Polygamy, Your thoughts.



  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    There are several problems with polygamy (and polyandry). But I don't care to play professor, you can research the topic more if it really interests you.

    Instead I would like to ask...

    are there any non-religious polygamists out there? Really? I, personally, have never heard of any so I'm just curious.
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    This is my take:

    Polygamy is inadmissible for me for religious reasons. I do not expect other people to adhere to the same moral standards that I do. I also don't even expect them to fully understand WHY I believe the way I do. I do hope that other people will show me the same courtesy. The way I live my life is a personal decision and not something that I should measure other people by.

    I also don't expect to live up to my morals in perfect fashion. What I believe and what I do are sometimes in conflict. That doesn't negate my religion/beliefs/morals. It means I'm human, like everyone else.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I would love to get a Brother Husband for my husband. I think it would work out nicely.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    There are several problems with polygamy (and polyandry). But I don't care to play professor, you can research the topic more if it really interests you.

    Instead I would like to ask...

    are there any non-religious polygamists out there? Really? I, personally, have never heard of any so I'm just curious.

    I know lots of people who are into open relationships, which is usually called polyamory... but i don't really think there is much non-religious traditional polygamy (one husband, many wives). But there are polygamist pagans in which there are more than two spouses, but the sex/gender isn't specific (can be two boys and one girl, for example).
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I've thought about this for a while to be honest, if all people in the marriage are happy and of age, then whats the problem? Why not let them live the way they want to? I know in my heart that i could never share my husband, but i see some positives in polygamy. The large, helpful, tight knit family. Think of all the help you would have? What are your thoughts? Cause people seem to think im crazy when i say i don't have a problem with polygamy.

    I think it is disgusting and selfish.

    I think its weird that you would find it disgusting and selfish if everyone involved is consenting and happy. It seems to me to be more selfish to remove someone's right to do what makes them happy just because you find it disgusting.
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    Two words: welfare fraud.
  • PrncessBre
    PrncessBre Posts: 444 Member
    I've starting feeling like, as long as people are happy and aren't causing harm to others, let them live their damn lives. Regardless if they're gay, polygamists, Mormons, whatever. People should be allowed to be happy - no one should infringe on that (as long as there's no harm being caused.)

    Totally agreed! :drinker:
  • tlafrance
    tlafrance Posts: 106 Member
    Just my luck that I would get 4 women to go along with this idea and then their TOM didn't synch up. Every week there would be one woman p*ssed off.

    LMAO!! :laugh:
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I thought about this for a long time after seeing the show Sister Wives on tv. At first I was kind of turned off by it, but I watched a show. I kept watching, and my opinion changed.

    My theory is - it is their lives. If this is what makes them happy, if this is what they want, then that is their decision. It in no way affects my life.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    I've thought about this for a while to be honest, if all people in the marriage are happy and of age, then whats the problem? Why not let them live the way they want to? I know in my heart that i could never share my husband, but i see some positives in polygamy. The large, helpful, tight knit family. Think of all the help you would have? What are your thoughts? Cause people seem to think im crazy when i say i don't have a problem with polygamy.

    I think it is disgusting and selfish.

    I think its weird that you would find it disgusting and selfish if everyone involved is consenting and happy. It seems to me to be more selfish to remove someone's right to do what makes them happy just because you find it disgusting.

    I didn't say anything about removing anyones rights. Now did I? Point it out if I did. Nope..I didn't think so. I would suggest you not get on threads and take others opinions and twist them. Not smart.
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,279 Member
    im against gay marriage and polygomy on moral grounds. From legal grounds I think they all should be able to engage in a legal arrangement, (i.e.) a Civil Union, but let's not call it marriage, because that isnt what marriage is.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    Depends on the situation. I am only against it if the people involved are not in there by choice but forced upon them, like underage children for instance. If it is a union of consenting adults, then go for it.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    My only problem with polygamy is that it seems only to be practiced in cultures where women are considered second class citizens (I'd be interested to see how people would react to a woman having several husbands.....)

    Personally I'd probably shoot myself in the face if I had 4 wives all nagging me at once......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • PurplePookie
    PurplePookie Posts: 85 Member
    The reason you could not share your husband ... you were raised with the "notion" that it's OK for a woman to have a positive sense of self worth. It's OK for you to feel that your are equal to a man.

    Girls raised in polygamy are not taught this. If a woman who share's her husband is jealous ... the woman has a problem. She's the bad guy. It's not like "Big Love" ... girls raised in this environment are taught they are second class citizens.

    This is one (highly publicized) group and in no way represents all polygamist. This would be akin to saying that we shouldn't allow marriage in general because some men treat their wives like slaves or objects. There are good and bad in every situation. Make the laws reflect the true problems (child brides, no access to proper education, forced marriages, etc.) and let the rest marry as many men or women as they want.
  • SugarPlumm19
    I was raised in a polygamy family... Life was awesome! I love my big huge happy family
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    in polygamist families that are choosing that lifestyle due to religion would have one couple legally married. the others would religious/ symbolic, but not legal. being legally married to more than one person is bigamy.

    so, if there was a divorce, it would be only a legal thing with ONE wife and the husband. the others could make the choice to dissolve the marriage in a religious/ symbolic way......
    Legally, polygamy would be a MESS. Can you imagine legally distributing wealth, earnings, and everything else to multiple wives in the case of divorce? Because in many states they wouldn't just have access to child support, they'd have access to the house and paychecks. That would just be a nightmare trying to figure out who was more entitled to what, and how it would all be distributed. Would the wife who was first be entitled to more goods, because she came first? Or would they all have the same rights? Setting that precedence in court would be a nightmare for a judge without any legal history to go from. I pity the fool who could end up taking on the first civil case, haha.

    That being said, I don't particularly care what adults do with their marriages. If they're happy, more power to 'em.

    i would support polygamy. i think my life would be easier a lot of the time if i had some sister wives.

    i have read that legalizing gay marriage would leave a door wide open to legalizing polygamy as well........ so, it's entirely possible that it might happen.

    Mormons do not practice polygamy, it's illegal and therefore you cannot practice and remain a member of the church. Big Love was very incorrect when it came to that. the "compound" is more an a Fundamentalist LDS sect..... and the family living in suburbia, were not allowed to be part of either the LDS church or Jupiter Creek......
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Are there any multi-husband polygamy sects out there. I could do with more than one man round the place.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I wouldn't mind having a few husbands, can I go that way too?
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    O ugh! Idk man they weird me out!
    How stupid their kids and theirselves dress so poorly and just look down right weird kinda like they belonged back when the PILGRIMS were around.. :/ Idk I also think they are like Imbreads for reals.. I mean Ive watched some things about them on tv and yea some of the girls who got out and are not allowed back in. said some HORRIBLE stories of being raped and whatnot.. ITS JUST A WEIRD WAY OF LIFE.. REALLY!
  • lyrics4mal
    lyrics4mal Posts: 14
    I've heard of worse arrangements..
    Polygamy doesn't offend me at all. If all parties are approving and everyone is happy, then I don't see the argument against it. We all like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.. maybe I don't like your brand of peanut butter but I would never tell you you're wrong for eating it.
    Be happy people.. just be happy!