Whats your pet peeves?



  • hyperionguy
    Any product named iXxxxx that is NOT from Apple. I purposely don't buy any such product. I'm not an Apple fanboi, just that I think it is a pathetic case of "me too!" marketing to use that naming convention.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Lateness, leaving the toilet seat up, leaving cupboards and drawers open, leaving towels on the floor... the list is long and most of them are things my ex used to do LOL

    Haha, mine, too! Would it kill you to turn off a light once in a while? And if you're going to do me the "favor" of emptying the dishwasher, don't leave half of the dishes on the counter because you're "not sure" where they belong. You manage to get them out when you need them - you can figure out how to put them back.

    *sigh* I fee l a rant coming on - time for a run!
  • 80Ben
    80Ben Posts: 119 Member
    - People complaining about the heat while on a beach vacation in the south... you could have stayed home and enjoy the snow for free

    - Co-workers who feel the need to complain daily about how they don't want to be there, and spend all their breaks explaining in thorough details how crappy their day is
  • Pirate1974
    Pirate1974 Posts: 21
    Clean, unfolded laundry on the bed when I am ready to go to bed.
    When people comment how hot it is in the summer and how cold it is in the winter...it's summer and winter people.