

  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I'm sorry I called you a gap-toothed b!tch, it's not your fault you're so gap-toothed.
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    Scarface: "Yo! They killed Killer, B! Yo, I think they killed Killer!"

    Brian: "First of all to understand what happened to Killer, you gotta understand who Killer the dog was. Now Killer was born to a three-legged ***** of a mother. He was always ashamed of this, man. And then right after that he's adopted by this man, Tito Liebowitz; he's a small time gun runner and a rottweiler fight promoter. So, he puts Killer into training. They see Killer's good. He is damn good. But then he had the fight of his life. They pit him against his brother Nibbles. And killer said "no man! That's my brother! I can't fight Nibbles, man!" but they made him fight anyway, and Killer, he killed nibbles. Killer said "that's it!" he called off all his fights, and he started doing crack, and he freaked out. Then in a rage, he collapsed, and his heart no longer beat. wow."

    Scarface: "Wow, yo, that's deep."

    Thurgood Jenkins: "You know, uh, I never thought I'd say this to anybody, but you two smoke entirely too much reefer."
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member



    Have I told you lately how much I love you! haha! You are freaking hilarious!
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    Have I told you lately how much I love you! haha! You are freaking hilarious!

    :flowerforyou: I:heart: U too!! :wink:
  • LWeiler82
    LWeiler82 Posts: 40
    What, I can't go to Hawaii now because Sarah Marshall has heard of Hawaii?

    She got me this, ok, because I always leave my cereal boxes open and the cereal would get stale and so one day I came home and she had this waiting for me because it keeps my cereal fresh. Now I have the freshest cereal.
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    Not a movie, but it's my favorite quote from my fav TV show: Supernatural.

    Dean: I mean, come on Sam. What are we doing?
    Sam: We're hunting a ghost.
    Dean: A ghost, exactly. Who does that?
    Sam: Us.
    Dean: Us, right. And that Sam is exactly why our lives suck. I mean come on, we hunt monsters. What the hell? Normal people, they see a monster and they run, not us. No, no, no we search out things that want to kill us, yeah, huh, or eat us. You know who does that? Crazy people. We are insane.
    Dean: And then there's the bad diner food. And the skeevy motel rooms. And then the truck stop waitress with the bizarre rash. I mean who wants this life Sam? Huh? Seriously? I mean do you actually like being stuck in a car with me eight hours a day every day? I don't think so. I mean, I drive too fast and listen to the same five albums over and over and over again and... and... and I sing along and I know I'm annoying and I know that. And you, you're gassy. You eat half a burrito and you're toxic. I mean, you know what?
    (throws keys to Sam)
    Dean: You can forget it.
    Sam: Whoa, Dean. Where are you going?
    Dean: Stay away from me, Sam. Okay? 'Cause I am done with it. I'm done with the monsters and the hellhounds and the ghost sickness and the damn apocalypse! I'm out. I'm done. I quit.
  • nichalsont
    nichalsont Posts: 421 Member
    Unwinding and watching Miss Congeniality - two great quotes came up:

    " Hemorrhoid ointment? Do you really think the judges will be looking that closely?"


    "The last time I was this naked in public, I was coming out of a uterus."
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    From the human centipede: Feed her! FEED HER!
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    "Where the white women at?"


    LOL, Blazing Saddles!!!! Love the irreverence!
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny f'ing Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white *kitten* down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of *kitten* this side of the nuthouse.

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Sparky!!!!
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    You and your mom are hillbillies. This is a house of learned doctors.
    You're not a doctor... you're a big, fat, curly-headed *kitten*!

    I tea-bagged your drum set!
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
  • Drizap
    Drizap Posts: 34 Member
    "Help me, I'm poor," Bridesmaids
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I need an MRI! There's no way I don't have soft tissue damage! I just wanna go somewhere and breastfeed right now!
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 123 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:
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    We reserve the right to moderate a topic based on the intent of the sexual material it contains. Topics intended to titillate will be removed. Topics with medical or clinical themes related to sex or sexual health may be permitted, at our discretion.

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    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    With respect,
    MyFitnessPal Forum Staff
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