This is a SERIOUS topic!! Respond ASAP...



  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    I don't delete people who don't log in. It doesn't affect me if I don't really know them, and if I have gotten to know them, I'd want to be there if they ever came back. :)


    If I delete you it's because you got on my nerves. I've only deleted one person so far. I love my friends I have right now and I wouldn't delete them if they didn't log in.
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Yeah, I personally never really understood the whole deleting inactive friends thing either. If there was a maximum amount of friends you could add, I could see it.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • TwtyMami35
    TwtyMami35 Posts: 99
    WHEW! I am so glad there are others as addicted...I mean dedicated as me....LOL...I truly had not though of MFP not being a part of my life until I read her post where she checked in to Lexus know she was putting herself through this test. I was in, but seriously. I have yo yo dieted for many years and MFP has been the FIRST plan that has motivated and happily pushed me to succeed.

    I am not even going to test myself. I know I would have withdrawals. Look what happens when the site or app is down....LOL..

    I'm not going nowhere. I'd miss your Beautiful face!

    Why thank you, BUDDY!!! LOL....You just gave me more motivation to keep going! LOL
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Yeah, I personally never really understood the whole deleting inactive friends thing either. If there was a maximum amount of friends you could add, I could see it.

    There is. It's 1000. :blushing: I've hit it a few times.

    And that's where you just can't win... If you don't add people, you're a snob. If you delete people, you're a snob. If you have loads of friends, you're an attention *kitten*.
  • Picturesque2u
    Picturesque2u Posts: 28 Member
    Maybe if I'm 60 lbs lighter for at least 1 year and even then I may stick around for the mutual support of my pals. For now, can't stop, won't stop!
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    Yeah, I personally never really understood the whole deleting inactive friends thing either. If there was a maximum amount of friends you could add, I could see it.

    There is. It's 1000. :blushing: I've hit it a few times.

    And that's where you just can't win... If you don't add people, you're a snob. If you delete people, you're a snob. If you have loads of friends, you're an attention *kitten*.
    Oh, didn't know there was a cap. Either way, 1000 is plenty - I won't have to worry about that.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I see for me and my mind-set...almost like an AA and I will always need accountability...I accept it and know it is what I need or I am doomed.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Lol this is such a serious topic.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    i don't plan to stop using mfp. Counting calories has become my new religion lol. It's too hard to count without a database like this.
  • emsnyc
    emsnyc Posts: 16 Member
    MFP is a very valuable too. I am learning the hard way that when I don't log, I gain because I get sloppy mostly because of a lack of a sense of accountability. Before I started on MFP, I was using another program, and had lost a little weight before that. At one point, which was recently, I had been at a weight of a total of 43 lbs. lost over the course of a year. This was due to logging, change in lifestyle including exercise. However, about two weeks ago, I was on vacation from work, it was my birthday, and I ate out a lot... something I had stopped doing habitually. Naturally, I wasn't compliant with logging on MFP, nor did I weigh myself at all. I gained at least 8 pounds very rapidly. We all know, getting rid of those pounds is a much slower process than putting them on.

    Really I am afraid I'll take my old "all or nothing" approach and sabotage my fitness and my healthy lifestyle. One problem is that I do not have very many friends that are on board with this. I don't have great positive reinforcement (outside training at the gym and people I talk to there). But not with people in my family or friends. Many people may have had a similar experience- people would just go out for dessert with you before they would discourage you... mainly because it's what they feel like doing. It's natural, I'm not being mean. It happens a lot. They may not have the same struggles with food so they don't know what you are dealing with. Does anyone have this issue? Anyway, I realize the importance of what the original poster is saying- this is an important concept- this food logging and sense of accountability and support. It's hard to be around others who don't at least understand your goals.

    If anyone wants to friend me here, I need support as well. I haven't done anything on the boards yet, I've been logging for a bit, but like I said- came from another program. I look forward to reading posts here.
  • smkafka
    smkafka Posts: 134 Member
    My only question is why can I not log on to MFP forever? :(
  • emsnyc
    emsnyc Posts: 16 Member
    You can check out any time at night, but you can never leave.

    Love it! So true too...
  • scordrick
    scordrick Posts: 33
    I haven't read through the responses to this topic but I have to be honest on this one. When I first started MFP, I did not log on the weekends due to computer issues but I would log in my information on Monday's. I didn't see an issue with this at the time but after logging in every day, I know that it's necessary just for the support alone.

    I do delete those who've been in a non-active state for more than a week. If they were awesome support and I was to them then I'll shoot them a message but most of the time that's happened, there hasn't been a response. I need a good support system and I intend to do the same for them.... MFP- I'm a lifer.
  • CCloud5754
    CCloud5754 Posts: 11 Member
    i dont know but i would log cleaning my kitchen, bathroom, scrubbing floors and yard work as exercise, i am ocd. as far as under eating. what qualifies? i am sugar intolerant and can only have 15g carbohydrates a day and 1200 calories. so each meal is not alot and my work is at my house and i work by appointment, so if an appointment runs into the next i cant just stop and go eat i have to wait. bummer cause i will be starving.
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    I plan on using myfitnesspal forever. I am a glutton and will always overeat if I don't keep track of what I eat. Losing weight and then keeping it off is tough. You have to do what you have to do.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I will say there were periods of time where I wasn't active, and part of that was when I had a very difficult pregnancy issue, and had no access to internet...that being said, yes, I do check on friends and send them a note to encourage them, I also have friends that have gone on vacation. I don't think I've deleted anyone, as I don't think you can have too many friends...but I've found after I've sent folks a message, it brought them back, and they were glad I sent out something - they NEEDED a friend at that time to guide them back. I also have one friend right now going through a VERY difficult time, and is now getting a divorce - they need encouragement and friendship - wouldn't you want the same? For a real friend to encourage you to stick to your goals, even if you slipped up? or fell off the wagon entirely?
  • CCloud5754
    CCloud5754 Posts: 11 Member
    i would love to be your friend. but i am also new here and not sure how. i have the same problems with going out to eat. you just have to be sensible. instead of ice cream and flavored syrup get a cup of berries. instead of cake get a fruit cup with out the juice. when the bed comes push it in front of the other person then it more work to get to it.
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    I think it's kind of ridiculous to give your friends a time limit if they don't log on, you delete them. First of all, don't add 100 friends you don't talk to. Add enough that you can get to know them and keep track of them. And if they don't log on for a while, you can email them and ask how they're doing. If you have over 50 friends it's impossible to even do that so you end up just deleting them; you might as well have not added them in the first place.

    I don't log on every day but it doesn't mean I'm not tracking or working out. I don't have time to always come on and spend 20 minutes putting in my meals when I could be working out or cooking healthy meals or just going out. If your friends are doing well enough they don't need to log in all the time, it'd be nice if their friends are backing them up and not going around deleting them for it.
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    i'm with you!