Summer Challenge



  • NYAngel1089
    NYAngel1089 Posts: 593 Member
    SW= 170 lbs
    Wi1= 168.6 lbs
    Wi2= 166 lbs
    Wi3= 164.6lbs
    Wi4= 163.5 lbs
    Wi5= 165 lbs
    Wi6= 163.2

    Wi7= 164.2
    I dont understand how I gained a pound. I was under my calories everyday, and I exercised everyday. I dont get it. I was so excited to get on the scale to see how much I lost and now all I want to do is cry.

    - Add 15 minutes of exercise to your current routine, but add in something you don't typically do
    Jog in place for 15 min
    7/10 only made it to 10 minutes today
    7/11 only 10 minutes of jogging again
    7/13 Made it to 15 minutes!!!!
    7/14 15 minutes again!
    7/15 15 minutes!

    - Watch your sodium! Try to stay under the goal!
    7/10 under sodium
    7/11 under sodium
    7/12 under sodium
    7/15 under sodium

    - Check In: How has the summer challenge been for you? Would you want to do another challenge after the summer is over?
    The challenge has been great!! I am feeling better. I would love to do another challenge after this one is done!!
  • bobby172
    bobby172 Posts: 22 Member
    cw 165.2
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 63
    Good Morning! Weighing in this week at 141.5 so down .5lbs which I am perfectly happy with...a loss is a loss is a loss...I am so thankful for the people who put these challenges together. They can be difficult to keep up with sometimes, but the weekly check-ins make it much more manageable than the daily check-ins. I would certainly participate in future challenges like this, with sensible challenges that are achievable. Many thanks and best of luck to you all on your weightloss journey this week! :flowerforyou:
  • moore820
    moore820 Posts: 5
    SW: 157
    Currently: 149.4
    GW: 135-140

    I would like to lose inches and tone up muscles:)
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    My Summer Challenge week 7 results:

    Challenge SW 5/29: 158
    Week 1 - 6/5: 157
    Week 2 - 6/12: 155.5
    Week 3 - 6/19: 153.5
    Week 4 - 6/26: 152.5
    Week 5 - 7/3: 151.5
    Week 6 - 7/10: 150.5

    Week 7 - 7/17: 149 (1.5 pounds down from last week! plus I broke through the 150 barrier!)

    Challenge GW:143 (total 9 lbs. lost toward goal since start of challenge, 6 lbs. to go!)

    week 6 additional challenges:
    1) Addl 15 minutes per day to routine -- only managed 2 days of the extra 15 minutes.

    2) Staying under on sodium -- did it 6 out of 7 days. Ate out at a buffet one evening, and managed to stay under on everything else by added exercise, but unfortunately no amount of exercise fixes being over on sodium. I did drink more water, so that helped, but was not able to successfully complete this challenge.

    3) How has the Summer Challenge been for me? Fantastic! It has kept me on track during a time of year I would normally fail big time! And yes, I would definitely do another! Thank you for the entire Summer Challenge, and for the added weekly challenges. They have helped with my weight loss tremendously!
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    My weekly weigh in..... 170.2

    Somewhat depressing this week, but not unexpected. It has been a hard week to stay focused. The deadline of my daughters wedding is looming (1 month tomorrow) and I seem to be getting sidetracked from the weight loss goal. There are just too many things going on. Thank goodness for this challenge and the weekly check in or I would probably just give up. I haven't always been able to get online which can make it challenging to keep track of my food intake. It shouldn't, but for some reason it does.

    Oh well, time to refocus and get my butt in gear.

    Does anyone have any ideas for cardio that can be done with an injured foot? I am still having problems with my sprained ankle and haven't found anything that I can do to get a proper cardio in.
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    137 ugh! up 2 pounds after holidays. Really going to stay on track this week to lose it by next week!
  • chichi128
    chichi128 Posts: 83 Member
    SW 214
    6/5 208
    6/12 207.9
    6/19 206.8
    6/26 205.9
    7/3 205.5
    7/10 203.9

    7/17 205

    i knew this week wasnt going to be a good weigh in week....just got back from a mini vaca and i am definitely feeling pretty bloated so i'm assuming this is all water weight and it'll be back off in a couple hoping that my next weigh in will be a big loss. going to get pretty strict from here on out!!

    GW (for challenge) 184
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    Checking in at 168.4

    I did pretty good with the sodium 6 days this week. I also did alot of cardio and went out and bought a bike so I can change up my routines some. Good job everyone.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    SW: 185
    W6: 183
    CW: 183
    GW: 170

    I've decided that I am in a bad relationship. In fact, I'm going to break up with him. He may be hot & have alot of dough, but he is way too cheesy and is a bad influence on me. When he is around me, I lose all control and everytime we hook up, I regret it.
    I'm not saying me and Pizza can't be friends one day, I'm justing saying that I need some space. It isn't him, it's me.
  • kateva143
    kateva143 Posts: 46 Member
    Ugh ... total fail lately
    This weeks weigh in : 213.8
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,946 Member
    146 pounds.
    Maintained again.
    Almost didn't so I am happy with a maintain but am going to work on a loss next week.
  • vmilam03
    vmilam03 Posts: 49 Member
    Gained 2 lbs since my last weigh in a couple weeks ago. UGH. Guess that is what vacation will do to a person!

    Back at it this week!
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    205.8 this morning Did good on the sodium.. had 1560 mg or 60 over last Tuesday, but did really good the rest of the week, sometimes under 1,000 mg. Don't ask me about exercise. I don't have a regular schedule, but I did work on the treadmill for 20 minutes before water aerobics on Thursday. I love the challenges and appreciate all you are doing to make it happen.
  • garbor16
    garbor16 Posts: 43 Member
    CW: 134.5 (gained)
    Back from vacation... I did great the first half of the week and not so much the last half. Too much wine & beer tasting, plus yummy dinners! Time to get back on track!

    And, yes I'm enjoying the challenges! I hope to get it in gear these last few weeks and get the scale moving in the right direction.
    I hope you start another one this fall, thank you!

    Good luck to all this week!
  • dajackson81
    SW: 176
    1st week: 174

    2nd week: Still at 174 :(

    3rd week: 171

    5 pounds down!!!

    4th week: 170

    5th week 169

    6th week 169

    7th week 168
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member
    I weighed in this morning at 181.8! That means a loss of 1.2 pounds this week! So happy! I hope this keeps up!
  • bunjijk
    bunjijk Posts: 44
    I knew this was going to be bad coming back from family vacation. Weigh-in this week- 214.8 lbs. Ugh! I definitely need to work a bit harder this week. I wish temps would go down a little to work out a bit more.
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    Topic: Summer Challenge
    SW. 188.7
    6/05 186.9
    6/12 187.7
    6/19 181.9
    6/26 181.9
    7/03: 180.1
    7/10: 178.9
    7/17 178.3
    GW: 168
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    200 Yay didn't think I lost any but for me 1 pound is good.
    6/26/2012....CW........199 Happy dance. Under 200. Hope it stays there.
    7/03/2012....CW........199 No happy dance this week. Hope to catch up next week. Darn it's slow.
    7/11/2012.....CW.......Same as last week. Stressful week. Stress is a real killer. I have to stop WORRYING about losing. It is counter productive. I didn't see a new challenge for this week, however just keeping on is a real challenge for me right now.
    7/17/2012.....CW.......200.1 Ok, enough is enough. I gained this week. Not sure why. I need to reevaluate my menu's. Hopefully there will be a loss next week.

    Goal Weight 187.

    Love the challenges. I don't always make them but giving it a good try is what keeps me going. Checking in here each week keeps me on track. I really appreciate the work you are doing for us to come up with doable challenges. Really would like to do another in Sept, Oct, Nov.