What is it about THE bikini?



  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    It's all about perception. Go with what you want to wear.

    If you need to reinforce your ego or overall confidence in how you look...just rock one...even on time like this

  • Expialidojess
    Expialidojess Posts: 588 Member
    It's completely a confidence thing. Plus showing skin is hot. I've worked hard as hell to look like this and I'm going to show it off while I can.
  • ANB22
    ANB22 Posts: 64
    Confidence is sexy. So rocking a bikini with a fit body on top of it... super sexy. To be honest, I have never seen a sexy one piece. Unless it is one piece of a bikini on my bedroom floor.

    OMG! That just gave me a really, really, really good idea for my dreams tonight :)

    Hahaha i was thinking the same thing
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    In my world, it's not the bikini, but what's inside that counts \m/ :drinker:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think everyone has their own goals and opinions. *shrug*

    Anyway, even when I'm heavier, my body shape looks better in a two-piece than a one-piece.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It's not my goal to wear a bikini. It's my goal to look good naked. Since I can't very well parade around in public naked (without getting arrested), wearing a bikini is the next best thing.

    But I have a nasty appendix scar...I won't ever be wearing a bikini. Guess I'll just have to settle with looking at myself naked in the mirror. And liking what I see...darn :wink:
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    I get that confidence is sexy
    BUT, I guess, and maybe I am too picky but I think the majority of people that wear a bikini SHOULD NOT
    Ok I said it
    :indifferent: :glasses:
  • toomuchcupcakes
    I get that confidence is sexy
    BUT, I guess, and maybe I am too picky but I think the majority of people that wear a bikini SHOULD NOT
    Ok I said it
    :indifferent: :glasses:

    Preach it sister! But that may be my petty jealousy talking.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    I like my swimdresses. Even at my best, I never got compliments in bikinis (and my best was a size 2-4, working out every day, about 4-5 hours a day), although I did get stared at. I get stopped by men and women in this, though. Bikinis feel like underwear to me, though, and I wouldn't walk around in my underwear at any other time. The only time I've felt truly comfortable in a bikini was when I was pregnant, and that was because it was unrestrictive. Plus, the dresses keep my tattoos covered, so they don't fade out as quickly.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Personally, I have never found a one piece that I looked good in--no matter how big or small I've ever been. Bikinis are just more flattering on me. I even have a good one piece Nike racing swimsuit I wear to swim at the gym in, and I think my Victoria's Secret bikinis that show tons more skin look way better on me. But that's just me.

    Plus, once my body is where I want it to be, I plan on showing everybody as often as possible!
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    I get that confidence is sexy
    BUT, I guess, and maybe I am too picky but I think the majority of people that wear a bikini SHOULD NOT
    Ok I said it
    :indifferent: :glasses:

    Thank you for saying it. I have tons of confidence, and rock a one piece. I just chose to gross out the world with my stretch marks.
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    I get that confidence is sexy
    BUT, I guess, and maybe I am too picky but I think the majority of people that wear a bikini SHOULD NOT
    Ok I said it
    :indifferent: :glasses:
    There's no such thing as a person who "should not" wear an item of clothing.

    A person who has the confidence enough to rock a bikini at 250lbs is just as awesome as the girl rocking it at 110lbs.

    After all, there's nothing shameful about the human body, at any weight. A body is a body.

    I wore bikini's at 165lbs, I wear them now at 128lbs, and I'll still be wearing them at 112lbs.

    It's not even that confidence is always sexy. It's not about being sexy. It's about doing what you want despite other people's judgements or opinions. Being your own person - now THAT, is sexy.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Just curious what is the fascination with THE bikini?
    Hi Kim,

    Which bikini are you referring to ("THE bikini")?

    Are you referring to a particular style of bikini, or one specific bikini.


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Confidence is sexy. So rocking a bikini with a fit body on top of it... super sexy. To be honest, I have never seen a sexy one piece. Unless it is one piece of a bikini on my bedroom floor.

    So would you say the same applies to a man wearing a Speedo?

    Dear GOD NO!
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    The logic for me is: if I do look good in a bikini, it means I will look good in anything:

    Short shorts
    Skirts & tank tops
    wrap dress etc.

    It is the foundation to a "feeling good' wardrobe.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I was always so ashamed of how I looked in a swimsuit even as a young teenager. I never felt like I fit the mold of a healthy, in-shape woman. It was never a direct goal of mine (at first) but it just sort of evolved as I got into better shape. Plus, I've had two kids and am middle-aged so I figured if I could be comfortable going around in as little clothing as a bikini is as a 40 yo mom, then I really have made progress, lol.
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    I get that confidence is sexy
    BUT, I guess, and maybe I am too picky but I think the majority of people that wear a bikini SHOULD NOT
    Ok I said it
    :indifferent: :glasses:

    Preach it sister! But that may be my petty jealousy talking.

    Never been a jealous person ( a hater as I refer to them)....honestly!
    I totally can admit, and am aware of my strengths and weaknesses
    I think woman that eat clean, and bust their *kitten* at the gym to look fantastic should be proud..... and I have nothing but respect for them
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I get that confidence is sexy
    BUT, I guess, and maybe I am too picky but I think the majority of people that wear a bikini SHOULD NOT
    Ok I said it
    :indifferent: :glasses:
    There's no such thing as a person who "should not" wear an item of clothing.

    A person who has the confidence enough to rock a bikini at 250lbs is just as awesome as the girl rocking it at 110lbs.

    After all, there's nothing shameful about the human body, at any weight. A body is a body.

    I wore bikini's at 165lbs, I wear them now at 128lbs, and I'll still be wearing them at 112lbs.

    It's not even that confidence is always sexy. It's not about being sexy. It's about doing what you want despite other people's judgements or opinions. Being your own person - now THAT, is sexy.

    I agree with this lovely poster. It's not about looking sexy or having some stereotypical goal, or even attracting attention. When it's hot out and I want to play around in the water, I want as little clothing on me as possible. I'm 50 pounds overweight and I wear two-piece suits when I go out to the pool, etc. I may not look like a supermodel, or even look as good as I want to, but I'm not there to impress anyone or find a mate - I'm playing in the water.

    It's really too bad women try to shame each other over our own personal hangups. You don't feel comfortable or that it's necessary to wear a bikini? Fine. Don't. But don't tell me I can't do it either just because you don't like it.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I think it has to do with confidence. Women who successfully pull off a bikini usually appear more confident and comfortable with themselves. Not to say women who wear one-piece aren't confident, but it takes a lot of confidence to show a lot of skin without being self conscious.

    Not one of us is perfect, and no matter who is wearing a bikini, they have flaws. It's not about being perfect.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    It's really too bad women try to shame each other over our own personal hangups. You don't feel comfortable or that it's necessary to wear a bikini? Fine. Don't. But don't tell me I can't do it either just because you don't like it.
