Offensive? Speed dating - women under sz 8 labels checked



  • jallen1955
    jallen1955 Posts: 121
    lol...and which label do they check?

    I wear a size 12 or 14 top and a 4 a 40" chest with 35" hips is bad?

    If there is a size restriction for women, I hope to hell there is a waist size restriction for men.

    (the whole thing is retarded...speed dating, online dating etc etc)
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Proud + size 10 girl here.
    Everyone is entitled to thier opinion and preference.

    With that being said....
    Too bad they would miss out on all this :laugh: :tongue:

    GET IT GHURL!!! ROVK that 10!!

  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    lol...and which label do they check?

    I wear a size 12 or 14 top and a 4 a 40" chest with 35" hips is bad?

    If there is a size restriction for women, I hope to hell there is a waist size restriction for men.

    (the whole thing is retarded...speed dating, online dating etc etc)
    Speed dating and online dating isn't retarded. It's not your cup of tea, you may not be good at it or agree with it, but that doesn't mean it's bad or retarded to others. It's 2012, it's perfectly acceptable way of meeting people in this day and age.
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    I wouldn't personally participate in an exclusionary type venue, but I don't care one bit if others do.
  • tinchick
    tinchick Posts: 59 Member
    I think that the bigger issue than discriminating based purely on size is that it is one sided. The guys don't have to be a certain size, just the women.

    Misogyny strikes again!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I will never be a size 8. I'm too big now to envision being anything but plus size. (I'm doing my best to lose weight and go down sizes. I just dream in smaller chunks. :smile: ) I don't find the idea that people of a "type" offensive. (Though people who mentioned that size fluctuates and if size was the main criteria of interest for a man, it could get very scary for the woman as she gets older...)
    Still, I am offended that the criteria for women is to be of a certain size AND pay forty bucks, while the men get in for forty bucks. It is like they are saying a man deserves to get what he wants because he is a man, and a woman should just be happy to get a man.
    Why would an enviable sized woman be willing to subject herself to a size check without having some sort of benefit from it?
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Um, what's the tl;dr version of this?

    Do they at least take height into account? A size 10 woman who's 5'2" is going to look a lot different than a size 10 woman who's 5'9". Just saying.
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    It's stupid. Skinny does not necessarily equal beautiful. But what do I care? I'd never go to a thing like that even if I wasn't already taken by a guy who doesn't care about my clothing size as long as I'm healthy.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I think I need to start a speed dating with a mandatory credit and shlong check. Skinny wallets need not apply :laugh:
  • mrskatekline
    mrskatekline Posts: 11 Member
    I think I need to start a speed dating with a mandatory credit and shlong check. Skinny wallets need not apply :laugh:

    LOL, I LOVE it!

    I think it's supposed to be offensive. It's being filmed for TV, after all. It will suck in a lot of people.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I think it is offensive they are checking tags at the door. I think size 8 is kinda meaningless and arbitrary, some people look thin at size 8, others look like a figure/fitness model, others look like lingerie model and other people look overweight. I am sure I could find a size 8 something that fits me, and I wear a size 16. :P

    All it is telling you is what size clothes to buy her for her birthday and nothing about body shape/composition. It is just as dumb as using the scale as your only gauge of health and fitness. I mean if you ask the average guy and they had a choice of a women with 45% body fat at size 8 and 22% body fat at size 12, the odds are they are going for the size 12 woman.

    But this is already a little suspect as it is a pilot for a reality show, so if you sign up you know what you are getting into.

    What's next? Hip/waist ratio? Body type? Bra size? Women need to submit lingerie photos for admittance?

    Where are the men's requirements? That's the double standard I am really fed up with.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I think I need to start a speed dating with a mandatory credit and shlong check. Skinny wallets need not apply :laugh:

    Yeah but then I would disqualify because of my >.<
  • rooster70460
    rooster70460 Posts: 206 Member
    I'd love to see them measure a guys TOOL..... if it's too small you GO HOME......LMAO......
  • PhenomeNae
    PhenomeNae Posts: 130 Member
    i'm not offended by this at all. it's just another criteria or preference that some men have on their list. life isn't fair, not everyone is going to be attracted to you... regardless if you're attracted to them or not.

    as for the men's requirement to enter this speed dating event for tv? i'm sure they have to be some kind of successful or something, it is for TV and they want as much drama and tension as possible. or maybe that's the idea? they get men that don't meet any requirement and get them against these thinner women... (who are supposedly more attractive because of their clothing size) and see how it pops off. if that's the case, i'm expecting a lot of eye rolling on the women's part.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    I don't think it's offensive but it's just dumb for the fact that clothing size doesn't necessarily measure if you're fat or not. For instance, I wear a size 6 and my best friend wears a 8 but she looks MUCH smaller than me. I have a gut, she has a perfectly flat, toned belly. I'm 5'3 and she's 5'10. The thing that IS offensive though is that there aren't any weight restrictions for the men. That is extremely sexist!!! However, that's how our society works. You see TONS of ugly guys with super hot gfs but not many vice versa. Eh. What can you do?
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    It might be one of the dumbest things I ever heard. It's too silly to be offensive. Any guy involved is essentially a flat-liner when it comes to brain activity so who really cares?
  • tigerlily_82
    tigerlily_82 Posts: 41 Member
    I think it's great!

    Get all the shallow d-bags together with people who like being judged for their clothing size, and let them make each other miserable.

    LOL! I didn't think of it this way!
  • queenfresh
    queenfresh Posts: 32 Member
    This is why that dude is single.
  • CreativeGuy504
    CreativeGuy504 Posts: 16 Member
    I don't think it's offensive at all. There are sites that cater specifically to BBW. Some men have a preference for women on the heavier side...which I think is OK. Logic would indicate that if there are men who prefer heavier women, there are also men who prefer women who are lighter.

    If you prefer heavier women, it's OK. If you prefer lighter women, then you're "shallow". I've never really understood that argument.
  • CreativeGuy504
    CreativeGuy504 Posts: 16 Member
    Everyone involved there knows exactly what they're getting into. If those women are happy with that arrangement and want to date shallow guys, that's fine with me; take them out of the dating pool so no one else has to deal with them. It seems like a win on every side. It certainly seems better to know the guy's attitude up front than have him lie to get into a relationship and spring it on her later.

    Having a personal preference doesn't make someone "shallow". People have preferences: gay, straight, bi, heavy, thin, white, black...etc etc. I'm sure you yourself have a preference as well. It doesn't make anyone shallow. It just means they have a preference.