Would you rather be "wanted" or "needed" ?



  • mrswattie
    mrswattie Posts: 16
    I think a bit of both makes for a good relationship. But I think it's most important to feel wanted. After being with someone who was unfaithful that's how I feel now anyway :blushing:
  • mmedjjon
    mmedjjon Posts: 511
    You could be worthless and still be wanted, but being needed, now that gives you some worth.
  • stebs1984
    stebs1984 Posts: 38
    Wanted... It really irks me that I only ever hear from "friends" when they need something... I'd much rather them WANT to come talk to me or hang out with me...
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    Wanted, you can't beat the passion and love from really wanting someone! I'm a mummy so I get best of both worlds, being needed as a mummy and wanted by my man
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    its nice to be wanted, the thing is plenty of guys can want you, but there are only a select few that need you. I am lucky enough to have both at the same time, but if you don't actually need your family I think the ties are pretty tenuous - you can be wanted for so long, once you have been got, the wanting isn't so important and guys can easily change who they want in the blink of an eye. being needed is a lot deeper. Its not needy. Its finding someone that makes you so much of a better person you know you need that person in your life to reach your full potential.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    also there is nothing weak about needing someone, everyone needs somebody. We're not designed to be alone. the idea that its somehow braver and stronger and more virtuous to say you don't need anyone I don't agree with.
  • Jordant107
    Jordant107 Posts: 218 Member
    wanted, I hate needy girls
    I hear you!!
  • Jordant107
    Jordant107 Posts: 218 Member
    Fundamentally I think men like to be needed .

    Woman need to be wanted.

    For me i think it's a little of both. I want the woman I love. So because of that want, I now need her. It's nice to be wanted, but I also thrive on being needed. I think it's the want that creates the need.
    By needing me I mean, I want to be the guy she can call and say “my car broke down will you come pick me up?" or " I need your help." “ I’m scared”…ect.
    So..yeah while is great to be wanted..in the long run I’d rather be needed. For this simple fact ..If they never felt that they needed us (men )… they would be with their girlfriends. They are less hairy, can share most clothing, know more about their bodies and don’t leave the seat up. They just put up with our sht because they need us.The fact that they want us every now and again is a bonus.
    after reading that back… my brain hurts.. good luck with that. Made sense when I typed it
    You have a point:)