How did you get proposed to?



  • Gigs1073
    Gigs1073 Posts: 25 Member
    Her: What are you wroking on Friday

    Me: 8-3

    Her: Good, we're getting married at 5
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Well, it started with a shotgun poking me in the ribs from behind...
  • mrsfickle
    mrsfickle Posts: 34 Member
    On my birthday my husband presented me with a cake that said 'will you marry me?' with the ring on top. Took me a minute to notice that the cake did not say 'Happy Birthday'! I was so surprised! We have been married for 12 years and I still adore and admire him.
  • sam2674
    sam2674 Posts: 55 Member
    My fiance and daughter wrote "Will you marry me?" in the snow. The ring box was at the end of the question mark. They had trouble getting me outside because I don't like the snow or being cold. Glad I finally gave in.
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    My husband proposed on Christmas Eve 2009. We went to Church and he downed a few beers beforehand which I thought was strange but a proposal was the last thing from my mind so I didn't really think much of it. After church the whole family was over and the tradition is everyone gets to open one gift.

    He had fooled me into thinking he had gotten us tickets for a vacation somewhere so that's 100% what I was suspecting. I was last to open my gift and I opened a gift bag in front of my entire family and inside was a medium sized decorated box that said "The very best vacation" inside that was a smaller box that said "I could ever take" and inside that was an envelope that said "would be with you" and then inside the envelope (I'm still thinking they were tickets) was a piece of paper that said "forever" and the ring was taped to it. CUE INSTANT WATERWORKS!!!

    Literally made me tear up!! Love this one!!! :)
  • HannahsReturnToFitness
    My partner came to meet me from work and as we were waiting for the next bus we walked round the grounds of the local church. It was dark and then all of a sudden he dropped to one knee and proposed. We went shopping so that I could choose my own ring.

    Have been engaged for three years and have a one year old daughter!
  • Skyla08
    Skyla08 Posts: 32 Member
    My husband took me to my favourite restaurant, and then we went back to my parents house (they played a part in helping him, and they were not home) When i walked in the door there was a trail of rose pedals leading to the spare room where he had the ring box open with a bouquet of red roses sitting on a little table. He then got down on one knee, and between my tears I said YES of course! I will never forget that night, I was on cloud nine! :) We have been married for almost 4 yrs now, and I could not be happier!
  • shayleeloves
    My husband proposed to me at the Polynesian Resort at Disney World--it's a fake beach where you can see the Disney castle from across the water. He got down one one knee right when the fireworks started going off. :heart:
  • WittneeT29
    WittneeT29 Posts: 47 Member
    I LOVE these stories!!

    My "proposal" went something like this:

    Me (Sitting on the kitchen counter): My apartment lease is up next month. I think I'm going to move to *insert town about an hour away* because the cost of living is cheaper there.

    Husband: I guess if we get married by next month, you could live here. (He is a pastor and lives in a church provided house, so no living together before marriage!)

    We talked it over, made a pros and cons list... We went to IHOP and asked the waitress to look over our list and give an opinion. All in good fun, but we tried to make sure we weren't being just insane. No rings, I'm not an engagement ring type person... We did plan ahead enough to order some nice titanium wedding bands on Amazon :)

    We eloped-ish the next month. We had a preacher friend attend a concert with us for an 80's cover band we love. The band was playing on Friday the 13th, and I didn't want to get married on that date... so we were officially married on the 14th! We said some prayers and vows pre-concert, then said I do at midnight at the concert and shot some tequila. We then danced to "Goin' off the Rails on a Crazy Train" which is now our song, haha.

    We've been together 5 years and married just under three, and he is awesome!!
  • Ejwelton
    Ejwelton Posts: 331 Member
    We'd been together for 7 1/2 years and had talked about getting married. (my first and his third! ) I never nagged him to propose - I left that to everyone else, but the only thing I said was that I wanted to be married before I was 40.

    On my 39th birthday we were getting ready to og to dinner and he gave me my card - it was handmade and tied to the front was my ring, and written inside was "will you marry me?"

    Of course I said yes and we married a year later just 4 days before my 40th birthday.
    It's our two year anniversary next week.
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    The first time- He came in with a bag of groceries from the store. Set them down on the living room floor, I was sitting on the couch and he presented me with a ring. Unfortunately, he committed suicide about a year later so we never married.'

    The second time- My Daughter's father asked me all the time and I always said no, then he caught me off gaurd drunk at a wedding he stood up in and asked while we where dancing. I regretted saying yes that second. The next day his mom was booking a hall and had bought me a ring. Within a few months I was pregnant, had the baby, when she was about 3 months old I called the whole thing off! I could not stand that guy, we had everything set and paid for but it didn't bother me at all losing that money because it was a small price to pay then ending up with a loser the rest of my life!

    The third time- My finance who I'd been 100% in love with and living with for over a year brought me to the House on the Rock, into the infinity room, I'm deathly afraid of heights so after trying 3 times and only getting me half way into the room he got down on one knee! Before we even went he even asked my dad for my hand. He was quite the romantic. That is until about a week after our engagement. He changed into a completely different person, the man had been Romantic, sweet, and alway treated me like a goddess, turned into the horrible I don't give a crap about you boyfriend. 2 months later I found out he was cheating. :( We tried to work it out for another 6 months but life just goes on. I was devestated.

    My Husband and I where NEVER engaged. Now going on 7 yrs strong, with 2 kids. :) I told him we where getting married then made all the plans. We had a huge wonderful wedding and since I'd had such poor luck with engagements it was for the best!
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I was proposed to on New Year's Eve, in the rain, at the park we had our first date. It was pretty effin' fantastic. Edit to say he asked my parents for my hand a week before.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    My fiance made feticinne alfredo for dinner and we had some wine also. We were setting the tree up. I kept asking to put the angel on top and he says "no, you have to wait until we are done decorating the tree" So, we finally get done decorating the tree. I am laughing at our hidious tree. I put the angel on the tree and plug it in. We take a few steps back to look at the tree after he turns the lights off. Then he says to me "well, we have one more thing to add" I literally turned around in a circle saying "what did we forget?" I see him down on one knee holding a box with a ring in it. He then asks me to marry him. I was SHOCKED!!!! Soooooo excitetd. I knew we were going to get married someday, but I didn't think he would propose at this time. I cannot wait to marry the LOVE of my life on September 15, 2012!!!!!
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    Returning from a weekend vacation on Cape Cod, driving 80 miles an hour on the highway, he handed me a small box and said "See if this fits." I remember laughing a lot because I was SO surprised - didn't expect it at all. We have been happily married for 11 years now. Our relationship doesn't need a lot of words, so this proposal was perfect. :heart:
  • AnnaVegngal86
    I'm the badass one, so I PROPOSED. ;p

    I asked him straight out after watching a movie and staring into his eyes.

    "Do you wanna marry me?"
    "Of course"
    "Sweet. Awesome, glad you said yes".

    that's about the gist of it.
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    Him and my girls brought the ring and planned it with them. We took the girls to eat at Ci Ci's and he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife. It was the sweetest thing and 2 years later I married my best friend.
  • IamKendall
    IamKendall Posts: 21
    We had this huge fight in the car... me saying that if this relationship wasn't going anywhere... Well, you know....
    It got to the point where he took his wallet out of his pocket and tossed it into my lap... told me to look for a pink receipt. (mortification begins to set in here)... I refuse. He pulls over and gets it himself. He had ordered it and was having it made for me... he designed it.... weeks ago. So, after that every day... I mean EVERY DAY i asked him,,, "So, ya got it yet?" and the answer was "Nope" for weeks.... WEEKS. Then one day I decided -I am NOT asking!... that evening we were driving in the car and he said, "Well aren't you going to ask?" and I said "No," (pout) He said, "Well that's too bad" and tossed a box to me... with the ring in it.

    Kinda funny, but not very romantic... He has never actually asked me...
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    I love all of these romatic proposals!. Embarrasingly, my husband popped the question during sex. He just stopped and said "will you marry me" and went right back to business. It always has bothered me that he stole that moment from me (and he knows it).
  • RilantheFirebug
    RilantheFirebug Posts: 207 Member
    We're both fairly shy and I had made it abundantly clear I didn't want an audience if he was going to do, as we'd been talking about it for a while. He wanted to propose on our seven year anniversary but the ring wasn't in in time -- he was bummed. So instead it was early January (1/4/11) and he grabbed me before we were going to go out to dinner, got down on one knee and asked. I'm a fidgeter and he had to tell me to sit still. I guess he'd been trying to find a good time all day and just got tired of waiting. That was fine by me.
  • Becka_D89
    Becka_D89 Posts: 60
    On my 21st birthday, my SO threw a small wrapped box at me, and proceeded to leave the room. I opened it found my ring and left it on the side waiting for him to do it properly, or you know, at least say something. 5 mins later he pops his head through the door and says 'well?' *rolls eyes* he's sooooooo romantic :laugh: of course I knew about his obvious 'romantic tendencies' before this happened and said yes anyway lol