What's wrong w/ wantin 2 b a size 0 or 2?



  • mdrngypsy
    mdrngypsy Posts: 17
    One thing that is really depressing to me is my American/Canadian clothes size 7 I can barely keep on without a belt.
    A pair of shorts I bought here in Mexico, size 9, I can't even do up.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    So there's no way my 5'7 body with a 25 inch waist could turn into a size zero, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to be a size 0 or 2 if your body is cut out for it at a sensible calorie intake. If you're a small sedentary woman, it would be scary how little you would have to eat. For a tall girl with hips, it might be scary how thin you would be waist to height wise, but if your one of those people who eats, have the body shape for it, go for it.

    I also don't see a problem with people in the underweight section in the bmi, not if they're eating like 2000 cals a day.

    btw I'm 5'7 and 120 lbs. I'm a size 8 usually. I'm not saying that I'm thin, but I've lost 30 lbs and my butt hasn't budged. Even with the change in activity level. No zeros for me!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    There are some people that think the only "healthy" size for people under a certain height is 0 or .2. Obviously on some people size X looks healthy and other people it looks great, but I think in general people are sick of having beauty (or fitness, or health, or weight) defines as one size.

    In reality it is extremely individual. (I have size 2 friends that look perfectly healthy.....and size 8, 10.....and so on)

    (I don't think my hips/butt would ever be smaller than 38, so I am not shooting for a 2 or 4 or 6..... My waist has a lot more small potential than anywhere else on my body.)
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I didn't take the time to read all of the other posts, but size is not something where you can just pick out what you want to be. I am 5'8" with a large frame. Unless I chopped up my skeleton, I would never fit in a 0-2 size. When I was thin (teen-age years) I wore a size 10-12 which was snug. I looked quite tall and thin. So, unless you are a little thang with a small frame, forget about 0-2 and get real.

    Edit: Sometimes I see photos of people who look a little chunky on here and they say they are a size 6 or 8 and I wonder how in the heck they could be that small. Everyone seems to be smaller than me, even the ones who are the same height and weight. I just don't get it.

    My hips are 38" 4 more inches & i'll b able to fit n2 a AE 2 comfy. I still have fat on them, so I dont think it's such a far shot.
    How could they b tht small? Well they could have a smaller frame than u (u said u have a large frame) or a different body type than u or less body fat. It could b a lot of things.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I'm striving to be a 0 again because when I was I felt so much better. I'm only 5'1 though so it's not an unreasonable size for me.

    However, it shouldn't matter what size someone is. A lot of heavier people are a lot healthier than skinnier people.

    The best size is what makes you feel the best in your own skin.

    I wanna be fit, so I know I'll be healthy.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I just saw someone post 'why don't they have real sizes? not everyone is a size 2! what about 14 - 16 -18?'

    **** like that makes me mad. a size 2 is a REAL size, and a real woman wears it. this crap about 'real women have curves' is bull****. some do, some don't. I'm sick of people hating on anyone who's not their ideal size, or not their own size.

    I'm an 8 right now, and I still feel heavy. I want to be a 4. and you know what? there's nothing wrong with that.

    I'm an 8 too & still feel heavy as well. Totally understand.
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    i totally agree. there isn't anything wrong with wanting to be a size 2. to be honest, the reason that isn't my first goal is just because it's so far way. :) i'm sure it'll be my final goal though.
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I don't judge anyone. Healthy is my first goal and sexy is my next. There are a lot of people who have confused curves with rolls of fat. I say go for your goals and enjoy life. Forget what others think or say.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm a size 0-2, depending on manufacturer. I also eat over 2100calories a day. I really despise posts and threads putting women like me down.
    No one has any idea how I struggle to keep weight on me. I don't eat right one day and it seems like the pounds drop. I also tend to collect it around my stomach when I do gain it and I'm lifting in order to keep myself looking good and the front buttocks away.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Nothing wrong with wanting to be a 2 or 0. If you're not already, try weight lifting! Like you, I have a small frame and am thin, but have a stomach bulge. I'm a size 4 now and always assumed that I'd need to get down to a 2 or 0 (and also lose another 10 pounds or so) for my stomach to flatten out. Recently, I've starting lifting heavy weights 3 times per week and my stomach is starting to flatten out a little, but I'm getting more solid and muscular in other areas so I think now that maybe if I stick with the weight lifting, I can actually look good at my current weight and size.

    By the way, at a size 8 I still looked "chubby" and was about 20 lbs. from my goal weight. I got lots of eye rolling and comments like "You mean an 8 isn't small enough for you, sheesh!" Some people just don't understand about different body types. Someone that's taller than I am with a bigger frame would look buff in a size 12.

    I'm ab 13 lbs from my goal weight. But Idk if that will still b my goal when I get there. I'm 5'5, have my goal weight at 125lbs. I have goal measurements too, but it's more ab looking how I want, getting fit more so than it is about a certain number on the scale or a pants size u kno? I just believe when i lower my body fat, i could get down tht low cuz of my frame.
    But I just ordered Chalean Extreme. Gonna start liftin as soon as I can. It's motivating to hear that it helps ppl w/ bellies :D
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    So there's no way my 5'7 body with a 25 inch waist could turn into a size zero, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to be a size 0 or 2 if your body is cut out for it at a sensible calorie intake. If you're a small sedentary woman, it would be scary how little you would have to eat. For a tall girl with hips, it might be scary how thin you would be waist to height wise, but if your one of those people who eats, have the body shape for it, go for it.

    I also don't see a problem with people in the underweight section in the bmi, not if they're eating like 2000 cals a day.

    btw I'm 5'7 and 120 lbs. I'm a size 8 usually. I'm not saying that I'm thin, but I've lost 30 lbs and my butt hasn't budged. Even with the change in activity level. No zeros for me!

    whoa! I bet u are thin!! I'm 5'5 & 138lbs n a size 8. 125lbs is wat I'm aiming for, tho it's more about gettin my body as toned as I want. The number on the scale isn't wats so important. I work out 6 days a week for 45+mins. I'm about to start lifting weights more frequently to add in with my cardio. So we'll see what happens. My hips are 38" & I still got sum fat there, so I think I can at least get to a 4 if not a 2.
  • Misalayne
    Misalayne Posts: 84 Member
    Personally, I don't want to be a 2, 4, 6. That's just me. I was once a 6 and was very hollow in my face and collar bone area. Even then, I had curves though. Right now, my goal is a 14, then 12, then 10. If I want to be an 8 after that, than I will go there. That said, I think women should do what they feel comfortable with as long as they are healthy. You can have curves and be healthy and fit. You can have curves and be hot. The same goes with being a size 2.

    All I want to do now is to get healthy...on my way...be supportive of others and get supported, wheather a size 2 or a size 20. I'm so sick of society putting this stigma on women...
  • Misalayne
    Misalayne Posts: 84 Member
    I'm a size 0-2, depending on manufacturer. I also eat over 2100calories a day. I really despise posts and threads putting women like me down.
    No one has any idea how I struggle to keep weight on me. I don't eat right one day and it seems like the pounds drop. I also tend to collect it around my stomach when I do gain it and I'm lifting in order to keep myself looking good and the front buttocks away.

    And that is how your body is built. There is nothing wrong with your size. You are healthy and fit.
  • Cyndieann
    Cyndieann Posts: 152 Member
    As long as you're healthy...0,2 or 10, what ever suits your frame. For me, at size 6 you can count my ribs, all of them, its gross. 8 is my dream #. There is such a thing as 'big boned'.
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Nothing. However, some body types will NEVER come close to a size 2 or 0. If I was a woman, with my build, I would NEVER be a size that small. I'm thing 12-14 would be the smallest. Be a healthy, fit size for your body type.

  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    Healthy is most important :) Like many have stated before... there is no way I would ever be able to be a size 0-2... usually a size 6 is the smallest i will allow myself to go. Its all about how you are obtaining the weight loss as well as whats right for your body!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I didn't set out to be a size 2, but that's where I am. I'm a healthy BMI, and could stand to lower my BF % a bit. It's all in how you are built I guess.
  • EpicMeyri
    EpicMeyri Posts: 109 Member
    It's perfectly ok 4 them to want to keep their curves & it's fine for us to want to be physically fit.

    Man As long as the person is HEALTHY. None of us are exactly alike. That's what makes us special.

    Many of my friends tell me not to get "too skinny" because then I'll look like a "crack head". But honestly that is their opinion! If I want to be a size 5 then I can, I am 5'4 and right now I weigh 228, my goal weight is 145, it is also healthy. IDK why people are always telling others not to lose too much. That is what makes me comfortable.
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member
    It's perfectly ok 4 them to want to keep their curves & it's fine for us to want to be physically fit.

    These 2 things are not mutually exclusive. You can be physically fit and still have curves. That being said, I do agree with the majority of your post. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a small size so long as it is HEALTHY. That's the key. A woman who is a size 2 but is anorexic is not healthy. I know that I will never be a size 2. I was a size 12 when I weighed 130 because of my hips. Each woman has to determine what is best for her and her body. If that's a size 2 then great and if that's a size 12 then that's great too. As long as the person is HEALTHY. None of us are exactly alike. That's what makes us special.

  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    It's perfectly ok 4 them to want to keep their curves & it's fine for us to want to be physically fit.

    These 2 things are not mutually exclusive. You can be physically fit and still have curves. That being said, I do agree with the majority of your post. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a small size so long as it is HEALTHY. That's the key. A woman who is a size 2 but is anorexic is not healthy. I know that I will never be a size 2. I was a size 12 when I weighed 130 because of my hips. Each woman has to determine what is best for her and her body. If that's a size 2 then great and if that's a size 12 then that's great too. As long as the person is HEALTHY. None of us are exactly alike. That's what makes us special.

    This. I wasn't a size 2 when I was anorexic so to stay healthy I cannot dip below a size 6, and that might be too small. If you can be fit and a size 2, then great, but personally if I see ribs and bone, it is unappealing. I very rarely see someone that looks healthy as a size 0-2. I definitely still have an old fashioned mind about what healthy looks like and I don't think it makes smaller woman unwomanly. If it works for you, and you like it, its your body, not mine. HOWEVER, I don't find myself, personally complimenting ultra thin women because no matter how healthy she is, it takes me back to my ED so I can't see healthy.
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