What's wrong w/ wantin 2 b a size 0 or 2?



  • Spice_4_Life
    Spice_4_Life Posts: 225
    It all depends on the person, height and bone structure. Someone at 6ft would not look good at a size 2, and someone at 5 foot most likely would not be comfortable in a size 8. I myself, 5'8 143 in a size 8 women or 12-13 junior and I love it. I have three more pounds to go and hope it's all from the hip warmers ;) But like I said, It all depends on the person and on how much of it is muscle too. :) I think everyone is beautiful as long as you don't judge!
  • workoutgirl23
    workoutgirl23 Posts: 267
    I don't think there is any thing wrong with being a size 2 or anything. that's actually my goal personally. I'm a size five now. and i want to get back to a size one. and i think being that small is still beautiful. i hate it when other people say, you don't want to get too skinny or you';ll have no curves and be ugly. that's just stupid. I hate it when people say that to me
  • Spice_4_Life
    Spice_4_Life Posts: 225
    Honestly, the one thing I notice about some of these people wanting to be small is that they have goal weights that are borderline unhealthy/underweight. They seem obsessed with tiny #'s on a scale.

    ^^^I agree.

    If someone is eating the correct amount of calories a day and losing healthy. Most girls I see wanting to be a zero or extremely small size have calorie intakes of like 300-400 calories. That is not healthy.

    Maybe that's just the ones that advertise it. I have friends on here that are about a 2 / 0 and eat plenty.

    Yes I know, if you would have read what I said you would have seen that...I'm not talkin about ALL...I said most. I have plenty of friends that eat a ton and are a size two and are very healthy.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I think the problem is that many people forget that the bell curve which is applied to many other things also applies to physical size. People are naturally built to be a range of different shapes and sizes, with the majority fitting in the mid-range, and only a small percentage naturally at either end, very small or very large. I can't remember exactly where, but I do recall reading that a US size 0 -2 is only physically achievable by less than 5% of the population, based on frame size. The problem is that these sizes are held up to be the feminine 'ideal' - an ideal which is not healthy (and cannot be achieved in any healthy way) for the vast majority of the population.

    There's nothing wrong with being a size 0 or a 2 if that is natural for your frame. Unfortunately, the pejorative treatment that is regularly meted out to larger sizes, which are healthy and natural for the majority of the population, means that many women feel they must aspire to a very small size, which is neither natural nor healthy for them. I think that is what people object to - women whose frames are naturally larger than makes a 0 or 2 possible (95% plus of the population) pursuing harmful degrees of emaciation in an attempt to achieve a notional, and physically unachievable 'ideal'.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Well, I've read pretty much most of the thread now and my thoughts are this....doesn't matter what size, shape, height etc you are - just as long as you look healthy.

    I'm 4ft 11" , weigh 83lb and wear mainly UK size 8 clothes. Sometimes, dependent on where i buy them from, I wear size 6 UK jeans / trousers and sometimes tops. Apart from needing to put some more lbs on, I look in proportion to my height. I still look curvy in the right places and I still feel healthy. Personally for me, I do need to put on around 15-20lbs. Not much. I also need to stop stressing as this can have a big affect on my weight, as I can almost lose it within a day or so. So for me I have to constantly make sure I'm eating healthily and keeping the lbs on.

    At my healthiest weight of 100lbs, after pregnancy, I was told by everyone that I looked really healthy and amazing!.
    The heaviest I've EVER weighed - and that was DURING pregnancy was 120lbs.

    Anyhow, thank you OP for posting this, as there is nothing wrong with smaller framed women (and men). We're all hot regardless, even moreso, because we're here on MFP to make changes in a healthy way.

    Ur welcome! I just get tired of ppl implyin bad things ab being small. Sayin they will lose curves & junk. I dont understand why so much hate lol
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I didn't read the whole post because I didn't want to get pissed off at some of the comments. I just want to thank you for this post.

    I am 5'5 small frame and at 155lbs I am at at size 8. This looks okay with clothes on but when naked all I see is fat rolls. A lot of people would see size 8 as being normal and their goal size. It was for me when I first started out, I was a size 18-20, and thought a size 8-10 would be perfect but after I attained it I knew to be a healthly weight and one good for running I would need to be a size 2-4. Also a lot of the women that are saying that being a small size is bad and not curvy probably just don't know what they are able to do. I am an hourglass shape and will always have curves I just don't want rolling hills with those curves.

    A size 2 in current measurements is 32-34/22-24/33-35 and everyone wants to hold up Marilyn Monroe as curvy and she was a 36-23-37 which would be a size 4 right now.

    Ur my height & weight 17lbs more than me. We're in the same pants size. I'm incredible jealous lol Since I carry a lot of weight in my belly it prevents me from getting in anything smaller :(
    Exactly ur body shape doesn't change, just the fat on it. It's possible 2 lose some of ur butt & boobs, but that's of little consequence imo to have a great body.
    My coach is in a size 2, but with 36" hips. I guess it just depends on what brand u buy, cuz none r created equal lol.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Honestly, the one thing I notice about some of these people wanting to be small is that they have goal weights that are borderline unhealthy/underweight. They seem obsessed with tiny #'s on a scale.

    ^^^I agree.

    If someone is eating the correct amount of calories a day and losing healthy. Most girls I see wanting to be a zero or extremely small size have calorie intakes of like 300-400 calories. That is not healthy.

    I dont so much want to that small size, as I just want to fit & lower my BF% which I think will land me at a small size. But I eat ab 1600 cals a day & work out 6 days a week.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I wouldn't knock someone who wants to be a size 2, but people who can't be a size 2 are often bombarded by messages that being a size 2 is perfect. Who honestly wouldn't want to be a size 2? It's the magic number for pretty much all celebrities, beyond that you are fat and need WW, etc. It's really not fair. I have seen much skinnier days, where I was a size 7-9 and my best friend was that coveted size 0-2. All the boys automatically liked her better because she was so petite, of course I looked "big" next to her, but I'm like a foot taller and had big leg muscles from training for cross country 7 days a week. I feel like I took a beating, being teased and picked on for being big because I was tall and muscular.

    A lot of girls make a big deal ab being a smaller size, like it's unhealthy & such. To me ur only fat if you have a lot of fat. If you can be a size 10 & look fab & slim, that is great!! But I can't be. I'm sorry u got picked on in high school. *hugs* I was 5'5 140lbs in HS. Cuz of my build I looked chubby, like I still do now & I got picked on too. Not fun.
  • I heard Christian Bale gives good dieting tips.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    So because you didn't like the thread about people who didn't have a goal to be a 2 you start a thread against it??? No one on the other thread was making fun of thinner people, the OP just wanted to know if people had goals set at heavier weights and sizes. Generally on these boards people want to get down to their smallest range of their BMI and sometimes the women who don't start to feel like "Hmmm, am I the only person that doesn't want to be a string bean?" It's almost as if it's not ok for people to just want to be on the thicker or curvier side. We aren't "JELLY"...give me a break.

    Calling someone with a size 2 a "string bean" is insulting. I'm normally of that size but I don't look anywhere near a bean pole. In fact I lift heavy weights, I'm curvy & muscular, not boney skinny like some of you think. Why do you people love to pick on slim women just because you find it "impossible" to attain? Sometimes people say it out of jealousy or because they are brought to believe that they are "big-boned" & therefore thought its impossible wherein it only takes determination to reach your goal. I used to be one of those who thought its impossible when I was still obese but guess what, I didn't expect to reach this size but it happened!

    Yes not all of us can have a waist line lower than 29 inches & I respect that we all have different size goals. But calling smaller people a "string bean" is the same as calling all fat people "pigs".

    Ok come on, "string bean" isn't exactly a huge insult for heavens sake. And as far as not being able to "attain" being a string bean???? Honey, I have lost 89 pounds. I can get down to a size 00 if I wanted. I just don't want to.:tongue:

    Wow. I have to ask, r u in a healthy weight range for your height yet? Honest question, because its really easy to lose weight when ur overweight, least it was for me when I was overweight. The lighter u get, the harder it is to lose. Getting n2 those small sizes & lowering ur body fat % isn't as easy as u would think.

    I am pretty close to being in a healthy weight range, I mean as far as the charts go, but I am pretty solid and don't have a lot of fat at all. I started out over 250 and it was NOT EASY AND I DID NOT DO IT FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took 14 months of calorie counting and working out 1-3 hours EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!!!!!! Even when I lost my 19 year old nephew suddenly, raising 2 teenage sons who eat everything under the sun, while I was pregnant (But I had a miscarriage) And I have been very small before. I was not overweight my entire life. I don't need to explain anymore to you people. Get off my back. My original post was because you and another girl said some nasty things about bigger girls. Now...PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This from the person that says nasty things about skinn y girls.:laugh: Its their right to comment on bigger girls someone has to tell them the truth! If we were to follow your logic anyways.

    You again??????? I thought I blocked you, was hoping to never see you again. Ok, so you say someone needs to tell bigger girls the truth???? You mean, just like someone needs to tell people that look totally anorexic the truth???? I am NOT nasty about thin girls. You obviously have no reading comprehension. I simply stated, and I think I have only done this TWICE on a too thin girls picture...They looked better in the before picture because they barely had any fat to begin with (from the pictures) and looked firm and healthy. The after pictures looked like something from the holocaust!!!!!!!!!!! I have never seen so much negativity about heavy people in my life, and it's on a fitness site no less. And you all act like I must be huge. I'm not. I have lost a ton of weight and look pretty damn good. I was pretty over 250 and I'm now even prettier going into the 160's. So stick it.:explode:

    So, you can go around negating people's hard work by telling them they looked better before, but people can't make comments about big people? Get real.

    How would you feel if once you're at goal, people say "Well, you could still lose like 30 lbs."
  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    I seen a post last night where a guy liked them chubby & hey that's quite alright. But a lot of women were posting in there talking about how they have curves that just aren't going to go away. Also someone questioned how anyone could want to be a size 0 or 2. They thought 10 would b their goal pant size. Well, I'm a size 8 right now & it's not cutting it. I carry a lot of weight in my stomach & I have a small frame which causes it to bunch up basically & stick out. I will pretty much have 2 go to a low pant size to get my stomach to flatten out & I dont think there is a thing wrong w/ it. I want to be fit anyways, so I'm pushing until I am .
    Another thing, about the curves. If you have natural curves, then u will always have them no matter how small u get. They will just b smaller when u get smaller & not have fat on them. My waist is ab 9 in smaller than my hips, if anything my curves has gotten more defined as I lost weight. When i lose my love handles (which i hope is soon) it will get smaller, but I will still have it. Pretty sure my waist is gonna stay smaller than my hips. Curves don't mean u can't get slim.
    Too each their own of course. But smaller girls are 'real women' too. Like I said b4, a lot of us want to be fit & in shape. Personally I want to be less that 20% body fat. I know it's not goin to be easy 2 accomplish. I know it's not for everyone either. But I don't think bigger women should knock people wanting to b like this & say they don't wanna b a 'twig'. It's perfectly ok 4 them to want to keep their curves & it's fine for us to want to be physically fit.

    "Like" :)
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    So because you didn't like the thread about people who didn't have a goal to be a 2 you start a thread against it??? No one on the other thread was making fun of thinner people, the OP just wanted to know if people had goals set at heavier weights and sizes. Generally on these boards people want to get down to their smallest range of their BMI and sometimes the women who don't start to feel like "Hmmm, am I the only person that doesn't want to be a string bean?" It's almost as if it's not ok for people to just want to be on the thicker or curvier side. We aren't "JELLY"...give me a break.

    Calling someone with a size 2 a "string bean" is insulting. I'm normally of that size but I don't look anywhere near a bean pole. In fact I lift heavy weights, I'm curvy & muscular, not boney skinny like some of you think. Why do you people love to pick on slim women just because you find it "impossible" to attain? Sometimes people say it out of jealousy or because they are brought to believe that they are "big-boned" & therefore thought its impossible wherein it only takes determination to reach your goal. I used to be one of those who thought its impossible when I was still obese but guess what, I didn't expect to reach this size but it happened!

    Yes not all of us can have a waist line lower than 29 inches & I respect that we all have different size goals. But calling smaller people a "string bean" is the same as calling all fat people "pigs".

    Ok come on, "string bean" isn't exactly a huge insult for heavens sake. And as far as not being able to "attain" being a string bean???? Honey, I have lost 89 pounds. I can get down to a size 00 if I wanted. I just don't want to.:tongue:

    Wow. I have to ask, r u in a healthy weight range for your height yet? Honest question, because its really easy to lose weight when ur overweight, least it was for me when I was overweight. The lighter u get, the harder it is to lose. Getting n2 those small sizes & lowering ur body fat % isn't as easy as u would think.

    I am pretty close to being in a healthy weight range, I mean as far as the charts go, but I am pretty solid and don't have a lot of fat at all. I started out over 250 and it was NOT EASY AND I DID NOT DO IT FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took 14 months of calorie counting and working out 1-3 hours EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!!!!!! Even when I lost my 19 year old nephew suddenly, raising 2 teenage sons who eat everything under the sun, while I was pregnant (But I had a miscarriage) And I have been very small before. I was not overweight my entire life. I don't need to explain anymore to you people. Get off my back. My original post was because you and another girl said some nasty things about bigger girls. Now...PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This from the person that says nasty things about skinn y girls.:laugh: Its their right to comment on bigger girls someone has to tell them the truth! If we were to follow your logic anyways.

    You again??????? I thought I blocked you, was hoping to never see you again. Ok, so you say someone needs to tell bigger girls the truth???? You mean, just like someone needs to tell people that look totally anorexic the truth???? I am NOT nasty about thin girls. You obviously have no reading comprehension. I simply stated, and I think I have only done this TWICE on a too thin girls picture...They looked better in the before picture because they barely had any fat to begin with (from the pictures) and looked firm and healthy. The after pictures looked like something from the holocaust!!!!!!!!!!! I have never seen so much negativity about heavy people in my life, and it's on a fitness site no less. And you all act like I must be huge. I'm not. I have lost a ton of weight and look pretty damn good. I was pretty over 250 and I'm now even prettier going into the 160's. So stick it.:explode:

    So, you can go around negating people's hard work by telling them they looked better before, but people can't make comments about big people? Get real.

    How would you feel if once you're at goal, people say "Well, you could still lose like 30 lbs."

    Coincidentally you are one of the two women that I thought looked much better in the before photo. You are the one that posted a picture looking for feedback, and I told you the truth (In MY personal opinion) I didn't say you looked bad before at all. And probably when I get to my goal there will be people that think I need to still lose more and probably people that think I am just perfect. I really don't care!!!! LOL And I don't go around saying this stuff to everyone like you imply. I freaking did it twice...and on people that completely went to the thin extreme.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member

    So, you can go around negating people's hard work by telling them they looked better before, but people can't make comments about big people? Get real.

    How would you feel if once you're at goal, people say "Well, you could still lose like 30 lbs."

    Coincidentally you are one of the two women that I thought looked much better in the before photo. You are the one that posted a picture looking for feedback, and I told you the truth (In MY personal opinion) I didn't say you looked bad before at all. And probably when I get to my goal there will be people that think I need to still lose more and probably people that think I am just perfect. I really don't care!!!! LOL And I don't go around saying this stuff to everyone like you imply. I freaking did it twice...and on people that completely went to the thin extreme.

    I never said you said anyone looked bad before. What I'm saying is you are negating people's hard work (mine included) by stating they looked better before. Whether you did it once, or you did it twice - which I highly doubt it's only been twice - you still do it. Do not go around acting all high and mighty when you're just as rude as the rest. And who the hell even goes into a success thread and posts negative comments? I don't get how that seems right in your head.

    Also, I did not go to the "thin extreme" get over yourself. My body is not one you want, that's perfectly fine. Just like yours is not one I'd ever want. Hence why people are individuals and can choose to look however they want.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    It's perfectly ok 4 them to want to keep their curves & it's fine for us to want to be physically fit.

    These 2 things are not mutually exclusive. You can be physically fit and still have curves. That being said, I do agree with the majority of your post. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a small size so long as it is HEALTHY. That's the key. A woman who is a size 2 but is anorexic is not healthy. I know that I will never be a size 2. I was a size 12 when I weighed 130 because of my hips. Each woman has to determine what is best for her and her body. If that's a size 2 then great and if that's a size 12 then that's great too. As long as the person is HEALTHY. None of us are exactly alike. That's what makes us special.


    I agree. I posted in the other thread about wanting to be in a size 8 pant. I'm in a 12 sometimes 10 pant right now. That being said just because I don't want to be a size 0 or 2 doesn't mean I'm not going to be fit at a size 8 and I wouldn't go around knocking anyone that is a size 0 or 2.
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member

    So, you can go around negating people's hard work by telling them they looked better before, but people can't make comments about big people? Get real.

    How would you feel if once you're at goal, people say "Well, you could still lose like 30 lbs."

    Coincidentally you are one of the two women that I thought looked much better in the before photo. You are the one that posted a picture looking for feedback, and I told you the truth (In MY personal opinion) I didn't say you looked bad before at all. And probably when I get to my goal there will be people that think I need to still lose more and probably people that think I am just perfect. I really don't care!!!! LOL And I don't go around saying this stuff to everyone like you imply. I freaking did it twice...and on people that completely went to the thin extreme.

    I never said you said anyone looked bad before. What I'm saying is you are negating people's hard work (mine included) by stating they looked better before. Whether you did it once, or you did it twice - which I highly doubt it's only been twice - you still do it. Do not go around acting all high and mighty when you're just as rude as the rest. And who the hell even goes into a success thread and posts negative comments? I don't get how that seems right in your head.

    Also, I did not go to the "thin extreme" get over yourself. My body is not one you want, that's perfectly fine. Just like yours is not one I'd ever want. Hence why people are individuals and can choose to look however they want.

    I was on this thread defending the people that the OP was complaining about. Skinny people get really nasty when people talk about liking thicker and curvier girls, especially when men say that. It's like it pisses you off because being skinny is your "claim to fame" and you don't want being overweight to ever be accepted. You are right, I have no desire to have your body. I have other things going for me than having a good body. I am a good mom, wife, friend, I'm talented etc etc...Just because I state my opinion on here on the boards sometimes doesn't make me a nasty person. I try to be respectful, but when you and the same 3 or 4 girls constantly attack my opinion I get a little more defiant. You are skinny mean girls.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I wish I had the patience to read through all these, but I don't. I don't think I could ever be that skinny. I also would like to keep my boobs.
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member

    So, you can go around negating people's hard work by telling them they looked better before, but people can't make comments about big people? Get real.

    How would you feel if once you're at goal, people say "Well, you could still lose like 30 lbs."

    Coincidentally you are one of the two women that I thought looked much better in the before photo. You are the one that posted a picture looking for feedback, and I told you the truth (In MY personal opinion) I didn't say you looked bad before at all. And probably when I get to my goal there will be people that think I need to still lose more and probably people that think I am just perfect. I really don't care!!!! LOL And I don't go around saying this stuff to everyone like you imply. I freaking did it twice...and on people that completely went to the thin extreme.

    I never said you said anyone looked bad before. What I'm saying is you are negating people's hard work (mine included) by stating they looked better before. Whether you did it once, or you did it twice - which I highly doubt it's only been twice - you still do it. Do not go around acting all high and mighty when you're just as rude as the rest. And who the hell even goes into a success thread and posts negative comments? I don't get how that seems right in your head.

    Also, I did not go to the "thin extreme" get over yourself. My body is not one you want, that's perfectly fine. Just like yours is not one I'd ever want. Hence why people are individuals and can choose to look however they want.

    I was on this thread defending the people that the OP was complaining about. Skinny people get really nasty when people talk about liking thicker and curvier girls, especially when men say that. It's like it pisses you off because being skinny is your "claim to fame" and you don't want being overweight to ever be accepted. You are right, I have no desire to have your body. I have other things going for me than having a good body. I am a good mom, wife, friend, I'm talented etc etc...Just because I state my opinion on here on the boards sometimes doesn't make me a nasty person. I try to be respectful, but when you and the same 3 or 4 girls constantly attack my opinion I get a little more defiant. You are skinny mean girls.

    I also have to remember that you and a few of the other girls are only in your early twenties. Your brain isn't finished developing and you have no life experience. I was a big clueless dummy at that age too!!!!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member

    So, you can go around negating people's hard work by telling them they looked better before, but people can't make comments about big people? Get real.

    How would you feel if once you're at goal, people say "Well, you could still lose like 30 lbs."

    Coincidentally you are one of the two women that I thought looked much better in the before photo. You are the one that posted a picture looking for feedback, and I told you the truth (In MY personal opinion) I didn't say you looked bad before at all. And probably when I get to my goal there will be people that think I need to still lose more and probably people that think I am just perfect. I really don't care!!!! LOL And I don't go around saying this stuff to everyone like you imply. I freaking did it twice...and on people that completely went to the thin extreme.

    I never said you said anyone looked bad before. What I'm saying is you are negating people's hard work (mine included) by stating they looked better before. Whether you did it once, or you did it twice - which I highly doubt it's only been twice - you still do it. Do not go around acting all high and mighty when you're just as rude as the rest. And who the hell even goes into a success thread and posts negative comments? I don't get how that seems right in your head.

    Also, I did not go to the "thin extreme" get over yourself. My body is not one you want, that's perfectly fine. Just like yours is not one I'd ever want. Hence why people are individuals and can choose to look however they want.

    I was on this thread defending the people that the OP was complaining about. Skinny people get really nasty when people talk about liking thicker and curvier girls, especially when men say that. It's like it pisses you off because being skinny is your "claim to fame" and you don't want being overweight to ever be accepted. You are right, I have no desire to have your body. I have other things going for me than having a good body. I am a good mom, wife, friend, I'm talented etc etc...Just because I state my opinion on here on the boards sometimes doesn't make me a nasty person. I try to be respectful, but when you and the same 3 or 4 girls constantly attack my opinion I get a little more defiant. You are skinny mean girls.

    I wasn't getting nasty ab that man talkin ab likin thicker, "curvier" girls. Because I still am 1 of those fat girls! I am married so idc what that man likes. Every man is different. There was even one who started an 'i like skinny girls thread'. They all have a personal preferences to what they like, just like us women have our own preferences to what we wanna look like. I dont think I was even getting nasty. I wasn't saying there was anything wrong w/ women wanting to stay thick. I haven't judged anyone for wanting to b an 8 or 10. I was talkkin ab ppl who judged other for wanting to b a 0 or 2.
    Ab overweight being accepted. No one should think it is ok 2 b unhealthy. I dont mean that people should b made fun of because they're big, they most def shouldnt be. but ppl who are should want to get at a healthy weight. If that means u have a big frame so u can only b a 12, so be it. If that's healthy for then it's fine. If it puts u in a size 2, then that's fine as well. It's all ok as long as we're healthy.
  • Nothings wrong with wanting to be a size 0 or 2....the most important thing is health. If it fits your body, and you are healthy then so be it.

    I am focused on health, not sizes. To each their own!!!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    My skinny size is a 9. My bones are just not small enough to be a 0 or 2. So that is not even an option for some people. If your bone structure is that little then go for it but its not possible for everyone.

    By the way, my husband says it's not the size that matters, its the shape!
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