Vegetarianism. Seriously? (A Debate)



  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I am with you, I eat only chicken, no beef,pork, turkey or seafood.......However I do have a problem when vegetarians try and force there views on meat eaters.....They fail to realize that many animals have no problem eating humans or vegetarian animals. There is room for all on this planet. Can we all just honor each others belief in peace............:drinker:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am with you, I eat only chicken, no beef,pork, turkey or seafood.......However I do have a problem when vegetarians try and force there views on meat eaters.....They fail to realize that many animals have no problem eating humans or vegetarian animals. There is room for all on this planet. Can we all just honor each others belief in peace............:drinker:

    It goes both ways!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I'm not a strict vegetarian. I do eat beef and pork. But not fish 'cause that's disgusting! ~Jim Gaffigan
  • Lipstickcherry
    Lipstickcherry Posts: 122 Member
    Our meat is covered in **** (animal excrement). The animals are packed together in cramped quarters. That itself did not stop me from eating meat.
    I tried eating vegan only going off that when I went on vacation and one day when I had an in and out burger since April. I now don't like the texture of meat most days, dairy upsets my stomach greatly so I feel better. My cholesterol did not come down which leads me to believe I consume too much bread product/agave syrup etc which is upping my triglycerides. Life without meat simply = less stomach upsets and more energy. My boyfriend eats meat, I don't tell others what they need to do. It is a personal choice.
  • hungryhungryhypocrite
    hungryhungryhypocrite Posts: 13 Member
    well, from what I understand.. most people are against it because of animal cruelty. I know a guy who really just doesn't like meat. He's not morally against it or anything he just has never liked it. So there's that. Also, my bulimic friend is vegan to keep her weight down. No other reason. So there's a few reasons for you. I personally could never do it. I don't like poultry, but that's barely meat.
  • hungryhungryhypocrite
    hungryhungryhypocrite Posts: 13 Member
    I'm not sure I understand the terms of the debate. You like the taste of meat, nd therefore vegetarianism is wrong? Is that your basic argument, OP? really really?

    calm down. where did he write that vegetarianism is wrong? Can you read?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What bothers me about that whole lot [of people that have never existed ever] (referencing other people is forbidden), is that you never see "healthy" vegetarians. By "healthy," I mean my definition of "healthy." IE, muscles, built, powerful, etc...
    Actually there are a fair amount of vegetarian bodybuilders in the IFBB, but I guess you could argue it doesn't matter that much what you're eating when the drugs in your veins mean you put on muscle lifting a fork to your face - which vegetarians have to do a whole lot more.

    The sheer quantity of food I would have to consume to meet my protein and calorific needs in plant matter would be astronomical, let alone the expense of it all. I'll stick to my 3 chicken fillets or big fat steak.

    I couldn't even imagine how someone could meet some of the calorie goals I've seen here without meat. I find that with my number (just over 1400 without exercise) it can be hard getting to it with just legumes and veggies. And I feel like I'm always eating!

    Vegetarians are allowed dairy which is generally high in protein.
  • Ninatoots
    Ninatoots Posts: 192 Member
    I grew up eating as a vegitarian not vegan. After a doctor told my parents I needed to eat meat I did and I know I got healthy afterwards!
    My Mom after her second husband died went to live awhile with her sister who didn't eat meat. She ate milk, cheese, and sutch. Mom got so hungry for something else so she opened a can of cat food (tuna) and ate it! Now that stuff is BAD! :sick:

  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    I'm not sure I understand the terms of the debate. You like the taste of meat, nd therefore vegetarianism is wrong? Is that your basic argument, OP? really really?

    Argument, no.

    Preliminary establishment of parameters pursuant a mildly adversarial discussion regarding the nutritional considerations of both vegetarian and omnivorous lifestyles, yes.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    I am with you, I eat only chicken, no beef,pork, turkey or seafood.......However I do have a problem when vegetarians try and force there views on meat eaters.....They fail to realize that many animals have no problem eating humans or vegetarian animals. There is room for all on this planet. Can we all just honor each others belief in peace............:drinker:

    It goes both ways!

    You're bi-vorious?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am with you, I eat only chicken, no beef,pork, turkey or seafood.......However I do have a problem when vegetarians try and force there views on meat eaters.....They fail to realize that many animals have no problem eating humans or vegetarian animals. There is room for all on this planet. Can we all just honor each others belief in peace............:drinker:

    It goes both ways!

    You're bi-vorious?

  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    Our meat is covered in **** (animal excrement).

    You're just trying to make me hungry.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    I'm not a strict vegetarian. I do eat beef and pork. But not fish 'cause that's disgusting! ~Jim Gaffigan

    HAHAHAHA... and...

    "Do you know what they do to those poor chickens?" ... No, but it's deliciousssss.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'm not sure I understand the terms of the debate. You like the taste of meat, nd therefore vegetarianism is wrong? Is that your basic argument, OP? really really?

    Argument, no.

    Preliminary establishment of parameters pursuant a mildly adversarial discussion regarding the nutritional considerations of both vegetarian and omnivorous lifestyles, yes.

    I agree with an earlier comment from Tigersword. You can have unhealthy diets and healthy diets being a meat-eater and being vegetarian. From a nutritional persepective, I cannot see the point of not eating meat. However, there are many other reasons for people to not eat meat including:

    - ethical
    - religious
    - specific health issues
  • TammyB1111
    its either for ethical/ environmental reasons or they just dont like eating flesh as a personal prefrence... i have no problems with that. the issue lies where there are ones that say that being vegetarian or vegan is some how superior or more healthy than omniverous eating... the 80/10/10 diet?? thats ridiculous.

    What bothers me about that whole lot [of people that have never existed ever] (referencing other people is forbidden), is that you never see "healthy" vegetarians. By "healthy," I mean my definition of "healthy." IE, muscles, built, powerful, etc...

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    For those concerned, be assured, I'm perfectly 'calm'.

    To the OP, when you ask for a debate, it's typical to lay down the terms of your argument - that's how debate happens. One person outlines an argument, the other person lays down theirs, and evidence and rational development of those arguments proceeds...

    Your basic premise remains obscure. If there's something beyond 'Meat: I like it' in your original premise, I might be able to offer some counterpoint. But it's hard to actually debate on the point of what tingles someone else's tastebuds
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Not all vegetarians/vegans chose to eat that way because they "feel bad."
    I don't do it for simply feeling bad for the animals, that's something that came later in life and I cook meat for my boyfriend.
    Meat simply grosses me out. Everything about it.
    It has since I was three.

    Anyway I really don't care who does and doesn't eat meat it's not a personality trait or part of anyone's character it's what they are eating. I can't believe how insanely up tight people get about EATING.

    To the person who said "salad is what food eats," that is just about the most ridiculous thing I've heard in my life.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Keep in mind there are a lot of reasons people choose to go vegetarian.
    -Health reasons
    -Humane reasons (for many, it's simply dislike of factory farms. Some vegetarians don't mind eating humanely raised meat)
    -General dislike of meat
    -Religious reasons

    I personally am not a vegetarian, but I consider myself a "flexetarian." I have been vegetarian before, when i gave meat up for Lent a couple times. My body does not process large amounts of meat well. If I eat a meat-heavy meal, I feel bloated and sluggish. When I do eat meat, it's usually only a small portion of my meal (3oz of chicken breast is pretty typical). I shoot to only eat meat at dinner time, and I try to have a few meat free days a week. Frankly, I don't really like most meat that much anyway, except for seafood. I've considered going vegetarian permanently a few times, but I have no strong convictions about why it needs to be limited from my diet entirely, rather than just eaten in moderation. Also, my boyfriend likes meat and I like to be able to cook dinner for both of us, hahaha.

    I personally couldn't never do veganism though. I love eggs, they're one of my main protein sources.
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    Meat's not the problem, it's how the living and breathing animal is treated while it has a life, brain, and feelings, and the way in which it is treated during slaughter.

    Since you are obviously not going to be swayed by any postings, why start a "debate"?

    As you say, you are uneducated, so I forgive you. (yes, I know, you're kidding, but I wouldn't be surprised if you really were uneducated)

    Alas, we will never live in a world of vegetarians, or even one where cruelty to "farm" animals has disappeared.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I don't see how this could be a debate. I eat meat and I don't give a **** whether other people choose to eat it or not. The end.
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