Anyone wanna join? 30 Day Shred Today!



  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Well, here's my weekly report. Day 8 complete this morning, less rest times necessary and am able to do more repetitions! I also weighed in this morning and after one week am down 2.6lbs!! I was surprised to see such a high number considering I was down 5 lbs last week. Hope you guys are having success as well, good luck to you all. WE ARE DOING THIS, WOOOOOOOO!!!

    Wow! Congratulations - that is GREAT progress. This is motivating me to keep going!
    Day 6 done today. I'm whipped!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Count me in...I'm starting today. Tried doing 30DS on Friday but couldn't make it all the way's the cardio (jumping jacks) that gets me. Today I'll go all the way through even if it takes me an hour to complete it.

    Pushing to shred...

    Even if you have to rest for a few seconds just keep pushing, you can do it, just remember its only 20 minutes! Then all done! You can do it!!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Completed day one yesterday and just what I thought, my thighs ache today, ugh. Feeling it in my shoulders too. Blaming it on those pushups and jumping jacks! Can't wait to get out of work and go home and "shred" .....not!
    Let's all have a great week!::drinker:

    Congratulations to you for deciding to DO it!! You've already made it farther than a lot of people just by committing! Good luck tonight and remember it gets easier!!
  • kgsprenger
    kgsprenger Posts: 12 Member
    Day 4 completed today. Oh my abs! Its only 3 minutes of abs work, but oh my goodness! Hoping day 5 is better.
  • katielangley
    katielangley Posts: 152 Member
    Day 6 COMPLETE:) I was able to do the last 2 minutes of Cardio without stopping...:) YAY! I am up to 17 push ups now, day 1 I was at 6.. I can tell a big difference from day1, I guess Jillian was right again:)

    Keep it up ladies! I am ready all of your posts, and can relate for sure!!! It is true, from day 1 to day 6 is a HUGE difference for me, it is still hard, but I am also able to push myself harder!!!

  • debsocwk
    debsocwk Posts: 123 Member
    Just did my first day and I was struggling! I have little upper body strength so starting with push ups just messed me up.
  • Maryirene16
    I got through day 2. Let me tell you my arms shoulders and thighs are aching. I wanted to stop just a few minutes into it but I pushed myself. I try to keep in mind the body I want to achieve. Sadly I live in a townhouse and it is killing me to go up and down right now lol. I had a little more progress with the pushups and the jump rope so I am hoping in no time I can get through the whole level 1.
  • garbor16
    garbor16 Posts: 43 Member
    Completed day one yesterday and just what I thought, my thighs ache today, ugh. Feeling it in my shoulders too. Blaming it on those pushups and jumping jacks! Can't wait to get out of work and go home and "shred" .....not!
    Let's all have a great week!::drinker:

    Congratulations to you for deciding to DO it!! You've already made it farther than a lot of people just by committing! Good luck tonight and remember it gets easier!!

    Day 2 was tough, but this morning I'm not near as sore, yeah!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Finished day 9 Level 1 this morning, I'm nervous to start level 2 on Friday!! I feel as though I'm getting better at those god awful anterior raises with side lunges. Man I hate those! Just a couple more weeks guys, getting closer every day!! My arms could use a good rubbing!!
  • cmwhited6204
    cmwhited6204 Posts: 210 Member
  • sunny_smile5
    sunny_smile5 Posts: 91 Member
    On Day 15, Level 2 - have loss a total of 8 lbs. so far. Weight is coming off slow, but losing inches and getting toned all over. Love 30 Day Shred!
  • aztraea
    aztraea Posts: 44 Member
    Day 8, level 1! Upped my weights and thought I was going to die lol! Am totally afraid of level 2! I think I may stick to level 1 until after my rest day on Sunday.
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    On Day 15, Level 2 - have loss a total of 8 lbs. so far. Weight is coming off slow, but losing inches and getting toned all over. Love 30 Day Shred!

    Awesome!! Way to stay committed!! What are your thoughts on Level two? There are quite a few of us coming up on it and we would love to know what you think!!

    @ Aztrae - That is AWESOME that you upped your weights!! So strong!! Good job!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    You are all doing great! Thanks for posting your progress. It really helps to hear about people's success with inches & weight lost, also that there is hope that the exercises get to be more doable as time goes on!

    I just finished Day 7 and can't believe how much better I am doing now than I could on day 1. Still can't get all the way through the anterior lifts (up to your eyes!) with the leg lunges, but i can do more than I used to! Each day I improve - it's cool to see what your body can do if you push through and don't quit.

    Have a great day!
  • xKenzieBrookex
    Today was day 2 for me, can't wait to start seeing results!
  • Maryirene16
    Finished day 3. Was easier then it has been even though my muscles are killing me. Not sure if I am measuring myself right but I seem to have lost an inch around the waist and each thigh.
  • rachey_v
    rachey_v Posts: 127 Member
    Hi!! I completed day 2 today (WooFREAKINhoo baby!) I'm not aching as such but this morning when I started doing the windmill my arms felt like they were going to fall off (same as holding the weights) It's nice to hear that other people suffer too!! Feel free to add me (jut put 30ds as message please)
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Oh my gosh Mary, thats fricken awesome, congrats to you!! And I hate those windmills too, my arms always get tired doing those!
  • Establishedn1986
    Establishedn1986 Posts: 306 Member
    I completed day 2 level 1 and whoooh! I am aching. Really hoping it pays off!
  • pawneed5
    pawneed5 Posts: 37
    I think ima join! I need something like this and I really like videos. You said its on youtube?