Did not ask for criticism

tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
In some of my recent comments on other posts I find I'm being criticised for how I choose to lose my weight. First and foremost I would never ever recommend someone else lose weight the way I am losing it. My diet is strickly my diet. What works for me may not work for you, what I believe to be true you may believe in something different. That's what makes us human. If we all believed the same thing this would be a boring place. All I ask is for people to stop and remember that just because you believe something does NOT make it a fact, it's only your belief. Even if you think it's a fact I'm sure there are sites that will say differently. Each of us believe the way we believe and do not need to be put down for that. Just because you did something and it impacted you negatively does not mean that it will do the same for me. Just because you may have an ED because of the way you ate does not mean that it happens to everyone. I joined this group to be supported not criticised. I don't believe in starvation mode...it's a made up word for stalling out and used to scare you into doing things the way someone else's wants you to do them,, but if you believe in it then okay, but don't push it on me. I don't believe eating 600 to 800 calories a day will cause me to have an eating disorder. I don't believe that eating 600 to 800 calories will cause me to gain weight because my body is eating away at my muscles instead of the fat. If I'm comfortable eating this way then it's non of your concern. I'll ask you when for help when I need it. I don't like being criticised and I'm sure you don't either. All I'm aksing is a little respect for who believe differently than you do.


  • EAH123
    EAH123 Posts: 40
    OH dear! I am so sorry you feel criticized. That doesn't sit well for me. Good for you for finding something that is working. No judgement here!
  • Foodie711711
    Foodie711711 Posts: 137 Member
    Sorry but yes it is a known fact that eating such a small amount over extended periods of time will cause your organs to stop functioning properly. Not criticising just stating a fact, but be my guest to continue as you please
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm so sorry you're "offended" by comments pertaining to your "method". I would sincerely hope that those who are "critical" really don't intend to be critical of you. Oh wow...
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Sorry but yes it is a known fact that eating such a small amount over extended periods of time will cause your organs to stop functioning properly. Not criticising just stating a fact, but be my guest to continue as you please

    Gastric bypass patients eat that much for the REST OF THEIR LIVES and are fine. Not everybody's bodies are the same.
  • Foodie711711
    Foodie711711 Posts: 137 Member
    Not to true. My mom had gastric bypass and she does not eat that way. She only ate that way during recovery and a little bit after. And it was almost all protein she had then to make sure she had nutrients. However now she probably averages 1500 calories a day.
  • jules0516
    jules0516 Posts: 158
    I totally feel you-I have read alot of negative comments-only they are just not on someone's diet but anytime someone says something.
    I'm beginning to realize weight loss is like religion and politics-just easier if you don't start those conversations at all because everyone feels like their way of thinking is best for everyone.

    I may not do what you do-but you are free to choose what you want. Good Luck!
  • Foodie711711
    Foodie711711 Posts: 137 Member
    Eating small amounts in the begining while she is heavier will suffice. However doing that for extended periods of time is hard on the body. Like I said to each their own. If it works for her then Im happy for her. I just think it is good to be knowledgable about both sides. I mean hell lucky her if she found something that works. I havent yet!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Good luck obtaining your goals. Id like to think people didnt mean to criticize but were just showing concern for your well being.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I don't think it's criticism, it's concern... A lot of folks here are about being healthy, not just losing weight and they're concerned that your extremely low calorie diet is going to eventually be a health problem for you. I'll agree with you somewhat that starvation mode is an over used bro-science term but there is something behind not eating enough to fuel your body and provide it with enough nutrients and possibly messing up your metabolism. A friend of mine underate for many years but was still obese and is now working on eating right in order to try to reset her metabolism.

    Do what works for you but remember that when you post things on a public forum, you're likely to get all kinds of feed back, good and bad. Ignore the bad if you don't want to have to explain yourself all the time. Responding just fuels the fire... Starting threads like this doesn't help much either... You're going to get some "aw, poor baby" response like you have but there will always be people like me and the one with the pug avatar (sorry, can't remember username) who will respond otherwise.
  • cindyjoesousa
    cindyjoesousa Posts: 87 Member
    I'm a nurse..I will just say I think you should do some research yourself..check the facts for yourself from reliable sources..of course you will lose weight eating 600-800 calories a day..but in doing so I would want to know what effect that is going to have on my body..what happens when you start eating more calories?....stay healthy and good luck to you..
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Sorry but yes it is a known fact that eating such a small amount over extended periods of time will cause your organs to stop functioning properly. Not criticising just stating a fact, but be my guest to continue as you please

    <citation needed>
  • Foodie711711
    Foodie711711 Posts: 137 Member
    Sorry but yes it is a known fact that eating such a small amount over extended periods of time will cause your organs to stop functioning properly. Not criticising just stating a fact, but be my guest to continue as you please

    <citation needed>

    If I had time I'd find more but here is a website that talks about how a VLCD may affect the gallbladder....http://www.webmd.com/diet/guide/low-calorie-diets
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I know it's not what you want to hear...

    I do agree with most people here. You are eating too little. I agree with you that it's your body and your life so do what you want to do.

    People here aren't so much here to crisitise you (keep in mind you can't tell someone's tone based on text)... they are people who know about this whole weight loss deal and are trying to inform people that certain things are not healthy.

    Your body WILL burn fat AND MUSCLE when you don't provide it with enough food. When you aren't providing your body with enough food it will go and burn whatever will give it the most which is muscle.

    If you constantly provide your body with little amounts of food it will get used to that amount and when you start to increase your calories you will gain weight back. Your metabolism will slow. VLCD like the one you are doing should only be done for short periods of time under the supervision of a dietitican, nutrionist or doctor (even though most doctors know nothing about nutriontion). There's no way one can get all the nutrients in a day that the body needs on such little calories consumed.
  • Foodie711711
    Foodie711711 Posts: 137 Member
    And Im not out to criticize but more out of concern. Im glad this works for you. But over time I'd like you to reconsider to go a more healthier route. Just be safe. Eating like that may cause an eating disorder.
  • NicoTarquinio
    Two words: "first stone."

    Six more: "The timorous may stay at home."

    Take your pick.
  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    A calorie reduced diet has been shown in other higher mammals to greatly extend their life span. If you want to eat this way the rest of your life, or intersperse low cal, reg cal, days or weeks once you hit your desired weight, I think you're doing fine. As long as you are able to control binging at this low an intake, and as long as you are keeping an eye on nutrition (at this low a level, a multivitamin may be in order, unless you're real careful), there's no reason this can't be successful.

    I suspect at this low a level, especially if it's high protein, you may have issues with ketosis breath (smells like nail polish remover). Just something to look out for. It's not harmful, really, just means that you are burning mostly fat for your energy instead of dietary sugars (carbs).

    I think if you did eat 600-800 calories a day for an extended period (3+ months) then if you tried to return to a 2000 calorie a day diet, you may find the weight sticks back on really bad.. but like you said, everyone responds differently.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    It is not criticism, it is the truth -- and MyFitnessPal rules do not condone the use of unhealthy weight loss methods, including VLCD and/or diet pills.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    If you post your opinion in a public forum, be prepared for opposing opinions and, yes... criticism. :flowerforyou:

    Please keep in mind that criticism of your weight loss method is not a reflection on you personally. Just as we could be here analyzing, evaluating and providing opposing opinions about films... folks are offering opinions on weight loss methods.
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    Sorry but yes it is a known fact that eating such a small amount over extended periods of time will cause your organs to stop functioning properly. Not criticising just stating a fact, but be my guest to continue as you please
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