Couch - to - 5k Running Plan



  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Yesterday was suppose to be W1D3 for me buuuut I didn't do it. Ended up going to the grocery store with my dad and then helping him load the canoe and hook up the camper and by then it was pretty much time for me to leave to go to my boyfriend's house to eat lunch and help him load up the race stuff. We went to a race that was 3 hours away so I didn't get home until 3 this morning. Thankfully today is only a strength training day now because there is no way I'm feeling the cardio today. I really was hoping that by making completing weeks 1-4 in the month of September that I would be refocused and re-engergized towards completing my workouts as scheduled but I already messed that up. I'm going to try to not worry about that though and just push on and complete a workout tomorrow!! I want to be done with week 1, I feel like I've done it a gazillion times already because I'm trying to be fair to my body and complete it within a close range rather than just a workout a week.

    Kelly - I've started my C25K outside but am going to have to move it to the treadmill at school (I hope) because I'm from Wisconsin so when it gets cold and the snow starts to fly I'm not risking my body to run outside. Any tips for the transition from outdoors to the treadmill? How did you determine how fast you were going to walk and how fast your jog would be??

    toots - I too would rather complete the entire work out than go fast and burn out. Good idea about working your way up to the 20 minutes. I too think that's a pretty big jump to do.

    re_define - Great idea about how to tackle that jump from 8 to 20 minutes! When I get that far I'm sure I'll most deffinantly be using that.

    kurnecke - :drinker: Congrats on completing W3 :drinker: You could always trying W4D1 and if you find that the longer run isn't for you at that point you can always stop and do another day of W3 instead. It doesn't hurt to try W4 right?

    I hope everyone has a safe weekend and enjoys it!

    Wish me luck for tomorrow, I so want to be done with W1!!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I just finished w4d2. Holy cow that last 5 minute jog is a killer but I kept on pushing and finally finished it. I had missed doing this the last couple days that I was supposed to do it but I had weighed myself this morning and saw I lost a pound so that gave me motivation to get out there and do it. Wow that is so exhilarating!

    Good luck to everyone. Keep doing this and don't get discouraged. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Ok, time for me to hit the shower.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I finished week 1, but I'm going to repeat it. I had issues with shin splints & I didn't jog as much as I should have... because it kinda hurt. :embarassed:
  • re_define
    I finished week 1, but I'm going to repeat it. I had issues with shin splints & I didn't jog as much as I should have... because it kinda hurt. :embarassed:

    shin splits get the best of me sometimes. But my crazy butt pushs through it lol I repeated days one and two from week 5 before completing the whole week. Just keep at it :happy: don't be embarrassed!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I finished week 1, but I'm going to repeat it. I had issues with shin splints & I didn't jog as much as I should have... because it kinda hurt. :embarassed:

    That's ok. When I first started the c25k I repeated week 1 and I didn't even have shin splints. Just go at your own speed. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Mommared - Glad to hear that you pushed through that last 5 minute jog yesterday. Glad to hear your scale gave you motivation to get out there :flowerforyou: Keep up the great work!!

    Selbyhutch - Don't be embarressed about having to repeat week 1, it's better to repeat and get your body ready to move on to week 2 than to hurt yourself worse or become discouraged if it's too much for you at this time. I haven't repeated week 1 but it's taken me 3 weeks to finish it and I haven't even finished it yet, I have one more day to do. :embarassed:

    Today is a homework day because I have so much to do. I'm trying to not get distracted but obviously I am since I'm on here :blushing: The plan is though that if I can accomplish enough to feel ok with where I'm at with my homework I'm going to do W1D3 tonight and then I can say I finished week 1!! :drinker:

    I hope everyone has a great Sunday!! Keep it movin' :flowerforyou:
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Yeah, it was the shin splits more than anything... even the heat & humidity. I was only able to get through 5 jogs in a session. When I do it next week, I'm going to up the jogging to 6, 7 & then 8. I should be about on target then. I did walk the rest of the time though. I'm really excited about next week.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    amy ~ thinkin of you and hopin you get wk one finished. you have a good mindset and sounds like you are determined to get this completed. i had a rough start too, seemed to always get too busy and now things are better. i hope to finish wk 2 later today. i live in iowa and yes, the winter's can be a challenge. i do like to walk/jog in it tho...i just wear lots of layers and keep my nose/mouth protected too. also, go when i can see the ground and watch for any ice. have you been on a treadmill before? my feet just kinda feel a like they are floating when i get off, but i have noticed the more i use it and actually adding a few more minutes of walkin at the end of my workout that it seems to help that. when outdoors, i checked my route with my car for mileage, then would work on improving my times from a 16-15-14-13 minute mile (walk/jog). i have a hrm and my dh has a Garmin etrex unit that i also wear that displays speed and mileage. i wear my hrm always and then our treadmill also shows calories/fat burned, speed, miles, time. hope this helps with any of your concerns.... i made my own chart to keep track of it all and i push myself a little each workout to improve on all numbers. it helps to motivate me to see things visually. good luck and keep at it, you will get there!

    mommared53 ~ way to go on the 5 min jog. i am kinda nervous for that. you are doing great and on to wk 5 soon!

    selby ~ hope your shin splints get better. in the past i was always doing something else with my aerobic exercise, like stretch and tone, weighted ball this time i have been slacking and i noticed that i am a little more sore, legs mainly, and i just think i need to move more on my days off and stretch more after my c25k.

    good job everyone...listen to your body when doing this.... go at a pace that you are comfortable with.
    congrats to us all for taking on this challenge! :flowerforyou:
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    Well I ended up not finishing week 1 today. But since I have another day off tomorrow I'm going to give finishing it tomorrow a try.

    Kelly - I do feel like I'm getting busy all the time and/or lazy because I was busy the night before or something and I end up not doing workouts. School is kind of overwhelming and it's only been 2 weeks! I'll have to let you know what I think of the treadmill when I get around to trying it out.

    Selby - Glad to hear you're exciting about this week!! Keep it movin' :drinker:

    Hope everyone had a fantastic Sunday!
  • AmyT88
    AmyT88 Posts: 239
    I did it I did it I did it!!! I finally completed week 1 tonight :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: Now Wednesday I will be able to start week 2 :bigsmile:

    I hope you've all had a great holiday weekend with your families!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Congratulations AmyT! I'm so proud of you. You're going to do great on week 2. Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member

    I have tried twice, butI can't jump from 8 minutes to 20 minutes just like that! Im going to try to work up slowly, I have a hard time doing the 8 minutes, but I can do it. I'm just going to try to up it by a minute or two until 20 minutes isn't impossible. Anyone else have trouble jumping from 8 to 20 minutes?

    i found exactally the same thing!!!! I say give it your best shot and looking ahead to week 6 its 10 minute runs wiht a 3 minute break so i am going to keep going with the program and work up to 25 minutes straight at the end of next week! Bring on Saturday lol (cause thats when the 25 minute run will be happening I hope)

    Congrats though to everyone who kept up the running this weekend. Its always harder on the weekend, especially when its a long one!
  • re_define
    Completed W6D1 yesterday. I'm definitely noticing an increase in stamina. After that 20 minute run on Friday, alternating 5 and 8 minute runs were a breeze!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I completed w4d3 last night. That was tough but I pushed through it and made it. Can't believe it! :noway: How exhilarating and exciting it is to be able to do this plan. It wasn't that long ago that I would be huffing and puffing after walking up a flight of stairs (22 steps). Now I'm running for 3 and 5 minutes at a time. :happy: Next week looks like it's going to be tough because each day is more intense than the previous. I don't know about day 3. :noway: But I'll deal with it when I get to it I guess. :laugh:

    Good luck to everyone. Keep up the good work. We can do this! I know we can! :happy:
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    I started, got sick and had to stop again. How frustrating! I'm an asthmatic so I have to been really careful when I start coughing.

    Finally feeling pretty well I started W2 before I was sick and I thought I would have to go back down to W1. I was wrong! After a week off I picked right up on W2D2 last night and it felt great! I guess I'll decide after W2D3 whether or not I'm ready for W3.

    Also I bought major 20$ insoles at Sportcenter and I ran shin-splint free for the first time last night! YAY!!

    p.s. Does anyone keep thinking about wars when they type; as in WWI or WWII? :ohwell:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member

    p.s. Does anyone keep thinking about wars when they type; as in WWI or WWII? :ohwell:

    I don't but that's funny! :laugh: :laugh:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'll be restarting week 5 again! :explode: :laugh:
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    My repeat of week 1 is going great! Although, it seems I'll have done 7 sessions in 2 weeks... lol. We're going to do it tomorrow & then Saturday. I'm nervous about week 2 though.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    You will do great. Week 2 is a lot of fun :) it makes you feel so good to do that extra 30 seconds :)Good luck!!!
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I should have started w3 this week however I have been working late all this week and it rained 2 out of 3 I have been doing the 30 day shred and PX90 ( sund, mon, tues, wed). I am looking to start week 3 you think I am going to struggle...the last day I ran was last thurs...exactly one week...however I have been doing cardio workouts everyday.