

  • Cat_from_Chicago
    Cat_from_Chicago Posts: 95 Member
    then people like me who came to gain healthy weight must really get your panties twisted.....

    actually, no. :happy:
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    Yah so cue the super emotional responses.

    Live and let live?
    Agree to disgree?
    No. K.

    As u were...:drinker:
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I have 8 pounds to it ok with you that I'm on this site?

    Seriously it's a 'fitness website' for ALL who want to utilize it.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I joined to gain 1 pound. Can I have a hug?

    I take 5lb dumps....can I get a *hug*?
    Then delete my account cause someone thinks I don't belong.
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    This is myFITNESSpal. Not myLOSEWEIGHTpal. Some people are on here to actually gain muscle (and weight). It's about being a healthier person, just because you have a particular goal and use MFP doesn't mean that everyone else has to have the same goals to use the same tools.
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    :grumble: Stupid posts like this are my pet peeve.
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    Sex is not on the exercise list!! It burns calories.

    Yes she is right! I suppose you could simply add it to exercise list?? Not sure I'm still learning the display.

    Oh quick question: Does anyone know how to start a new topic thread? I couldn't find a hot - to on this anywhere on the site...
  • b_fit4life
    b_fit4life Posts: 120 Member
    Sex is not on the exercise list!! It burns calories.
    ^^^^ THIS

    I code my sex sessions as "Manual Labor" LOL
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    I get soooo annoyed seeing someone on here that wants to lose 5 pounds. REALLY?! Come on. Especially, when people are here trying to lose hundreds of pounds. I'm all about getting healthy & maintaining but a 5 pound goal?

    :tongue: *Keep your hate mail, it's just my opinion* :glasses:
    Are you ready for what is about to happen????

    sure... everyone has one pet peeve, what's yours?
    My pet peeve is people that get annoyed at people that want to lose 6 pounds; so you're safe.
  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 192 Member
    Seriously thats your pet peeve! I think there is more to losing 5 pounds than you think! My goodness...Some people are on here to gain, maintain etc.

    My pet peeve...ppl thinking they can judge others!
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    Oh..and when/if you get down to your last 5 pounds you want to lose and your body is fighting you so hard not to let it go, you are going to wish you had a place like this to come to and get tips/help.
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181
    Sex is not on the exercise list!! It burns calories.
    ^^^^ THIS

    I code my sex sessions as "Manual Labor" LOL

    hahaha.:laugh: great idea!
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    I appreciate what you're saying and empathize with you. But to those of us with ten or less pounds to lose, that goals is just as important to us, just as hard to get to, as yours. Some of us have lost many pounds and are down to five. Others just simply have five or ten or whatever. This site is not the property of those with large amounts of weight to lose. In fact, it's a fitness site as much as a weight loss site.
    Don't get discouraged know you CAN do this!!!! :laugh: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Another pet peeve of mine is when my MFP friends de-activate their accounts and don't have the courtesy to send a 'good bye' P.M.
  • Cat_from_Chicago
    Cat_from_Chicago Posts: 95 Member
    I appreciate what you're saying and empathize with you. But to those of us with ten or less pounds to lose, that goals is just as important to us, just as hard to get to, as yours. Some of us have lost many pounds and are down to five. Others just simply have five or ten or whatever. This site is not the property of those with large amounts of weight to lose. In fact, it's a fitness site as much as a weight loss site.

    not saying it's not important because it is a FITNESS (I hope my CAPS LOCK, irks you all) site but like I said...
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    Sex is not on the exercise list!! It burns calories.
    ^^^^ THIS

    I code my sex sessions as "Manual Labor" LOL

    hahaha.:laugh: great idea!

    OMG lol that is funny I will remember to use this thanks!
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    So don't friend them. But if you do, you may learn something. People that have 5lbs to lose will have a lot of value to you when you get down to your last 5 lbs. It gets harder, not easier.

    ^^ THIS... very true! ^^
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I get soooo annoyed seeing someone on here that wants to lose 5 pounds. REALLY?! Come on. Especially, when people are here trying to lose hundreds of pounds. I'm all about getting healthy & maintaining but a 5 pound goal?

    :tongue: *Keep your hate mail, it's just my opinion* :glasses:
    Are you ready for what is about to happen????

    sure... everyone has one pet peeve, what's yours?

    Well that's an easy one...people that think that the only people that need to get healthy are those that need to lose a ton of weight.
  • Cat_from_Chicago
    Cat_from_Chicago Posts: 95 Member
    Sex is not on the exercise list!! It burns calories.
    ^^^^ THIS

    I code my sex sessions as "Manual Labor" LOL

    NICE :smile:
  • kettle_belle83
    kettle_belle83 Posts: 94 Member
    This isn't about weight loss for everyone. It's called myFITNESSpal for a reason!!! Some people are already at their desired weight and they may just be using this to be able to maintain. You really don't know what everyone's reasons are for being here. Shouldn't be so quick to judge. Whether 5 or 100 lbs. I applaud the efforts of anybody trying to make a change. Nothing wrong with trying to be healthier!!!
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