"babe" "hun"



  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Personally, I loathe the word Love. Hate hate hate it.....mainly because my ex was called Love by his so called Close female friend. GRrrr,

    He had the nerve to say the word Love to me a couple of times during a few heated discussions, just to spite me and lets just say, I really was not happy - fuming with disgust. It was the tone in which it was said that really pissed me off.

    Otherwise, if a partner was to call other females things like babe or hun I wouldn't mind, just so long as it wasn't what he called me, moreso if he was used to saying it. I'd also not mind other females referring to a partner under such names either - much, so long as it was just friendly habit then I'm ok with it.

    Personally I absolutely love being called called Babe or Hun.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I am from the south too... and everyone is babe, sweetie, hun, cutie pie...It's in our nature...I would talk to him if it TRULY bothers you...but I would think that you may need to exam yourself a bit and wonder why you are insecure about it in the first place...My 42 cents worth...wouldn't bother me AT ALL, hun! :)

    I'm ALSO from the South...and I don't know where YOU work but a Professional setting is the SAME everywhere and Your colleagues are just that. NOW, if it is Personal or maybe at a Diner where you are a long time Patron, you may here that, but people don't just out of the blue call their colleagues and people they do not know, Babe, Hun, Sweetie!
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I met my husband's coworkers last night - a bunch of women bartenders. He continuely called them "hun" and "babe" right in front of me!! THEY, of course, didn't seem to mind - BUT I DID!!!!

    He says "it's not like I'm attracted to them, it's just out of habit" - I think that's crap!!!!!!!!!

    Am I the only one that thinks that a husband should NOT be calling anyone but his WIFE "babe" and "hun"?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?

    I call my bartender dear, even when her boyfriend is sitting right next to me (and I only know the guy by sight, not friends). She calls all her regular customers hun or sweetie. It's meaningless.
  • Ueropa
    Ueropa Posts: 73
    For me.. babe is personal. The only people I call babe are my husband, my children, and my bestie.
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    My sister's boyfriend calls all women babe, not in a flirty way at all though. That's just the type of guy he is doesn't make my sister feel uncomfortable at all. However, my husband doesn't call anyone those types of names except me..so if he were t obe calling his female coworkers that, I'd be a little concerned! He's just not the type of guy to go around calling women that. Does your husband generally call women by those names, or just those coworkers that you've noticed?? If he generally doesn't do that and only does it to those women, I'd have a serious talk about it!
  • SaucyPeas
    SaucyPeas Posts: 52 Member
    I am from the south too... and everyone is babe, sweetie, hun, cutie pie...It's in our nature...I would talk to him if it TRULY bothers you...but I would think that you may need to exam yourself a bit and wonder why you are insecure about it in the first place...My 42 cents worth...wouldn't bother me AT ALL, hun! :)

    I'm ALSO from the South...and I don't know where YOU work but a Professional setting is the SAME everywhere and Your colleagues are just that. NOW, if it is Personal or maybe at a Diner where you are a long time Patron, you may here that, but people don't just out of the blue call their colleagues and people they do not know, Babe, Hun, Sweetie!

    Its a bar it isnt a white collar world how you act and talk working in a bar is completely different how you would act in an office building, I know Ive done both at the same time. I too live in the South, Texas to be exact, I call everyone "Sweetie" and "hon" too. Words are just words anyway its people who put "meaning" to them. Plus when its super busy in a bar it is so much easier to say "Hey Sweetie" then to remember someones name...lol. Hell I mix up the dogs name and the kids name all the time..now I just call the dog DOG and the kid Boy...lol.
  • runmybunsoff
    runmybunsoff Posts: 224 Member
    Hmm...I'm from Maryland and pretty much everyone calls each other "hon" without any offense. So over here it is a cultural thing.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    When you are on your deathbed looking back at your life, is this really what you want to see: You upset because your husband didn't take the time to learn his co-worker's names and you 'getting even' by calling a bunch of guys babe, honey, hotness etc?

    I'd be upset if my girl was using the same pet name for someone else as me. If she uses a generic pet name AND uses it on multiple people, it would be a 'whatever'.

    Unbunch your panties. Life is short.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    I met my husband's coworkers last night - a bunch of women bartenders. He continuely called them "hun" and "babe" right in front of me!! THEY, of course, didn't seem to mind - BUT I DID!!!!

    He says "it's not like I'm attracted to them, it's just out of habit" - I think that's crap!!!!!!!!!

    Am I the only one that thinks that a husband should NOT be calling anyone but his WIFE "babe" and "hun"?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?

    FRANKLY, it is CONDESCENDING when a man with whom you/a woman works call them ANYTHING other than their Name, especially a "SWEET" name! Actually, your husband is talking DOWN to those women...I BET NONE of them call him Babe, Sweetie, Hun or any the sort. Your husband is a "typical" Chauvinistic male who does NOT have a CLUE. From where I stand, the LEAST of your worries are jealousy. But Yes, guys like him will do MORE if given the chance...that's what you do with "Sexual OBJECTS."

    I think you are over reacting just a bit. You don't know this man - WHY would you call him "a typical chauvinistic male"? That's just wrong. But then again I'm not a man-hatter
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I think you are over reacting just a bit. You don't know this man - WHY would you call him "a typical chauvinistic male"? That's just wrong. But then again I'm not a man-hatter
    Good. I hate being hatted. Just walking around and BAM funny cap.

    I love how in some women's minds (not who I'm quoting) terms of endearment can be seen as chauvanistic, threatening and hurtful.
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    I think you are over reacting just a bit. You don't know this man - WHY would you call him "a typical chauvinistic male"? That's just wrong. But then again I'm not a man-hatter
    Good. I hate being hatted. Just walking around and BAM funny cap.

    I love how in some women's minds (not who I'm quoting) terms of endearment can be seen as chauvanistic, threatening and hurtful.

    Just un-happy people trying to bring everyone else down. I love all terms of endearment from my co-workers. :wink:
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    I am from the south too... and everyone is babe, sweetie, hun, cutie pie...It's in our nature...I would talk to him if it TRULY bothers you...but I would think that you may need to exam yourself a bit and wonder why you are insecure about it in the first place...My 42 cents worth...wouldn't bother me AT ALL, hun! :)

  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Its probably a bar culture thing, a southern thing or just a him thing.

    If this is something that perturbs you, get out now because your insecurity will destroy your relationship.

    I get called funny names at work all the time but I doubt my wife would give a rats *kitten* ...

    A guy here calls me sexy pants but its like this fake gay thing we have going on
  • melissa_leah
    melissa_leah Posts: 107
    That would piss me off. He shouldn't have a "habit" of calling other women babe or hun....
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    I don't like being called babe or hun at all.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I'm guilty as charged.. Most of the men at my job are "babe", "honey", "sweetheart". It's innocent.
  • jlogrange
    jlogrange Posts: 1 Member
    Some people it might not bother them if there husband says that, but if it bothers you, then you should tell him and he should be courteous enough to not do it. You can't control what he says when you're not there unfortunately. If it were me, I wouldn't like it either.
  • MissSookie70
    Guilty as charged.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I met my husband's coworkers last night - a bunch of women bartenders. He continuely called them "hun" and "babe" right in front of me!! THEY, of course, didn't seem to mind - BUT I DID!!!!

    He says "it's not like I'm attracted to them, it's just out of habit" - I think that's crap!!!!!!!!!

    Am I the only one that thinks that a husband should NOT be calling anyone but his WIFE "babe" and "hun"?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?

    FRANKLY, it is CONDESCENDING when a man with whom you/a woman works call them ANYTHING other than their Name, especially a "SWEET" name! Actually, your husband is talking DOWN to those women...I BET NONE of them call him Babe, Sweetie, Hun or any the sort. Your husband is a "typical" Chauvinistic male who does NOT have a CLUE. From where I stand, the LEAST of your worries are jealousy. But Yes, guys like him will do MORE if given the chance...that's what you do with "Sexual OBJECTS."

    hun, I bet your fun to hand out with
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    My bf calls me babe and I'd be very taken aback if he called another else it, but that's just because it's not in his nature. He only really calls me babe at home anyway. I think it depends on the person, I have friends that call others hun and chick and things so I wouldn't take it too personally or that it's an overly affectionate thing in some cases.