

  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    well goodmorning ladies...well afternoon for most...I actually slept in today!!! i went and played poker and told my other half he was waking up with the kids today whether he liked it or not haha... well i ended up winning...I was up a few hundred and then scott (my bf) came in and i went on tilt lol dont know why but his play is not the best and it irritates me...but to say the least after he left i brought my chip stacks back up...and left up an extra 200....sooooooo anyways i did really good there...The person running the game always has yummy foods...last night he had corn chowder, seafood chowder, sausages, hot dogs, pizza, and spaghetti......or and the regular chips and brownies and other snacks... as it got later in the night at about 1:30 i was starving so i got a small portion of doritoes and munched on those...I also drank 4 bottled waters :laugh: :laugh: tried to end the hunger pains with didnt work..anyways i get home at 3am go to bed and i actually slept until 12:30 :noway: :noway: i havent slept that late since almost a year and a halff ago!!!... soooo then i pee and jump on the scale, to my surprise I am down to 127lbs!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY ...and yes that was a long story just to say i got to more lbs to go *excited*

    I am SO with you on the trying to sat your hunger with water. I went out with friends last nightt as the DD and I was SO hungry when I got home at 1a I had half a Carl's Jr Burger and then I had some cheese at 4a when I got hungry again. That's the problem with unexpectedly staying up so late. You are hungry but you have to go over your calories to eat. :grumble:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    well goodmorning ladies...well afternoon for most...I actually slept in today!!! i went and played poker and told my other half he was waking up with the kids today whether he liked it or not haha... well i ended up winning...I was up a few hundred and then scott (my bf) came in and i went on tilt lol dont know why but his play is not the best and it irritates me...but to say the least after he left i brought my chip stacks back up...and left up an extra 200....sooooooo anyways i did really good there...The person running the game always has yummy foods...last night he had corn chowder, seafood chowder, sausages, hot dogs, pizza, and spaghetti......or and the regular chips and brownies and other snacks... as it got later in the night at about 1:30 i was starving so i got a small portion of doritoes and munched on those...I also drank 4 bottled waters :laugh: :laugh: tried to end the hunger pains with didnt work..anyways i get home at 3am go to bed and i actually slept until 12:30 :noway: :noway: i havent slept that late since almost a year and a halff ago!!!... soooo then i pee and jump on the scale, to my surprise I am down to 127lbs!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY ...and yes that was a long story just to say i got to more lbs to go *excited*

    wow, i can not tell you how proud i am of you!!!! 127 is so phenom.! i love the story cause it really goes to show the build up to something that means so much to you.

    i can't wait till i hit 127, but right now ill live through you! :tongue:

    i am teetering just under 140, but like i siad i haven't been doing the best, although, i think even when i have been cheating i still eat a couple hundred under 2000 which is way less than i was eating months ago. so i am still doing good i think, i can't not lose weight from these actions, it iwll just be slowly.

    i keep going through my closet looking for things to wear, it is something i have been doing since i put on this weight. i refuse to squeeze into my pants anymore, and have my gut hang over them. i want to put them on and do up that button and be able to bend over without wearing a belt cause im scared that my fat will push them down. i just want them to fit! i have FOUR specific pairs of pants i want to get back into. i can't wait. i have been wearing my lululemon workout pants and these cotton pants that look like jeans, they are cute, but not every day!

    keep on trucking! i think today's mini challenge was to stay under sodium. i am gonna complete that great. i have not been doing the week long challenge....i haven't really worked out at all all week. i'm so disappointed with myself! but tommorow is a new week, and i think my healthy diet today will help me for tommorow!!
    Honey u can definately do it!! self control took a lot of tries before i somewhat got it down and I still have those days where i dont do so good...but it's ok because once that day is over its a brand new day :)....the way i keep in control is I pick a date a month away and right what i want to weigh on the calander ...then every morning or whenever i start to get cravings i look at the weight do some crunches and focus on the goal...and before u know it, you'll be sporting those pants again :) **hugs** and the number one rule DON'T BE TOO HARD ON URSELF!!! if u dont forgive yourself it'll be harder to focus on your goals and harder to get out of the slump :flowerforyou:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    well goodmorning ladies...well afternoon for most...I actually slept in today!!! i went and played poker and told my other half he was waking up with the kids today whether he liked it or not haha... well i ended up winning...I was up a few hundred and then scott (my bf) came in and i went on tilt lol dont know why but his play is not the best and it irritates me...but to say the least after he left i brought my chip stacks back up...and left up an extra 200....sooooooo anyways i did really good there...The person running the game always has yummy foods...last night he had corn chowder, seafood chowder, sausages, hot dogs, pizza, and spaghetti......or and the regular chips and brownies and other snacks... as it got later in the night at about 1:30 i was starving so i got a small portion of doritoes and munched on those...I also drank 4 bottled waters :laugh: :laugh: tried to end the hunger pains with didnt work..anyways i get home at 3am go to bed and i actually slept until 12:30 :noway: :noway: i havent slept that late since almost a year and a halff ago!!!... soooo then i pee and jump on the scale, to my surprise I am down to 127lbs!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY ...and yes that was a long story just to say i got to more lbs to go *excited*

    I am SO with you on the trying to sat your hunger with water. I went out with friends last nightt as the DD and I was SO hungry when I got home at 1a I had half a Carl's Jr Burger and then I had some cheese at 4a when I got hungry again. That's the problem with unexpectedly staying up so late. You are hungry but you have to go over your calories to eat. :grumble:
    u know i wonder if maybe if u stay up longer it's ok to eat? lol because if u think about it they say eat every 2-4hours...well what if ure up 24hours? does ur metabolism go at a higher rate because you're awake and not sleeping? and maybe thats why we get so hungry at night if we stay up late?
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Good morning all! I thoroughly enjoyed my greek pizza last night! I've been craving pizza all week, and since the craving didn't go away, I decided I'd eat my fill and get rid of it. So... I had 4 slices of greek pizza and one slice of pepperoni, sausage and green olive. I'm up a pound and a half from yesterday, but I know it's sodium and water... lol... It was sooooo worth it.

    But back on track today, with some Fage 2% with mango and banana. It's raining (again), so I think I might hit the Y later. Can't decide if I want to swim laps or do some machines instead. Or maybe I'll just go back to bed, lol...
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Good morning all! I thoroughly enjoyed my greek pizza last night! I've been craving pizza all week, and since the craving didn't go away, I decided I'd eat my fill and get rid of it. So... I had 4 slices of greek pizza and one slice of pepperoni, sausage and green olive. I'm up a pound and a half from yesterday, but I know it's sodium and water... lol... It was sooooo worth it.

    But back on track today, with some Fage 2% with mango and banana. It's raining (again), so I think I might hit the Y later. Can't decide if I want to swim laps or do some machines instead. Or maybe I'll just go back to bed, lol...
    oooooooooooooooo PIZZA!! yummy! ....pepperoni and sausage *drools*.....glad u enjoyed it hun!! and dont forget the waste/poop weight either :laugh:
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    Our internet is really driving me crazy. It's off like 17 hours of the day it seems, and when it finally comes back on it'll only stay on for about 15 minutes. It's doing good so far today, but we'll be giving the cable company a nasty phone call later anyway :laugh:

    I'm making breakfast in bed for the hubby right now :bigsmile: Shirred eggs and coffee. My mother in law was here visiting all week and we saw the recipe on Emeril (I LOVE HIM!!) So with a few healthier tweaks to the recipe, it shouldn't be too bad. Gonna hit the gym sometime today and get some beach time in too :love: It is a lovely day out, CAN'T WAIT!!!! So that should count for my 1/2 hour outside today lol!!!
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    Hello everyone! So I completed todays task of outside for 1/2 hour... I was out longer then that cutting the lawn, getting my cardio in too... 2 birds with 1 stone! I love when a plan comes together :tongue:

    I was supposed to go to the Canadian Open today, but with the rain delays, I decided not to...BUT... the tickets are good for tomorrow so I am going to play hookie from work and go!!!! :bigsmile: My BF is to blame for getting me hooked on golf :heart: ... LOL

    Cooking dinner now.... hope everyone is having a great Sunday!!!
  • Changeisgonnacome
    LOL... I inadvertently met today's challenge it seems. I have been cleaning outside and vacuuming the pool. I haven'T been paying much attention the last few days because I'm preparing for our trip back home. So I'm organizing, cleaning, doing laundry... all those lovely things you neglect when it's nice out.

    Hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Just completed my half hour outside... Took the dog for a leisurely walk around the neighborhood. Very leisurely, as it took about 7 minutes longer than it normally does, since for some reason the shoes that I always wear when walking gave me a blister on my heel :grumble:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    well i met the challenge i jogged for 10mins then walked for another 30 and played outside with the kids earlier for about 2 hours
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Well I spent all day in the car yesterday driving home from vacation. Did great while I was gone - missed you all - trying to catch up - be back soon!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I'm sick. :sick: might not be exercising much this week, at least not until I feel better. :frown:
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    I'm sick. :sick: might not be exercising much this week, at least not until I feel better. :frown:

    I hope you feel better soon!! :flowerforyou:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Well, I spent more than a half hour outside yesterday. I went shopping and all of our malls are outdoor. :wink:

    Kityngirl- Sorry your sick. It's probably a good idea not to exercise until you are better. From what I understand, it's really hard on your heart, something to do with your blood vessels expanding when you're sick and even more when you exercise. I hope you feel better. :flowerforyou:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I'm sick. :sick: might not be exercising much this week, at least not until I feel better. :frown:
    Get better soon hun!! drink plenty of water and get some chicken broth into ur system oh oh and viatmin C :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: *hugs*
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hope you feel better soon - sick really stinks in summer!
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Feel better, Kityngirl!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Ugh I already went over on sugar this morning, who knew kiwis have so much sugar in them?! GRRR :grumble:
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Feel better, Kityngirl!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Ugh I already went over on sugar this morning, who knew kiwis have so much sugar in them?! GRRR :grumble:

    But they are delicious. I'm still in shock about the sugar in my milk.

    I had the best idea this weekend and I feel kind of like an idiot for not think of it before. First some background. I like in San Diego which has the most disgusting tap water a city can have an still be potable. When I heat the water, it smells like dirt and I think it tastes like dirt as well. :sick: I've always had a brita filter for my apartment because bottled water is too expensive and, for work, I generally buy the gallon jugs to take in because it is cheaper that bottles. This weekend it occured to me, why not buy a brita pitcher for work? So I spent $6 to get a pitcher on sale. That's how much I have been spending in a week and a half on jugs of water. Now I don't have to go to the grocery store every couple of days to buy more water. I am so excited. :bigsmile:
  • sarahkatie28
    Good morning ladies!

    I suck on weekends! I'm just going to say that. :grumble: I've doen well so far today though :happy:

    Hope you feel better Kity!:flowerforyou:
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Thanks everyone! Hopefully I'll feel better soon since I'm throwing my best friends baby shower this weekend which means I really can't afford to be sick this week. :ohwell: I usually attack colds with the bombardment theory (so far today I've had 2 dayquils, 2 packs of emergen-c and about 60 oz of water) so I should kick it in a day or so. :wink: :laugh: :bigsmile: