Summer Challenge



  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    My Summer Challenge week 6 results:

    Challenge SW 5/29: 158
    Week 1 - 6/5: 157
    Week 2 - 6/12: 155.5
    Week 3 - 6/19: 153.5
    Week 4 - 6/26: 152.5
    Week 5 - 7/3: 151.5

    Week 6 - 7/10: 150.5 (down 1 pound!)

    Challenge GW:143 (total 7.5 lbs. lost toward goal since start of challenge, 7.5 lbs. to go -- halfway there!)

    week 6 additional challenges:
    1) I drank at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water per day, most days it was 9-12 glasses. Challenge successfully met!

    2) This week I worked on muscles I never even knew I had! We had access to our neighbor's pool all week in this extreme heat, and I spent a half hour to an hour each day treading water. By the time I was done, my arms and shoulders were so achy, but it was the muscle fatigue kind of pain that went away in a few hours. Challenge successfully met!

    3) Checking in -- how is this challenge going for me so far? I think it's going very well! I'm halfway to my challenge goal, which is much better than I expected given the July 4th holiday, summer events that include "bad" foods, and so on. I managed to eat under my calorie goal during our July 4th family picnic, had house guests for 4 days yet managed to keep up with my exercise and food goals while still providing the usual foods for our guests, and helped my sister stay on track with her weight loss journey. I'm enjoying the additional weekly challenges, which help keep me on track.
  • chichi128
    chichi128 Posts: 83 Member
    SW 214
    6/5 208
    6/12 207.9
    6/19 206.8
    6/26 205.9
    7/3 205.5

    7/10 203.9

    GW (for challenge) 184

    Love the challenges this week!! im leaving for vacation tomorrow but its one of those vacations where all you do is walk so i figure if i try and stay in a healthy frame of mind and watch what i eat i wont be in too much trouble when i get back! i most definitely would do another challenge after the summer is over....this has been amazing!!! the hardest part for me when i diet is the mental part...and with this challenge going on i know i have to be accountable..i set out to do something and told people and have people who are working just as hard if not harder than me to do the same thing! its be awesome and would love to do another one!! we have 7 more weeks until august 28th and im looking forward to hitting my goal...i have 19lbs to go which would be a little more than 2.5lbs a week.....i can sooooo do this!!!! once i get back im hitting the gym hard!!!

  • mando456
    mando456 Posts: 6
    sw 160
    gw 145
    cw 154.8
    went camping for the 4th and drank a lot and ate a lot, def not a good week! back on track now, weighed in at 156.6 when I got back yesterday, but 154.8 today.
    I will try to limit sodium and drink more water, just got a new set of work out DVD's so Im excited to try those!
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member
    183 again this week but I had a rough weekend so I am hoping if I stay on track I can get down to 181 by next week.
  • kateva143
    kateva143 Posts: 46 Member
    ugh, fail 216.6 this week ... its TOM, so hopefully next week will show a loss =P
    Good luck to all the Big Losers!!!!
  • dajackson81
    SW: 176
    1st week: 174

    2nd week: Still at 174 :(

    3rd week: 171

    5 pounds down!!!

    4th week: 170

    5th week 169

    6th week 169
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    SW 220.8
    W1 219
    W2 218.8
    W3 221
    W4 218
    W5 216.4
    W6 216
    GW 205
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    Topic: Summer Challenge
    SW. 188.7
    6/05 186.9
    6/12 187.7
    6/19 181.9
    6/26 181.9
    7/03: 180.1
    7/10: 178.9
    GW: 168
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    Inksy, If you could change my goal weight to 195, I'd really appreciate it. I think that is 32.4 pounds total.. That will give me something to work toward! Thanks for all you do!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,946 Member
    146 pounds

  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Up to date!
    Weight in before Thursday to be included!
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! =) Here are my results:

    SW: 120 (5/29/12)
    GW: 110 (8/28/12)

    Weigh ins:

    6/5/12: 118.5 lbs
    6/12/12: 118.5 lbs
    6/19/12: 117.5 lbs
    6/26/12: 116.5 lbs
    7/3/12: 118 lbs
    7/10/12: 119 lbs

    I went up a pound! Errr, well, kinda my fault anyways. I went out over the weekend with my girlfriends and did not work out at all. Time to get back on track this week!
  • abby1176
    abby1176 Posts: 14 Member
    CW: 145.6
    GW: 134.6

    I have been up and down but working really hard. I'm really hoping to blast through this plateau this week and hit 143 - I'm putting it out there so maybe it will happen and make me more motivated.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    This was a rough week for me:
    SW: 185
    W5: 181.5
    CW: 183 (WRONG WAY!)
    GW: 170
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I have been gone for a few days. Surprising my weight stayed the same at 153. Taking the rest of july off, will start counting and working out starting Aug. Need to get my head in the game. Going camping next week for a week, so when we get back from that hopefully I will be ready. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    200 Yay didn't think I lost any but for me 1 pound is good.
    6/26/2012....CW........199 Happy dance. Under 200. Hope it stays there.
    7/03/2012....CW........199 No happy dance this week. Hope to catch up next week. Darn it's slow.
    7/11/2012.....CW.......Same as last week. Stressful week. Stress is a real killer. I have to stop WORRYING about losing. It is counter productive. :grumble: I didn't see a new challenge for this week, however just keeping on is a real challenge for me right now.

    187 by the End of August.

    Congratulations to all of you. You are doing great. Keep it up.:flowerforyou:
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    CW: 271.2

    Update: At this point I really need to get my butt in gear and start working out again!!! I keep telling myself that I am going to wake up early and do it but then I sleep in. So, I tell myself I will after work but we all know that never happens Lol. Once i get going i'll be good it's just the getting to that point that I am having an issue with :cry: So instead of adding 15 extra minutes to my workouts, i'm going to make it a goal to just get my butt to workout at least 30 minutes 5 days out of this week.

    As for what I think about the summer challenge: I freaking love it!!! Other then the not working out, I'm doing pretty good (not counting last week Lol). I have added more fruits and veggies to my diet. Also, have been trying a lot of new foods that I would normally stick my nose up to (and I've even liked most of them). I would totally do another challange after the summer is over. I live for challenges and I feel like it actually makes this jouney of getting healthy more fun to do :happy:
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    200 Yay didn't think I lost any but for me 1 pound is good.
    6/26/2012....CW........199 Happy dance. Under 200. Hope it stays there.
    7/03/2012....CW........199 No happy dance this week. Hope to catch up next week. Darn it's slow.
    7/11/2012.....CW.......Same as last week. Stressful week. Stress is a real killer. I have to stop WORRYING about losing. It is counter productive. :grumble: I didn't see a new challenge for this week, however just keeping on is a real challenge for me right now.

    187 by the End of August.

    Congratulations to all of you. You are doing great. Keep it up.:flowerforyou:

    Here is this weeks challenges:

    - Add 15 minutes of exercise to your current routine, but add in something you don't typically do
    - Watch your sodium! Try to stay under the goal!
    - Check In: How has the summer challenge been for you? Would you want to do another challenge after the summer is over?

    Don't feel bad for not losing anything, be proud that you are under 200 now and haven't gone up since you got under. I know it's hard at times but think about the positives and everythying will fall into place. You got this!!!!:happy:
  • ArtBrownNYC
    ArtBrownNYC Posts: 7 Member
    Hi friends,

    Glad I found this group - looking for community and accountability around weight.

    Challenge SW 7/11/12: 205
    Current Weight: 7/11/12: 205
    Challenge GW: (by 9/1/12): 185
    Total GW: 165.

  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    Sorry it's late. 182.8. Down 1.3