of the taxi drivers who hung out in the pub was not a believer and one night while sitting at the bar, he kept turning and looking over his shoulder, when asked what was wrong he replied that some one was behind him. There was no one there and a short time later he quickly left the pub as is spooked him very badly.
  • terrimcnamara2012
    my son David died on July 15, 2001 the next morning I very distinctly heard him say "Mom" it was like he was telling me he was ok. He died on a Sunday and the next couple of days we moved from the upstairs apt of the house to the bottom of the house. That night my daughter came and said "Mom,there is someone upstairs" I listened and I could hear foot steps walking back and forth over our heads; like some one was pacing back and forth. I know no one was there, we had given the key to the landlord. I had never told my son that we were moving downstairs and I think that his spirit was there looking for us.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Terri, I'm so sorry for the loss of your son. :cry:

    My best friend's dad passed away in September. She and her sister flew down to FL to be with their mom. My friend said for the first couple of nights she could hear someone in the kitchen, but nobody was there, and she was really freaked out. Her dad used to get up in the middle of the night to get an Ensure, so she thought that's what it was. The next day her sister was in the bathroom at one point and said she could smell what smelled like a dead hamster. Her husband said it was just the chemicals he sprayed for the ants, but she said that wasn't it, it wasn't that kind of smell. That night my friend didn't hear anything in the kitchen. She was curious about it all, so she called the funeral home to find out if her dad had been cremated yet, and they said he was cremated the day before. Maybe he was just waiting to see if they were going to follow through with his wishes. In November we flew down to work on the house to get it ready for an estate sale. Every once in a while the phone would ring and nobody was there. Nothing showed up on the caller ID when that happened, either, not even unknown caller.