Does anyone else NOT want kids?



  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I think the norm is to want kids, which doesn't mean you have to want them. But try to be more understanding of your mother-in-law. It might be rude of her to ask in your view, but it's completely typical of most in-laws to want grandchildren. So it's not that she's trying to make you do something you don't want to do, or corner your husband, etc. I think she's trying to express her own anticipation and excitement.

    Any way you slice it, if you decide not to have children, your mother-in-law will be disappointed. While it's not your job to make her happy, maybe a little empathy toward her perspective will give you the ability to deal with her questions, rude or not.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    When I was younger, I was in the same boat as many as you...not wanting children. Then I met the woman I would eventually marry and it was our desire to bring life into this world that was one of our own. Fortunately for us, we were gifted with 2 beautiful daughters. I fell in love the minute I saw them. Love like I'd never felt before...not even for my wife.

    The first time they sprint into your arms screaming the word daddy...your heart melts and shines at the same time. It's a remarkable feeling, one that only parents can understand really. Yes, they will anger you. Yes, they will disappoint you and yes, they will drive you crazy...but even with all that...they will LOVE you if you show them the path in which to love.

    Fast forward: We are now divorced and I love my daughters just the same as I did back then. Looking at them grow, I'm amazed and honored to be called their "daddy".

    I'm one lucky dad.

    As for the lady who talks about not having kids as being selfish: get a grip! Mother Theresa didn't have children and she was in NO way selfish. Priests and other clergy have chosen not to marry and they aren't selfish either. Sure, there are selfish people who don't want kids because all they want to do is buy things for themselves, party, etc...and that would be selfish. However, there are many that choose to give in so many ways without having children and that a noble choice.

    BTW - what does the 1 square foot have to do with anything, anyway?

    Obviously I didn't make myself clear. What I was trying to say was that those who don't want kids because they want THINGS and such in [place of kids tend to be selfish. I really admire people who devote their whole lives to doing for others, like Mother Theresa and priests and clergy and lay people. The whole thing about a square foot was to show that God knows what He is doing and there is plenty of room on this planet for all the people He has created.

    Indeed, God does know what he's doing and for the sake of the children, He has chosen some of these people NOT to have kids. We should be thankful.
  • WoW! This is great! Someone else doesnt want kids either! Im 33yo and never wanted kids. And I cant stand how people look at me like Im a weirdo because of that. Ive thought about asking this question recently but hought Id never get any replies!. Good luck with the MIL hun xo
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Obviously I didn't make myself clear. What I was trying to say was that those who don't want kids because they want THINGS and such in [place of kids tend to be selfish. I really admire people who devote their whole lives to doing for others, like Mother Theresa and priests and clergy and lay people. The whole thing about a square foot was to show that God knows what He is doing and there is plenty of room on this planet for all the people He has created.

    With all due respect, what about resources? There simply aren't enough resources to support the world population, especially if it hits 9-10 billion as expected. You and I differ greatly regarding religious beliefs, but I find it upsetting that people take the idea that "God knows what he's doing" and let themselves ruin the planet. I won't bother asking why God "knows what he's doing" with some children and leaves others with abusive parents, because I simply don't believe in his existence.

    Also, does it really matter if people want things instead of kids? How exactly do you define "things"? My boyfriend and I have no desire for kids - we'd rather have a beautiful, clean house filled with breakable, beautiful things that we bring home from our worldly travels, that we can take at our leisure with no regard for school schedules or soccer practice. My lifestyle is awesome already - why ruin that with kids?
  • healthymom76
    healthymom76 Posts: 99 Member
    When I was younger, I was in the same boat as many as you...not wanting children. Then I met the woman I would eventually marry and it was our desire to bring life into this world that was one of our own. Fortunately for us, we were gifted with 2 beautiful daughters. I fell in love the minute I saw them. Love like I'd never felt before...not even for my wife.

    The first time they sprint into your arms screaming the word daddy...your heart melts and shines at the same time. It's a remarkable feeling, one that only parents can understand really. Yes, they will anger you. Yes, they will disappoint you and yes, they will drive you crazy...but even with all that...they will LOVE you if you show them the path in which to love.

    Fast forward: We are now divorced and I love my daughters just the same as I did back then. Looking at them grow, I'm amazed and honored to be called their "daddy".

    I'm one lucky dad.

    As for the lady who talks about not having kids as being selfish: get a grip! Mother Theresa didn't have children and she was in NO way selfish. Priests and other clergy have chosen not to marry and they aren't selfish either. Sure, there are selfish people who don't want kids because all they want to do is buy things for themselves, party, etc...and that would be selfish. However, there are many that choose to give in so many ways without having children and that a noble choice.

    BTW - what does the 1 square foot have to do with anything, anyway?

    Obviously I didn't make myself clear. What I was trying to say was that those who don't want kids because they want THINGS and such in [place of kids tend to be selfish. I really admire people who devote their whole lives to doing for others, like Mother Theresa and priests and clergy and lay people. The whole thing about a square foot was to show that God knows what He is doing and there is plenty of room on this planet for all the people He has created.

    Indeed, God does know what he's doing and for the sake of the children, He has chosen some of these people NOT to have kids. We should be thankful.

    Totally agree! :)
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    I don't like other peoples kids. Im big on discipline and just can't stand looking at kids running around making a fuss and the parents who do nothing.

    Back to the subject at hand. Lately I have heard a lot about that. Im a bit surprise as of recently I have never seen so many woman and men who do not want kids. I do not have any but def. want some. Whats funny is that there is a huge stereo type when it comes to Spanish Males. I always get a surprised look from others when they realize I am a 30 yo Spanish male with no kids. They are like....What?! you don't have kids?! LMAO
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    There is no easy answer... i have 3 and can tell you it's the hardest job EVER, so it's nothing to go into lightly. I will say that my sister was very anit-kids and once she hit her mid 40's its something she regrets because now it's too late. I would say give some thought to what your life will look like at 70.... imagine Christmas or other holidays at that age. What does it look like without kids? Sad or an opportunity to take an awesome vacation? Are you cool with no kids visiting you in a nursing home (God forbid!)? So now and for a long time you haven't wanted them, and you might never. Just remember, no matter what, you have to live your life. Have you been able to talk to any other childless by choice people over the age of 50 yet?
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I think people that don't want kids are selfish.

    LOL. Ducking.

    Nah, j/k. But, I always wonder...who will take care of you when you can't take care of yourself. that's why you have kids. Isn't it? That's my reason.

    Please tell me this is a joke. You were joking...right?? It is not my kid's job to take care of me. I would never put that on them.

    It's not a joke. Seriously. Someone has to care for you when you can't care for yourself; manage your money, estate, make sure your care facility is the best you can afford, take care of your medical affairs, etc. There a lot of *kitten* that needs tending.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I think people that don't want kids are selfish.

    LOL. Ducking.

    Nah, j/k. But, I always wonder...who will take care of you when you can't take care of yourself. that's why you have kids. Isn't it? That's my reason.

    Please tell me this is a joke. You were joking...right?? It is not my kid's job to take care of me. I would never put that on them.

    It's not a joke. Seriously. Someone has to care for you when you can't care for yourself; manage your money, estate, make sure your care facility is the best you can afford, take care of your medical affairs, etc. There a lot of *kitten* that needs tending.

    I find it interesting that you said that people who choose not to have kids are selfish, but then say that you had kids so that you'd have someone to take care of you when you're old. How is that not selfish?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I am 25 and casually dating someone...we had one mention of kids and neither of us wants them (he's 30). I don't foresee myself ever having one and I probably shouldn't anyway, because I'll be WAY too busy to be a quality parent. He's the same way. All these conceiving on birth control stories are freaking me out. :noway: I mean...were you taking the pill at the same time every day? Didn't miss any? Been on it for a long time? No antibiotics? EEEEK!
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm also at the end of my reproductive years and chose not to have kids. Once you're in your 40s, people will stop asking you :smile: When you're in your 20s and 30s, especially when you're married, they ask because having children is still the norm in our culture. I was married at 28 and for years I just acted like I was on the fence--'oh, we're thinking about it' or 'maybe next year.' Truth is, I never wanted children and I knew it from a young age, but it was easier to not get into it. And 28 is actually pretty young to say you're NEVER going to do something. Heck, 45 is young to say you're never going to do something! But biology intervenes, and I'm looking forward to NOT having to think about birth control. Can you imagine? What a concept.

    I'm a teacher, and I like children. I like playing with children, I like working with children, I like helping children. But, unlike others on this forum!, I like other peoples' children. And I want to go home at the end of the day and be with my husband and my cats and not have to worry about taking care of anyone else. I fully believe that being a parent is the toughest job there is, and I don't need to be one to get that. It's a very, very personal decision, and in this day and age, birth control can be pretty darned effective and women get to decide what they want to do with their lives. You get to make that choice.
  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 859 Member
    Who's to say you'll never want kids, you could. That being said its is your choice, and if you feel that way, then don't let anyone else influence you. Just straight tell them how you feel. I always wanted kids, but only one or two, my wife on the other hand wants a bunch, I'm sure we will meet somewhere in the middle. I love my son to death, but somedays I miss the no kid life, so much easier. I wouldn't change a thing, but I can see why some people just wouldn't want to go that route.
  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 859 Member
    I am 25 and casually dating someone...we had one mention of kids and neither of us wants them (he's 30). I don't foresee myself ever having one and I probably shouldn't anyway, because I'll be WAY too busy to be a quality parent. He's the same way. All these conceiving on birth control stories are freaking me out. :noway: I mean...were you taking the pill at the same time every day? Didn't miss any? Been on it for a long time? No antibiotics? EEEEK!
    Well, no birth control is 100% effective, other than just not having sex. Sry to say, but you can be on birth control and use a condom and still get pregnant. Hell even having a vasectomy doesn't always work, I have a cousin who has had three kids since he got snipped. Sometimes it just happens.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I am 25 and casually dating someone...we had one mention of kids and neither of us wants them (he's 30). I don't foresee myself ever having one and I probably shouldn't anyway, because I'll be WAY too busy to be a quality parent. He's the same way. All these conceiving on birth control stories are freaking me out. :noway: I mean...were you taking the pill at the same time every day? Didn't miss any? Been on it for a long time? No antibiotics? EEEEK!

    Well I have a 10 yr old that I conceived on the pill- same time everyday, never ever missed no antibiotics....but the pill does nto woprk for me- I react differently to hormons. Best thing that EVER happened to us. But I knew I wanted to be a mother! If you know 100% for sure then you need to use multipule protection and maybe talk to your dr about it!!
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    So Much ignorance out there, it amazes me. if you look at the stastistics there is enough room in TEXAS for everyone on the planet to have one square foot. That is just texas! Come on people. I think there are way to many selfish people in this world, why do you think Germany is at negative population growth.If everyone thinks like this what do you think will happen in 50 years? Good thing your parents didn' t think like you or you would never have been given a chance to experience your wonderful life.

    Yeah. You can raise all the unwanted children there in Texas. What's your address?

    :flowerforyou: The winner of the BEST RESPONSE EVER.

    Hear, hear!:drinker:
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I don't! Oh, too late.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Children are wonderful, but they are a lifetime commitment. I commend people who know its not something they are willing to take on. It doesn't make you less of a person.

    This is well said. I think much less of people who have children without this much consideration, and then do a crappy, half-*ss job raising the poor little buggers they put on this earth just because they listened when they were told "you need to have kids"!!:grumble:
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only 24 yr old that feels this way!!!!! I never imagined myself getting married and having kids and living in a house with a white picket fence. I did change my mind to get married when I found the right guy, but as for kids NO THANKS! He wants one and tell him "As soon as you can pop one out, you can have it!" I'm not maternal at all, I love my nephew but it's great when I can give him back. Sadly my future mother in law doesn't seem to get the whole "I'm not having kids" thing cus she started planning my baby shower about a year ago :ohwell: She even said to us "Well even if you guys adopt, I'll still throw you a baby shower!" Umm a kid is a kid and I don't want one. :flowerforyou:
  • hikercpa71
    hikercpa71 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 51, wife is 48, and we have never regretted not having children. Not in the least!
    Lots of nephews and nieces. Love them all. Just none of our own, and it has brought us
    even closer as a couple. Peace to you all. SteveD, Lexington KY
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I think people that don't want kids are selfish.

    LOL. Ducking.

    Nah, j/k. But, I always wonder...who will take care of you when you can't take care of yourself. that's why you have kids. Isn't it? That's my reason.

    Please tell me this is a joke. You were joking...right?? It is not my kid's job to take care of me. I would never put that on them.

    It's not a joke. Seriously. Someone has to care for you when you can't care for yourself; manage your money, estate, make sure your care facility is the best you can afford, take care of your medical affairs, etc. There a lot of *kitten* that needs tending.

    I find it interesting that you said that people who choose not to have kids are selfish, but then say that you had kids so that you'd have someone to take care of you when you're old. How is that not selfish?

    the thing is that if the kids don't want to do that, they won't so that's not really a good reason to have them. i know a lot of elders that have been abandoned by their adult children and they are in nursing homes because their adult children didn't want to take care of their parents' needs. so really nothing guarantees one's kids will take care of them. no one guarantees siblings will be close. the only reason to have kids is that you want to. nothing else is really a good reason. and if you don't want to, then you shouldn't. you shoudl do what's right for you. and you should never expect another person to take care of you. that's just not right. that is a burden for a child to expect that their whole life they will have to take care of their parents and it's not fair to them if that is the only reason they exist. just my 2 cents. have them because you want to have them and will enjoy them. otherwise, don't.