Male vs. Female



  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    So your saying if I just walked up to you. Grabbed your hand and said "lets f##k". You would get up and say lets go. No convo before

    You probably wouldn't even have to general.
    *books ticket to Phoenix* :devil:
    Even 'unattractive women' will generally say no to some random man groping them for sex.
    I agree with you that women are generally calling the shots. I think the reason, though, is about the way women are wired. The idea of "some random man groping {me} for sex" is not at all appealing. And I've often said if I were less of an introvert, I'd probably be an absolute tart.. so it has nothing to do with my sexuality being oppressed/repressed as msf74 suggests. That's just not going to do it for me.
    They will wait...and wait...and wait...for someone they like to approach or show an interest in them.
    The key is not in the waiting, but in the bolded portion of this quote. If I found myself enamoured with the first guy who introduced himself to me at a party, the wait would be a non-issue. But I do have to like you, and while it may take you 12 seconds to decide whether or not you'd sleep with me, I can't know whether or not I like you in the same amount of time.

    (Of course there are always exceptions, but we're speaking in generalities here.)
  • hyperionguy
    This is a fun, funny, interesting, irritating, frustrating, and thought provoking thread all wrapped up in one! Good job. :wink:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    In that scenario the guys right but switch it your at the bar and if the girl goes up to the guy but instead of " let's Fuk " It's a long conversation and getting to know you...etc, guy becomes bored and there is about a 95% chance he walks away....but if the guy approaches the girl the same way there is then a 95% chance we will Fuk you. Guys want sex....girls want to be noticed....even the most beautiful woman in the world has a little voice inside that yells.."no one sees you...youre nobody"...see us...notice us...make us feel like were someone and we're yours.

    I must be in the 5%. I will converse, happily...with a woman I'm attracted to for hours on end...with or without the promise, or even opportunity for sex.
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 770 Member
    In that scenario the guys right but switch it your at the bar and if the girl goes up to the guy but instead of " let's Fuk " It's a long conversation and getting to know you...etc, guy becomes bored and there is about a 95% chance he walks away....but if the guy approaches the girl the same way there is then a 95% chance we will Fuk you. Guys want sex....girls want to be noticed....even the most beautiful woman in the world has a little voice inside that yells.."no one sees you...youre nobody"...see us...notice us...make us feel like were someone and we're yours.

    I must be in the 5%. I will converse, happily...with a woman I'm attracted to for hours on end...with or without the promise, or even opportunity for sex.

    Then you are the exception
  • BROscience_PHD
    BROscience_PHD Posts: 215 Member
    False! Men have the advantage, let me rephrase that, an attractive man, with a flexible silver tongue, who exudes mystery and is convincingly confident with the slight touch of arrogance has the advantage. #truestory
  • TheChosenOne_
    I agree with you dude.
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    False! Men have the advantage, let me rephrase that, an attractive man, with a flexible silver tongue, who exudes mystery and is convincingly confident with the slight touch of arrogance has the advantage. #truestory

    It's still not a comparable advantage though...
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 692 Member

    I must be in the 5%. I will converse, happily...with a woman I'm attracted to for hours on end...with or without the promise, or even opportunity for sex.

    good lord, careful with that . . . a woman like me would talk your damn ear off all the while trying to figure out how to drag your *kitten* to the ladies room.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    I must be in the 5%. I will converse, happily...with a woman I'm attracted to for hours on end...with or without the promise, or even opportunity for sex.

    good lord, careful with that . . . a woman like me would talk your damn ear off all the while trying to figure out how to drag your *kitten* to the ladies room.

    See now...that just sounds like plain good fun :).

    Plus...I'm not oblivious! If you're thinking it...and not TRYING to make a huge secret of it...chances are I'll know and respond accordingly lol.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Ok folks...I'm having a discussion with one of my female MFPeeps. She believes that gender isn't really an issue when it comes to sex...meaning, a man, or woman would be equally (actually, it seemed she thought men would have the advantage here...but she didn't say it outright so lets assume equality) able to go out, meet someone, and sleep with them.

    I disagree. I believe that a woman ALWAYS has the advantage.

    To illustrate my point, I posed a scenario. One man, one woman...of equal attractiveness, with the goal of sex. Set them loose in a room full of mingling singles (who are not allowed to be interested in each other of course =p), of an equal ratio men to women.

    Who is going to have sex first?

    She said, 'No self respecting woman would go along with that'.

    I said, 'Self respect isn't the point...if she takes any man in that room by the hand, and heads for the bathroom for adventure, there's a 95% chance or greater he'll go along with it. If he takes any womans hand in that room, and attempts to drag her to the bathroom for adventure, there's a 95% chance or greater he'll be going to jail for attempted rape'.


    ben roethlisberger disagrees
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    False! Men have the advantage, let me rephrase that, an attractive man, with a flexible silver tongue, who exudes mystery and is convincingly confident with the slight touch of arrogance has the advantage. #truestory

    Don't pull a muscle kissing your own *kitten*!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    In that scenario the guys right but switch it your at the bar and if the girl goes up to the guy but instead of " let's Fuk " It's a long conversation and getting to know you...etc, guy becomes bored and there is about a 95% chance he walks away....but if the guy approaches the girl the same way there is then a 95% chance we will Fuk you. Guys want sex....girls want to be noticed....even the most beautiful woman in the world has a little voice inside that yells.."no one sees you...youre nobody"...see us...notice us...make us feel like were someone and we're yours.

    I must be in the 5%. I will converse, happily...with a woman I'm attracted to for hours on end...with or without the promise, or even opportunity for sex.

    Then you are the exception

    I can think of a few other guys I know who are that way, here on MFP even. JR (Trail_Addict) for one...despite his penchant for hardcore flirting =p.

    I agree in a way though...I don't have a lot of faith in my own gender as a whole :l. I take them more on a case by case basis.
  • AmadaLynn
    AmadaLynn Posts: 116
    My best guess is woman get her's 1st. Its called p*ssy power :smokin:

    What she said!

    But in your scenario, I agree with you, women have the upper hand.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    My best guess is woman get her's 1st. Its called p*ssy power :smokin:

    What she said!

    But in your scenario, I agree with you, women have the upper hand.

    See, you girls get it!!

    Well, figuratively of course.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    My best guess is woman get her's 1st. Its called p*ssy power :smokin:

    What she said!

    But in your scenario, I agree with you, women have the upper hand.

    See, you girls get it!!

    Well, figuratively of course.

    I just choked on my water.
  • lissamia4
    lissamia4 Posts: 90 Member
    Yeah in that scenario I agree with you. Plus anything that usually involves sex the woman does have the upper hand.
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Been great reading the responses to this thread.

    But yep, I would agree that women will always have the upper hand in that particular scenario.
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    here is my 2 cents
    even though women may have a huge advantage they have to choose a man,so it may not be the same man ,but a man just the same..just wait your turn! :laugh:
  • RunningDirty
    RunningDirty Posts: 293
    I didn't read the entire thread, but women by nature do have the upper hand. We just forget sometimes because of songs like "super man dat ho." :wink:
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    In general, women hold the prize. Men are trying to get the prize. It's a genetics thing.

    A guy has to jump through hoops, fit the bill, perform magic.
    A woman just has to say "yes".

    Pretty much exactly that