5"3 girls calling for your weight loss stories!



  • yelpat
    yelpat Posts: 414 Member
    I'm 5'3 as well, but realistically I'd be happy at 140ish. It's achievable and maintainable I think.
  • melissa80216
    Originally started at 5'3" 200lbs. I don't own a scale which for me is a good thing because I've mostly made my goal just to be healthy. Last I checked (sometime before Easter) I'd lost 17lbs in about a month. I have no checked my weight since but notice my clothes fit differently. I do C2 5K and yoga as well as ride my bike to and from work (about 5 mi each way). Stick to it!
  • kimikinsx3
    kimikinsx3 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey I know this is an old post, but I am 5'3. I am currently 140.6 lbs. I started in May at a little over 180lbs. I however slacked off over the summer and gained back almost all the weight i had lost in my frist month. so realistically. I was about 178lbs or so in september when I started my diet, I have managed to lose almost 40 lbs in 4 months. My goal is 125 to start. I am having extreme success, except my fat is alll in my stomach and thighs and its kind of devastating to see it go down so slow in those areas!! Weightloss is really possible with proper eating and exercising!! Good luck everyone!!
  • 2013queen
    Oops just added a few people without looking at the dates.
    Oh well, here's my stats.
    33 yrs, 162lbs, aiming for 126. Dont believe I can do it at all. But mostly because for the past 1-2 years Ive been lying to myself about my diet/lifestyle.... I joined the gym last year in April and since have put on 1/2 a stone as I never modified what I ate/drank.
    This has changed now plus logging everything on here is great.
    Feel free to add me :)
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    oh darn...i am 5' 11.
  • jessready
    jessready Posts: 129 Member
    I'm 5'3" and was 175 in the delivery room, so I probably went home weighing 155. Took 18 months until after he was born but I got down to 105 pounds. The last 5 months of those 18 months were the crucial turning point months for me. I tracked religiously, ate a zig zag type diet, exercised at least 6 days a week.

    After that, I have spent the last few years reshaping my body through weight training. I reduced 95% of the cellulite on the back of my legs, have excellent muscle tone on my arms, and am in the best shape of my life at 35 years old. YOU CAN DO IT!

    Pregnant (175 pounds):


    Less than a year after having my 2nd (probably 130 here):


    After losing all the weight (105 pounds here) but no weight training yet:


    Now (112 pounds, added muscle and dropped body fat through weight training):



    Thank you for sharing! Great results!
  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    I am 5'4 and I was fluffy (175) then I joined MFP and read a lot and asked questions and started eating better and eating moar and doing squats and situps and running and stuff then I lost about 15 pounds and have about 15 more to go. The end.
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    I'm 5'3, and started at 160 lbs. I got down to 123, and went up to 126 where I maintained for quite sometime before getting pregnant. I did it by taking it one day at a time, making gradual changes that I could stick with, eating healthy, and becoming more and more active. Just before getting pregnant I reached my goal of running in a 5k. I am not sure how long it took me to lose the weight- but doing it slowly and making adjustments makes it less overwhelming and less likely that you will fall off the wagon and gain the weight back. Good luck- you CAN do this!
  • movburg
    I'm 5'3" and weigh 172.5#. I am also starting C25K over again this week. I had been doing so well until the holidays happened and then I gained the 6# back that I had recently lost. Geeze! But I am getting back on it with C25K and Chalean Extreme... and MFP of course. I'm looking for an exercise buddy to help motivate me!
  • arcticflower
    arcticflower Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5'2.5, starting weight was 163, current weight is 144, goal is 125 so I'm about half-way. I was depressed at my heaviest. Then I read Omnivore's Dillemma by Michael Pollan and it changed my life in terms of diet. I eat whole foods now, and cook everything from scratch. You get really fast at it, it's way easier than I thought it would be. I lost the first 15ish pounds without even trying purely by eating better (somewhat less meat, lots of veggies, no soda, much less dairy, no JUNK, no processed food. Everything tastes better to me now.

    Then my weight sort of hit a plateau so I started tracking calories on MFP again and working out 1-3 times a week and now the pounds are flying off. Looking forward to wearing a bikini again someday! If I don't get pregnant (which I hope I do), I will definitely be in bikini shape by this summer.
  • katejaramillo
    katejaramillo Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'2" and started at like... 160-170 when i gave birth. now i'm at 120 through running/walking/diet/circuit training. Still not there yet. i'd like to be 105 or a muscular 115.
  • Tarshs
    Tarshs Posts: 16 Member
    I am 5'3 and 165punds (75kgs) Looking to lose 30 pounds!! If anyone wants to add me who is similar and keen to encourage each other please do!!! :)
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    SW: 268.5
    CW: 225
    UG: 130-150

    It's been a long struggle...I've been overweight my whole life (graduating HS wearing a 26W).
    I HATE exercising/sweating. So I've focused mainly on nutrition.
    So far, down about 45 lbs...been on a 5lbs yo-yo plateau for the last 4 months :ohwell:

    Also TTC and trying to lose as much as I can before we are blessed with a child :happy:
  • toria_30
    I'm 5'3" I started out at 192lbs which was nearly 14 stone back in November 2011. I had a gallstone attack that lasted 9 hrs. I had surgery to remove my gallbladder in January 2012 and then in May 2012 finally realised that I was really quite big and had to do some serious weight loss so I joined MFP. I have nearly lost 50lbs so am really happy at the moment. My current goal is 136lbs which will give me a total weight loss of 56lbs or 4 stone!!
    I've always been heavier than I look as this target weight puts me well into the healthy range and I will weigh what I did when I was a super fit 18 year old. Wearing a uk size 10. Any thinner and I will look ill

    Hope this helps others as if I can do it anyone can as I absolutely love food and I'm also a mum so have to fit things in round my lovely son and life!!

    SW. 192 lbs
    CW. 143 lbs
    GW. 136 lbs
  • Funnyfishat40
    Funnyfishat40 Posts: 52 Member
    And me, 5'3" and started at 188 ( god that hurt to say) am now dropping, goal is 132, 30D Shred at the moment and then we'll see, I have to have surgery soon so am determined not to fall of the waggon while I recuperate
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    Im between 5"2 and 5"3..... no complete success story yet but I will have it to share with you this year :D

    My status thus far:-
    HW-198 (2011)
    SW-190.2 (Sept 10th 2012)
    GW-145 (will re-evaluate when i get there)

    Loss so far 19.4 lbs.....mainly achieved form clean eating, eating only protein and veges and no carbonated beverages....

    Right now my calorie limit is 1200, I sometimes eat more and sometimes less... I completely cut out ALL beverages, so i only drink water.... I eat alot of fruits and well i try not to eat flour or rice.... if I do eat flour its mainly wheat. I try not to restrict my diet tooo much, with that I mean I try not to deprive myself too much and for too long... I have done this in the past and it results in me eating everything in sight when i get the chance and falling off the wagon..... so I eat in moderation.... It has worked thus far. An important thing on this journey is knowing that this is exactly that...a JOURNEY.... you wont arrive in one week, a month, but it will require CONSISTENCY....there will be Bad days, days when u forget about exercise and eating healthy and just go back into bad habits, and thats OK.... THE KEY is not alowing yourself to stay there.. GET BACK ON TRACK as soon as possibble... PUSH, FIGHT, MAKE IT HAPPEN.... its for you.... YOU CAN do this. All the best :)
  • Maridinger
    Maridinger Posts: 74 Member
    Im 5'3 and I started at 235. I am down to 180. My goal is 140.
  • Baubles40
    Wow, you look great! This is inspiring for someone over 35...
  • KittyCannibal
    I'm 5'3 and weight about 133 pounds on September 2012. On October, I weighted about 126. 8 pounds lost!
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    When I was 12, I was 5'0 and weighed 170 pounds. I was picked on, teased, and laughed at. The summer after my 6th grade year I decided that I'm tired of always being the fat kid. It has taken me years, but I am at my lowest weight yet.
    I have struggled with an eating disorder for many years as well. Some of my weigh loss was not healthy, but in September I committed myself to recovering. I have been eating less junk and working out at least 3 times a week.
    Before recovery (when I first went to my ED specialist) I was 136.3 pounds. Now, 3.5 months into recovery I am 125.5 pounds. I am also now 5'4. Guys, choose life.
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