Polygamy, Your thoughts.



  • NicolioRussell
    I've thought about this for my husband and I (and we kind of talked about it) and the conundrum has been that I wouldn't want to share him, but I am totally cool with being shared (though my husband is against sharing me - and he would be okay with sharing himself). I suppose that means we are both selfish, protective people haha

    Either way though, it's not something I fully understand, and thus I can't pass judgement. I'm not sure how those families work out the jealousy issues that you know have to be present....and so I just choose not to do it. However, more power to them if they can make it work and it is healthy for all involved.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    How and why would the guy want to **** all those woman ne ways. None of them look attractive at all! Dressed the way they do, or how they PRESENT themselves. I know I may get bagged on for sayin it but damn they look so freakin old.. Like back in the horse and wagon days LMAO! And I cant imagine their sex lives would be at all fun. Prob just the same old missionary style with every woman.. Ive seen them in public before and they just look so damn drab and boring!
  • court211006
    im against gay marriage and polygomy on moral grounds. From legal grounds I think they all should be able to engage in a legal arrangement, (i.e.) a Civil Union, but let's not call it marriage, because that isnt what marriage is.

    isn't a marriage what those involved decide it is?
  • isa75
    isa75 Posts: 156 Member
    I wouldn't mind a few extra husbands, but no I would not share with other women....
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    im against gay marriage and polygomy on moral grounds. From legal grounds I think they all should be able to engage in a legal arrangement, (i.e.) a Civil Union, but let's not call it marriage, because that isnt what marriage is.

    isn't a marriage what those involved decide it is?

    Nope. Not legally.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I've thought about this for a while to be honest, if all people in the marriage are happy and of age, then whats the problem? Why not let them live the way they want to? I know in my heart that i could never share my husband, but i see some positives in polygamy. The large, helpful, tight knit family. Think of all the help you would have? What are your thoughts? Cause people seem to think im crazy when i say i don't have a problem with polygamy.

    I think it is disgusting and selfish.

    I think its weird that you would find it disgusting and selfish if everyone involved is consenting and happy. It seems to me to be more selfish to remove someone's right to do what makes them happy just because you find it disgusting.

    I didn't say anything about removing anyones rights. Now did I? Point it out if I did. Nope..I didn't think so. I would suggest you not get on threads and take others opinions and twist them. Not smart.

    Ummm...it's already illegal. Because of opinions like yours. Doh!

    Don't post on forums about subjects and ignore the larger context.
    Not smart.
  • SugarPlumm19
    The problem with the FLDS is they force young girls/teenagers into this life style.

    That's a bunch of bull ****. Don't believe everything you see on tv.
  • SugarPlumm19
    O ugh! Idk man they weird me out!
    How stupid their kids and theirselves dress so poorly and just look down right weird kinda like they belonged back when the PILGRIMS were around.. :/ Idk I also think they are like Imbreads for reals.. I mean Ive watched some things about them on tv and yea some of the girls who got out and are not allowed back in. said some HORRIBLE stories of being raped and whatnot.. ITS JUST A WEIRD WAY OF LIFE.. REALLY!

    Hahahaha good gosh! People like you make me laugh. Why do you give a shi* how we dress? And young girls don't get "raped and whatnot" life there is awesome! I chose who I wanted to marry and I never got rapped... Btw I'm a plig kid from Colorado city Az
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I've starting feeling like, as long as people are happy and aren't causing harm to others, let them live their damn lives. Regardless if they're gay, polygamists, Mormons, whatever. People should be allowed to be happy - no one should infringe on that (as long as there's no harm being caused.)

    :drinker: :heart:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    When I watch Sister Wives, I think they're all crazy. They could all go get their own man, yet four of them share one. I wish they had higher self-esteem. I would rather be alone than share a man with another women, let alone more women.
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    I've thought about this for a while to be honest, if all people in the marriage are happy and of age, then whats the problem? Why not let them live the way they want to? I know in my heart that i could never share my husband, but i see some positives in polygamy. The large, helpful, tight knit family. Think of all the help you would have? What are your thoughts? Cause people seem to think im crazy when i say i don't have a problem with polygamy.

    Me too! I have no problem with this...as long as everyone is over 18 and fully understands what is going on. That being said...I have never been able to share well...and can't see sharing my husband with another woman just as I'm sure he wouldn't wanna share me with another guy.
  • ajohn252
    ajohn252 Posts: 158
    I also have no problem with it but it's dangerous when
    used in a "culty" way where the women are basically slaves to the men
    like in the groups that are broke-up and pasted all over the news.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    why do people ASSume that it's always multiple women with one man? What about having several husbands?

    Because that is what Polygamy is?
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    what is cracking me up here is everyone assuming the relationship would be one man with multiple wives. I have friends in my life where it is one woman and two men. It's not about the men sharing the woman. They all love (and enjoy) each other equally.

    I haven't read all 12 pages, so I don't know if someone pointed this out, but polygamy is by definition one man and multiple wives. Polyandry is multiple husbands. Just an FYI! :)
  • danielleharvey2009
    danielleharvey2009 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm not going to read through the entire thing, because I can DEFINATLY see this getting ugly :(
    However, I'd like to say, I find that every culture is interesting (it's why I'm currently in Anthropology), and while I don't think I could handle my boyfriend having other girlfriends in a polygamous relationship (I believe it's polygamy that refers to a man having multiple wives, but don't quote me I don't have my text book from Anth 100 from two years ago sitting in front of me), I understand there are more cultures than you'd think that do operate under systems as such.
    As well, I think it's good to note as well, that there are, what I'm pretty sure are called 'Polydrynous' societies (again, don't have my text handy), in which women marry multiple men while men can only marry one woman. There are also a few societies in where men and women can have more than one husband or wife.
    Honestly, what people do with their lives is their business as they have personal reasons for it, and it would be wrong of me to force something like my own personal beliefs (be they religioius, cultural or whatever) onto another. I'd rather find out reasons why to better understand.

    Short answer, I'm fine with it :) Not in my relationship, but I won't condemn someone who practices.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    when i googled the definition of polygamy, it didn't say it's specifically multiple wives. It's mulitple partners "of the opposite sex".... so I assume this includes marriages in which there are more than one husband. I saw a little documentary on tv about a polygamous marriage in which there was two men and one woman. It was a three way. It wasn't like the men had nothing to do with eachother. It was cute, actually.

    From the defintion:
    (n.) The having of a plurality of wives or husbands at the same time; usually, the marriage of a man to more than one woman, or the practice of having several wives, at the same time; -- opposed to monogamy; as, the nations of the East practiced polygamy. See the Note under Bigamy, and cf. Polyandry.
    (n.) The condition or state of a plant which bears both perfect and unisexual flowers.
    (n.) The state or habit of having more than one mate.
  • danielleharvey2009
    danielleharvey2009 Posts: 25 Member
    Are there any multi-husband polygamy sects out there. I could do with more than one man round the place.

    Yes actually. There's actually one society in Yunan I believe it is, where women have men come to them (they walk for miles) to have sex with them and give them a baby, and then are no longer part of the child's life. Rather, it is the mother's brother that becomes like a father to the child. So, your mother's brother (uncle) would be the most important man in your life.
    That's just one example. There are plenty out there and lots of theories as to why societies would organize themselves this way.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    why do people ASSume that it's always multiple women with one man? What about having several husbands?

    Because that is what Polygamy is?

    No, it just means more than one partner, it does not mean what sex those partners are....

    There are woman that have more than one husband or partner at a time.....it is just not as common, and does not have a spotlight on it right now....
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    There are thousands of known polygamists in the state of Utah. Overwhelmingly Mormon/FLDS. Listen to some of the stories of kids (usually teenagers/young adults) trying to escape this lifestyle (which is made very, very difficult) and then think about it again. 90% of these people have been physically or sexually abused. Education is actively discouraged in these communities. Thousands and thousands of people in Utah alone. It isn't a few crazies living in a tent village in the desert.

    It's about far more than 'what people do behind closed doors'.