Hottest Geek/Nerd on MFP



  • Motivation
    Motivation Posts: 64 Member
    You know what, I nominate me... because I think I'm pretty damn attractive and I spent six hours raiding today on my druid and priest and paladin... and because I just spent 40.00 on eBay to finish up my modern Bant exalted deck. :( I can write you up an old-school website with HTML and CSS if you'd like.

    I'm the wrong kind of nerd.

    Sounds like you may have survived Diablo III , or my friend just chose a horrible server. The raid finder is overrated :(

    I have yet to buy DIII because I can't justify the money right now (I played the beta to death...), but WoW raidfinder is HAWFUL. The people are terrible. I was regular-raiding with my guild, thankfully, and then I did raidfinder, which is immediate grounds for "kill me now."

    I ended up getting the annual pass so d3 be free. Kinda disappointed with the MoP beta though, it's SUPER buggy.. feels more like an alpha. I try to avoid the raid finder at all costs. I think I'd rather go run around in kara or ulduar or work on soloing ony.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    A noble gas walks into a bar. The bartender says "sorry, we don't serve noble gases in here." The noble gas did not react.

  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    I'm a network administrator by trade, and programmer for fun. I play games (when I can) as well - and have been tearing up D3 co-op with friends. Loving Sci-Fi and watch documentaries about the universe nearly every night before bed. Bonus points: This is my bedroom... Anyone recognize? ;)

    ... Aww, forums only show half the image. Link is above!


  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    no nomination for Ro0kin? founder of The Geek Squid on MFP? possibly the best MFP group there is?
  • Edwin_S
    Edwin_S Posts: 440 Member
    I circle typos in books and have an Excel spreadsheet outlining my budget - by week - for the next five years.

    Total Geek, i only budget a year in advance. I nominate Cory!!!
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    I'm a sci fi/fantasy geek. GRRM, Orson Scott Card, Terry Pratchett, Niels Gaiman and Stephenson.... There's a lot of good books out there, and good television.

    Ahh.. Cryptonomicon

    This jogged my memory of another Epic author

    H.P. Lovecraft
  • casiopeiya
    casiopeiya Posts: 34
    I sometimes consider myself a nerd... I always outscored my ex-boyfriend when it came to movies, especially background knowledge about star wars (and I don't even know THAT much!)
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    no nomination for Ro0kin? founder of The Geek Squid on MFP? possibly the best MFP group there is?

    Hear hear!!
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    no nomination for Ro0kin? founder of The Geek Squid on MFP? possibly the best MFP group there is?

    Yep, let's get Ro0kin on the books

    but also, how about you - you find us awesome loot!
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    I love a guy with a big, huge, gigantic brain! :love:

    oh no is this going to lapse into a "mines bigger than yours" argument :laugh:

    Hot damn, pick a topic and let me know the time and place so I could watch that argument. Fingers crossed that it's classic literature. SEXY!

    anyone for the "is batman a TRUE superhero" discussion ?:laugh:
  • zandrellia
    zandrellia Posts: 26
    i think definitions of "nerd" and "geek" need to be laid out here. Because I would not have even thought of "gamers"...I think who's got the most books and knows the quadratic equation by heart, understands Einstein's theory of relatively, uses the word "mesopotamia" on the regular, and would rather study the latin names of plants than watch TV.

    Well... if we want to be very technical here:

    The word "nerd" originated as a derogatory term for someone who is un-stylish, unattractive, and socially inept - particularly one who is obsessed with intellectual pursuits. That is, someone who is so involved with academics that they do not put any concern into appearance, social status, or fashion. By this definition, Albert Einstein was a nerd whereas Benjamin Franklin was not. Synonyms listed at include bookworm and geek, antonyms include anti-intellectual.

    Therefore, geeks could also be nerds.

    However, also looking up the word geek we find that it further means a person of intellectual bent who is often disliked (similar to nerd) and an enthusiast or expert - particularly in technological fields. (It also means a carnival performer of a certain type, amusingly enough, but I doubt that has much to do with the conversation at hand.)

    Therefore, all nerds could be geeks but not all geeks would be nerds.

    One can be a fashionable person who is generally liked but is an expert or enthusiast of technological fields. (See; Benjamin Franklin, Carl Sagan, etc.)

    Thus, "gamers" who are enthusiasts of video games (a technological creation) would qualify as "geeks" but may or may not qualify as "nerds".

    I digress... *wanders off to play SWTOR*
  • Motivation
    Motivation Posts: 64 Member
    I'm a network administrator by trade, and programmer for fun. I play games (when I can) as well - and have been tearing up D3 co-op with friends. Loving Sci-Fi and watch documentaries about the universe nearly every night before bed. Bonus points: This is my bedroom... Anyone recognize? ;)

    ... Aww, forums only show half the image. Link is above!

    no extra image bandwidth necessary for a quote!

    I think you get points deducted because those candles above the bed are a fire hazard!
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    I can wax philosophically about the different meanings behind Star Wars' story line, and let you play with my modus ponens. After all, I am hot and a geek, therefore also the "est."

    (Go ahead, play with it. Also--please tell me if you get that crappy joke)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    no nomination for Ro0kin? founder of The Geek Squid on MFP? possibly the best MFP group there is?

    how about you - you find us awesome loot!
    lol I'm just passing time @ work.
    ok my 2 nominations
    male: Ro0kin for starting The Geek Squid
    female: kapeluza (she is a girl right? her Leia avatar makes me think so >.>) for MFP Gamers group
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    A noble gas walks into a bar. The bartender says "sorry, we don't serve noble gases in here." The noble gas did not react.


  • numberscolors
    numberscolors Posts: 254
    Nerdy Jewish lady here. I'm going to school to be a nurse because I love science and health and helping people. I get really nerdy about video games (Rune Factory, Harvest Moon, and Katamari are my all time favorite game series), movies (I have all three ORIGINAL Star Wars on Laserdisc! I'm also really into Japanese film and my favorite movie is Hausu), and music (just know that I have better taste than you... :wink:).

    I also read a lot! I like graphic novels and comics especially. Black Hole by Charles Burns is the best EVAAAARRRRR!

    I wear glasses, and when I had shorter, chin-length hair and short bangs, little kids used to ask me if I was Velma from Scooby Doo. Doesn't get much more nerdy than being mistaken for a nerdy cartoon character!

    I want more nerd friends, so add me? :3
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I consider myself more of a dork, but my personality can best be described as the unlikely love child of Amy Farrah Fowler and Penny.

  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member

    I have yet to buy DIII because I can't justify the money right now (I played the beta to death...), but WoW raidfinder is HAWFUL. The people are terrible. I was regular-raiding with my guild, thankfully, and then I did raidfinder, which is immediate grounds for "kill me now."

    I ended up getting the annual pass so d3 be free. Kinda disappointed with the MoP beta though, it's SUPER buggy.. feels more like an alpha. I try to avoid the raid finder at all costs. I think I'd rather go run around in kara or ulduar or work on soloing ony.

    I completely forgot to sign up for the pass and missed out on that +1 to my mount achieve... eahhhh. I know, I played the beta for MoP for a bit and was so turned off by the glitching in the Pandaren starting zone. Not much was open for beta testing, either. I just did Kara today, acutally, trying to get my druid her transmog gloves for resto :) As for Ony... I just don't know if I can ever bring myself to going back in there... *shudder*
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    I'll cast my nominations for:

    and weightloss123

    Good looking group!! :)

    Thanks 1 vote lmao
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member