What's your NSV for the day? Please share...



  • ladyjanewriter
    ladyjanewriter Posts: 27 Member
    Mine is kind of silly. I wound up not having dinner last night (oops), and was hungry for breakfast. So I went to White Castle and ordered 3 sausage breakfast sliders...yeah. I know, I know. I thought they were smaller? XD GOOD. LORD.

    After two, I was...full. As in, "just right" full. So I took the third one in a bag to go.

    And then I decided to throw it out.

    That is insane for me. I NEVER do that.

    And I know this is not the purest healthiest food in the world. I'm just trying to stay within my calories for the day for now, do more walking, and then slowly "clean up" the fat/carb proportions, relying less on junk food, etc. Baby steps. If I go too healthy with it all at once, I'll freak out and quit in less than a week.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Already posted todays NSV. But, yesterday, I saw someone I hadn't seen in a while, and she did sort of a double take and looked me up and down. Then she said, "Oh my goodness, you look so YOUNG and so SLIM! What have you been doing?" (Isn't it funny how being heavier makes us look, not just bigger, but OLDER?) So, that made my day yesterday.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    One of the guys at my gym said to his buddy this morning, "you want to know about form, look at the lady." felt good. I also broke 100 lbs on my bent over row and wide lat pull downs today, Woo hoo!
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I ate a single serving of tortilla chips and then stopped. I used to eat the entire bag in one sitting. So this is exciting!

    Also I'm binge/purge free for 37 days.
  • jessicafbeach
    jessicafbeach Posts: 3 Member
    I have so many today...

    #1. Today I got to put on a pair of size 18 pants instead of 20.
    #2. I'm down to my last belt loop.
    #3. My husband said I looked sexy and slim this morning.
    #4. I feel HOT!
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    not sure this counts, but proud of myself for doing it... a few days ago a neighbor and good friend sent me a text asking if i wanted this fancy loaded potato salad from costco. i said yes. it comes in a much huger container than i thought. but dumb me, it's costco. so i had some over the past few days, decided i had enough, it was good, but not worth the calories for 1/4 cup (240 calories) and who only eats a 1/4 cup? so this morning, i threw it away. can't eat whats not here.
  • lbcbeachbum77
    lbcbeachbum77 Posts: 78 Member
    My 14 year old son chose the leftover wild and long grain rice that I made the other night from the fridge and asked if he could eat it with his veggie and salmon fritatta he cooked himself for lunch. He then said that he really loves the new rice... This coming from a child that LOVES and has been raised on white sticky rice and can literally put away 4 cups of it at a time. He suggested that I make the "brown and black" kind instead from now on!!!

    Success :glasses: Teaching my kids how to eat right so that they do not have to retrain themselves and break bad habits as adults like I did. Proud of myself for setting a good example.
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    I got my braces tightened before lunch today. Normally, my teeth aren't sore - but today they really are. But, instead of freaking out that I couldn't eat my carefully planned out lunch, I went to Smoothie King and picked the Skinniest, least caloric, and most importantly, least sugared drink they had in the smallest size. The victory? Going in there with a plan, sticking with it and not giving in to my usual, which has something ridiculous like 50 grams of sugar and 500 cals. Feeling pretty proud of myself for that one.
  • sexy_RN88
    sexy_RN88 Posts: 58 Member
    1) I have a bicep bulge! My arms are starting to show a bit of definition, hooray!
    2) I've lost 12 inches since my last measurement on July 15!
    3) I've gone four days with just drinking plain water instead of making Crystal Light iced tea (trying to cut out artificial sweeteners)
    4) My husband says my rear is looking more tight and more toned--woo hoo!
  • pmcco
    pmcco Posts: 56 Member
    I hate to clothes shop. If I find something I buy multiples. I have the same pair of shorts in 4 diff colors. I am going on family vacation in 5 weeks... and today I decided that before I leave I deserve new shorts.... cause the ones I am wearing have what I call elephant butt.... looks like an elephant used to own em but they moved out.... down 32 and counting. I have been wearing old clothes.... think its time to move on
  • SeanNJ
    SeanNJ Posts: 153 Member
    My weekly weigh-in showed I was up a pound in weight, but down a pound in body fat.

    That makes me happy. :happy:
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Counting my blessings.

    Washing dishes and laundry and cooking dinner when I really didnt feel like it. Overcoming laziness is definitely a victory for me.

    Being pleasantly surprised when I pass by the mirror.
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    I was running today and my shorts kept falling down, and they used to be tight.

    I can see my knuckles, and I'm actually starting to see some knees and ankles. Verrry happy about that one.

    My shoes are too big.

    I can run up the stairs with my 6 year old on my back.

    A scar that was on the the front of my thigh is almost on the back of my thigh.

    My resting heart rate is in the low 60s when it used to be in the high 80s. Ouch!

    NSV are better than a number on a scale ANY day!
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    My work slacks can be pulled on/off without undoing the button and zipper!
  • maryannmiclat
    maryannmiclat Posts: 133 Member
    I looked MUCH better in my favorite sun dress and actually liked what I saw in the mirror this morning. :)
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    I didn't go to the doctor for twenty years prior to starting this. I normally get anxiety doing anything in public. I had a doctor's appointment today and wasn't the least bit aprehensive about going. I knew in advance tha the results would be good because I have been sticking to my food and exercise plan. Not having the anxiety is a major victory for me. Couple that with the doctor making a big deal of my progress being slightly ahead of schedule and I was feeling pretty good. Even though I'm 37, she actually started digging for a gold star sticker because she said I earned it.
  • ceppie
    ceppie Posts: 33 Member
    this is a bit silly, but still makes me happy:
    my knees look diffrently. I had thought about loosing belly fat or fat on my hips, but never thoughts that my knees where fat. :) they look a bit more boney now (in a good way)
  • bohonomad
    bohonomad Posts: 171 Member
    Last night I found a pair of pants in the back of my dresser that I bought a couple months ago and forgot about because they were too tight.. now they're a little loose. Well worth the waste of 20 bucks in my opinion :)
  • bohonomad
    bohonomad Posts: 171 Member
    this is a bit silly, but still makes me happy:
    my knees look diffrently. I had thought about loosing belly fat or fat on my hips, but never thoughts that my knees where fat. :) they look a bit more boney now (in a good way)

    This!!! I noticed my knees hurt when I lay on my side now because they poke into each other.. annoying, but a very good annoying.
  • Eureka175
    Eureka175 Posts: 77 Member
    My gym is putting on an "Olympic challenge" and I did the 10 - minute kettlebell clean & press challenge today - ladies need to clean & press a 25 lb bell, can change hands once in 10 minutes - cannot hold it, or put it down - I managed 180 reps - and my 7-year old son got to watch - he told me he was proud of his mommy:)
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