Summer Challenge



  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Ah! We haven't had a very good week as a group on whole.

    Let's kick our butts into gear! We have a little over a month until the challenge is over - so let's do it!

    - Drink WATER! Make sure you're drinking at LEAST 8 cups of water a day. But add TWO MORE CUPS of water than you normally drink.
    - Cut back on SODIUM. Sodium makes us hold water weight, so watch your sodium intake and stay under MFP's recommended goals.
    - GET YOUR HEART RATE GOING! Try to burn 50 more calories a day than you normally would.
    - What's been the biggest struggle in this challenge so far?
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    Alright, here are my results:

    SW: 120 (5/29/12)
    GW: 110 (8/28/12)

    Weigh ins:

    6/5/12: 118.5 lbs
    6/12/12: 118.5 lbs
    6/19/12: 117.5 lbs
    6/26/12: 116.5 lbs
    7/3/12: 118 lbs
    7/10/12: 119 lbs
    7/17/12: 120 lbs

    I'm up another pound this week! =( Kinda sucks seeing that but I'm not gonna let this get to me! I've been working out a lot. It just means I need to work out harder and make better eating choices!
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Love this week's challenges, I really need to get my exercise head back on!! I'm going to aim to do *something* everyday, even if it's just a couple of mile walk or 10mins on the bike!

    Come one everyone, we're all enjoying summer but letting the bad habits creep back in, lets get back to it and have a double loss next week!!! :drinker:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    153.2 yesturday - which i was surprised since im not working out or counting cals. Still sticking to the Aug 1 get back on track date I picked. Hope everyone is doing good. I am off camping this next week so I wont be back till July 30, so will miss next weeks weigh in.
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 172 Member
    CW: 272 :(
  • chichi128
    chichi128 Posts: 83 Member
    SW: 185
    W6: 183
    CW: 183
    GW: 170

    I've decided that I am in a bad relationship. In fact, I'm going to break up with him. He may be hot & have alot of dough, but he is way too cheesy and is a bad influence on me. When he is around me, I lose all control and everytime we hook up, I regret it.
    I'm not saying me and Pizza can't be friends one day, I'm justing saying that I need some space. It isn't him, it's me.

    ahahhahahaha!!! at first i thought you were talking about your actual boyfriend!!! love it!!!!
  • chichi128
    chichi128 Posts: 83 Member
    - Drink WATER! Make sure you're drinking at LEAST 8 cups of water a day. But add TWO MORE CUPS of water than you normally drink.
    - Cut back on SODIUM. Sodium makes us hold water weight, so watch your sodium intake and stay under MFP's recommended goals.
    - GET YOUR HEART RATE GOING! Try to burn 50 more calories a day than you normally would.
    - What's been the biggest struggle in this challenge so far?

    Can i just say Thank You for this weeks challenges!!! They always seem to be right on point with what i need and how im feeling!! You have been amazing with this challenge!!

    My biggest struggle during this challenge has been losing my motivation to hit the gym...i started off so strong and was doing 30ds video every single morning and hitting the gym at least 3 times a week! now i do zero excerise but still trying to eat the best i can and make overall healthy choices to sllllooowwwlllyyy drop the lbs! i know that if i start hitting the gym again i will see those #'s go lower and lower and i'll be able to hit my goal by the end of this challenge!!!! its a new week!!!! Thanks agaiN!!!!!
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    183.4 :(

    I gained about .6 this week. Had a really rough weekend. I think it is mostly water weight, bc I got on the scale this morning and it was much less, but I need to stay consistent. My weigh in is Tuesday just before dinner. I know I should weigh first thing in the morning, but due to weird circumstances, when I started this whole thing, my weigh in was Tuesday before dinner. I got myself back on track, though and am soo looking forward to a nice drop next Tuesday!
  • garbor16
    garbor16 Posts: 43 Member
    I knew this was going to be bad coming back from family vacation. Weigh-in this week- 214.8 lbs. Ugh! I definitely need to work a bit harder this week. I wish temps would go down a little to work out a bit more.

    I totally agree on the temps. This high heat = little motivation. Michigan will start to see a relief today, can't wait! Hope the same for you!
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    Been busy with a new job and forgot to weigh in this week. Didn't lose anything this week anyway.

    SW 220.8
    W1 219
    W2 218.8
    W3 221
    W4 218
    W5 216.4
    W6 216
    W7 216
    GW 205
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Get your weights in by tomorrow to be included on the spreadsheet!
  • abby1176
    abby1176 Posts: 14 Member

    Progress. Getting there...SLOWLY!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Overall this week hasn't been very great. In fact, as a whole we gained -1.8 pounds!
    Oh no!!

    I'm not worried though, next week will change.

    Don't forget your new challenges:

    - Drink WATER! Make sure you're drinking at LEAST 8 cups of water a day. But add TWO MORE CUPS of water than you normally drink.
    - Cut back on SODIUM. Sodium makes us hold water weight, so watch your sodium intake and stay under MFP's recommended goals.
    - GET YOUR HEART RATE GOING! Try to burn 50 more calories a day than you normally would.
    - What's been the biggest struggle in this challenge so far?
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    I've been good on sodium and water mostly. The extra 50 calories is not even an issue either. However I am seriously stuck and losing faith. I am at my worst plateau yet. I know I've had bad days and some weeks I upped the calories to trick my body but nothing is working. Eating really good this week and added changes to my normal walking routine. This past week I incorporated jogging, biking, and 30DS into my workout and I'm not losing pounds or inches. Really frustrated. I'm not giving up just tired.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I've been good on sodium and water mostly. The extra 50 calories is not even an issue either. However I am seriously stuck and losing faith. I am at my worst plateau yet. I know I've had bad days and some weeks I upped the calories to trick my body but nothing is working. Eating really good this week and added changes to my normal walking routine. This past week I incorporated jogging, biking, and 30DS into my workout and I'm not losing pounds or inches. Really frustrated. I'm not giving up just tired.

    :( I hope you can find what it takes to break that plateau.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Weigh-in tomorrow!

    Here's your next bout of challenges:
    - Make sure you get fruits and/or vegetables with each meal you eat
    - Pick a neglected part of you body and work on it - for me, I'm going to focus on my arms
    - Get yourself something that's going to encourage more of your weight loss (I need to get a battery for my HRM)
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    No biggest losers from last week?? That makes me sad :-( I think I might have been on that list for the first time of the challenge....

    Weigh in day!! I stayed the same...I got down to 150 at some point in the week and been very good to watch my sodium and not gone over my calories so not sure whats going on. Maybe I'll get a double loss next week instead :-)

    Weight this morning - 151

    Good luck everyone!! xx
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Oh and great challenges this week! I've just bought a weights machine so need to put it together then start working on strength training :-) going to work extra hard on my core since thats my weakest spot! xx
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    205 this week.. was an up and down week, I imagine the gains were water weight since I am not over on calories at all, but it still takes time to go back down.
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    Topic: Summer Challenge
    SW. 188.7
    6/05 186.9
    6/12 187.7
    6/19 181.9
    6/26 181.9
    7/03: 180.1
    7/10: 178.9
    7/17 178.3
    7/24 176.9
    GW: 168