Male vs. Female



  • PhenomeNae
    PhenomeNae Posts: 130 Member
    Oh stop it

    I am getting the feeling that you have a very high opinion of either my skill in this game, or some skewed perception of my level of attractiveness. There's THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of guys around here better looking than I am, and it seems women in Phoenix know it instinctively lol..

    Don't misunderstand, my self confidence isn't affected. Reality is 'reality'...and I do my best to be a good guy. Nor do I feel I'm physically repulsive, but that 'reality' sword cuts both ways =p.

    Sugar, you have more drool on you (at leasts on these boards) than a chunky baby in a room full of grannies.

    This killed me, I literally died laughing. It's funny because it's trueeee :laugh:
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    i for one wouldnt want to punish myself by withholding, but that is another conversation altogether,

    That's the way I've always seen it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Unless she just REALLY has a problem, men are always game which means a woman can go anywhere really and just say the word and it's a done deal. Men on the other hand always have to play the game to get the prize and this does not stop with marriage, it just changes. Women absolutely LOVE to use "it" as prize as well.

    If you want make a woman mad real fast then when she says "If you don't do (Fill in the blank), I'm gonna cut you off" you say "You can't because you don't know where I'm getting it from." This makes her mad for two reasons, her prize tactic does not work anymore and now she's not the only one.

    Nah - they are just say that to you as an excuse because they don't actually want to have sex with you.

    I can honestly say that I have never used that on a guy.

    Me either and i'd have to say it would be a pretty sad state of affairs if I did. Although I know many women who joke about it all the time so not sure if they really do use it or not.

    I think I must be naive in this area as, like you, had only heard it in a joking context. All I have to say, if they do use it, shame on them. However, if the guy insinuates that he is 'getting it elsewhere' as a response, shame on him.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I think you and your friend should just stip tip toeing around the subject and hook up.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    i for one wouldnt want to punish myself by withholding, but that is another conversation altogether,

    That's the way I've always seen it.

    I've only even felt disinclined to sleep with someone I loved...once. I was young, and the girl I'd been with for almost a year admitted to me (while we were in bed) that she slept with her ex boyfriend while we'd been split up for a short time. A 4hr discussion ensued...and at the end, she solved the entire problem by kissing me.

    /end discussion.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    i for one wouldnt want to punish myself by withholding, but that is another conversation altogether,

    That's the way I've always seen it.

    I've only even felt disinclined to sleep with someone I loved...once. I was young, and the girl I'd been with for almost a year admitted to me (while we were in bed) that she slept with her ex boyfriend while we'd been split up for a short time. A 4hr discussion ensued...and at the end, she solved the entire problem by kissing me.

    /end discussion.

    My aunt was one of those women who would withhold and made sure everyone in the family knew. She wanted a new ring, nothing til she got it, a new car, nothing til she got it, and on and on. She is no longer married to my uncle. It made enough of an impression I knew I'd never do it.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    If we're assuming the hypothetical test subjects are straight, the woman has the "advantage'', because of oppressive gender roles. Women are constantly shamed for their sexuality and therefore less are willing to have casual sex, while men are all for it because society tells them all they're supposed to have as much casual sex as possible. There are obviously cases of people who shun those roles and pressures, but for the most part people are going to stick to what society tells them they're supposed to do.
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    I think you and your friend should just stip tip toeing around the subject and hook up.

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    If we're assuming the hypothetical test subjects are straight, the woman has the "advantage'', because of oppressive gender roles. Women are constantly shamed for their sexuality and therefore less are willing to have casual sex, while men are all for it because society tells them all they're supposed to have as much casual sex as possible. There are obviously cases of people who shun those roles and pressures, but for the most part people are going to stick to what society tells them they're supposed to do.

    Everyone, please ignore the troll. This topic, my posts, all of the posts so far, have nothing to do with oppressive gender roles. If you respond to her, the thread will be locked by morning. It's happened dozens of times.

  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    If we're assuming the hypothetical test subjects are straight, the woman has the "advantage'', because of oppressive gender roles. Women are constantly shamed for their sexuality and therefore less are willing to have casual sex, while men are all for it because society tells them all they're supposed to have as much casual sex as possible. There are obviously cases of people who shun those roles and pressures, but for the most part people are going to stick to what society tells them they're supposed to do.

    Everyone, please ignore the troll. This topic, my posts, all of the posts so far, have nothing to do with oppressive gender roles. If you respond to her, the thread will be locked by morning. It's happened dozens of times.


    I don't think you even read what I posted.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    from what ive seen -the woman has the power to say yes or no-is true, and its true that she dosent even have to be attractive at all for the guy to go along, just to get some-especially if hes not sober lol. My brothers tell me"they all have an elephant in the closet" meaning they have slept with a girl who was unnatractive and not even thier type, and would never admitt to it.... deny-deny-deny. But alot of times, you read about-when the girl figures that out, and gets upset, then trouble begins...along with false charges
    its sad really.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    women win. go us lol
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    from what ive seen -the woman has the power to say yes or no-is true, and its true that she dosent even have to be attractive at all for the guy to go along, just to get some-especially if hes not sober lol. My brothers tell me"they all have an elephant in the closet" meaning they have slept with a girl who was unnatractive and not even thier type, and would never admitt to it.... deny-deny-deny. But alot of times, you read about-when the girl figure that out, and gets upset, then trouble begins...along with false charges
    its sad really.

    What you've said...I agree with completely. Although any man that would deny sleeping with a woman he did in fact sleep with, needs a beat down. If you're going to do it, at least own it. We all may have slept with someone who may or may not have been socially acceptable, or even personally acceptable. To deny that person...takes away part of their humanity. To me...that's the act of a coward...someone who has no self respect to begin with.

    No thanks.
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    Would that be the point you go

    Hmmmmm do I risk moving my arm and wake them or just chew it off and run. Lol
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Would that be the point you go

    Hmmmmm do I risk moving my arm and wake them or just chew it off and run. Lol

    Coyote ugly?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Would that be the point you go

    Hmmmmm do I risk moving my arm and wake them or just chew it off and run. Lol

    aka Coyote Arm
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    If we're assuming the hypothetical test subjects are straight, the woman has the "advantage'', because of oppressive gender roles. Women are constantly shamed for their sexuality and therefore less are willing to have casual sex, while men are all for it because society tells them all they're supposed to have as much casual sex as possible. There are obviously cases of people who shun those roles and pressures, but for the most part people are going to stick to what society tells them they're supposed to do.

    Everyone, please ignore the troll. This topic, my posts, all of the posts so far, have nothing to do with oppressive gender roles. If you respond to her, the thread will be locked by morning. It's happened dozens of times.


    Well, I was GOING to say that I personally, never enjoyed casual sex much. I certainly gave it the old college try a few times...ha! But it was always more fulfilling with someone I actually cared about. But I don't think of this as my "oppressive" gender role by any means. I don't think of it as a good or bad thing, OR a male vs female thing...just who I am. Some women are just inclined this way, enough to give men a disadvantage? No idea. But, I agree with you, OP...for whatever reasons, (generally and sexually speaking, of course) I think women can much more easily stalk and bag her prey than a man. I wouldn't mind if more WOMEN hit on me (might make me rethink casual sex again)...but that's another topic altogether!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Would that be the point you go

    Hmmmmm do I risk moving my arm and wake them or just chew it off and run. Lol

    Coyote ugly?

    aaaahhh - you beat me to it - although I have always heard it as Coyote Arm - as in you would rather chew your arm off
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Would that be the point you go

    Hmmmmm do I risk moving my arm and wake them or just chew it off and run. Lol

    Coyote ugly?

    aaaahhh - you beat me to it - although I have always heard it as Coyote Arm - as in you would rather chew your arm off

    The term 'coyote ugly' comes from the fact that a coyote will chew its own leg off to escape a trap. Likening it to having your arm trapped under an indescriminate choice in'd chew your own arm off to escape the trap.

    I can see how it could have changed to 'coyote arm' though.

    Language is such a strange thing!
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    I'd generally agree its easier for the female to get some but I can be just as easy for a male depending on others factors such as attractiveness and social status