Does anyone else NOT want kids?



  • GodHatesFat
    I believe it to be my holy duty to help God populate the Earth. I am looking for a good Christian woman to join me in this journey to lose weight and have children.
  • falcon367
    falcon367 Posts: 116
    Nope, not for me either ... oh, but wait ... damn, too late ... my son is 26 and while he wasn't part of the plan and taxed everything about me (parenting is the hardest thing a person will ever do IMO) I wouldn't trade him for anything.

    The problem now becomes finding a new mate with the same mindset. Not an easy task, especially at 50. :)
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    So I just turned 28 and I am married. I have always said "kids aren't my thing". My husband is on the fence and might like one but knows how I feel. I suppose many Mother in Laws & mothers are this way where they will constantly talk about babies or ask about when I plan on having kids, since I am getting to the age where I would need to decide soon. How do you say that you don't want them? My MIL keeps talking about my husband holding our new niece as "good practice", but I don't have the heart to tell her how I feel! Any advice?

    Just be honest with her. If she doesn't like it, too bad.

    I have two kids. I love them with all my heart and really feel like motherhood is something I needed in my life. But that isn't the case for everyone. There is no reason for you to have kids if you don't desire them. It's none of your MIL's business. It's your body and your life.
  • healthymom76
    healthymom76 Posts: 99 Member
    So Much ignorance out there, it amazes me. if you look at the stastistics there is enough room in TEXAS for everyone on the planet to have one square foot. That is just texas! Come on people. I think there are way to many selfish people in this world, why do you think Germany is at negative population growth.If everyone thinks like this what do you think will happen in 50 years? Good thing your parents didn' t think like you or you would never have been given a chance to experience your wonderful life.

    damn what sort of haterade did you drink?

    Who wants to live in 1 square foot in Texas?

    You're being exceptionally rude.

    Well, she IS a SAHM mom of SIX kids. She had my two. And your two. And her two.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Be honest.... cause the more you wait it out then the more people are going to push. I understand mothers & mother's in law bc most of them are older & want grandkids to spoil. It will be heartbreaking for them but it's your choice regardless.

    There are plenty of kids out there who don't have grandparents who are available to spend time with them--why can't people spoil those kids? When I was in my teens, my mother told me that I should never feel pressured to have kids for her sake, that when she was ready to have grandchildren, she would go find some, and when the time came, she did just that. She has a great time with the kids, the kids she spends time with get to have more adult attention, and I'm perfectly happy not having kids--it seems to me this works out all around.
  • healthymom76
    healthymom76 Posts: 99 Member
    So Much ignorance out there, it amazes me. if you look at the stastistics there is enough room in TEXAS for everyone on the planet to have one square foot. That is just texas! Come on people. I think there are way to many selfish people in this world, why do you think Germany is at negative population growth.If everyone thinks like this what do you think will happen in 50 years? Good thing your parents didn' t think like you or you would never have been given a chance to experience your wonderful life.

    damn what sort of haterade did you drink?

    Do you know ANY old people that are GLAD they didn't have any children, just think about it!

    Who wants to live in 1 square foot in Texas?

    You're being exceptionally rude.

    Well, she IS a SAHM mom of SIX kids. She had my two. And your two. And her two.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Well, at this point in my life, no. And I don't know if I ever will considering the career path I've chosen, but I'm not 100% closed off to the idea, just mostly lol.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I think people that don't want kids are selfish.

    LOL. Ducking.

    Nah, j/k. But, I always wonder...who will take care of you when you can't take care of yourself. that's why you have kids. Isn't it? That's my reason.

    There's no guarantee that your kids will be willing or able to take care of you.

    My all time favorite anti-childfree statement--and the most selfish argument for having kids. I like to respond to this with "I will be able to pay people to take care of me with all the money I save from not having children".

    Agreed. That's a terrible reason to have kids.

    Nobody should be shamed for their choices about whether they want to have children or not. It's deeply personal.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    If you don't want kids, definitely don't have them! It is no one's business but your own whether you have them or not. I don't really see how you even need to tell your MIL anything.
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    I think some days "I don't want kids" but since I have 4, I think that ship has sailed.

    I have friends that don't have kids and when they want to do "kids" stuff, they come visit my family... I notice they visit a lot less often lately.

    It is not up to anyone, if you have kids or not, but you and your husband. Because in the end it will up to you and and him to take care of that child.
  • jmilian825
    jmilian825 Posts: 193 Member
    same here I 've never been the one to say I want them, I get along with them I'm silly like and with kids but they go home with their parents afterwards. Anything is possible but so far my thoughts have always been that I don't want to have any.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    It is my duty to God to stop the overpopulation of the planet.....seriously, we don't even have enough resources to go around now.

    I just come out and say that I don't want kids. Everyone tells me that I will change my mind. I just smile and say that maybe I will. I am not going to get into a debate over a matter of opinion.

    I love kids (sometimes I get along with them beter than adults) but I have NEVER felt that they were in my future, though I am considering fostering to adopt an older child in ten to fifteen years (not sure if that counts as wanting kids).
  • smwifey
    smwifey Posts: 28 Member
    I used to work with a girl who had one child. She told everyone, " I wouldn't take a million dollar for the one I have and I wouldn't give you a nickel for another one." I have two girls myself and I am ready for them to be out of the house and the idea of grand children is not appealing at all. I think you should do what is right for you and forget what everyone else thinks.
  • Ketomaniac9
    Ketomaniac9 Posts: 108 Member
    world is overpopulated as it is.. and I am pretty leery of the future after i'm gone.. so no kids 4 me.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    I don't want to have kids. My boyfriend wants kids. I told him the baby deadline is when I turn 36.

    The only way I will have children is if we could afford:
    -Live-in nanny
    -Cleaning lady
    -Surrogate mother

    When I think of children, I automatically think of the terrible twos and teenagers. I shudder at both.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I believe it to be my holy duty to help God populate the Earth. I am looking for a good Christian woman to join me in this journey to lose weight and have children.
    I can't tell if this is serious or not
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    it is different when they are yours. i do not like guys and i have one. Love him more than life itself but i cannot stand kids. I get a lot of flack fo rnot wanting more and it drives me crazy. I am so happy with the one i have that there is no need to bring in another one in to this world. As far as your MIL just tell her its none of her business and to stop talking about it. I have a gradnma who says i am nto a real mom because i only have one kid. Pretty sure i am a mom.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Its a personal choice. I know many people that are fulfilled and have no kids..and others that are fulfilled and have kids. My parents never pressured me to have kids cause they know my health situation..but I have always wanted am counting down till my youngest is in college..LOL...

    I think its your life..and you should make the decisions..not some MIL..after all..she isnt the one who will be taking care of would be you.

    Do what you feel is best for you...don't cave...
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I don't want to have kids. My boyfriend wants kids. I told him the baby deadline is when I turn 36.

    The only way I will have children is if we could afford:
    -Live-in nanny
    -Cleaning lady
    -Surrogate mother

    When I think of children, I automatically think of the terrible twos and teenagers. I shudder at both.

    A ten year old girl is a bigger pain than a 2 year old.
  • cyn4him
    cyn4him Posts: 83 Member
    meh.. I never wanted kids, hated kids, but somehow I ended up with my first one while on the pill. since then i've had two more. It's different when they are your own.
    I still hate other people's kids :)

    Me exactly!!!!!