Is it ok for a woman..........



  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    After reading this a couple of times, it has to be a joke. No adult play Dungeons and Dragons. That's just...well...odd! But, to each his/her own.

  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    Is this for real? Yes, there is something wrong with a married woman spending hours and hours talking on the phone to another man.

    And vice verse...
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    hmmm...unless it's her brother, dad, or other male relative, I would say it's probably not appropriate.
  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    Speak up! If you do not want to entertain this behavior, married or not, you need to put an end to it. While it is honerable that you want to spare her feelings, it seems to me that she has not considered yours.... or is at all being considerate. What adult person with a spouse has that kind of time!?
  • itsafrappe
    itsafrappe Posts: 162 Member
    I dont know what she means when she says whatever, She states I let you go to the VFW club because you like it, I let you leave every other weekend to play D and D with the guys and she says since she is being supportive of those things I should nt have a problem with who she talks to on the phone because she is a home body and that it should be ok whomever she talks to on the phone.

    you are not being unsupportive you are questioning something that makes you feel uncomfortable. sounds like she is trying to justify something
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I dont know what she means when she says whatever, She states I let you go to the VFW club because you like it, I let you leave every other weekend to play D and D with the guys and she says since she is being supportive of those things I should nt have a problem with who she talks to on the phone because she is a home body and that it should be ok whomever she talks to on the phone.

    Not sure that you hanging out with guy friends is equal to her having a friendship with another man. It would certainly bother me.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    If the guy is gay and its more akin to girl talk then its fine. Other than that it sort of ventures into emotional cheating.

    Once someone becomes attracted to someone emotionally then its not hard to make that physical jump. I'm sure people are going to say its controlling if you stop the behavior but it isnt. Its serious enough to bother you since youre asking here. If she tries to say you dont trust her just tell her its hurtful that shes sharing her time with other men and not you.

    This was my first thought too.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Hey - Don't knock D&D too hard... I love me some hot geeky guys!!

    But, if the dice is taking up too much time, I could see a woman going to look for a new dungeon master...
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    For me its not ok to talk to another man that much when your married. I find that would be disrespectful to my spouse. What would have to say to a man that isnt my husband for that long. For me it would be an intamacy issue. Just like I wouldnt want my husband to be talking for that long to another female. No issues with friends of the opposite sex but thats alot of time.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Uhhh is this a friend you've always known about and she's always done this or is this a new "friend"?
  • newfette81
    newfette81 Posts: 185
    would she be ok with the situation if the roles were reversed and you were talking to another girl that often?

    I know I wouldn't be ok with it. My BF is a BIG TIME gamer and into D&D and all the nerd stuff and is out with the boys alllll the time. I'm the homebody mainly because I'm studying or doing homework and I would never seek out someone else to talk to. when I want someone to talk to I want to talk to my man!

    Something seems fishy there to me...

    good luck
  • mateo57505
    mateo57505 Posts: 83 Member
    Not to be rude but on every other weekend when your gone playing D&D she is probabley spending time with this other guy and not talking on the phone with hime.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I'd say it sounds a little dodgy. I mean, talking to a guy and having him as a close friend I can understand, but 3 hours? Seems a little much. I'd be a bit pissed about that too.

    I don't know her though, you say they've been friends 14 years. I've never had a guy friend for that length of time before, it could be totally legit.

    If you feel uncomfortable with it, let her know, but I'd be more worried if she's trying to keep things from you. Does she mind you being in the same room when she's talking to him? Would she be bothered if you picked up her phone and read one of the texts? I'm not talking about looking through her phone, but like if I was busy (in the bath or something) and my phone went off, I'd get my bf to read it for me, to see if it's urgent or can wait. Would she object to that?
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    It doesn't matter what we think really. It obviously bothers you, so no, it's not okay. Talk to her.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Uhhh is this a friend you've always known about and she's always done this or is this a new "friend"?

    I think this is the million dollar question.

    Is this someone she grew up with or something? Cuz if it is then you're just a controlling d!ck...

    If it's not then she's probably wanting to cheat...if she's not already.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Just come home 2 hours early when you're next out role playing and you'll find out! :wink:
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    No adult play Dungeons and Dragons. That's just...well...odd! But, to each his/her own.


    I still play tabletop DnD complete with painted miniatures and everything :sad:
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    I'd have to presume he is gay because NO guy I know would talk on the phone for 3 hours... unless he's trying to get into her pants. What do they talk about? Does she talk to him while you're in the room? Seems to be a double standard though if you couldn't do the same with an old female friend.....
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    I have sat her down and she has said they are good friends and nothing more and they have been friends for 14 years. She has told me I can not talk to my old gal friends and she has said that if they say anything innappropriate she will not talk to him anymore so can I trust what she is saying. I have been through this before with exs and it never ends up right at all. Thanks for the twentysided comment LOL that is hilarious.

    If you can't talk to your old gal friends, then she shouldn't be talking to any guy friends. Plain and simple.